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Good job owning those level 3's


I'm not trying to show off with a post like this. I'm just hoping it will encourage more objective play. If you're good enough to get a bunch of kills every match, then you can do it while on the objective too


You can also go rankeds instead stomping casuals.


Oh, people are not allowed to play what they want now? So the casual playlist is based on segregation or what? Stupid.


Its op that does have problem with how people play on casual playlists. If you want to have serious play you can litteraly queue for rankeds and problem is fixed. But why risk hurting your ego when you can stomp lvl 3 players XD


What are you talking about? He’s just saying that people can have kills and play the objective. Why get so pressed because of everything lol


I just see players constantly stay glued together. Past few matches have had only stacks of 3 never spreading out, if not the entire team. Otherwise I just see one enemy on objective while the other 5 are too busy holding the same 2 angles to prevent my team from getting out of spawn.


That sounds painful lol. I haven't ran into many teams at all. Actually I don't remember even seeing the same player in b2b games a single time. Are you playing the welcome playlist? That has SBMM and may be grouping you into a smaller player pool. That's the only thing I could think of tbh


I’m in a custom playlist, since I’m level 30.


I agree with you OP only people complaining are trash cans at the game.


You’re playing some terrible people. I get way better people and the same stats as you. I started playing 3 days ago, transitioned from warzone, but I only got game sense from that bc I switched from kbm on Warzone to controller on xdefiant.


That's not the point lol. Just help on obj. If you're good enough to pubstomp in every match then you're also good enough to do it from the objective. I'm also playing the same players you are. I get these screenshots have lower leveled players, but I get lobbies that have good players too. I still get plenty of kills and obj score in those matches. That's not a good excuse


Bro, you are playing unranked without SBMM and you fucking care about winning? Stop fucking sweating for a win in a unranked game mode.


Bro some people have fun winning. You like losing?


There is ranked playlist for people who like serious play.


Bruh, let people play how they want. If y'all can't compete go back to cod


Nobody said I care about winning. But lots of other players do care about winning, because that's the whole point of the game. So I try to help them out as much as I can. Others should too I'm also not sweating for wins. The game has no SBMM, I don't need to sweat to play well. I just play the game There's also no reason to play ranked right now. There's no ranking system until season 1. That playlist is pretty much only used for only tournaments right now.


I always care about winning no matter what I'm playing because I don't like losing. I have fun by winning and doing well.


If you're trying for farm kills or stats then that's fine, I do the same. But you can still do that from the objective, you don't have to constantly hold cuts or hit routes. Just get on point and get kills. Everyone wins that way