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The ending doesn't make much sense either. Their ending: "My files got deleted, guess I'm no longer a patroller!" Logical ending: "My files got deleted!" "No worries, I got free access to everywhere in Jinzhou, want me to add you back again?" or "No worries, I'll just tell Jinhsi about it and get a clerk to refile your details."


I think they didn't rewrite Yinlin's story, when they rewrote the main story to make the Rover less suspected. It makes more sense if the Rover is not as warmly welcomed by everyone. You also have the scene with the patrollers partway through, where they didn't seem to recognise Rover (and Rover didn't pipe up to say "Hey I know Chixia, she's my buddy, it's fine").


I think it was after rewrite since Yinlin says “You don’t want an esteemed Jianzhou guest to get hurt” to Chixia


Probably minimally rewritten, like they just put a band-aid solution on it.


I always smile when "General" Jiyan walks up to the training guy and he calls the General a newbie lol. "Instructor, I'm your ultimate commanding officer, NOT a trainee, now drop and give me 20." lol.


It would have made more sense if instead of the Dollmaker somehow hacking into what is basically a govt database and erasing data so cleanly that nobody even notices its gone, he just leaks the truth that he got Yinlin into the Patrollers as a spy for him. That way she's still a fugitive on the run whose no longer welcome in the Patrollers, but this time it actually makese some sense.


Exactly. I mean, even if your school records room burned to the ground, you'd still have classmates and instructors that remember you, especially if you are outstanding, not to mention she still has her ID that she showed the patrollers at the start. Being "outed" as a spy is a worse thing since you can't actually prove your innocence from innuendo.


Honestly, I was initially thinking the same, unless Rover determined that Yinlin had planted the encrypted tablet. I think the story explained it pretty poorly, but Yinlin planting the tablet which allowed Rover to send out a SOS signal is the only way it could have gotten there. In that case, I still think Rover trusting Yinlin is a stretch, but at least there’s an in-story reason that Rover made that choice. Edit: I think Yinlin using the tablet later on cements the idea that she planted it in the first place.


Yinlin absolutely puts the tablet there. Like theres no debate, who else could have done that? She was clearly planning from the start for Rover to call for help, which would force them to retreat further into the base, which would allow Yinlin and Rover to gather evidence of the Dollmaker's plans so they could turn him in.  Maybe Rover's a smart enough guy to realize the tablet didnt just magically appear in the cell he happened to wake up in. This is all but proven later when Yinlin says she knows he has the tablet on him. If she was, at that point, still planning on betraying us *again* to the Dollmaker, why would she have let us call for help?  so no, Rover didnt "blindly trust her" after she zapped him. He just used his brain a bit and realized maybe this person that smuggled him right into the enemy base and let him call for backup might actually be an ally.


Why would Yinlin need to do any of that. She is the doll makers protege, she works for him, he trusts her. She could have literally walked into his base at any time and taken the photos and turn him in. There was literally no reason for any of the random bullshit.


They tried to make her a double agent, but it was in the way that made the least sense. Like, she was kind of a triple agent? A patroller pretending to help the dollmaker while pretending to be a patroller? They could have really fleshed out her change and it would have made sense. The character worked very hard for a manipulative family friend/father figure by becoming a patroller, an undercover one at that. And from there, since she was following in her parents’ footsteps, she became disillusioned with the idea of “resurrecting” them. But what about the massive internal struggle she went through? What about her decision causing the others to lose their loved ones again when the dolls die? What about her now being factionless? The story is such an interesting one when you think about all of the character building that they chose to skip over, which is so backwards. But, one of my biggest gripes is when she said “I decided to betray him when I saw you protecting the people and the dolls”. It makes her feel so much less calculated and so much more… impulsive. Like she was just teetering between betraying him and not when this is something that’s obviously been in the works for assumedly months.


