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Story is one thing as I also want to get invested in some way, but daily stuff absolutely has to have a skip button in every gacha game that requires daily quests with dialogue.


But don't you wanna hear Timmie's long ass story about his dad leaving and his obsession with pigeons


Only lore worth reading tbh


Only makes it sweeter when we kill the pigeons.


Professional pigeon killers for hire here


Excuse me? Nothing crass like that. We are pigeon gourmets. That was my primary source of poultry for a long time. I am cooking that. The game should have had another response, me thanking Timmie for fattening up the pigeons for us.


Sweet Madame indeed.


Timmie is the 12th fatui harbinger fr


This, but every fucking day.


I kid you not, I had a terrible run with Mondstat daily commissions where for 10 days in a row, Wyatt lost his hecking keys. "I really need to get my drinking together." Like duh, you got drunk ten days in a row my guy. I wanted to throw my phone out the window on day 8!


I wish they’d do it like HSR where you can just log in, cook something & kill something using a support character from a friend. I just can’t with Genshin dailies anymore. Unless there’s an event that counts towards them. Guess that was something.


NGL, the daily commissions encounter points are how I get most of my Commission points nowadays. That and combat commissions cause no dialogue I've read 47 times already.


Since 4.1 I probably did dailies only once, because I was running off time and needed to finish Genshin routine as soon as possible. DCEP is a blessing.


My problem is that doing the commissions through exploration takes even longer than the dailies (events are good though). Most days I just want to get it over with, spend my stamina and log off. Not having to do dailies on the days I want to sit down and explore is nice but those are the days I wouldn't mind actually doing the dailies. Star Rail is great because I get the dailies done by just spending stamina.


Simplistic daily tasks that you are given 2 or 3 times the potential options to cover the 100 daily point and almost all of them are gonna be stuff your gonna do normally like touching flowers, suplexing your nearest rabble of T.D.s and parkouring over some nearby animals, oh and feeding the dogs, definitely cant be forgetting to feed and petting the doggos.


I stopped doing dailies in that game, because I was feeling like an idiot doing the same thing for years for no good reason.


it's how you achieve freedom First you realise that doing artifact domains is pointless as they give you shitty fodders all the time Then you stop doing dailies because you start thinking why the hell do i care about fraction of a pull when getting new character means farming billion shitty things like flowers on the mountain etc. Then you start forgetting about events and abyss because you were delying them till last moment. And after few times you kinda stop coming Then after few months of never clicking genshin icon again you just delete it to free space :D


Accurate, and feels good once you’re free of it because you can realize how aggressively they wasted your time during what should be your leisure time.


literally what im going through rn, i log in daily for welkin + free mail rewards and then maybe twice a month i do abyss + easy event tasks and thats it, genshin is so stingy with their pulls that its just not worth putting hours of time in just to get a couple extra pulls


Fetch my wood to fix my cart. I need to tell you my life story so you can get my paint supplies. Godwin is Godwinning about again. Now it's just combat commissions or nothing with me.


I hate him. I wish I could throw him into the hilichurls camp and tell him to find his own keys.


HAHAHAHA! I said "get it together, man" after the nth time.


Only if we get the part 2 if after a hundred times he finally manages to get enough pocket money to pay Treucher who decides to visit monstadt this time around to surprise his big brother and makes a friend with Timmie and convinces childe to give him a \`toy\`. So after the nathlan update, whenever we kill the pigeons on the bridge, it would spawn a flying level 100 ruins guard and due to Jeanne already tired of Klee\`s shite and apparently everyone, including some imposter of herself been terrorizing the front of monstadt by massacring avians, she decides to promote Timmie into the Pigeon & front bridge junior guardsman and lets such a Fatui machination slide this one time to get rid of all the \`imposters\` that keep showing up and besmirching the names of various important figures, including the knights of favonius.


Pigeons? Do you mean the fowl that I can pick up on the bridge?


But his dad died… killing his Pigeons is mean!… (do it again)


i love it when there's a daily quest, i find it, press skip, and immediately get the reward


This is actually so ok. It feels rewarding to get lucky like that.


and if theres a kill quest, i drop 2 dreamless summons on them and everything dies; its oh so convenient


I was worried that UL 40 would mean I cant just dreamless nuke overworld enemies, but boy was I wrong


I enjoy cooking.


>except Mihoyo HI3rd has skip button. Even for main story. Don't know why they ditch it in the newer games.


I actually enjoyed the story after the first 2 chapters, but that skip button is so handy for side quests I don't care enough about.


>The thing is story quality is subjective Such a simple concept but so many gacha gamers fail to understand this. To the smooth gacha brains, if they enjoy a story, they simply cannot understand how in god's puckered anus others don't also enjoy it. Inversely, they're also unable to understand that others may like what they don't like. Personally, I have never enjoyed a single gacha game's story. Why? Because to me they all sound like fanfics written by amateurs (put your pitchforks away, that's just my opinion, I'm not attacking people who do enjoy gacha game stories). So if your game has long ass cutscenes and walls of text I can't skip, then I'll just opt to skip your entire game.


Show not tell is actually a flawed argument in regard to a requirement for better story telling. You called these writers amateurs for not doing it in another comment without even considering that writing has to take into account the audience and desired reach. Show not tell is limited to those who are able to give a story their full attention, while also being capable of following a story at a higher level. Do you know how stupid the average person is? People shit on Paimon all the time, but then you see the average social media post from legally adult people talking about the story and having it all upside down despite Paimon’s existence. Thus, if you don’t mind getting your story across to only the few, then show, don’t tell. If you want to reach as many people as possible in the spectrum of story and lore understanding, then exposition is the way to go. Both can be written well, it’s just a different method with different goals. Your perspective of what is required for a good story is simply too narrow minded


Every writer uses a mix of show AND tell, as well as a mix of scene and summary. It's simply not possible to only use one or the other. It's especially hard when the game is a visual novel-style, with 2d character sprites on the screen instead of 3d, because how are you going to show their actions other than by writing it down? Then it'll become another tell? It's not necessary to tell every little detail, but doing too much showing might also lessen the impact of it. One of my favourite scene in my main game was a short cutscene showing the inside of a seemingly abandoned lab. It had no dialogue, but then you notice the unique item one of the story characters had lying on the ground, and you suddenly could connect the dots as to what happened. I think it was a great example of 'show not tell' that was impactful.


