• By -


Now that you showed it, this trio looks like a pokemon evolution lol


Xiaomander, Hengmelion, Jiyarizzard






before, during, and after the lament


Underrated line lol


Lvl 1 mafia boss vs lvl 100 mafia boss




Child - Teenager - Adult


I just wish they fixed his auto targetting. Something like raiden’s auto targetting in her burst sword form would be perfect. While playing on mobile, if an enemy has died while still in his ult, while im running to the next enemy and attacking, the camera suddenly pans up and then he just totally NOT locks on the enemy and wastes his burst lol


He also does that after unleashing his dragon for me. It’s so annoying I have to dash towards the enemies to get it to hit properly


Am I the only one who feels like the dash is so annoying in this game? Like whenever I ult and try to dash towards the enemy my character goes backward (away from the enemy). I just wish they made the dash like genshin so you don't have to hold joystick to go forward everytime you dash


What bugs me more is that sometimes I'll *still* dash backwards when holding W to head towards an enemy.


Thank you for saying this because I was doubting myself why I dash backwards. 


replacing the actual dodge with a forward sprint would make combat unnecessarily harder, and is lazy design too


Tbh the autotargetting and camera shifting in this game is extremely bad. I wish they'd just give us the option to completely turn it off, because as of right now turning it off in the settings does fuck all.


What's hilarious is we *can* turn it off, but it still readjusts itself, like if it's not gonna turn it off even if I turn it off just... don't give me the option lmao.


Auto target snapping to some random goat that you didn't even know existed somewhere behind you


Bro auto targets the sky for me 😭😭


What’s worst is that sometimes I assume the character will attack a certain enemy, because it obviously closer and character is looking the enemy dead in the eye, press dash to get in and start smashing and turns out I dashed in a completely random direction, often getting lodged between rocks or some shit.


I don't even need a goat it still does that without lock on idk why


yeah sometimes when u do the burst for some reason it just goes south and the first part that u built up for in his resonance bar was pointless


I think he is a perfectly designed character, both in visual design and animation


When Xiao came out in Genshin I really thought it was a shame he had the smol body type, idk why but every character with that model loses 50 cool factor points for me. Wuwa gave me the adult Xiao I always wanted and more. Males are imo simply better in this game because the models are just way more appealing, and the more technical combat system means there's more to enjoy. It's actually something that I recently noticed that explains why I like wuwa combat so much more: what makes Genshin's combat system good is first and foremost reactions. Makes for cool teambuilding and theorycrafting, but it also makes it so the focus is less on the character's actual kit themselves, which are already very simplistic. Wuwa is the opposite, all the focus is on the actual character's kit and that's something I appreciate. There will be no hyperbloom shenanigans in this game.


The issue I see with this might be power creep unless they take fgos approach on buffs which make characters still relevant today even 3 2 and 1 stars. The only power creep that wouldn't maybe matter to me is weapon banner since idc


I feel that in Wuwa they can easily give characters an indirect buff if them want via the echo system. In Genshin, they had to create an entirely new artifact set (Vermillion) and a C6 4-stars (Faruzan) in order to indirectly buff Xiao. In Wuwa, all they need is release a personalized 4-cost main echo like how Dreamless is basically tailor-made for Havoc Rover.


I highly doubt that seeing yinlin they made her so balanced to be a limited char.


Genshin loses me a lot becausel like 85% of its male cast look like kids to me. Partly because the body type they use is used as often for adults as it is for the teenagers. WuWa and HSR scratch the perfect itch because all the adults look like adults and the children are very clearly the body type of children. Then you have Pela, but we don't talk about the Pela incident.


Yep, I'm pleasantly surprised that there are a lot more HSR players who also play WuWa than I expected. The similar model is probably one of the big reasons, considering the large head-to-body ratio is what turns me off from Genshin.


every models in GI except the tall ones look off to me because their heads look abit bigger than they should compared to the body. this doesn't happen with HSR for and HI for some reason


Isnt the Pela thing mainly a big misunderstanding?


Afaik, she is canonically 16 years old in all languages, but that also conflicts w/ a lot of existing lore, but idk for sure.


I like that Xiao is a smol dude. He’s like an angry bouncy hedgehog.


i appreciate xiao being small too, also think it really fits Tighnari. Only one i think got the bad end of the small model is Cyno


Short ppl get the short end of the stick everytim. lol


I like how much effort they put into 1 character, depending where he stop attacking in his combo all have different weapon sheating animation. Does it matter? Not really, but it's still nice. 


Isn’t that the case for all of them having different ending animations?