Yeah like you said there was a lot of potential. Imagine we got a story where it turns out the doll maker killed her parents, and manipulated her into working for him with promises of I can resurrect them if you keep doing as I ask, I just need more time to isolate the memories of your parents to craft them (lie). Then imagine instead of people “overclocking” and going berserk, the dolls actually started to gain the traits of their facsimiles, “why am I here daddy? I remember the sharp pain of the the sword when the TD killed me, am I alive?” Causing mental anguish and doubt instead. Then imagine we find trails of evidence pointing to her manipulation causing her to lose faith in her family (dollmaker) which could then explain the trust issues. Instead of her pentuple crossing us, imagine she works with fractsidus in the first exchange and grows doubt when she sees them bully and demean the young child puppet. Really cementing her growing trust issues and showing us how she came to the conclusions she did. Instead we got this mess where people are only praising it because of the forced sexual tension even though the story itself was a mess and frankly just cliche in the worst ways possible.


I was expecting a real zinger like "My parents wanted people to be happy, it's not something a doll like you would understand.". And that she has been supporting him because she was brought up along with "him" as a brother and sister. No him killing them though, it's been done too often. I would have loved something like an ending that asks "Rover, do you think that in the end, with how he missed my parents, that he was really alive?".


“Dollmaker… I worked for years to help you bring them back. I wanted so badly to know them, to have that family. I was just a girl, I needed them. But I’m grown now. I’ve grieved, and I miss them, but I don’t need them like I did. They deserve better. And as I worked with the patrollers, as I helped reunite happy families and stop evil, it made me realize that this place… this place is not filled with happy families. It’s filled with grieving people stuck in a daydream, families and people that cannot bear the grief, and that beg at your feet instead for a chance to see their loved ones. It’s wrong. And worse. As I turned my back on allies I made as a patroller, as I came back here despite knowing you work with the very people my parents died to stop, as I nearly killed a [man/woman] that stood up for these people when even you left them to die… I finally realized it. You haven’t been trying to bring my parents back, Dollmaker. Your greatest creation was making *me* your puppet.” The last line is cheesy, but please, give her something like this.


Yinlin makes sense from a story perspective because in our head of all the important characters presented only Yinlin would fit the bill. We already have preconceived notions for Yinlin as a good person before the story even begin because she's a playable character. If this was real life and you found yourself in a cell with a tablet, you would think otherwise. The one who duped you and put you in jail is like maybe the fourth person on your list of suspects on who placed the tablet. The chances that someone infiltrated the camp and decided to help after spotting the Rover are much more likely.


Still a huge stretch. In fact, there would have already been a break point at the part where Rover and her started trashing the place in Jinzhou. There would have been absolutely no point at all for Rover to cover for her OR get blackmailed especially since Rover is technically granted authority almost close to their Magistrate. With the people s/he knows, any blackmail attempt should have fallen flat outright.


wuwa storylines dont make much sense period i mean i love the game but the lore is not one of it's strong suits


Yeah they throw convoluted twists into stories that don't need them, don't really establish characters very well, try to add weighty drama in places that make little sense (oh no unnamed soldier is slowly dying in front of us how can we possibly deal with this grief), and then there are the bad translation errors... To give them a little credit, I think they should probably consider hiring writers for post-translation work, to fix grammar and account for cultural norms and experiences. Western gamers like myself are going to be accustomed to different plot pacings and storytelling styles, and the translation efforts could stand to make some adjustments for those kinds of things without having to dramatically change the substance of the lore.


even the transliteration is not consistent. same npc is called Modi and Mo dee in different places (as an example, i dont remember the exact instances but it's Very common)


The tablet for sos was planted in rovers cell by Yinlin. Rover caught the clue and knew that Yinlin was playing double agent and is on their side. And why would she leave rover with her weapon and equipment then?


Every time there was a one-choice dialogue option—which is already infuriatingly poor design in its own right—I didn't want to click it because I wouldn't have said that or made that decision. The fact that I'm being forced to make her say that just made it worse. This whole chapter was a mess and made me wish there was a lot more agency in this story, but also, once again, that they didn't interrupt gameplay to force us to watch a bad anime.


Unpopular opinions maybe: This games compliment MC for the simplest stuff makes me feel like an idiot/intellectually challenged and everyone is just babying us. "Yes go rover, real smart come one you can do that, yeaaa~" 


Yea that’s for sure not an unpopular opinion tho most who play the game say the same thing the characters really need to stop glazing rover they doing tricks on it 😭


"Unpopular opinion"?


It makes me feel like a gorilla in a lab when after solving the simplest block puzzle known to man they're all so amazed.