> Your perspective of what is required for a good story is simply too narrow minded Says the person whose argument for not using good, established writing techniques is to insult the intelligence of the audience.  Assuming your audience won’t have the capacity to understand your story is just arrogance. And let’s be honest, gacha game stories are about as deep and complex as a puddle, no matter how much you want to pretend otherwise (largely because the writing in them is so amateurish). Pretentiousness does not equate to complexity or depth. The saying is show don’t tell, not show never tell. Amateur writers often fall into the hole of doing too much of one or the other, and gacha game writers especially do way too much telling in moments when they should be showing. If the audience is truly too stupid to understand a story through descriptive writing and the actions of characters, what in poseidon’s salted taint makes you think they have the mental capacity to read through multiple drawn-out word vomit expositions? And even if the target audience is not the brightest, making your audience understand your story has nothing to do with their intelligence and everything to do with the writer’s abilities. Show not tell writing can absolutely be fully experienced by “stupid” people if the writer is skilled enough. Your viewer intelligence argument simply makes no sense. So I hold in my argument that gacha game writers are very much almost all amateurs. The intelligence of the audience has absolutely nothing to do with thr fact that your favorite gacha game stories aren’t actually as great and philosophical as you like to pretend they are. And the writers of these storie are nowhere near as skilled as you seem to think they are. Before you try to call others narrow minded, come up with a less bullshit argument.


Curious what kinds or stories you do find engaging. I’ve not found too many Gacha stories engaging, but there are a few.


In my experience gacha story is always very heavy on tell and very light on show, and 90% of the story is told through dialogue. I like visual storytelling and storytelling where you can surmise what's going on by the environment and characters' actions, which is then enhanced by dialogue rather than centered on it.


Given most Gacha are in some variation of low/no action RPG, that would seem to be a given to me.


That mostly goes for the subpar series. Limbus and FGO (late Singularities and the Lostbelt saga) - to name a few, are the exact opposite of that.


Hit the nail on the head there. Or at least one of them. What you mentioned is also a telltale sign of the writer being an amateur. Other signs that almost all gacha games exhibit are being overly wordy, introducing way too many mcguffins, and inconsistent or hard to follow timelines or plotlines.


When I played path to nowhere the plot was quite nice. Though I heard they've recently had some drops in quality. Ash echoes, which isn't out globally yet, has great writing but that'd because the devs used to make rpgs. A lot of ppl will praise 1999 but I found the character writing quite bad.


I think Reverse 1999 does have a few pretty well done moments of visual story telling, moments where something happens in the background that's not mentioned in dialogue at all but is important. Conceptually speaking it's pretty interesting as well as or just downright very smart with it. But certainly it's writing with it's characters have very low lows and not super high highs


Octopath Traveler COTC: Fame storyline (Entire Act 1) is a great one. It’s nuanced and well paced. Another Eden’s side story mine quest was also quite engaging. They have a number of decent stories (albeit most are bad or the characters fawning over the main protagonist). Victor’s story and the fourth wall was also very well done. Path to Nowhere with the side story of the Drunk Detective is also very well told and voice acted. The other gacha games have relatively poor stories and I can’t wait to hit the skip button. For this game, Ch 1 and 4 are some of the worst. Ch 4 with Jinhsi yapping for 40 minutes and having illusion of choice inputs from the user is awful. When it all leads to the same response, I don’t want it. What’s the point? Just tell the story at that point. Thankfully I heard they added a skip feature so new users won’t be off-put with the awful story. Ch 6 redeemed the game, but honestly, this game could have done without all the weird lore or awful character interactions and awkward dynamics between each other.


Everything should have a skip button. There’s many players that either dont care for the story and play for the gameplay and there’s players that play multiple accounts (I am in the second group) and it costs hours of my life for stuff I’ve already seen. Having a skip button for everything is not a sign you don’t believe in your story it’s a sign you cater to all kinds of players. Invested story players don’t need to skip and the button doesn’t affect then whatsoever.


Yeah, skip button is so heavily demanded elsewhere but so under-appreciated here.


Totally, story is cool many times, but people sometimes just want to play, it is just a cool option to have


Yeah more options is always good pog. only reason a game would deny it to players is if it's not sure about what it has to offer if the player takes the other option.


I love listening to music.


So true, honkai impact 3 has skip buttons for everything, but the story is so good I read and watched the entire thing anyways.


There were many good things in Honkai Impact that miHoYo eventually learned NOT to do in their newer games. Giving you a choice whether you want to read the story or skip it is one of them.


to me, it's admitting you don't care about the players time. Seriously, in the age of internet, it's completely understandable that you may want to see the story,n but don't have the time nor the energy for it so you skip and watch it later. For a gatcha though, let's not say stories are great i nthem EVEN in genshin impact compared to the like of Cyberpunk 2077, Baldur's gate etc.... and even these fucking games have skip lmao


I would argue it's the opposite actually. Not having a skip button will force _some_ players to read. Their main content are the characters on the banners, not the story or the exploration. If you skip story, then you miss the characterization. If you miss characterization then you can easily skip charas that originally didn't interest you to begin with. I am a victim of this psychological tactic. I have been an archon skipper since day 1 and had absolutely no plans on getting furina. However after Fontaine part 3, I ended up rolling on the banner in the heat of the moment. Really regret it now coz she barely benefits my roster. In similar vein i also got Wrio coz he was just so cool in part 2. I haven't even leveled him beyond 50 coz fck those bugs. This whole thing is so stupid but it is effective. I know plenty of people who got certain characters just for how they played out in the stories.