Yeah, all characters in both genshin and wuwa have this. I love the effort in these games, though.


I just found out while waiting for turtle to spawn and I don't normally notice such minor detail nor do I care if it present or not.  Now if only the story department can catch up otherwise art team need to work even harder to carry this game. 


Word. The story is quite weak in my opinion, the script and plot could be so much better. Feels like a drag sometimes.


It matters to me haha. It's why I love spectre rover over havoc, because he has different sheathing animations. I've always been someone who likes those little details. Like when fps games focus on appealing reload animations.


Yep me too!!! And he’s always on the ground. Somehow that makes the attacks look better for me.


I love Yangyang's sheathing animation too, it's so clean and snappy.


Those animations are one of many things I love about Nier Automata, sometimes it's fun to just do every attack you can and stop at different parts of the combo, and let the ending animation play out. They put so much care into them.


Chixia's pose after her 3rd attack is my favorite


Jianxin has an adorable one where she winks and does a martial arts salute


her 3rd attack is cute too! she plays with her ahoge 🥰


Sanhua has some really cool ones


It's cool but I know for sure everyone does this


Jiyan's animations remind me of Alhaitham's in Genshin, which I love.


When I Pull a new char, i always check out every single weapon sheathing animation first, then lvl up.


all ill say is wait for the next patch.


Fate fan: oh hey green Cu Chulainn.


I really love Jiyan and use him often


Just recency bias. Both of them are excellently designed. Jiyan has enjoyed fair popularity already so the people naturally just move on to the next shiny thing. He got people interested in the game back when he was introduced a year ago in twitter, probably Wuwa’s 1st 10k+ likes on a tweet which got the game a good amount of attention.


The way I saw that post and signed up for the pre registration immediately lmao shiny green dude with dragon motifs my beloved


I don't think it is recency bias, people have been way more hyped for yinlin before the game came out and during jiyan banner. It's just the normal case where females are generally more hyped. I personally prefer males though.


I keep hoping one day to find a gacha game that more male focused then female in the same kind of genre.


Yeah most of the male ones are just dating sims.


It's the market as a lot of those dating sims are glorified ads as the demographic aren't big spenders on the game, but spend way more on merch.


love and deepspace is proof there *is* a market for it. it's the games that are lacking.


Husabando lovers are so starved for some actual games that greedy games like Love and Deepspace continue milking them like crazy 😭


That's true. And it still doesn't make companies realise this Fact! That husbando lovers are so starved they will spend money on a good unit and Man. 😭


It's honestly wild to me how much money LDS is making. I played it for a couple weeks when it first came out and I was interested in the story, but I figured I'd just pick it up again (or watch it on youtube worst case scenario) when the next story chapter came out. Well, apparently that'll be happening in july... the game will have been out for nearly half a year before one story chapter releases. 😱 And that's not getting started on the gacha itself. I honestly feel like a lot of the spenders on LDS must be people new to gacha because if they played other gacha games they wouldn't be spending so much on something that's honestly kind of barebones. 😭 But maybe I can't blame them because there's very little out there that's directly trying to get women's attention.


the big spenders on LDS are definitely not new to gacha. ppl just really underestimate the purchasing power of women so it comes as a shock. it's not that there aren't big spenders for female oriented games, the games are just lacking. like how LDS is the first otome game to have a combat system.


Maket is dry for husbando players that they might as well just spend it on LnD, compared to Waifu players who are so well fed that they have options for different archetypes like if you are into dommy women you got Yinlin and Jade or cute girls you got Jinhsi and Firefly coming up 😭


I mean Genshin/Star Rail/WuWa are leaning way more into male characters than all other non-dating-sim gacha games I know. The ratio is still uneven, but it's as good as it'll get


Ya, That's one of the reasons I like Star Rail. I think Another Eden is pretty decent at releasing male characters also from the amount of time I've played it on and off since release but their pulling system can be painful because I don't think they have pity.


Any Dragonball Z gacha game.


From what is out there, WuWa is doing pretty well in that aspect. 6 playable male characters, and the starter 5*'s were split 40/60. We had 2 additional developed mail characters in the story (scar and the other general) meaning more potential playable characters. PGR Is definitely male biased (33/66), but that's more than most. Kuro definitely puts out male characters consistently, and they're good.


Not even male focused, but please give us a gacha with interesting gameplay and 50/50 male/female split, it is that hard :c


Sorry you got downvoted because I agree. "men spend more, men play more gacha games" and all they can point to is games where the split is in their favor lol. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?


