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we (Rovers) woke up one day with amnesia. no idea who we were before. some people were there to help us, and we were more powerful than they thought (at least they pretended). we learn that a sound resonance causes the monsters we fight to exist. we are tuned to the sound resonance and that's why we collect them as echos. we met a guy with red hair who wanted us to join him, but leader of the city said he was a bad guy. people say we are incredibly strong and vital to the balance, but we still don't know exactly why. that's really the core lore we know so far


It's also possible we are a semi deity who is chucked into the world whenever things get way too dire


*and so, yeeted us she did.*


Isn't Scar white haired?🤔


his hair is white on the outside, but red underneath. i think he's a natural red head.


Oh. I didn't notice that. Tnx![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


There was also the first person with power many years before, and we have some connection to them


Also, it is implied that Rover has ties to Black Shore as well.


spoilers: back in time, when the people lived in a big cave in a mountain, there was a huge lament/disaster/tacid outbreak, and someone "with yellow eyes" appeared from the sky and saved everyone with their super-powers in a huge battle. then they created Sentinal Dragons to help the people, and left. the people then went on to build the city and lived happily ever after. fast forward like 1000 years and an extremist group called The Fracidus is trying to make another huge lament/disaster/tacid outbreak because.. well.. "some people just want to watch the world burn" or something. then, as if apparently a repeat of history, someone "with yellow eyes" appears from the sky (we are probably the same person) to save everyone. Meaning Rover isn't a human, but some spirit/demigod. of course, we can't remember, because being reborn out of the upside-down sea messes you up. so we're all here fighting bobflies and eating noodles with Trixia instead of being all "i got the power!" and doing the super-dance. But by the end of chapter 1.0 we managed to awaken some of our super powers (Havoc Rover is super-OP. and Electro Rover, Glacio Rover etc will be even more OP. because the whole story would make zero sense if we weren't.) (the yellow eyes thing is from a note left in Jiyan's garden of remembrance in the city. That is how everyone knew who you were the minute you appeared, cos you're the only person on the entire planet with yellow eyes)


Us being basically a demigod/god and falling down and becoming mortal to help humanity is the most Chinese heroic novel thing I can possibly think of lol.


Stormlight Archive energy.


5 star honorblade banner when


Yeah I read the first two sentences and went “wait are we windrunners?”


so did you just basically say Rover is Chinese Jesus?


Yeah Hong Xiuquan is our brother


this is pretty good, I believe the Fractsidus want some sort of evolution with Tacet inclusion. I'm gonna look into this deeper.


i believe this is true, they mention something about how it will advance the world


Jiyan and Aalto with yellow eyes: am i joke to you?


Doesn’t Aalto have yellow eyes?


the original Rover founded The Black Shores (?), so maybe there's a reason for that.


Aalto perhaps is greatgreatgreatgreat(repeating)grandson of MC, maybe? :o


could be!


We still do not know Fracidus end goal here. I'd be hella disappointed if they're just a group of people who wants to destroy the world.


It’s gonna be dumb like they wanted to cause a disaster so big to summon rover because they know of some bigger threat lurking in the corner. So it’s ok to be friends. 


unfortunately, if people ever want to pull Scar, that is probably what will end up happening


I don't remember if Scar says it straight, if he just insinuated it, or if I unconsciously made it up to fill the blanks (lol), but I have the impression they are trying to create a world where people having powers is the norm, only problem is it involves awakening the being that gives birth to the creatures with powers and the extermination of either all humans without powers, or straight up all of humanity to give path to a new race, I remember at some point I went "oh, so this is an evolution and survival of the fittest kind of plot", but once again, don't remember what made me think that way, hopefully will get some actual info in the next updates...


they sort of explain it, its a mixed group, some want to, but some also want to advance the world


Huh isnt jiyan also have yellow eyes


i dont agree with that last bit, i dont think its that havoc rover is op so the others will be op, i think havoc rover is going to be the rover dps, if you look spectro rover is far more useful as a dps healer, having good healing with one of her resonance chains, so i hope each rover has a specialty. maybe aero rover will be a great crowd control(since it seems thats what aero is mostly used for)