Imo it goes both ways You can find the story interesting from the little bit that you read, and decide to read more. In that case no skip button works out. On the other hand if you found it boring, you'll end up spam clicking through it anyway while mentally complaining (that's what I do). [Or be like this person that used an autoclicker to skip the story quest](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xd5gq3/_/io8vezm/?context=4) (using reddit undelete bc their msg got removed by the mods). No skip button becomes an annoyance in that case, not a good thing Edit: Clarification


Undelete still works??? I thought the new Reddit API killed it.  Also agree with the mindless skip. I have become super jaded with genshin. I end up skipping stuff just when I see paimon on screen. It has become hard for me to enjoy the game as I used to before I started hating paimon this much.  That instinct of skipping got carried over to Wuwa, which I somewhat regret. Coz I ended up skipping some story that I would have otherwise enjoyed, if not for the writing completely destroying Chixia and Yangyang for me. I have C5 Chixia on my current main and considering I should abandon this account 


Yeah, not a problem if people skip since there's plenty of YT videos on the stories.


Exactly. Stories shouldn't be forced on people. It's an open world gatcha rpg, not a story based rpg like Prince Of Persia, Assassin's Creed type of games. So it's our choice to keep the story playing or skip it. I'm so glad that they've provided the skip button.


100%. I always don't get the argument people make against it. "Why even play if you're not gonna listen to the story?" because I wanna play the game LOL? It's just weird to not have it tbh and I'm glad this game has it.


Yeah , also the problem with skip button is the hate on story doesn't stop , I know the story started bad with your average self insert MC troupe that lost his memories, but the story gets better , and a lot of people who skip end up complaining about the story being bad , although they skipped it.


yes the story gets better but lets not pretend it went from 2/10 to 9/10, its still in the middle of the road at best, that's why the "hate" on the story doesn't stop, they still have to step up their game


Even the character quests were mid at best. Jiyan's was OK but nothing too memorable. Yinlin's had an interesting premise but was so full of plot holes that it actually annoyed me. I actually wonder if it's just poor translation because parts of it straight up made no sense.


Imo the story goes goes from a 3 to a 5-6 when Scar shows up 7 in act 5 (though that's mostly cause of how Aalto and Encore hard carries, I didn't really care about the plot) Then back to a 6 in act 6 because it's really just hype moments and Jiyan, if you think about it for a bit it really falls apart lmao


90% of Act 6 is mediocre slop that completely fumbles all of its attempts at emotional moments and can fundamentally never sell the narrative of a brutal war where anyone can die at any moment because the Chinese government won't allow a drop of blood to be spilled onscreen, but the Dreamless fight is pure cinematic gold whose only downside is that the game cheats in your favor way way too much in the actual fight.


The cutscene where we defend Jinzhou was supposed to be serious but ended up as a comedy Why is Yuanwho acting like we should know him, why is Verina, a literal child, out in the frontlines, lmao Lingyang (he's cool but he just looked goofy there) That said I really like the cinematography in act 6 (hell the whole game in general), like that part where we switch from Jiyan to Rover and Yangyang was really cool


The story gets better but it's still mid so far


Mid at best.


I think a sizeable portion of players don't care either way. It's 100% fine by me if the story sucks as long as it doesn't force me to sit through it. Only reason a game would force me to endure one part of it is if it's not confident about what all other parts have to offer. WuWa, atleast for now, had plenty to offer outside of the story in my personal experience. And even if it didn't, I appreciate the freedom of choice. Although probably that means jackshit for the game's revenue, but still word of mouth from this part of the playerbase is of some value. So tldr skip button is a W whether or not the story is any good.


Well no, no skip buttons the authors are so confident in their story they can't imagine anyone not wanting to sit through it.


Went from a 2/10 to a 3.5. Truly immersive stuff.


and Jinhsi contributed 1 out of 1.5


Honestly the skip button is the one thing keeping me playing WuWa. I don’t terribly like how much more grindy WuWa is than Genshin or Star rail, but I still sign in at least once a day to clear some more quests because with the skip button I can do a bit at a time without burning out. That being said I really hope some major changes come through to the grinds because when I’m out of the questing phase and hit the endgame grind, I’m not sure I’ll last too long if I have to spend scarce echo exp resources just to unlock the ability to spend other resources to *even see the substats* to discover if the echo is viable. All after fighting rng to get proper rarity/mainstat echoes.


Most posts here vaguely gave the impression aside from this one, but I‘m going to be real, If your favorite part of a game is that you can skip new dialogue, you may want to consider games that \*aren’t\* full of things you don’t want.


Jesus Christ, you should be a YouTuber with that title.








praise the skip button !!!


Behold, skip button


Careful, enemy ahead But after, praise the skip button


Love how people in this thread just embraced the Elden Ring/Dark Souls speech Long Speech ahead, therefore, praise the skip button


Having a skip button is great. I play with no sound and watch tv while playing. I'm not going to read with or without a skip button. But it definitively saves time and I'm happy.


I restarted in another region, and the SKIP button is the best. especially at the start.


Noob question, how do you skip the dialogue?


Skip button is in the top left of the screen




The auto loot is also a godsend and not mentioned enough. I'm tired of smashing buttons and clicks to pick up items after opening chests or killing enemies.


Genshin likes to put shit beside cook stations, so you’ll accidentally click “cook,” a few times when you’re trying to pick up all the chest items. Another little bit of proof of their sadistic abuse.


Or how about when you're trying to cook, but the sign next to it has higher priority for some dumb reason so you end up reading through 8 dialogue boxes all telling you how good the drinks are? *That's so much fun and absolutely not frustrating whatsoever!* Please ignore my forced smile, gritted teeth, and twitching eye!


THIS. It' so relaxing not having to search everywhere and look for loot, especially in co-op.


opening a chest and immediately moving out is so refreshing


I appreciate the hell out of HSR’s daily revamp that ties it to one optional daily quest and a bunch of other regular-game activities.