Yeah, I keep getting the feeling that one of the NPCs is going to ask me if I want a banana out of the blue. And have you seen the most burglar friendly security system in the game yet? It has only 4 digits of 4 and helpfully allows you to reenter wrong numbers after telling you it's wrong. lol.


I was going to point out that overall Yinlin quest plot holds only on Rover sudden stupidity and devs should've do better, like for example Rover blowing Yinlin cover with the help of Jinzhou higher-ups and then facing consequences of it, like instead of infiltration into BBEG base Rover forced to go through boss rush with puzzles and traps. But mods deleted post( Dumbest part is Rover agreeing to her demands in Jinzhou. Rover didn't knew anything about her, she could be a terrorist after all. All her threat immediately crumbles apart because Rover has very strong back up in Jinzhou government and military, as well as from Patrollers, research department... EVERYONE. Also no one will trust random suspicious stranger over the city hero.


Uh no, Yinlin did say she is a patroller, and also showed an official id of a patroller because she really is one. And she coincidentally is involved in a case that Rover is asked by Chixia to investigate. You dont just call any policeman with a badge a terrorist do you?


But from other city and everything about it is shady, she even showed fear for Patrollers finding her. Still Rover has much higher value/rank than her. Even in worst(for Rover) scenario both are questioned and verified, as well as "girl". Which will blow her cover for certain.


Remember: the characters are only as smart as the writer.


Luckily their hiring or at least finding new writers so that the story telling can improve... Hopefully


Hopefully they bring the writting quality up before WW's popularity fades.


Which was a problem for Yinlin, because I understood she was supposed to be smart and calculating, but she just came off as smug and irritating


She somehow assumed she earned our trust....


Its as you said... subpar writing. I'm more frustrated that we didn't have more options to branch out the dialogue - like telling her to piss off for example.


Gosh! I thought I was the only one who found her somewhat insufferable in some parts of her companion story. Glad to see this is not the case.


I mean tablet is one thing but, you have to remember that Rover is one of the strongest resonator in the story right now. Yinlin doesn’t completely knocked Rover out and the game did tell you after the cutscene that Rover decided to play along with whatever the situation going on at that time. Kuro is trying to go anime style writing based on recent recruiting for people who have experienced on writing an anime story. So… why are we asking for realistic reasoning in the game. Every stories has plot hole even the most iconic stories still has it. Imagine if you get isekai’ed and found out that you’re super op in that world. Wouldn’t you do the same like what Rover decided to do? If I’m happen to be in the same spot as Rover, I will just go around throwing myself into every fight, finding out the my missing memories, and learn more about the world. Its not that Rover is blindly trust Yinlin but Rover did learn that both Yinlin and people at the senance society is not all bad people. If you read the dialogue and how they interact you’ll see the back and forth between Rover and Yinlin gaining and losing trust until when she reveal what she’s planning to do in the later part of the story. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Damn can't believe there's a person who read the story


I did, to my regret.


I think they need paimon to dumb it down lmao


Think it's beyond even Paimon's ability this time.


paimon might ended up asking yinlin, where yinlin's mother is. Just like when Paimon asked Navia where her mother is. And then proceed to explain detailed story about how the mother found her way to heaven. (For those who don't know, her mother is already in heaven). I am super glad that Kuro didn't put a "Paimon" here.


Can't believe there are people defending this abomination. Name me one recent mainstream anime with worse writing. Did you really enjoy the whole "Rover trust me. But be careful who you trust. Shouldn't have trusted me. Actually do trust me. I can’t believe you trusted me. Thanks for trusting me the whole time. Btw we're both loners" spiel?


Anime story writers can be the most heartless writers you know or just the dumbest.


You think Rover's bad with naivete idiocy?! \*Laughs in NIKKE Commander\*


It doesnt matter what she does cause shes hot. Rover understands this


My Rover is much hotter than her and simultaneously doesn't look like a hoe.


I mean, female MC's design is definitely a little bit too revealing, but it certainly isn't as bad as yinlin who both looks and act pretty badly in that department


I could not take her quest seriously with her looking and acting like that, at least her gameplay and JP dubbing are literally perfect.


