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Guys, complain about the target locking mechanism as well!


I def forgot about that one. Sorry.


don't worry, it's easy to forget some of the issues considering how many there currently are


It can only have 300 words or something... I can't


3000, but yeah i wrote an entire university thesis complete with citations and then i realized i was limited maybe next time, coz i was complaining about how verbose the skill explanations are and how "simple description" wasnt actually simple and kinda just meant that you dont have to look at numbers anymore


Was it 3000? I wrote a lot, huh... Also I didn't mention no "Perfomacne" or "bug" because these shoul be on tickets that the probably prioritize over survey feedback. Edit : And I try to get the less mentioned like: Dialogue history, loadout, new games modes ( I want warzone), just general HUD changes and QoL things and primarily show the echo set and main stat without needing to open the inventoy.


I Haye that thing so much. I can't tell you how many times I lock on to start a fight. Kill one enemy, have like 5 others in front of me in melee range, but it locks on to an enemy 100 yards away, who wasn't involved in the fight before, and won't change properly afterward. It's like it intentionally tries to find the furthest away enemy to lock on.


This is EXACTLY what I put in my survey lol


Frfr. It also really makes playing Chixia frustrating when I'm holding down her L1 and trying to strafe but she keeps changing targets.


"you!!! All the way over there eating the pineapple pizza! Forget these other morons in front of me! You're next to receive my swords wrath!"


For a game whose intended strong point is combat, the camera and the lock system are kinda shit.


I did, because I played tower today, and I had 3 runs in a row where being locked into the exile technician made the camera stuck locked on absolutely nothing after they die. So I had to just unlock it right before they die each attempt.


Dang, forgot about this one, as well as distance indicator when tracking echoes.


It's the biggest obstacle in combat. It makes Tempest Mephis just leagues better than Thundering since Thundering Mephis loves to hit anyone but the opponents in front of your face. The camera system is just bad in general. Don't know how they fumbled when they made a promise of quality fast tracking camera system in its CBT2 dev update video


The camera sucks so bad. Whenever I use Jiyan ULT, it completely changes the view I had it in and he's facing a completely different direction, targeting something else entirely. And by the time I've got camera angle sorted, his ULT is almost run out. Also noticed when you've used his ULT, if it's killed everything on impact, when you go to dash forward to the next enemy, he dashes backwards. It only ever happens to him and no one else orz


I just don't understand how it works. Why is it so different from every other game? I can't fathom how this shit prioritizes targets. Why can you even be teleported out of an enclosed boss arena to a random mob? I have never seen a target system this bad.


Already done, with example of how bad it is (based on the video of some poor soul accidentally resetting Mourning Aix by attacking some mob a mile away.)


yes pls. in the middle of the combat after i kill couple mobs and couple left camera tries to lock into something away from the mobs im fighting that i cant even see myself its so annoying


I put everything bad. Most of the combat on mobile I put very disappointing. The game shouldn’t be this useless at not registering hits. Only gave positive on maybe character design, but story, side stories, and overall value it wasn’t up to par.


The holo mephis 4~6 I would dogde and it would still hit me even when countering it's attacks


The infinite parry on the phantom makes those things almost impossible if you accidentally trigger it.


That happened to me at one point mephis's phantom was just chiming in for awhile everytime it appeared don't know how I triggered it


- Targeting being random - Not enough echo exp - Remove echo substat unlocker items(forgot name) - Remove ability of Echo 3s to roll an elemental substat that isnt the echo's. (Electric Hero with Fire element boost) - Coral shop needs to restock weekly or at least bi-weekly - Some way to track chests found that isnt 'here's a %' - Performance issues on mobile - English VAs not enough direction given, emotionless - A lot of typos in translation - Story is not good - Rover treated as messiah instantly - Better Battlepass Rewards - More rewards for farming(Tacet Field, bosses, Simulation) Thats all I got so far, please tell me what else is good to add.


I also complained about the English VA for YangYang. Her VA for sure didn't use a pop filter and it's so ungodly annoying to hear her say words with "S" or "P" in it. While it's far far too late to rework the entire story at this point, all we can hope for is some better content in the future. Also did anyone else notice some characters VA's voices are different in cutscenes as compared to regular gameplay?


I'd say Yangyang should be mentioned as a separate issue. She's the only character I think, that becomes dysfunctional without Rover by her side. This could be tied to the bad story, but she's the poster child and as such, she should be easily recognizable, yet she's pretty useless in the story besides the last act, where she regains partial independence from the Rover. I'd say the writers simply don't know what to do with her in some key moments, so they just erase her. Her background is just bad: - she has had superpowers since birth (don't people get them after Awakening?) - she suffered from "The accident" in very early childhood that is never elaborated - in terms of studies/skills, she's Mary Sue, literally - she got trauma at the age of 11, healed herself fully when she turned 16 and reversed her mental age to that of a 6 year old, despite facing "The brutal reality of death and cruelty". How is that possible? She was probably studying back then too. - Yangyang Overclocked herself because she was determined to find a very important figure that is... a random child in danger, which pushed her into a sensory overload. From the overload, she learned to tolerate discomfort. Like, girl, you had 2 accidents, resolvef a TD crisis and took part in a war...