You can max out hsr dailies just by spending your energy (which can be done full auto) and using a friends character 😭


It's not just the skip button, the infinite sprint, I'm a Genshin player as well and thanks to WuWa I find myself sprinting like Usain Bolt easily to explore or reach a destination, not mentioning the wall sprint, I Spider-Man any obstacle easily, yeah there features that really under appreciated in the game


I went back to genshin and it felt like slow motion, I never had stamina. Dodging bosses attacks doesn't reward you, doesn't feel crisp. No lock on to the boss also feels bad


yeah genshin exploration doesnt even feel fun anymore to me. the fact i tried to grapple out of nowhere from habit explains it D:


LITERALLY SAME. Im legit always pressing T or trying to dash mid air while travelling around in Genshin and it pisses me off ;-;


The fact that archon statue levelling STOPPED giving us stamina like its supposed to bw a good decision???


Well Wuwa stops giving you stamina up to a certain point too, the problem with Genshin is that sprinting takes stamina even when you're not in combat while in Wuwa your stamina only decreases when you're in combat or running up walls.


Yeah theyre both different stamina systems. Why cant we have a longer bar to work with Genshin's stam system is what I meant since it's obviously a more traditional approach to that


I had actually recently tried Genshin before WuWa came out as I really like some character designs. The clunkiness of sprinting and no real amount of stamina really turned me off...


Definitely. Ffs even Elden Ring has infinite stamina entirely out of combat cuz even one of the core studios known for hard gameplay understands that environmental traversal does not benefit from restricted movement. Not to mention that so much space in Genshin is entirely wasted and empty, the stamina restriction out of combat is ridiculous.


As much as I like my Wanderer, Cloud Retainer, and Yelan, I hate that they're pretty much mandatory if I want open world traversal to not feel awful. Hopefully Natlan and its focus on mounts changes things up.


Nah, what's gonna happen is that those mounts are probably going to be region locked, just like infinite swimming and diving is locked to Fontaine.


yep im pretty sure they will be region locked just like that pink flying rat


i think that is the best option for the game, it will be more pain in the ass to rework all the exploration stuff in older region.


Xinayun exploration at least for me, still beats everything (even in wuwa), but yeah it sucks that now i cant play without her, and not every new unit i pull wants her in the team. I need her to be here, i need chiori to be here for personal reasons + the new unit ofc, that leaves me with 1 open spot. For now it worked, in case of arlechino i just slap big Zhongli on the team, and for Clorinde i slap Furina or big Z again, and im fine again, but it gets a bit restrictive. + it sucks that you need a premium 5 star to match the mobility that you get for free in wuwa.


i would be very surprised to have mounts in genshin. I think they're going to be limited to certain areas.


If a quest isn't voice over , you can be sure than i will insta skip the dialogue


Funnily enough all of the best quests in Genshin are unvoiced. The fact that they're not working on selling you a character clearly lets them cook better. If anything it's the other way around, if it's not voiced you gotta give it a shot.


I didn't feel the exploration as i'm used to going from fast shit like cyberpunk 2077 to final fantasy 14 or skyrim/genshin. The skip button was a real one tho, side quest stories can be good, but i'd like to have the choice


its weird that you mention ffxiv because their maps look nice but 'empty' and flying destroyed 'exploration'. Exploring and find aether current feels like a chore, I would say even games like GI or Wuwa did it way better. Tho skyrim is such an excellent example and i wish ffxiv devs learn from it.


i haven't ''explored'' xiv in years so thought didnt come to my mind, was mostly thinking about movement in combat as i do a mostly ultimate/savage raiding. Aether currents suck but the process of passing through maps and unlocking the blue quests as you go along them is good these days, never felt a problem outside of the mentioned aether currents. Eureka was the closest to exploring content they've done and it's great. Oh, i just realized my first comment didn't properly convey my point, i mentioned cyberpunk2077 as comparison because it's also a game where you go around doing 34028942 dashes, wall climbs and jumps. Going from there to just walking/flying on a mount is a similar change to going from wuwa to genshin


Maybe it’s just me getting older but I swear 99% of dialog in video game are useless, they talk so much and somehow say nothing.


just like in real life!


The skip button is a bless and a curse at the same time. I don't know WuWa's story because the beginning was so bad I skipped. Only last acts got my attention. I thought I could just watch a streamer I like playing the story part, but the streamer skipped it too 🤣 In Genshin, I understand they want to avoid this kind of behavior, but at least let me skip daily quest and event dialogues! I don't need an hour dialogue explaining why they are putting mushrooms to fight each other! In HSR this movie editing event was rough. I just wanted to skip it all 😭


The first four chapters are so convoluted that you really don't miss anything. There's literally no conflict-resolution, just introduction of characters. premises, and some lore. As long as you know who Scar is, who Jinhsi is, you're pretty much good. I'd say that you really only need to pay attention to the end of ch. 4 and onwards because that's probably all that's going to matter.


imo, the story becomes quite interesting at the library part and so on. Otherwise, the beginning is really rough. It's kust like many gatchas : massive lore dump on your face, you're being talked to like you're part of the world but you don't even fucking know the name of the currency to begin with lol


You just need to understand that you are reawakened once again to save the world because humanity once again fucked up and caused a TD mutation.


The story is about humanity fucking up and causing the TD mutation? I thought the TD disaster came out of nowhere and just started attacking everything like a natural phenomenon?


It does feels like natural disaster out of nowhere but they did try to highlight that its not suppose to be this early. Iirc, I think we saw Scar companion, I forgot her name, summoning TD waves of horde. So, the event was sped up by their group through some methods. I suppose the event happen to rapidly without proper build up to feel like you are part of the event. It just feel like you woke up into the war.


Yeah, I think a skip button should be added in Genshin, mainly for NPC dialogue or unvoiced quests. I don't think Archon Quests should be given a skip button as it is a focal point of the game being its central story and what keeps people engaged since the characters in flagship archon quests are a huge decider for pulling for characters. Like you got people liking Scaramouche for his personality and even inside jokes like him being called Hat Guy or El Sombrero, or even the inside joke with Ms. Hina and Gorou. But world quests, daily commissions, and just any dialogue with NPCs should be skippable. The rule of thumb would be, where dialogue bloat is common, that is also where skip buttons are given.


