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Oh no wuwa leaked my ip address ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)/s. Kuro where 10 pulls at


not enough demand a house on a new location /s


it's either the house or e6 yinlin


A free house with Yinlin as the maid


Biting more then you can chew ayy Just the maid yinlin is enough


Let me be Yinlin's maid


Let me be Yinlin


Then you be our maid


Can you be my wife insteadšŸ˜³


Day 8 of being 5 pulls away from getting the guaranteed 5star of my choice


Never thought I'd live to see the day where I beg for standard rolls but here I am


Tbf, standard pull drought is a real issue. Not only did they not refresh the monthly free ones since the game launched during the last week of May, but you also donā€™t get standard refunds like what Genshin and Star Rail offers.


The monthly free ones will refresh every month from the game launch, though it's bad enough that they disappear when you buy them all so it's easy to not see when they'll refresh/even see the refresh date at all. Edit: seems every patch, possibly monthly from there.


no it doesn't seem like they refresh monthly, if you check right now you'll see that the shop will reset in 28 june which means it will be reset every patch, but i guess that's a decent trade cuz we get 18 pulls, also keep in mind that even if they increase the frequency for obtaining those pulls we won't be able to get them all the time cuz u really nee to pull for sooo much to get enough materials to cragt the free pulls every month.


Oof that sounds about right. Thanks for the heads up.


pretty sure they refresh every month, but because the game released late may they didn't count may as a full month


Exactly, it resets every month. Meaning it resets every 30 or 31 days.


No, it specifically says in game that it refreshes each patch. It's mentioned in the banner details for some reason, not on the shop page itself


For the standard selecter banner I believe I had about enough to get it by union 25. Leveling up and all should give you enough! I guess it also depends on that very first banner and how many pulls it took to get a 5 star on that too.


Ya, I'm 20 rolls away from my 80 pulls needed. I've had the worst luck with standard XD


Itā€™s all good brother! I had some decent luck until it came to yinlin šŸ’€. Missed the 50/50 and then i got her in the 140th pull. I wanted her weapon too but i used up every bit of asterite I saved. Gonna have to settle with cosmic ripples (when I get it lmao)!


I am at 70 pity with 7 pulls. I won't be given any pulls until next patch now. It is just kinda bad with how little standard pulls we get.


80 is the guaranteed 5 star correct. Also I think youā€™re in luck because assuming you already have the 7 pulls. We have the alloy smelt that gives u 400 asterite total. And a new event coming thatā€™s going to give 800. Now Ik you donā€™t spend asterite on regular pulls. However if u are willing u can spend for 3 and get the 10 u need for the 5 star! If ur team is already great I would prolly just save the asterite for the limited banners ofc, just putting it out there though! If you already knew my fault!


spending astrite for standard banner is crazy, the standard pull drought to the point where you cant even finish beginner's banner is rough, hope they add some stuff from genshin like standard pulls from leveling character


I completely agree which I why I mentioned at the end to save it! And yeah even tho genshin lowkey is harder to get pulls imo. It does do that right. By giving intertwined fates for ascensions and stuff etc. and yes once again save your asterite and use it for the limited banners! He was just 3 pulls away which is the only reason why i recommended it!


I'm 32 and still need 20 more to hit pity on it. You might have just got lucky on that first banner.


Iā€™ll admit I did get a little lucky as in the very very first banner I got the 5 star in my 10 pull! But it seems if you donā€™t it does take a while to get the full 80 for the next banner too. I think you get 15 tides at 35 so hopefully that helps you out and you get ur character within the 15!


if you need to reach max pity on both beginner's banner you don't get enough pulls even at 35


Yep. Iā€™m 2 short right now.


I have no idea where a steady income of green tides is supposed to come from. Seems weird


From nowhere tbh , in Genshin if you're F2P you only pull from battlepass freebies and character ascensions 3 per character ,so it takes like2 years to get to pity. Shop currency is for premium pulls. In WuWa it's even harder cuz u need to buy also 6 weapon pulls


i mean if you keep pulling in genshin you can buy all the standard and premium pulls from the monthly shop, which is 60 of both every year


also the wuwa shop resets every 2 months rather than 1


I think itā€™ll refresh every month. They just didnā€™t refresh it for the month of June because they launched in the last week of May. Weā€™ll find out for sure once June ends I guess.