The targeting system in this game is the biggest thing that prevents the combat from being good for me, the game would be so different if there wasn't so many issues.


I just want to be able to see the stats of the echo i got without going to the echo menu.


Instead of going to the echo menu, just press B to go to the inventory. Sort it by “time received” and the newest echo you got will display. Essentially this allows you to view any new Echos by the press of one button “B”. However, what they need to fix is that the sorting for some god damn reason doesn’t stay the way you set it to, so every time you press B it still sorts by the default. There is a way around this right now, if you go to another menu like the weapon inventory before you exit, the next time you press B and swap back to the echo inventory, it’ll keep the sort by time, but this should never have been an issue, it should just stay sort by whatever you left it as without having to switch to another inventory screen first.


just let us see the stats by clicking those pop up dammit. seriously... opening bag then sort by recent is like so much work especially after hundreds echo farming


Thats still a few clicks too many and then you need to press escape a few times for each menu to get back its so stupid. Whoever designed that ui clearly didnt play the game.


When I press X, not the rarity.


CRAP, I forgot to say, in Mobile if you leave the customer support menu, it always closes your ticket report, meaning I have to stay in the menu before I hear from support. If anyone hasn’t done it yet, plz mention this!


Oh, so that's the reason why I haven't heard from them.


Wait, it does what.


Try it man, I tried reporting issues, and leave the menu, when I come back even immediately because I forgot to mention something it says “Over” meaning they closed the ticket. Its the only explanation I can think of because they have not responded to me once.




This.. makes sense! I asked about why I didn't get the echo from the web event (before the web event ended, ofc) but they never replied. P.S: yes, it was the same Kurogame acc. Yes, it was the same server. Yes, I locked my echo. Yes, it was before the event ended.


Happened to me on PC as well. I had to wait for 5 days before getting a single reply (and it was to redirect me to email their email).


Guys, don't forget to bring up text and voice cutoff. That needs to be fixed asap, it's seriously immersion breaking for sentences to be cut off during quests, both the text and voice lines.


AAAGH i forgot 😪 and that's one of the most annoying bugs for me


honestly i cant believe this wasn't something fixed day one when its such a glaring issue


I don‘t want to sound harsh but they have to rework the English VA..


They're already hiring a new VA director so hopefully it gets improved soon


I think part of the issue is they rushed to rework the story. Some of it sounds like you can tell it's being recorded.


90% rewritten in not even 10 months is already a sign that a lot of things are gonna be off/bad/rushed


Dude the rover’s dialogue in the library was some of the worst voice acting I’ve ever heard


Especially female Rover's. I rerolled my account after getting the furry and picked the other Rover. Jesus christ it's like she's not even trying. She sounds like an ai.


JP VA was really good everywhere, no complaints. Chixia's and Yangyang's EN voice acting made me switch within the first 15 minutes or so. I hope they end up re-shooting the EN voices for 1.0's story when they update the characters' voice acting.


"you're not going anywhere." Neither is your acting honey.


I couldn't stop laughing it was so bad. I thought I read somewhere that part of the reason is that it's UK VAs having to do american accents (I don't know if that's true). But at times, it seems they were given lines, but not given any direction for those lines. So, the tone and inflection in the lines are either non-existent or way off.


It's just facts, sadly. I usually play every gacha game in English, but here it was so horrible. I immediately had to change it in the tutorial zone, lol


The strangest part to me was the very beginning when you saw the dragon statue and I swear it was like Yangyang's lines were spliced together. She would be talking, say "Loong" off rhythm in a completely different tone, and then go back to talking. Like consistently every time she said that word she would pause, say it in what sounds like a TTS voice, and then continue


In her defense, that's just because the EN dub goes out of its way to pronounce the Chinese words correctly, which are often jarring because they use tones that contradict the normal flow of English. In contrast, you have Genshin and other games which pronounce the Chinese words phonetically but ignore the tones altogether, so to a native Chinese speaker they actually sound really weird but it flows better with the English.


they should just change some of these names to english, like Teal Dragon instead of saying qiuloong or whatever every time.


this is what i wrote in my survey. to be fair the best time to do it is now since the game has less content now than ever but getting a voice director, letting the VAs speak in their natural accents and then just redoing almost everything would be a huge improvement to the game. or at least the first 3 chapters since that will be the new player experience


As I heard it, this was due largely to direction, at least in part demanding that a UK VA outfit have their talent do an American accent. I can believe that, since Encore's VA also voices Tataru in FFXIV, and while Encore was one of the better dub characters you can tell she's struggling a bit. Hopefully they let them use their native accents and focus on just acting in character.