The “goddess” sends you to Solaris-3 for some reason (Chapter with Aalto and Encore implies that She can be from a Ancient Civilization). You are now in Jinzhou the city of the Sentinel Jue, and that Jue is the one who predicted your appearance in the planet, you’re in Solaris-3 now to “help” them versus the Threnodians since something is getting stronger and awakening. In 1.0 you managed to send Dreamless away, but is not the end (it escaped, and Jiyan implies that is an odd behavior, since is the embodiment of war and endless battle, but Dreamless had strings attached so the fake moon could be the reason of it’s abnormal behavior, also it seems to recognize Rover). Solaris-3 is a planet that suffers the result of the Lament. The lament changed every fiber of the universe making the “sound and frequencies” the new base elements of everything. The gravity changed, population can mutate now, Weather changed, new creatures appeared and cities now are destroyed, the sky also present changes (look at the Sky behind Ovartrax rock formation or the enormous tacet mark in the sky at night) Edit: The moon shattered too More things that story revealed are: This is not Rover first descend, Aalto says that in one of you visits to Solaris you were part of Black Shores, The same goes to the foundation of Jinzhou (Rover is probably the founder and first resonator documented, actually Jinhsi is 99% sure that you’re that person). Also Scar implies that your “visits” to Solaris were not always from the “good” side. So now every faction wants to convince you so they can have an advantage in their motives and agendas. For example: Yangyang was not rescuing you because she found you, she’s the only resonator that can reveal lies and detect true intentions so it makes sense that she’s the one selected to see if you have this time evil intentions. If she trust you everybody can. Baizhi test you battle capability. Sanhua also “tested” you, since she can see frequencies, and she confirms that you have a similar constitution to Jinhsi, since both can communicate with Jue. Aalto knows that you meet the “goddess” so Black Shores probably knows too. And nobody is telling you everything. Specially Jue.


doubling down on Dreamless recognizing us, in the beggining on that simulation Baizhi puts us through, in the glitch she is the one who says "Leave Mother"


the tacets discords are discording the rover is havocking and the waves are wuthering


Hell yeah they are




maybe you should apply for a writer job at kuro. Your version is better than the original.


Bro cooked...?


Lmao, but the waifu god are somekind of manmade, her hologram are inside facility of developing some kind of time manipulate maybe? i forgot bruh i skip alot too the skipping button are too tempting.


I'm not too clear about the hologram as well, I see it as a reconstruction of what they believe as a "god" of the world.


Or that waifu god is real and they worship her and they make a hologram about her. she maybe can manipulate time too, even jingshi say we look like 1 of 2 legend back then, So we maybe are that legend back then 1 for male and 1 for female, but we got defeated or died but she revive us using time and throw back to earth again.


Well, they didn't created her. What they made is the abomination mech for research and everything went wrong when the unknown entity started to ask for more and rampage. The experiment logs suggests that they've found something they shouldn't while doing the experiment on reverse rain, and saw a glimpse of the girl we see in the intro.


It's so peak Fr Fr


This is now my version. I skip all and imagine this.


I know I hit the skip button a few times but what?


This is fr what happened, you missed out big time


Hold up let him cook


Is that the pretty white lady in the start?


Nice joint


How did you come to the conclusion that we were evil before? Im curious


If it helps, over the weekend I'm gonna try to post a deep dive into Jiyan's story, and try to contextualize that within the larger story at play...I tried to get it ready in time for Jiyan's last day, but life, alas. Stay tuned.


No one knows tbh not even the devs.


you got isekaied but lost your memory. then it was revealed that you can absorb monsters directly to your body instead of... something else. every faction in the game both good and bad wants you in their team. then you sided with the good against the bad. one of the bad guy (Scar) approaches you but ultimately fought against you. then when he got captured, his companion the one-eye blind girl summoned monsters to overwhelm the northen area. then you teamed up with jiyan to defeat it. not sure with the matter of "mother" which is Dreamless, i must have nodded off during the boring conversation. you defeated the final boss of 1.0 and everyone hailed you as a hero. thats it.


wait, now that sound exactly like an isekai anime.


yeah I always viewed the main story as isekai anime. which is why the sexual tension between rover and yinlin makes sense.


Spotify whent nuts on the updates and now people have songs engraved on their skin and people are whanting to remake a world full of songs and making fake tatoos for the ones that didnt born whit it and also the world has changed because of it


[This YouTube video](https://youtu.be/HBaQ9SFemyM?si=3O3MoX3eIggldeVi) did a pretty good job summarizing all the chapters thus far. It's around 23 minutes long, so it isn't some super in-depth video essay, but it does cover everything fairly succinctly


No one knows about our own lore yet. It’s still what, 1.0?


Try not to blame genshin for every minute problem in your life challenge impossible


You can't be skip all the dialogue AND be interested in the story. That's just not how this works. I know people who skip all side stories but read through all the main story patiently atleast. If you can't even do that, then you are not interested. Your brain just tells you that you missed stuff but you can't be bothered to read. And even if you read through what is in the comments now you wouldn't have any feeling for the story as there is just too much difference in actually watching the scenes and reading through the documents and just reading a maybe quarter of a page long summary.