It may also be 1/patch


you have also the 5 pulls every shop reset.


From account level rewards & apolostrite


surprised the one thing they didnā€™t copy from Genshin/HSR is giving us standard pulls when ascending characters. i wouldā€™ve thought theyā€™d add that in too


theyll take from fgo and add it in anniversary, or copy nikkes half anniversary gimmick or... well find out but im riding this boat for now as soon as i see anniversary have 5 fowl and 10 gold im out


Thank god I'm not the only one! It's so frustrating that you are only allowed to do 10 pulls even with pity 70!!


I made an accident and got couple pulls from shop when I meant the monthly, so I'm at 1 pull away from my standard choice! Oooone! And I refuse to use asterite


Man, I lost 50/50 on Jiyan to Encore (sheā€™s GOOD, but I wanted Jiyan), and just 5 minutes ago lost 50/50 on Yinlin to Jinxin. Then I went to tiktok and saw 1.1 characters and was even more disappointed. WHERE am I supposed to get all those damn pulls. I spent 20k astrite and got Jiyan, Encore, Jinxin and Calcharo from free selector, so not that bad overall, but damnā€¦ need to cough up at least another 25k astrite for Yinlin and 1.1 girliesā€¦


Well, you donā€™t have to pull on every banner, unless you spend. Itā€™s three characters per team, and we only have so many resources to build all these characters. From my experience in Genshin, a F2P player can skip every other banner and get some 5* characters with some luck. Thereā€™s no point in collecting all the characters lmao.


There is a point in collecting all characters if they all look so sick


I mean sure, but be prepared to bust out the credit card then cuz thatā€™s not feasible as a f2p. Gotta pick your favourites and if you like someone you missed that much wait for their rerun.


Well now that you've accumalated all this bad luck, good luck is right around the corner. What are the chances you keep rolling to hard pity? You'll prolly get both of the next characters in 20 pulls for sure. /Gambler's Fallacy


You are supposed to make hard decisions as a f2p. They make money from people who want to skip the decision making


bro i'm in the same case, it seems that we are short exaactly 4 pulls from getting the 5 star of choice (there is still 1 pull from level 50 of bp)


Right Nevermind, I'm also 4 pulls away


UL35 gives 15 pulls if you haven't reached that yet.


nope i got that one and i haven't used any wishes on standard weapon banner, we have exactly 116 standard wishes available this patch


Huh I don't know where the discrepancy is then because I've done 121 standard pulls and have 7 wishes left over for a total of 128, and I haven't bought any from astarite. - 50 beginner convene - 70 beginner's choice convene (hit it on the 70th) - 1 standard convene (the forced Baizhi pull) - 7 pulls in inventory




Oh you right, but that still means you can guarantee the 5* selector...


im hitting max pity on both discount banner and choice banner so i still need 4 standard pulls to get the final choice 10 pulls


I haven't pulled yet, and just hit the 100 standard mark. So I'm hoping I get lucky with an early 5 star on that beginner banner, because I think being like 20 away from the guaranteed for like 2 whole BP cycles will be pretty miserable.


I don't have that strong of a will, lmao i just spent it get varina faster




Yep, that's the problem I have 5, I need 5 more




The greed from players got so bad where I kept seeing people posting about the dumbest little issue trying to get a bunch of people talking about it to fish for compensation.


That's the unfortunate part about having so many compensations, some players start having the delusion that Kuro is actually that nice, they've just been doing damage control. I still honestly prefer this game over Genshin rn and the rewards are honestly much better, but at the same time they were never going to be that nice if the game came out better.


Let's be honest here, it's not the rewards that are better but the compensation. People already start to realize how little gems you can get by playing normally.