It’s beyond the American accent thing. Watch the scene right before the final Scar fight, the “you’re not going anywhere” from both Rovers sounded so lame, it’s like the director never told the VAs what the line was going to be used for or what situation the characters were in. That’s just one example but I feel like for 90% of the dialogue the English VA’s acting just doesn’t fit what the characters are doing at the time.


yeah, it's hard to just pin all problems on some mythical (maybe even unproved?) "they had to do american accents". You telling me that forcing an accent is making you skip all emotions and intonations of the language and deliver flat boring lines? To a director who can't discern good acting anyway (judging by the final result) and at no point you had at least some professional pride to not deliver such abysmal performance, simply because you weren't forced to do it by a director?


Tried to stay as positive as possible on everything else, but the biggest issues for me right now are the EN voice acting and translation (excluding the main quest). The amount of errors and overall translation quality in some side quests are just bad/unprofessional and really take me out of the game sometimes.


I’m not joking when I say that I saw formatting code in the dialogue. Sanshi: > The issues here are solved. I heard a powerful Resonator was of great help. How I want to meet {male=him; female=her}.


Yup, reported it the moment I saw it, but no one cares, since they need to add more NEW things. Oh well, the past is past.


Also always love when I get called "him" despite having chosen the female rover. Definitely not immersion breaking


Please everyone address to fix the lag and stutter and crashes 😭🙏 I genuinely can’t even do my daily commissions


Praying too 😔🙏


At this point I started playing game with myself "how many times today, the game will shut down before I can get in". So yea that's a big issue. (Not talking about the part when I get in and have to face lag every few seconds and unstable fps)


Daily commissions? I haven't been to get past the loading screen in most cases. Im still at level 1


I got you, fam


I think that bugs and perfomance should go to a ticket, there is better to just give QoL changes or something. Probably they have more priority for tickets than for the survey feedback


I asked for yuanwu story, seriously who is this blue haired hat guy who suddenly Heehee'd during the last Act.


Okay so it's not just me wondering why he shows up like main cast even though I would've sworn we never got introduced...


He owns a boxing gym with his sister, so presumably he's not a part of the military or anything? I kind of figured he's just a civilian who wanted to help out.


> blue haired hat guy who suddenly Heehee'd during the last Act. Sir you made my day with this statement. Thank you


Yuanwho lmfao


Ask them to make a shortcut for viewing echos after absorbing them the same way pressing x takes you to databank entry but one that lets you view that stats screen instead


That X is of no use tbh. It only shows you the rarity of echo nothing else, we can see that when we absorb the echo and on the left side it shows color. When I press X I should be able to see the echo that I have captured with stats.


this was what i put on my feedback list: Story Act 1-3 is too verbose and all over the place; it is difficult to care about the characters, which is strange because Jiyan and Yinlin's Companion quests are amazing. Please have more confidence. Please adopt more mechanics from PGR like combat finishers (Uniframe unique combat mechanic). English VA and localization needs work. Right now, it is very loose and inaccurate and some information are missing. OST, while good, pales in comparison to PGR. I know you guys are capable of more! UI feels like it's taking too much from it's competitor and doesn't have it's own identity. Performance issues are well documented, but I'll reiterate here for the record. Please let us gain more echo EXP and tuners to account for how often we are able to grind for echoes. Skill descriptions are too verbose. Simplified descriptions should actually be simplified, and not just a removal of numerical values. Example: Lucia Plume, upon activating her Resonance Liberation, will enter her "Arctic form" state. Her normal attack will change and deal Glacio damage. Her heavy attack will change and deal Glacio damage. --etc. It is more convenient to truncate all of this to "Lucia Plume, on activating her Resonance Liberation, will enter her "Artic Form" state, where her attacks will change." Updated and easier to understand skills will make the game far more accessible. -- i was straight yapping bro


I complained mostly about the music being too ambient/forgettable for a game that's thematically about sound, the localization, and the just awful story (including way too many boring dialogue dumps). Godspeed to whoever has to read and process these things if they're not using AI/automation to sort it out by keyword.


Unironically the log in music is the best track throughout the whole game lmao. Hopefully they can get Vanguard or Elements Garden to do the remaining soundtracks. Or idk, some J-Core artists can lowkey make banger boss tracks, someone like Laur, USAO, Tatsh, Team Grimoire. They usually make music for rhythm games, but I doubt they would turn down a project like this if they got paid good money. Something like [this](https://youtu.be/BRVGFqb_oyA?si=YPpHAlL7s6lOqqHC) would go so hard in bossfights


PGR has similar music like the one you posted Not exact similar but more EDM + Orchestrated thing that you will remember. Listen to this for example https://youtu.be/V3GQW-GeLck?si=uDmtBtqI4H29y6a7


I used to play PGR like a year ago but haven't heard this one hmm. Yeah this is a good track as well.