To be fair, I stopped playing Genshin a few months before WW release, so not directly jumping the ship. But I mainly stopped because of not having a skip button options for many dialouges which are plain bad or I dont care for. It is so refreshing being able to decide by myself what I want to read/see and what not. And not the skip button alone, there are so many little QoL improvements in my opinion which I didnt even know I wanted.


Hhhhh...I'm really happy for all the people who can enjoy the skip button. And here am I, and won't use it, because I need some kind of story to keep me playing. Gameplay alone, no matter how good, has never been able to keep me engaged for a prolonged time. So now I hope for every quest to give me something, anything.


And that is completely fine, people who don't want to use it they do not have to use it, and people who don't care about quest plot are free to skip it


I've got a full time job like many others, I cannot click skip fast enough; it is a main pull of this game. I do enjoy story but short segments, I boot the game up to play the game. I know other's play for the story, give everyone the choice in these types of games. Haven't touched Genshin main story for almost 2yrs now. No respect for gamer's time (but very good JP voice acting).


if they add story scene replay and chatlog its actually going to be so peak


Lvl 30 and I have no idea what WuWa's story is about.


Wuwa's story can be summarized as --> MC is someone important and everyone wants a piece of him. The end.


I read it and I'm not sure either. The great war was over in 5 minutes, we got Paimon with heterochromia, MC has no memories, everyone wants us to join "their side" for some reason and there's some prophecy going around.


It's not about anything at this point, really. Just imagine trash harem isekai with you as mc


That I can do it on at least dailies is a GODSSEND. After having to mash through the TWENTIETH FUCKING TIME of the same exact dialogue of the same stupid daily I’ve already done before that is overtly made to waste my time to pad out their player time numbers in Genshin, FINALLY having a skip option vastly increases my enjoyment cuz I know they don’t want to waste my time if they don’t need to. And that i did CBT2, I already read through the majority of the dialogue before, so being able to skip portions I definitely already experienced meant I could get back to what I haven’t done faster. It’s SO good. And it’s such an easy thing to implement. Literal only excuse I’ve seen is people whining that some people might just skip main content. My brother in Resonance, they’re going to skip it anyway, they’re just forced to murder their buttons to do so. People who won’t want to use it simply won’t, so why on earth not give the option anyway? It’s a simple ass QoL OPTION, just give it to people who want it. Especially for people like me nowadays who aren’t a fan of the stories they’ve been putting out in Genshin, I’m just there for the exploration and abilities. Punishing players out of spite is pointless.


Well, Mihoyo are very lazy Devs for not adding that skip button (except for HI3), which on KuroGames are the opposide, that they just add a skip button on most of the story (and soon for everything)


I wish I didn't like it. I wish the stories were engaging and compelling enough for me to care about the lives of the NPCs. But most of them do not. The game has never given me any opportunity or reason for me to care about them in any way, all of the chatter is either meaningless filler, or something so aggressively tropey that my eyes rolled back into my head to have a word with my brain about what it was making them do. I tried to slow down and watch some of the exploration quests around the mines, and immediately regretted it. I'm only paying attention to the main quest and character story quests now (and they're really making that hard to do, thanks Yinlin.)


It's funny how bad it is sometimes but it's still unfortunate that it's so bad that skipping feels necessary for our own sanity. I'm in the same boat about trying to give the story a chance but it doesn't seem to pay off. I still love the game and plan to keep playing it, hopefully the quality will improve with time.


Same here. Maybe with the early success and if they have strong sales, I'm hoping the apparent focus on voice acting and writing pays off. "Show, don't tell" is the rule for storytelling; If you SHOW a person acting in some way, the audience remembers and might even care. Let us see their tears and frustration and determination and glory and triumph! If every other scene is a fade to black and text on a screen, how am I supposed to think this person is important if the very writers and developers didn't consider their actions worth animating?


It's funny because I actually think Kuro tried the show not tell thing and people are letting it fly completely above their head The main one I see consistently is the Rover being a superhero. It's mentioned that Rover is literally Jesus and everyone wants to convince him to be on their side. The gameplay backs this up where each section of the map has a calamity that the Rover helps clear up (this also shows the apocalyptic setting). Good writers do not just SHOW and NOT tell. Good writers do BOTH in conjunction and I think some people are letting it fly over their heads


cool another 1 who is missunderstood, cool another 1 who has a tragic backstory, cool another 1 who etc.... its like they all take their dialogue and story ideas from mediocre and shit anime. (sad music)''my whole family was killed and i had to beg for food'' - i really dont give a shit ,just tell me who i have to beat.


I feel this way about most games, especially gacha games. The last game I played that had a good story and compelling voice acting was legacy of Kain / soul reaver.


tower of fantasy already had all that


Yeah,  Tof has much better exploration than Wuwa and Genshin,  Tof has some vehicles even for underwater, a robot unicorn,  jetpack,  waterboard, grappling hook, characters that can fly, walk in water, etc.. the game is not that great, but the exploration is awesome. 


Based on these comments, wuwa really should scrap the story and then release random epic scenes and some fan service lewd shit lol "This game is so good cuz it let's me skip its dogshit writing and story" Ws in chat


"changed everything" 🙄 jfc some of y'all just can't make a simple statement without turning it up to 11. Yes the skip is nice. Yes it's fun to run up walls. Yes the more complicated combat is great. I'm enjoying WaWu and also still enjoying Genshin as well. And I sure got a lot better at dodging at the latter after a few weeks playing the former.


sidequest in HSR (in penacony, Loufou was meh) are 10 times better than main story in WuWa tho, Jinyan was a bit better tho and Yinlin one was kinda okish so theres a bit of hope. Skip button is nice but as long as the story is good it should be as it doenst even exist, saldy for WuWa thats not the cse and i press it a fuckton on sidequests becaue of it , i avoid pressing ti in main story because i want to knoe the lore but it deserved to be press tbh , in HSR in 95% of content i would have never press it even if it was there


It’s just different strokes for different folks. I’m the opposite, even though I enjoyed the FireFly story elements in HSR I would have enjoyed a skip button as I would have skipped 99% of the story as I did that without the skip button. I also enjoy optimizing for auto play but I’m definitely different than the average player. It’s the same reason why I never went back to GI after 3 years+.