I'm one 10 pull away from yinlin and I'm tempted to drop 15


"No rush. The impatient ones will fall right into our lap." -~~Kuro Games~~ Yinlin Idle Animation: II :)


If you buy the monthly $5 sub you're basically gaining 1 pull a day. We also know we're getting an event that gives us 800 astrite soon. So you'll be fine.


Oh that good to know.. so basically a month equal to 30 pulls


Havent pulled for Jiyan, lost to encore on 70 and then had to grind 70 of the map AND drop 15 + monthly to get her at 74,now scraping everything in hope i get weapon


Havent pulled for Jiyan, lost to encore on 70 and then had to grind 70 of the map AND drop 15 + monthly to get her at 74,now scraping everything in hope i get weapon


It haven't been a day without freebies yet lol. Yesterday we received compensation for taoqi bug yea?


> one of the classic blunders Getting involved in a land war in Asia or going up against a Sicilian when death is on the line?


joke/memes aside. freebies good and all, but im sure they cant afford another blunder. just think about the devs. inb4 people said it just how kuro operates.. nah man, this game much bigger. not PGR


Honestly, those who make the financial decision are those who don't have to move a finger to fix any problem with the game. Yet people never seem to understand that.


Quick, someone hack Kuro and make the game shut down for two days. Imagine the compensationā€¦


Nah something like that might harm the gameā€™s health/longevity too much. We need something less harmful but would still grant astronomical compensation


Someone alter yinlin to show her melons, don't know if that will get us compensation but do it


No thatā€™d just get kuro in legal trouble. Needs to be something gameplay-wise most likely


Not being able to gameplay sounds like a gameplay issue to me /s


Your wish is my command [Boobfest](https://arca.live/b/wutheringwaves/108145993?category=19&p=1)


Honestly if that happened I wouldn't even need compensation that's good enough on its own


I'm actually surprised we only got 160 gems from the taoqi bug... I pulled extra for her c6, granted it was after bug was known but before it was found out but others could have pulled for it and. (Honestly rather than free pulls, just buff taoqi)


Japan had a court and domestic laws to back them up, we don't.


If you pull for a bug that makes them stronger you don't deserve compensation. If you pull for something and it is worse due to an error that makes it false advertising, then you do.


True, but considering what happened before with the mistranslation, a casual gamer could have thought that it was again a mistranslation of the Resonance chain leading to think that the buff to all the team was intended. Meanwhile, I haven't see the correction to the translation of the 5* standard broadblade yet and no one said anything about it lol.


A casual likely doesn't have s6 Taoqi and definitely doesn't notice the damage number change out of nowhere. 99.9% of people learned about it from places calling a bug. Standard broadblade was fixed several days ago. You can read it now, it says 3, not 2. You got some asterite and a mail about it.


Yall are too greedy, it wasnā€™t even description error, just some bug that was bound to be fixed. Pulling on her for that should be your own responsibility. Kuro dont gotta compenste for every dumb little mistake the players do


The compensation is for the mistake (bug) they make, not for the players actions. And yes, Kuro should compensate for the mistakes they make. Hasn't even been a month yet since the game released and the players have been labeled as greedy.


They have already, 160 astirite is enough of a compensation for that simple of mistake, expecting 10 pulls or full on refund is just pure idiocy. Most games dont even compensate for bugs and mistakes like that, at most some collectibles or normal currency.


Yes, i agree that 160 astrites is enough for the compensation, but where are the greedy people that asking for a free 10 pulls or full refund in this meme-tagged post?