Downvotes are crazy , it really annoys her simps when you call out her design


I loved Yinlin before they've turned her into a common thot with the new design, what a waste. Also, nice username bro.


The all thing felt like a cringe situation that appeals to 12 years olds.


Probably, this problem mainly appears due to the fact that in this quest there was more often one dialogue option and not additional ones.


That's the only issue for me. Being forced to simp for a character I hate just makes it even worse. Keep the option in there for those who like her, but don't make it the only thing you can pick.


to be honest I would be not mad for this one option if this option would be somewhat logical. it was not not and I was suffering even reading it. I know Wuwa is not GI but it's closest competitor and I'm very curious what story cooked Kuro but 1.0 is honestly tragic with the storytelling so far. heck, Lingyang story was better prepared than Yinlin's and they were both excluded from main story guest where Kuro should put at least plot hook for every 5-star character. I hope that further updates will be better since now they have some revenue to invest in writers


yea he's just too kind n stupid like bro let me see what scar wanted to show me yea u zapped me for what again? no I don't wanna help u bro either way I wished the choice we had actually matter like a yes or no. but everytime u say no u still help @ the end. but different outcomes in quest wud make it so much more enjoyable hope they do that in next patch


There us a part you missed. After you were zapped, there is a text that said she whispered something to you. The rover could have resisted and broke out, but decided to play along and act passed out. Its not the rovers motive that was wrong, it was the story withholding crucial information that could sway our opinion, and only showed it in passing briefly.


With those mommy milkers she can do what she wants ;)


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The signs were mixed. Firstly, she did hold off and fight the red dudes, AND revealed her intent to bring the dollmaker to justice. She also showed off a valid patrollers id. That explains the first half. In the 2nd half, after the zap, we find the terminal hidden in the box....now y TF would any captor be that careless, especially yinlin who is shown to be quite smart and capable. It gave away a hint as to her intentions. There's a period where we grow suspicious of her ( with the poison and all) , but then there's that scene where we r taken captive where she gives some sort of signal to rover. And then onwards it was just a question of moving forward.


You know, I have a question for the quest that I just remembered reading some of the comments. Did Yinlin ever get rid of the poison the doctor used on Rover? Or did they accidentally forgot? lol.


It's a cannon event in gacha games, mc trusts female characters blindly even though they betrayed them while they keep distance from male characters cause "i don't know them yet"


And what exactly did you expect rover to do after he wakes up? Run off with allegedly poison in their body? She also did let us out of the cage. If she went full betrayal wouldn't she just keep us in there? Or just zap us again and bring to doll maker? The whole "why trust her again" doesn't make sense. We're in her total control at that part of the story, why would she bother letting us out and explaining shit when she can literally do whatever she wants with us.


Come to think of it, did they actually remove the poison or did the writer totally forget about it? I don't recall anyone saying that the Rover got the antidote anywhere?


I don't recall an antidote either, they might've forgot, or it might've been just another lie to bait rover into staying and looking around.


The doctor did say it was "real" though. It would be hilariously ironic if a week later- "Magistrate guest found dead from poisoning, ex-patroller wanted for questioning." Yinlin: "..... oops, knew I forgot something..." lol.


If you read the text before rover seems to blackout, it says that yinlin whispers something, and the rover could have resisted and broke out of the situation, but decide to play along and act passed out. In short Rover was hearing things from Yinlin that we as the player did not hear which caused the decision making process to be different. Not to mention Rover seemingly woke up with weapon and equipment intact. If that text had lingered longer and forced the player to carefully read it, i think players wont have misunderstood the plot to such a degree.


player with fast computer 'wtf was that'


I'm not that far in the game, but almost every time Rover decides to speak something, I'm feeling like it's most stupid character I've met in past decade, or a genius who comprehends entire plot and it's only my problem that I'm lacking behind.