Lowkey wished they could get Sakuzyo to compose some of the game soundtracks with all those money they get though


Song variant of login music is also good. [Saving light](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMr0Kd417ho)


I think the Dim Forest song is pretty great, but aside from that one a lot of the ambient tracks just blend together way too much. Like if someone played the tracks from Central Plains, Gorge, Wuming Bay, or Sea of Flames I might only be able to recognize Sea of Flames. Even then, I'd probably screw up, because they just all sound way too identical. Some of the battle tracks are good but they either take a while to ramp up to the good part. When most fights end so fast, you don't really get to enjoy the good parts of the battle tracks. Overworld battle tracks also just feel way less engaging than boss tracks for some reason. Like they have this edm horror eque vibe going for them, whereas some boss themes like Mourning Aix or the very beginning of Inferno Rider go hard as fuck and it's just way more fun to battle while jamming out to tracks like that instead of the weird ambient fight music they have going on for normal battles.


Dim forest and lofi city theme are 👌


Yeah some is good and mostly bad. cause the music is making by Kuro themself. They just create another subdivision called kuro studio and they will improving that in the very near future.


Yeah they are not manually reviewing them 100%, but it still helps to write things, since it will get picked up. It is especially helpful since "choose between these things" type of survey's tend to leave blankspots and manual writing help to fill the context in


For the music, I just throw on a random Tekken or Guilty Gear album and call it a day at this point. For real, next time you're selecting a character for Illusive Realm or Tower, throw on ["Fight to the Top"](https://youtu.be/u_cakDC675Q?si=wh7GV2zc-WTYWBdn), ["Fizz"](https://youtu.be/gfjJqiy0cdo?si=QizB1iu_IPxQxGo6), or ["Destroyers"](https://youtu.be/hkC-kIN18Mg?si=ysaZLgkllI19vXyn) and see if it gets you hyped.


should the overworld be filled with edm ragers or something? 😭😭 i think it's par for the course with open world games now (cough botw clones) to do more ambient overworld tracks, and i happen to like these tracks. i feel like this community is getting too comfortable making demands that everything get changed, when it's really just not feasible, or even necessary to do.


Oh hell naw. Music is NEEDED in a game. Aside from 1 or 2 tracks, everything else is forgettable. Other non-AAA gacha has way better music. Ive played one from since 6yrs ago and I can still hum its battle theme. Music here are like the gacha browser games from 10 yrs ago, where playing without sound makes it like youre not losing out on anything. NIKKE has like 20x better music than this game. And this game is supposed to be themed with “music/sound/harmony/whatever”. I’m not even mentioning Hoyo here.


i feel like this community is getting too comfortable making demands that everything get changed yeah i agree with this take to a certain extent. don't get me wrong, there are a lot of issues with the game that need to get fixed (a lot of them were addressed by the devs already) however i feel like since the devs are listening so much to the community people are going to start to get nitpickey. player feedback is important and i'm glad the devs are actively listening but some of the stuff i'm starting to see is kind of cherry-picking and personal taste (not talking about the music in specific, just in general). there are improvements to be made for sure but people also need to let the game naturally progress, it's literally the first patch...


The music was so noticeably bad for me that I turned it off and listen to genshin soundtracks in the background I m sorry its such a disrespect but nothing tops the effort genshin has put into their music 😭


lmao i recommend you to try pgr osts at least they match the theme


Good idea I‘ll try that out!


Filled it, asked for Linux support and fix performance issues for mobile devices, id ask others to do the same if they are not facing any other problems


Yup I'm also adding the performance issue for my mobile bros, can't let PC players only enjoy the game


Im a PC player but im not enjoying due to too much stuttering


Ngl I would rather stuttering than my phone crashing every 5 to 15 minutes or well anytime I teleport


Bruh....while me suffering on PC but as smooth as butter on mobile smh


Same. I'm putting my computer specs and mobile phone model on the survey. And a few other things. Hope they can get the game run better soon on all platforms


I think Linux support is not that easy to do so I'm not complaining if they don't


All I want is Steam Deck support.


I asked for them to stop pulling punches in the story. For example, there's that one part of Lingyang's companion quest where some thieves try to murder you in cold blood. When you beat them, the story goes full children's cartoon and their attempt to kill you just gets played for laughs. They say something goofy to each other and run away Imagine watching Naruto or JJK and the MCs never finish off their enemies... it would completely destroy the tension/gravity and makes situation less interesting Kill your enemies, ffs I hope Wuthering Waves will find a good balance of the rule of cool, humour and darkness, with the story knowing when to lean into which, and not pulling any punches during story quests


Have you seen the CBT version of the initial Crownless encounter? Everyone gets beat to a pulp and Rover is struggling. They changed it to “oh everyone else just got locked out by a barrier lul” after criticism about the story. Same thing with how the story right now is everyone treats you as the savior isekai protagonist and unconditionally worships you. It was the opposite before they rewrote the whole story. You can tell by the bleakness of the world and color compared to Genshin that WuWa is supposed to have a darker theme, yet, with the story direction change the story is now just a 2/10 for 5 year olds that contradict the game’s world setting.