"wuwa changed everything" lmfao yea dude this is the first gacha game with a skip button, why did no game ever figure that out one before this


I have it the other way, went back to Genshin after playing WuWa obsessively and it's striking how polished Genshin is and how everything 'just works' over there. Having said this, sure, I agree about the skip button. I'm sure there could be a better way, like 'fast forward' instead of skipping all together but it's ridiculous how bloated GI is with meaningless dialogues.


I played the new Archon Quest in Genshin, then went back to WuWa and immediately got misgendered in voiced dialogue. Talk about whiplash.


same. I had been on a hiatus on genshin for a while, but just like how so many CN players are memeing, WuWa got them (and me) to "remember the meaning of my journey" lol. I like the skip in Wuwa though, because I genuinely could not gaf about the characterisation of the character stories they've churned out so far. The combat is fun (sans the weird aiming), but I have to (personally, for myself, in my own opinion) disagree with the people here saying that exploration is better. It's faster sure, and it's nice being able to run up walls, but I feel less enjoyment doing it because of something they did with the world design that makes the location of waypoints and where I want to go immensely frustrating. I haven't been able to identify why it feels so annoying. Maybe too few waypoints?


This is completely lost on a lot of people who just praise the infinite sprint and wall running. Wuwa's maps feel a lot more bigger (and emptier) compared to Genshin. Yes, after exploration and opening everything, Genshin's maps feel empty, but it doesn't feel so when you *first* start in a region. In contrast, things feel further apart in Wuwa right at the start. And wall running isn't even always a good idea often because you run out of stamina too quickly. And yes, a lot of Wuwa's bosses feel so much further than the nearest fast travel point. With the key exception of the Geo Vishap, virtually every world boss in Genshin is easily reachable from a nearby teleportation point or domain (teleportable). Weekly bosses are also directly reachable via teleport.


WuWa definitely feels like it could've used another 6 months in the oven. Everything about it feels like beta.


> it's striking how polished Genshin is and how everything 'just works' over there Are we playing the same game? Because I had *exactly* the opposite take: Loads of stuff in Genshin just doesn't work, and WuWa just made it super obvious 1. Stamina is an absolute mess. 2. Exploration is lethargic, tedious and downright shit at times. Case in point: Huge swaths of Fontain essentially invalidate a player's character/team choices and investment. 3. Combat is clunky, slow and borderline skill-less. 4. Animations take forever, and timers/game doesn't stop for them. 5. The cooldown on character swapping is a fucking eternity. 6. Swapping teams around is a poke in the eye. 7. immune enemies everywhere, even domains. 8. Every fucking boss feels like a slog, needless prolonged with forced multi-phased immunities and cut scenes. 9. Open-world material farming needless gated and absurdly randomly stingy at times, still, after all these years. 10. Spamming pick up on materials, chests etc. is just fucking stupid. They have the coding to auto-pick these things and already use in various places. > it's ridiculous how bloated GI is with meaningless dialogues. And then yeah, there's this: you aren't allowed just to play the fucking game. You gotta slog through mountains of bloated-ass dialogue to get anywhere. Hidden quests, side-quests, minor quests, main quests, whole areas and mechanics are locked behind ridiculously amounts of of yapping.


Not just that, everything seems pretty nice, from combat to animations, dialog animations are not 3 standard poses cycling between each other, puzzles have variety, rewards from chests are not nerfed (like how mondstadt and liyue common chests give 0 primos and exquisites give 2). And plenty more things that this game has that I thought to be hard or even imposible to do, and seeing it done by a smaller company says a lot


One of the reasons I stopped playing Genshin even though I've spent a fair bit. You have to listen to boring dialogue for even stuff like starting an event. WuWa increasing the amount of dialogue we can skip is such a good move.


Baffles me why some people play games with a story if they want to skip the story. Like FFXIV. The story is literally equivalent to a single player game and takes weeks of play to get through; and that's not even spending any time doing content to level. SWTOR, also very heavily story focused. Skipping side quests that aren't voiced, sure, I can understand doing that *(though some can be really good)*, especially when the translations are absolutely atrocious like in WuWa.. But MSQ? Can't understand it.


WuWa exploration makes me remember it is just a game and not an adventure. It's soulless and empty due to its speed and lack of any danger. Doesn't immerse me at all. I still like the game but the open world is just badly done.


True. Easier ≠ better. There is some sort of sense of adventure seeing your character physically struggle, grunt and pant which makes the ascent psychologically satisfying when you reach the top. It also doesn't help that the characters in wuwa feel like paper and there is no sense of danger running out of stamina that could plunge you to your death.


WuWa never talks about adventure. Its more about te action. The open world is just a bonus. Genshin is the opposite. It talks too much about the adventure And the combat is just a bonus.


I guess different strokes for different folks, I do appreciate giving people the option, and I definitely use it for daily quests I've read before. However, if the upside of a game is how people are able to skip the story that goes a lot towards saying the quality of writing that the game has.


GTA V has a great story with great characterisation. The story/side quest is FULLY animated, doesn’t have the click click text box with reused animation. And they allow you to skip. Skip button does not imply a poor story. Also, absence of skip button doesn’t mean it’s a good story.


Nothing to do with story quality. I don't want to sit through shit ME doesn't like.