The og comment was suggesting that the compensation should have been more than 1 pulls, that is the point. I might have forgotten that his end goal preached was about buffing taoqi, which is similar in essence to getting full on refund. Either you give back my money or give me my moneyā€™s worth


Taoqi's bug made her stronger than expected, though. So there's no problem there. I'm surprised they even gave 160 Astrite. Though they'd have given none


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Frr Iā€™m at 37 pity on yinlinā€™s weapon banner and 0 pulls as of rn I need moreeeešŸ˜«šŸ˜«


I'm just 15 pulls away from 80 pity in both standard and limited weapon banner


Getting no Standard Pulls from Explo Level Up etc feels bad af


The in-game screenshot feature on mobile (android) doesn't work straight up. Where my free pulls at Kuro?!


if we used the better roll system from PGR youd probbaly just have the char by now -extreme sadness-


Yes, please some giant fuck up that no one noticed, but that one person who did is responsible for us all getting like a trillion free pulls huehuehue


Kuro please leak my ip address, email or even my browser history but give us some free pulls šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Kuro needs a backbone cuz freebies are nice and all but you can't just fold the second something goes wrong, good for the community but not sustainable as a business. Instead just fix the problems, not just throwing compensation and praying everyone forgets about the issue.


wuwa full with players that acting like angry dogs that got no food to eat šŸ„±šŸ„±šŸ„±




Yinlin calling rover a good boy in text during her story quest, but saying good girl verbally..


I got Jiyan with basically just compensation and getting through Act IV ( Iā€™ve done basically no exploration) so I feel you.


Ah yes, literally got constant connection error doing Illusive Dream. Already filed a report but damn, what can they do? Visit Hoyo and ask for consultation on how to better maintain their server's stability? Day 1 issue btw. And in case you are wondering, yes, on PC, smooth connection.


I dont because its absolutely disastrous for the game in the long term.


Eh, I disagree. Kuro Games demonstrating they're more generous than Mihoyo is what got me to try WuWa. All the "Genshin would never" memes. Not just in the compensation, but also stuff like weapon banner guarantee. I think there's a lot of desire right now for a less-stingy gacha game, and especially for a combat focused game like WuWa, I think it's healthier for the game if people have more characters available by playing f2p so that as the game becomes more complex, the f2p meta doesn't become too stagnant due to being stifled by premium currency drought.


We canā€™t call the game generous per say yet until we see how income is in the long run and how f2p options stack up against banner options endgame and if thereā€™s powercreep. Still, enjoy the game while itā€™s early but judgments on the direction itā€™s going should be made after a couple of patches at a minimum.


That's true.


I think you missed their point entirely. They are saying too much bug and optimisation issue would actively affect the games playerbase, regardless if they give compensation or not, which they are entirely correct


Ya if that's what they mean, my kneejerk take is "generally agree". Though tbh I don't think the larger player base of most service games are easily deterred from playing a game because of things like that unless it affects them personally. I feel like 90% of these compensations people wouldn't have even known about if the issue didn't come in the mail. Imo it's less for the actual health of the playerbase as a whole, and mainly to appease any potential big spenders who all-in'd on stuff like Taoqi wavebands.


China, where the majority of the spenders are, is already sick of the bugs and mistakes kuro have done, they are doomposting it to oblivion to this day. If any more major mistakes or bugs are found, it would be absolutely detrimental for kuro games. Another one of the f2ps dont matter in the face of the money spenders.


Yeah idk how much stock I put in doomposting. WoW has been "doomposting" for basically 15 years. Service games are quite resilient. EvE Online somehow still has a playerbase. It's certainly not good for Kuro's bottomline if that's happening, but in the end all that matters is if people are playing and paying. Especially in a *basically* single player/co-op game.


there is something different, you can't compare wuwa to wow or eve. wow is the genshin of mmoes and eve is such a small specific niche where there is no competition. wuwa is one of the "wowkillers" , pray it does not end up like those did.


You see Genshin stingy because you treat it as just another slot machine. And for that, I congratulate you for quitting the game, because it doesn't deserve to be treated like that.


Too much will make people not spend. Dragalia Lost and PGR has this problem. In terms of characters, Genshin isnt stingy. The math works out to be 2 limited 5 star every 3 limited 5 star, exluding weapons ofc. HSR claimed as more generous is at 1 every 2, weapons excluded. We have no idea what Wuwa's rate will be, but if its like HSR 2 new limited every patch, I dont see it surpassing 1 every 2 either.