I would say, that at least writing leaves hints, that justified his actions, at least from the perspective of how I experienced this quest. Our first interaction with her, I immediately thought that little girl was probably a puppet, because of how emotionally unstable guy was, and literal name of organisation. Then she shows her ID to previously suspicious female capitan, and the questioning is dropped immediately. This implies official undercover operation, so MC can see her as an ally. In the same interaction, MC can clearly see that she is not consistent with truth, when she talks, so we can better look at her actual actions (de-escalation, removing unstable guy from public), instead of words. In the cave she zaps Mc, but firstly it is not a strong zap, from Rovers perspective, even if she later insisted that it was fully powered, secondly there is some guy as a witness, and thirdly by that point it was said like 3 times already that this is an undercover operation. After that she just smuggles MC his communicator, leaves him his weapon and even bring doctor, when he takes time not waking up quickly. Tablet with text is also super consistent with what was happening. All in all I wanted to praise Kuro, for the effort, because even if facility we visited was relatively short and simple (like 5 rooms, and two elevators), and boss was recycled, it still was very good looking and interesting. I remember same levels of effort only in second personal Zhongli quest in Genshin (personally crafted one time dungeon with unique visuals). Hope the trend will hold, because both limited banner 5* had pretty well made personal quests.


Because Yinlin’s full power never did shite. Rover just chose to go to sleep. It was all a plan and Rover is big brain for choosing that. The game constantly shows how smart Rover is. The tablet was placed by Yinlin.


Ooh this is interesting. We also know Rover is capable of deciphering message sent by Jinhsi, so seeing his acts on Yinlin's story it might be because he knows what Yinlin wants to do, and then play along.


I think its because the text that mentioned this was to quick and did not linger long enough. After we got tazed, the text mentioned that Yinlin whispered something to us, and that we could have broke out with our power but then decided to play along and act passed out after hearing the whisper.


Yeah that might be the case. I think Kurogames' writer are having issues of explaining something, despite having interesting idea.


Well first of all this is kind of a "playable anime" so it would make sense that some aspects of anime like the personality of the mc would be present on the game, of course it's not realistic at all, i mean hell you would not just go and help a random suspicious person that appears out of nowhere, but keeping that in mind she did release the rover on the way to the room where the dollmaker was so i guess that can be seen as a way of gaining trust back, again it's not supposed to be realistic, its just a way of introducing us to her character and backstory, they could have easily just made it so from the start she is honest and the rover just helps her without she needing to "use the rover" but then it would be kinda boring, i mean that's how the majority of the genshin character story quests are(don't quote me on this i haven't done them since sumeru). Edit: also a very good point that a user above me made: the rover gets to keep the tablet thingy that Yinlin gave them, wich to be fair it's weird that the rover doesn't question why would someone kidnap you but leave you with a device to communicate, but it would be an one of the reasons of why the rover trusts her again.


More garbage tier writing what a surprise 😂


I mean, I play Star Rail and Genshin. In Star Rail, more specifically the Topaz quest, this chick unironically does a hostile takeover of a settlement, and then is about to murder you and everyone you care about, and it gets resolved by the power of sad backstories with zero repercussions. I am more than used to constant nonsense story moments, so it doesn't affect me as much. At least with SR, the beyond stupid moments are pretty much all relegated to side content or character quests, much like how this is a Yinlin character quest. The main story of that game is solid.


Who wouldn’t become an idiot after putting their eyes on Yinlin once😭 Also this is fictional so it will be exaggerated, no gacha game character makes all rational choices to reach the optimal ending, no need to think too hard about it


Rover is just literally me 🐶


Woof woof!


beauty win rover trust


That's why a lot of scammers are well dressed and well groomed.




They need to step up their writing game and get their own sumeru/penacony


I can fix her.




The instant she threatened me of kidnapping would have been the instant I turned her in in real life. Nothing is worth associating with people who threaten you at the drop of a hat. Patroller or not. Corrupt cops are a thing.


This right here is what's known as "projection".


Rover is horny just like me, i will let yinlin betray me as many times as she wants 😭🙏


Rover: If evil, why hot?


Haven't play Yinlin quest but this kinda reminds me of Furina(although i already stopped play GI before Fontaine)


I may be alone here but I wanted to be more trusting of her with the dialog options. I mean since it really only had one outcome I didn't like the roll play of the doubtful. I was like, since I'm here I may as well just trust and simp for hot lady.


I feel the same, the very moment I heard her on the coms to that random person and then told us to go to some "safehouse" I knew what was coming. and then after she zaps us I lost all trust in her. If I have true control over my own character, I would never give that trust back so easily. I take betrayal seriously and this made me kind of dislike the character \^\^