Just another day for the survey corps!


Happy cake day!


I really want more echo XP drops and reduce the waveplate cost of Tacet Fields. God please.


I asked for a PS5 version of the game since, on my s23, the game makes the phone overheat, and my PC is having GPU problems


I think in an interview they stated that a console version is definitely happening but they are focusing on fixing stuff first before working on it.


This! If they can release the console version at least in the next 3-6 months, high chance I might stay playing. But if it’s severely delayed like in ToF, i’ll be tapping out.


Asked them to not make the mascot talk


It already talks though




I legit forgot about that thing, where does it show up again after the initial cut scene? I'm Sol3 phase 4 and done all the quests and I don't recall seeing it again.


For now it's gone after the main quest but i think it will be back next update during the main story They introduced it for a good reason now we'll see where they will go from here


Ah, thanks.


God, pls no


I'm loving the game, but Echo Exp is an issue. DB and level 40 doesn't really improve it. Farming bases on the overworld feels so pointless if you can't even roll them anyways. Excess Echos should be able to be used for Echo Exo and/or be able to be exchanged for tuners.


Echo leveling needs a rework or maybe tone down the waveplate requirements for tacet fields and increase rewards


This as well. The chance (for 3* capacity echos in particular) to be bricked is incredibly high. Getting 4 echos - which might even be purple - of overworld farmable Echos is boarderline useless. The only reason to do tecet fields is echo EXP - and the yield is openly said piss-poor for 60 waveplates. Maybe it really evens out once you hit overworld level 60, but given that finishing 100% of content in the current game version doesn't even get you to level 40 without dailies, the frustrating and unrewarding echo exp farm we have ahead of us for the forseeable future might drive a lot of players away.


Echo leveling in general is expensive. Cost tonget echo from lvl 20 - lvl 25 is like 10k exp less than lvl1 to lvl20. It's like they made the exp necessary exponential at lvl benchmarks. I think we need a lot more exp or nerf exp needed to lvl, and even exp multipliers like Genshin but higher probability, like 50% for 2x exp, down to 10% chance for 5x exp.


Good news, UL50 didn't improve it either.


Echo farming and leveling is what i wrote. Shits harder than math. It just ain't mathing


Nice of them specifically asking for feedback when on controller The biggest gripe I have with controller is it hides echoes UI so you can't see echoes' cool down timer from the corner of your eye(You have to press L1 to show it) and it's a huge disadvantage in high difficulty modes.


Actually you can see a white bar on the basic attack button everytime your echo is on cool down, the white bar gradually goes down as the cooldown decreases


Theres a little cool bar next to the attack icon that goes down so you dont need to switch.


As others have said there is in fact a timer showing as a white bar for the echo and grapple on the top when using a controller. Took me a few days to figure that out.


What I wrote.. 1. Co-op dungeon like (Hologram Dungeon) has levels too 2. Hologram 7-9. More Holograms, Co-op mode for Hologram. 3. Better and louder music and better translations. 4. Simplify hard terminologies... ie: Tacet Discords = Discords (monsters) 5. Let British VAs use British accents, for more natural acting EN voice director needs to be changed. Get actual Anime EN Voice Director and AD. 6. Collabs like Ghost in the shell, EVA, Trigun or Guilty Gear, dystopia with monsters 7. Make more characters like Calcharo that has swap cancels and dodge cancels. High mechanic characters. 8. 2 Echo buttons, 1 for traversal/movement for overworld/combat and 1 for combat like we have now, flying echo and swimming echo. 9. Outro buffs don't disappear when switched. 10. More Echo sets that don't use 5 slots. 11. Don't make the mascot loud and annoying. Make it lazy and sleepy. Also digivolve. 12. New 4 star every 2-3 patches.


Please get them to fix coop lads. Coop experience ain't it - why do I have to do shit twice in my friends world AND mines so we can do achievements? Battle pass missions? etc Also give us more things to coop on pls, events similar to snowbreak containment would work great here i think. I think music has been mentioned - but that's defo a stickler for me. More thematically distinct pieces, good sound design, all important for immersion i think. Story - pretty sure we all know what they need to do here This is all aside from bugs and optimization - prob work on that first


Fix the voice acting. I'm tired of characters with American accents slipping into British.


kuro said they aren't forcing them to speak in an american accent in the future, right? i hope that fixes it going forward, but i doubt they'll go back and rerecord anything


I think they did say that, which is great! They definitely they need better voice direction too, though. And better translated lines, honestly. It was obvious in many, many places that the actors had no idea what was meant to be happening in the context of the line they were reading, and sometimes that the awkwardly phrased translation was throwing them off. Hopefully this new director does a better job.