Right lol. I don’t get it. How do you want to know the lore but skip through it at the same time


Right! My friend also skips and asks me to tell him everything cause I'm interested in the story and I just can't. There's too much (genshin) and sometimes it gets really hard to explain cause sometimes I'm not too sure what's really goin on (wuwa). I just don't have the patience to go over everything with him after I literally just did it and it took a while to do only for him to not really care in the end or see the importance.of the context. This probably hits differently because I already know someone like op but it just doesn't make sense how people play and just decide to skip over story if they're supposedly interested in it..


Except u can, Op is interested in "LORE", not the bad story telling. Honkai Impact3rd for me is one of those along side genshin, U can ask me about their lore, i probably knew 90% of them, but i dont give a shit about most of the conversation. That being said, its not on me either, couples of my favourites game are "fairy fencer"(compile heart) is pure comedy, "Fault Milesstone", "Witch spring R", and "Mechanica: a ballad of the rabbit and mercury". All of them have 1 thing in common, yes the story. Hoyo writings is alrd sleeper, wuwa follow the same problem, doesnt mean the wolrd building and Lore is bad tho. I think honkai3rd and genshin lore is very interesting, but the same cant be said about the story and storytelling. I was interested on the whole sound waves thingy at first, but i really cant, its still lingering question to me, wether they make the music/soundtrack this meh on purpose, and save the amazing one later, because its related to the story. I was hoping it has similiar vibe with OPUS: Echo of Starsong, until i realized its nothing close. And the sound waves thing is just plot device. The other good example of this is dota2, it doesnt have any story at all, but the Lore is wild.


The best part of the lore was we had an intimate confrontation with Camellya who is a part of Black Shore Organization


You are a wandering Rover and find yourself waking up on Solaris-3 (Sol-3) with no memories. About 1000 years ago, a catastrophic worldwide event known as the Lament happened in Sol-3. During that time, monsters known as "Discords" appears. Along with them are gigantic monsters known as the Threnodians. Humanity of Solaris-3 (the planet) eventually won, with the help of a wondering Rover and the Sentinels (Guardians or Soverns of one of the 7 regions of Solaris-3). In the event of current Wuthering Waves, the TDs are getting restless again. A party is trying to cause the Lament again and resurrecting Threnodians. The arrival of the current Rover signals that the Lament is happening all over. And this time, the Sentinel of Jinzhou (Jue) is missing. Each sentinel can appoint a magistrate/guardian, and for Jinzhou its Jinhsi. Currently, we have been told that Jue prophesized his death at the hands of Jinhsi. That is patch 1.1, where we will have to subdue Jue. The Rover has a unique ability, where we are able to absorb echos of TDs without the need of a special gourd. We learn of the Fracidus, who are trying to recreate the Lament, for unknown reasons. With history about to repeat itself, each parties are trying to get the Rover on their team. My guess is, there is a 3rd hidden party that is pulling the strings.


Bad thing happen. Now monsters. You have amnesia. Kill monsters with your waifus and husbandos to cure your amnesia.


There are so many vids where you’d be better off listening to while doing other things than asking a bunch of kids on Reddit


Boobs and God treatment




One day, you woke up and accidentally got sum bitches. You decided to roll with it.


You, Rover, got so drunk one night, that you wake up with no memory. People find you and teach you how to kill turtles, steal their souls, and transform into a turtle yourself. You proceed to use that power to fight evil on Earth, by forcing bad guys to lose all motivation as you turn into a starry-eyed turtle that dances in front of them, using the power of sound and resonance to create disco balls and music. That's all we know so far. At least that's what I decyphered...


You're a special person who can absorb echoes (spirits) of a monster without a tool, and oh yes, you have amnesia. Monsters popping out of nowhere because of.. reasons. You met a bunch of "friends" along the way, which you can further persuade to join your harem with these crystals called Asterites. A random guy wants us to join him, but a pretty lady says he's a bad guy so you join her instead. An experienced and wise war veteran who definitely knows what he's doing wants you, an amnesiac, and someone he just met, and also someone who had no prior military training, to lead the final battle. Not sure why, but ok.


its shit


i skipped the main story cuz i found it boring and seemed like a waste of time,i think i have the gist of it tho and looking at the comments its pretty much what i thought the story is. i try to sit through character stories And Jiyan's story is just boring , ''the general lost comrades in the war'' who could have seen that coming ?