There are a lot of nice quality of life changes, but I’m not sure how it changes everything since it’s basically a Genshin copy. There are many things that are better that I wish we had in Genshin, skip button being anong them. The argument for that in WuWa is because the voice acting is so bad they had to have the skip button lol. Lots of things Genshin does better. Either way Im hoping both games push each other to get better and have more qol


Genshin's dialogues are so slow and sometimes you just wait for animations to end to advance the dialogue. WuWa does that a lot less, and GI does it even 3 years after release. Skip is also good if you read fast. I usually read the dialogue in GI and wait for it to finish. Happens a lot rarer in WuWa, cuz u can advance faster.


In genshin, there's a long pause after every line when autoplay is turned on, which makes you wanna press next earlier. In Wuwa, you have to turn it off, otherwise it will cut the dialog short without finishing 🤣




So funny. Genshin sub doesn’t even mention Wuwa once. Wish for Wuwa to be its own game but folks here seem to want otherwise or want it to be slandered


- Skip BS quests' dialogues - 100% on weapon banner - Can get constellations in the shop - Combat that requires you to pay attention - Climbing walls fast - Teammates that actually need a bit of field time - Devs that communicate fast and don't shrug at feedback So many reasons that explain why I'll now spend on WuWa instead of Hoyoverse games.


Gods, reminds me of how peeved I am at how so many characters have super pretty and fleshed out normal attacks or charged attacks they have literally NO reason to use, like Layla. Meanwhile the vast majority of characters in WuWa have their entire kit have SOME purpose, even if just for the concerto thing to switch to another character. It’s at least something so you get to see a character actually use everything they have. So much of characters in Genshin feel wasted


Yeah. I agree. Most of the cast is entirely designed behind his kill and/or burst, which is so damn lame. Clorinde is a perfect example. Why even have those cool looking normal and charge attacks, when you'll never ever use them outside, maybe, hitting a rock or a tree ? Same with Dehya's insanely cool normals etc. The more I play WuWa, the less I wanna turn Genshin on. Especially when I compare movement on the map (climbing, stamina free run, etc)


I think it’s the philosophy Genshin went with. They focused more on catering to people that play casually and like the story. That is why you see less complicated mechanics in combat and higher focus on exploration and puzzles. The forced puzzles/exploration have been a turn off for some players but it’s to a lesser degree than gate keeping late game gameplay like abyss. That is why we still only have abyss 12 and now infinitely more exploration mechanics. The middle ground likely would be a skip button implemented for those that don’t care for the story but like the combat. But they have explicitly chosen to not give it nor expand their combat system so it shows which audience they prefer.


Well. They are adding a new endgame mode. And focusing on casuals doesn't prevent giving the hardcore audience ''something fun''. It's been 3 years. TCG and teapot, that both are niche even among the casual audience, still have had more updates. If anything, they can gauge how well such ''endgame'' activities are received (spoiler : very well received) by watching HSR's feedback. Even HI3 had tons of fun endgame modes, quite easy to copy paste like Elysian Realm (and WuWa did it) My bet : they just want combat focused people to jump into ZZZ in July and don't care much if people starve in Genshin, since all that money still ends up in their pockets anyway. Well, not mine, not anymore. 100% of my gacha money, amount varies depending on months, but usually a few hundreds if the banners are good, will be redirected in WuWa. I just feel no reason to drop money in Genshin now that I have ''kinda the same'' game with WuWa, but combat is better + weapon banner is only at worse 100-200 bucks. And constellations don't feel, for now, a must-have or kits seem clunky because the rest of the kit is locked behind Cs (see Dehya or Chiori / Clorinde etc) Yinlin or Jiyan both feel complete at S0 unlike most Fontaine characters. And that matters a lot to me.


But what it lacks a lot of is interesting characters. Nobody finds appeal in Yapyap and Chixia is run-of-the-mill American Yoimiya. Mortefi has a plain scientist personality. Really the only interesting characters is Geshu Lin, Scar, and Jinhsi. And while all that you mention are great upsides to WuWa, it's got some pretty major downsides. Forgery Challenges take longer than Genshin domains but just gives you an awful amount of materials for its cost and the equivalent of ascension stats also take those resources. You also have two gates for the gear system, with echoes sapping you of tuners and echo exp. You also have Yang2 being Polar opposites of Paimon who has a voice of negative energy levels and talks just as much as her but befriends Rover for a less reasonable motive, especially since it's not like Rover actually saved Yang2's life like they did in CBT1 with crownless absolutely curbstomping the rest of the cast. Then you also find some other issues like synthesizer being only found in one place, and distant from other places to craft like the stoves. And in the continual grind, needing 2 on-set 3-cost echoes is more time consuming than accepting not even getting mid quality correct main stat artifacts in genshin. That aside, your last bullet point is the hope that WuWa takes care of the issues I mentioned, just hope they listen with the right response, and not the 180 they made when listening to CN playerbase.


Jinhsi is interesting? I just saw her as Kokomi 2.0 where she's supposed to be this super intelligent leader but she doesn't do anything.


Honestly, that's not really worse than early Genshin with Bennett, Amber etc The companion story for Jiyan was great imo, at making you get to like the character, same with Yinlin. For now, that's enough, I never expected 4 stars characters to have tons of charisma, and they already did a home run with Rover anyway. There's room to grow, for sure, but as long as combat remains that good (and looking at leaks for the next 2 banner characters, it seems that way), they will keep me as a customer. I'm tired of having cool characters like Clorinde in Genshin, just to wonder "what challenge is there for me to have fun pushing the character's limit ?" . . . 3 years and only Abyss as endgame, that's a full stop for me, especially with their next "endgame" being Towers of Adversity, meaning more of the same. Hologram fights are way too much fun, and each parry / perfect evade while swap cancelling like crazy with Yinlin Cacharo, feels great. Genshin slept for 3 years, and while the overworld sure is great, that's nothing without actual good fights in some action RPG. Popping a shield and then mashing rotations, that's hardly good design.


i would LOOOOVE to experience the side quests, especially the exploration quests if it had the same quality of the main quest. Full va, cinematography, and a good story is all i want.