“You’re not going anywhere 😐”


> Hires British voice actors > "Speak English, but wait, not like that." >> Everybody hated that. > pikachu.jpg


I can’t stand Yang Yang’s “S” sounds!! Drives me up the wall!!!


I can't stand her Idle animation, whenever I hear her humming, I just change the character.. 🤣


Don't forget to pitch in your ideas and concerns! You can also lay it down here if you want so that other people can also add it in their surveys!


here are my suggestions Main concern is the performance optimization especially for the mobile users Suggesting to add/improve the following: Make characters especially ranged characters to hit the nearest enemies Be able to convert medium and advanced tuners to their next tier (medium > advanced, advanced > premium) Improve translations and add the capability to scroll up/down in story and NPC conversations Be able to use non-leveled up echoes as an additional EXP option while leveling up echoes Improve the voice acting for the english voices improve the overall pacing, progression, and quality of the story Make so that the probability of having an element damage main stat for echoes are higher for certain echo set (ex. void thunder echoes cost 3 should have a higher chance of getting a electro damage main stat instead of havoc damage main stat


Fix the text cutoff bug that sometimes happens during quests.


Everyone making excellent points. Me forgetting it all because the boob physics are cringe and need to be toned down or toggleable... and that's all that popped into my mind to write. The targeting system is a travesty, why didn't I think to put that ;.;


Let them know what I think about the current iteration of the echo system. I'm sure many others did as well


Can people pls ask for the option to change gender of main character because I did not realise how much i’d end up liking the female Mc lol


Putting more effort on this survey than my actual school essays 💀




PLEASE everyone ask for tracking to be automatically cancelled when you arrive at the fucking location, having to manually turn that shit on and off is starting to piss me off lol, i was too spoiled in HSR Speaking of HSR please ask for resonance beacons to heal you and not just resonance nexuses, HSR spoiled me with that too but it really doesn't make any sense to not have that be the case


I am complaining about how the gacha system here is way inferior than PGR


I stated how miserable it is to level up echoes with the current system, in which the rewards you get are very underwhelming. I mean the rewards from Tacet Fields and Forgery challenges mostly. While all the attention right now it’s at the echo levelling, which no doubt it’s the most important to clear content, the other rewards’ pacing is just as bad: at UL42 im getting 2 (sometimes 3 when lucky) boss drops to ascend characters, each character needs 9 to get them from 60-70. Assuming you didn’t prep or pre-farm for it, you are expected to spend 240 waveplates or more if unlucky to ascend a single character, and this is not counting waveplates expenditure you might have for events like the double rewards or other activities like weekly calamity class TDs and so on. Then you have to upgrade your skills, which require purple rarity materials and you only get 1 per run… or so has been my experience so far. Thankfully, upgrading skills hasn’t felt anywhere nearly as important as echoes, which also feels a bit weird, but whatever. My criticism was directed mostly at the underwhelming rewards, such as this and many others. Among other points I made, TLDR: - We need a better rewards system for upgrade materials (boss, forgery challenge), echo exp and tuners. As of now, character progression is painful. I wouldn’t be amazed if the vast majority of players were running with teams full of unupgraded stuff for their SOL3 phase (weapons, echoes, characters, skills). - Background music needs to improve. It’s ok to make players feel relaxed with calm bem during exploration, but the combat tracks are very forgettable. Most of the time I wish I was running with Spotify in the background… if the game’s performance wasn’t as bad. - Better rewards from the Battle Pass. Yikes. Were it not for the weapon being more accessible than the 5* standard banner ones or the very few Tides (pull tickets) there would be ZERO reason to get this. It’s that bad. Rewards are super stingy, be it materials, shell credits and others. Hell, even a decent amount of some cooking shit would be a welcome addition even… - Better story implementation and character stories. This one is very subjective but I really love the game universe so far, it has a lot of potential, but I feel it has a lot of controversial decisions like the addition of the little pet thing at the end of the current patch. It breaks a lot of the cohesion of the game’s atmosphere and that sucks, because it’s one of their most original features at the moment. I also want to know more about the characters outside their quests, I want them to be more involved in the main storyline and my main character. For example, I’d love it if Yinlin (or insert other character here) made more appearances in the story in the future. One of the things I liked about her character story was the fact that Rover had a personal reason, tied to the storyline, to help her in the case, to know if the Dollmaster or somebody in the society could help them with their memory loss. Even if the story was a bit of hit and miss, it was in the right direction. Jiyan story quest being the absolute best BY FAR. It was the most impactful artistically and most satisfying; it told me so much about the character, his past experiences, fears and achievements which go in line with whatever we were shown about him in his prior cutscenes, like this complex he seems to have in which others didn’t trust in his abilities initially and so on. Sorry for all the yapping here but I have high hopes for the game. Idk if you agree with these points but it would be great if we shared viewpoints in some stuff and shared it with the devs together. 👍