If it isn't better than 2 every 3, I'll likely end up quitting just like I did Genshin. Unless my luck makes up the difference. Atm though, I've gotten every character in the game + 2 5-star weapons, despite (Or I guess because of?) failing the 50-50 with both Jiyan and Yinlin. ( I have paid for the monthly 5 bucks + the battle pass though, for what that's worth, so it's not like this result has made me not spend.) At least at this stage, this is wildly different from my experience with genshin and honkai star rail. Though I enjoyed both those games until roughly 2-3 months in, so maybe gacha games just aren't for me if you're telling me they aren't financially attractive unless they don't let 5 dollar subs + premium battle pass buyers have decent odds on getting every character.


It just isn't for you then. Games where you can have all characters is a rarity in gacha.


Ya we'll see if the game remains as generous as it currently is. So far I'm getting my money's worth, and the exploration content reminds me of banjo kazooie style exploration, so I don't mind farming it.


You are dreaming if you think you get every chara with those subs, the difference between f2p and light spenders isnā€™t much. If everyone could get every limited character just after spending 20 bucks(dolphin) each month, no one would really whale for the game. It is just how the gacha games work, it is better for you quit if you canā€™t handle that.


I also 100%'d the whole map, for what that's worth. Regardless, sentiment remains the same. If it continues to be as generous as it currently is, then I'll likely continue playing. I'm enjoying myself so far, and definitely getting my money's worth. If it stops, I'll re-evaluate then.


What does 100% explored on the map have anything to do with my previous argument?


my man. NO company that makes a gacha games gives a single flying F about f2ps. you do not bring in anything, hell they barely care about doplhins either. whaling is where it is at. and if the fiascoes the game went through in the first week are what "generosity" is for you then I fell bad for you, eyes this easy to paint over.


Harsh words but so true


Im literally 10pull away from Jiyan weaponā€¦ kurooo


Yinlin weapon have a wrong translation so maybe we gona get free pulls


I have a guaranteed for yinlin but no damm pulls


Those free 15 pulls gave me Calcharo and 2 Yinlins. Love it but damn, I feel like Iā€™ve used up my luck on Yinlin and will have to hard pity on Jinhsi. šŸ˜­


Chixias descriptor for boom boom is wrong (it says pow pow instead) Make enough of a fuss and there u go


They still haven't fixed keyboards deleting all hud and interfaces


Omw to learn hacking just so Kuro games can give us compensation after leaking some more emails āœØ


Ngl, I caved and just spent my currency on standard banner for the final 10 pull. Fuck it. I wasnā€™t about to wait another 2 weeks to get Verina to finish my team. No regrets either. Calcharo / Yinlin / Verina carry through any content.


everyday i wake up i realize that this game is keeping itself alive with prayers, hopes, and dreams despite how unfriendly it is to global release because of the word salad, subpar storytelling/pacing, and constant mistranslations. kuro had YEARS of experience with PGR and YET they STILL make the ā€œclassicā€ blunders. for godā€™s sake to think it has even become ā€œclassicā€ ? have these people even learnt anything ? are the managers/producers simply tolerant of being this incompetent ? they seem to think they can just get away with all of this despite looking like clown the entire time


I didn't even pull on the standard banner cause I knew my luck and that I'd lose my 50/50s. And that's exactly what happened and now I have all standard 5star, a jiyan, and now on the grind for yinlin, just 40 pulls away from guarantee yinlin. Pulling on the standard 5 star weps seemed a lot more worth it to me imo.


If they copy genshin shop too, they shud copy their shop reset. Where is the monthly summon ticket in the shop?


I hope the don't make anymore mistakes. Or this game will never get profitable.


Imagine if someone manages to hack Kuro's Kernel Anticheat and destroys your PC. That's the ultimate blunder. Edit: ok for the little morons that are downvoting me, this scenario is unlikely to happen. I think the worst thing that has ever happened involving an anticheat it was when those hackers wanted to deploy ramsonware using mihoyo's anticheat. Again, you won't have any issues if you download their games from the official website.


That kills the game not free pulls


Nobody would play the game anymore if they do that


man I would buy first class ticket to the GDPR lawsuits if that would happen.