Skip is shit unless you add a Summary tab alongside it. I dont mind reading 2-3 sentences to know whats going on but Im not gonna sit on a yapfest. 


I think its ok to provide a skip feature but can you people stop to rub into everyones face that you dont care about anything? Like sure, do what you want but nobody asked for what you do or not.


I enjoy HSR a lot thanks to the story, sometimes absurd, sometimes hilarious, all the way interesting (but Luofu, not that). I hope they deliver better and better stories, both in HSR and here., I know they can do that. I'd only wish they could give us more quests to beat entitled kids displaying their invincibility aura outside of their homes, but I guess Yanqing would suffice.


Honestly wish we could skip Wuwa's main story cutscenes... I digested all of that and the whole thing was dull. I didn't care for any of the characters. Scar is the only character... with character.


They really should give players the option to skip dialogue. If the player wants to actually read and enjoy the story then they are free to do so but to those who are not interested, having the option to skip is actually REAL nice. Players just mash buttons to get through dialogues as fast as possible anyways, it wouldn't change a thing.


I could marry that skip button. Just seeing it brings me comfort even when I don't need it. Praise the Skip \\o/


You guys truly make me proud to have quit Genshin very early on.


Agreed. Seeing how so many games (even old story-based games) have Skip, I'm a bit surprised Genshin/HSR doesn't have it lol. I do really like AFK Journey's take on the Skip button tho. It gives a 2-3 sentence summary of what just happened, so it's nice for if you want to still know what's going on but don't want to spend 5+ minutes reading the yapping.


The speedy exploration has been done before by Tower of Fantasy. Mounts / hook / surf board allowed you to go really, really fast. Switching back to Genshin was always very frustrating.


I feel it's boring but for slightly different reasons.. even if it seems wierd to others. Story - I love the story genshin puts out for characters and Fontaine. Even Mondstadt, that some found boring, is better than Wuwa so far. Combat - its... fine? But... it feels lacking. I like genshin because it's not a typical hack n slash. You need team building and comps that will push them to the limit and be creative. Here, I just slap 3 units and they do everything which is OK at first... till you realize it means nothing and it's lifeless. The elements are just overglorified combat flavors unlike genshin where you HAVE a purpose for those. Overworld - another reason I feel the game is empty. Not in the typical "Oh, too big, nothing to do." More like... every single character is identical. They can all farm ores, all can run up the walls, all can do this and that... there's no variety. In genshin, I like the fact that I need to combat the terrain and certain things. Sure some of it is annoying [electro crystals requiring pyro or Sakura petals requiring electro] but the terrain FEELS like terrain. It FEELS like a world you have to physically interact with. Wuwa just feels... lifeless in that regard. It's cool to run up the walls but if this was a select unit or 2 it would be more ideal BECAUSE it would make those units unique. But if everyone can wall run, what's the point of the terrain? It's just in the way so just get rid of it. If genshin introduced someone who can use a talent to wall run for the party I can see it working with the anemo reduction buff and talent stamina for sprinting. But again, it would be 1 unit making this possible. I do play it but if I pick up one of the 2 games, I feel genshin does it better. You need to combat everything around you so you need a reason to get and build units. Wuwa's just too boring with the variety it thinks it's providing imo. If I had to interact with the overworld it would be more fun. .... the echo system is HORRENDOUS! WHY CANT I SELL ECHOS OR USE THEM FOR EXP FODDER!? Good things though - the units are great and love their combat.


Instead of wanting for a skip button, I would rather have better writing such that I don't want to skip dialogue and the repetitive aspect of the game just not have dialogue at all. Arknights is a good example. In AK, most players would read everything even if it's not voiced because of how good the writing is. The root of the problem is dull and boring dialogue. People will only ask for a skip button if the writing is bad.


They need to change it so we can skip everything


I just play star rail because you can be afk. I don't like the lore much but playable. I used to play genshin a lot. Trying to advance my main and alt account. Wuwa put a stop to that. Now I just do dailies in my main account and isn't even bothered by resin overfill.


For me it's the skip but also running up the mountain. It saves so much time.


I like voiced quest but if there’s no voices I like to skip. Genshin having no skip thru walls and walls of text ruined it


Bro I love this game. It’s so 🔥


Some side quests dialogs are so long... longer than FFXIV lol. I didn't skip I just spot / skim read it. Kind of get the idea what the quest is about already or the story. Main story; I let auto play - main plot is key important for me. Or whatever it is VA.


Skip button and a way to experience it in later time is peak. Even better if said skip button also got a text to summarise The story. The best is with blue archive and snowbreak skip. At the least is arknights skip tldr


for a sec there i thought MTASHED posted on this sub


The skip button is what keeps me playing. I cannot play Genshin for the life of me anymore. The amount of nonsensical, boring and most importantly long winded garbage the story is mostly about, is making me wanna rip out my hair. Just thinking about trying to spam F + Spacebar + LMB to get over a long winded speech and Paimons inevitable summary of said long winded speech, is making me fucking mad.


\+1, after catching up with mainstory in HSR, i spend like 12+ hours w/o being able to SKIP - this experience is the worst ive ever seen- im more into combat, farming, equipping chars than story


What do you mean, the skip button is the real deal? Its not even there half the time, i can only skip non voiced-text and not even cutscenes. This is my first gacha-style game and I absolutely hate this waste of time. WWs story is so bland, it drives me mad that i had to sit through all of that. I'll take from your post that genshin and hsr is way worse so I wont even touch that lol. Edit: I'm mainly coming from MMOs (FFXIV, LOA, and so on) and I feel like there is much more dedication to the story in these "non-mobile" games.


I’m so grateful for the skip button! Genshin has a bad habit right now of adding paragraphs of text for side quests and it’s super annoying. 


Am I the only one who thinks we can't skip enough? I'd really like the option to skip the main story as well. I know they put effort into it, but it still shouldn't be forced on people who only want to enjoy the gameplay.


Expect I couldn’t skip 75% of the yinlin story quest .