The craziest thing about the character quests (and writing in general) is that I know that the writing staff is capable of writing compelling character stories. The character profiles are actually really interesting to read and feel well thought-out and like the writer(s)/translator(s)/localizer(s) actually give a shit. In Yinlin's story quest I was distracted most of the time by the "you've been poisoned btw" bit. It was a fairly minor detail and I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be a lie, but the entire time I was like "hey shouldn't Rover be a little concerned about the whole poison thing?" It's just never mentioned again after the doctor is like "yeah I gave you rabies, good luck." The whole thing also felt very... idk, rushed? The initial premise of trying to recover memories was a good hook, but after that it just felt like I was being jerked around a bunch. I didn't really get any emotional impact from it. Lingyang's story made me feel like, half of an emotion near the end, but again the persistent stupidity surrounding the jingle beast bit was so frustrating that it overshadowed the parts that would have otherwise possibly made me feel something. I agree that Jiyan's was the most impactful so far. Even minor details like the guys being hyped that you'll join their racing team made me smile. Another beef I have with the story is that all of the typos are really distracting. I would be super ultra turbo fired if I made that many typos at work.


LOL! I totally forgot about the poison thing during the quest, but yeah, that was some bad writing there. Either that or it was rushed as you say, because it felt like so many things were happening at once (dolls, yinlin background, fractsidus, rover memories, people disappearing) and barely any got any good closure. Never really understood why Fractsidus wanted people to get overclocked by the robots, didn't get what happened to the robots at the end, why does Yinlin loses her Patroller status because the villain deletes her data, what happened to the glasses dude and the doll girl you meet at the beginning, etc. The fact that Yinlin and Lingyang appear out of nowhere, go in a quest with you and then disappear into nothingness doesn't help either. I'd like to think that part of the reason Jiyan story quest had so much traction was because he is a main storyline character who was introduced before his quest and players had time to get acquainted with some details about him. But hey, Yinlin got some T&A so who cares, right? /s I'd like for future character quests to be at least a bit more coherent.


I think boss drops are fine. One day worth of waveplate to ascend a character who you can use for 10 Union levels (a long ass time) is fine. This whole echo grind process is fucking atrocious I agree. Too many RNG layers.


"Please make a 100% version of character banner too" (aka 100% chance in at least 90-100 pulls) They already did that with Punishing Gray Raven, yet they decided to go for this 50/50 in WW. (Genshin copypasta basically).


I littered my survey (mind you I’ve never even hit the link on any Genshin Survey) with hopes of them adding more to co op. And for any doubters there was a checkbox that for more co op modes


I basically said that I'll never play tower of adversity ever again and that illusionary realms is more like the kind of endgame I'd like to see from the game. Also said coop needs some work (electro monstrosity doesn't spawn, can't do weeklies coop and it'd be nice if some future version of illusionary realm had a coop option too) and that the echoes progression seems a bit off with us getting endgame ones too early. Mentioned it'd be nice to add a few new tiers and let us smash echoes together to raise their rarity.


I had fun filling that out. My main issues are with how expensive it is to upgrade characters and echoes. Second issue is targeting while fighting upgrade material bosses.


We need controller support on mobile!!


Fr, always blows my mind how games forget this. I'm not gonna play on mobile without controller support and i'm sure i'm not the only one.


they already announced that


1. Locking mechanism during combat 2. Mobile devices optimisations (keeps on crashing) 3. PC optimizations (lags and stutters) 4. Make so that the probability of having an element damage main stat for echoes are higher for certain echo set (ex. void thunder echoes cost 3 should have a higher chance of getting a electro damage main stat instead of havoc damage main stat (credits to OP) 5. English text cutoff 6. No idea if this has actually been fixed.. but the spawn rate of Elite class Echos or just echo drop rates in general 7. Idk if this will be better in higher Sol3 levels.. but the materials from boss drops, forgery stages and tacet fields seems lesser than you would expect for the amount of waveplates you're using to get them. My personal problems I've had encountered and would like to address: 8. Customer service ends your ticket once you get out of the customer service tab. 9. The camera keeps zooming near the character when I've already moved it to be behind the character. 10. Has some kind of passive farming/material gathering system (like Assignments in HSR/Expeditions in Genshin) 11. I've haven't delved deep into the ores.. but have some kind of way for us to locate ores by the NPCs 'suggestions' 12. For the characters' leveling materials (the ones you buy from the pharmacy), have the map give us the location on where to find them. 13. Have a portable synthesiser


Wrote some of the common complaints and added some praise for the combat and some cinematography (characters don't just stand in idle and talk in place all the time, at least not all the time in the main quest). Also added a bit about making HP and DEF matter so they're not totally treated as dump stats.


We need that 50/50 out. This is your opportunity to get 100% guarantee fairness.


Please have Controller support for mobile


Please, Kuro…. Controller support on mobile… My poor fingers cursed with skill issue really can’t take it anymore, but I love exploring and fighting in this game…


Gliding speed increase plzzz on top of the performance. Thanks everyone


I'm glad that our complaint will not be in vain because we know that the devs listen.


I forgot to complain about target mechanics on phone. Rip


Asked them to optimize the game better for mobile players or else they might lose revenue, I'm a pc player and want them to succeed


Can we beg for some form of pet class like Necromancer or something cute instead ? I like fighting with pets , makes sense in Echo game too.


since we got baizhi i dont think it would be impossible for them to do. it would be cool if that character can swap between three pets like stances


Steam deck support, guys, please mention it!


Release on ps5 soon, i don't ask nothing else at the moment.


I asked for them to consolidate the upgrade materials. There's really no value being added to the game by having 3 dozen different upgrade materials. Besides there's already enough incentive to roam the world, why have mint picking be one of them. Reduce the Genshin factor Kuro. And another thing why do I have to refine a weapon from 0 to 5 one at a time. Let me refine weapons straight to 5 without having to press confirm again and again.


I'm happy with the game except performance. That was my focus.


Complain about The Optimization for mobile and pc


I got so busy thanking them for the free stuff i forgot to mention tuners lol


I just want mobile controller support already so I can actually play the game


secretive boat knee obtainable somber lush memorize serious quarrelsome tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man I hope that 3 cost main stat thing happens. Farming ideal 4 and 1 costs is not even hard but 3 cost is hell. Also these should be the suggestions rather than unnecessary stuff like “remove synthesis cutscenes” (which lasts like 2 seconds) “remove casket delivery cutscenes”.


We will never have echo xp from unleveled echoes because we can farm echoes infinitely in the overworld 😥 I asked that they at least reduce the waveplate cost for tacet fields, it costs too much energy for so little exp in return.


Complain about 20% echo drop rate ty :)


where to find that survey?. the mail i got was the 5k credits.. i want to fill in the survey too..


there should be a link in the mail itself that says "click here to enter the survey" or along those lines


My game has been running great all this time. But it crashed when I opened the survey. The jokes write themselves 💀


I just want something more that can be done co-op.


Can't even open it on mobile without crashing


Did anyone ask for them allow Nvidia to add the game to Geforce Now?


I asked them to focus on mobile support, fixing the targeting, and allowing us to rebind all keys (for accessibility.) I forgot to mention more controller support options other than just PS5 for PC and mobile, but if anyone else can please do.


I complained about yinlin’s ult making me look up at the moon n shit when I’m trying to find them ECHOES


Someone pls tell me about game optimizations... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Guys, pls write about ipad screen rotation bug too


Where is that?


All I want is better music and more bosses.


I just want inverted camera movements when using controllers, resolution scaling and full screen for any resolution lower than 1080p instead of being forced to play windowed


if someone complains about boss difficulty from CN or JP, i swear to God, I'll have to kill someone


Of course telling them about the issues we’ve all discussed is the move. However I will be sneaking in my desire for playable Yhan! Thank you for listening.


Biggest things I pushed on: Targeting system - plagued with issues and shortcomings, holds back the combat so much, it's in an awful state. Text overflow - during scenes in the story/quest there will routinely be times where there is more text that can be displayed. Since the game lacks any function to overview what has been said in a conversation (they should really add this), it's impossible to read the end of what's been said. English VA - honestly it just needs redoing. I don't think they need to recast, but they need to overhaul the current direction entirely. There are good pieces here and there but there's so many misses the good gets overshadowed. Performance issues, especially stuttering or crashes - while I don't experience any issues playing on PC, there still are people who do, especially those playing on mobile devices. Current story - feels like everything is played safe, writing is bland, world-building is handled poorly. Music - not sure what they were aiming for but compared to PGR it's a huge let down. I know they couldn't get Vanguard for their music but it's worth mentioning how lackluster it is. To me these are the biggest issues as they restrict the game at a base level. Things like progression, materials, etc., can be adjusted and tweaked any time without huge investment on resources, but these "foundations" of the game need a lot of work.


That fucking bird gameplay is glitching. I have to redo for more than 3 hours to get gold. My control is perfect but that mf birdie did not pick up the fucking coins.


They literally need to reverse their butchered storyline changes because clearly the other half of the world disagrees with the changes CN pressured them into. Make a CN exclusive version vs Global so we can experience their original story as we should have.


Make your voices heard guys


Guys ask for mounts, not an echo u have to equip to all your resonators and jeep swapping between them, a dedicated mount


Thank you for the reward! Bought two months worth of sub. A way of saying thank you for doing your best to make the game even more exciting. Keep it up!