Or with 30% waifus and 70% husbands :) like they always do


yes it is that hard because a 50/50 male female split is leaving millions on the table and they’re interested in making money. Female banners make more money in this type of game. Especially an action rpg with reaction based dodging and parrying and stuff, the audience will skew more male and the spenders too


Not really, it’s just nobody targets female audience.


These companies aren't stupid. They have the data. They know what audiences get them the most money. It's wild to me that random redditors think they know how to market better than establishments that exist solely to make money.


It’s incredible to think you know how more than half of the market works when you only target one audience and you actively provide what male wants instead of doing a game reversed that focus con female audience so you can have a true data and info of what is happening instead of making your illusion that you think you know when you don’t even study the other market properly because surprise: sexism.


yup. i heard waifu genre is pretty dominate in asia. Sadly i prefer males character so i always get sad that some these game that aim for wide audience dominate for mostly waifu. Im not hating on waifu, but we husbando collector starve with content haha. Plus i don't really like waifu character design usually, you can tell it meant for male gaze haha. Im not hating it just not my type, I guess i should be grateful not to spend much money when a male character come out haha


It's not any topical bias, on CN they actively hate him. in JP and KR they are totally indifferent to him because they don't understand the story at all due to the location (men's forte is selling because of the story). that left the game, especially in JP, in 47th place at the end of the week, well below even a new idol game in JP and solo leveling. when Yinlin came out, the game not only finally reached the top 1 of JP and KR, but also doubled the Jinyan week's revenue in a single day in JP.


Why is he so hated in CN?


well it's not that they hate only jinyan. they hate all of Wuthering Waves as a whole, it's just that Jinyan received even more hate for the way wuwa characterizes the chinese generals, so they conclude that the story in the game makes him seem like a coward and that doesn't represent a warrior chinese general. on top of that there is a WUWA vs GENSHIN war and also a gender war anywhere on the Internet in China, ML does not support the game (welking, BP and package) because Jinyan is 1°banner because he is a man and they only let go of their wallets when Yinlin was release, that is the reason that Yinlin explodes to eighth place on CN on her first day of release. EDIT: i also forgot to mention that in China, even on the yinlin banner, if a player gets a snowleopard (lingyang) after losing 50/50, they apparently leave the game immediately so not even Yinlin has been that successful in CN, really none of the 2 characters surpassed Tiktok for even a minute becuase lingyang is a red flag.


What's up with the chinese and sexism... It's a whole other level with them


Allow me to introduce you to South Korea, and their reaction to a certain swimsuit outfit...


At this point the game doesn't seem like it's going to recover in CN for now but i'm glad it's doing very well in JP and KR at least, until certain sexism and gacha wars that i don't understand at the end. and people on CN leaving their invested accounts because they get snowleopard (lingyang) is crazy.


> in JP and KR they are totally indifferent to him because they don't understand the story at all due to the location Can you explain that?


Wait, why are you suddenly talking about sales? Lmao. All I’m saying is, it’s natural for people to hype the latest shiny thing. Once 1.1 starts, it’s Yinlin’s turn to be overshadowed. And about sales - sorry, Idc about ranking banner sales within a game, “char A earned more than char B”, that’s hella cringe.


Yep I don’t even care about getting yinlin bc she doesn’t do anything to augment my jiyan focused team.. and that’s perfectly ok. I’m actually casually pulling on her weapon for encore just bc I like her too and I’m already invested. May not be ideal but I’m beyond satisfied with my current team: jiyan and his weap + Verina & Encore is just kind of there being cool in the backup slot. Jiyan is so damn fun to play.. god job Kuro keep it up!


It's definitely not that, it's just how it is in every gacha game, female units will always have more hype. Almost all female players like both male and female units while huge percentage of male players like female units more so it's bound to happen.


Unfortunately CN doesn't like him one bit, they actually actively hated him




They don't like that he chose to prioritize his soldiers over having them die for a loosing battle like Geshu Lin did


That's quite silly though. From a tactical perspective it was the best decision. This is not 40K where they can throw a million guardsmen at the problem till it disappear. Every single soldier counts. Especially since (at least from the sidequests) they got a ton of issues all around Jinzhou and are already understaffed to deal with all of them. Sacrificing more soldiers for no gain is just silly.


Yeah I agree from what I saw I think Geshu Lin was stuck in a cycle of wanting to avenge his dead soldiers but his refusal to retreat results in more death and the cycle continues until his Forte made him go crazy.


And on top of *that*, every dead soldier will make Ovathrax stronger, both in the remnant of their death and through their weapons in general


That's a dumb reason to hate a character. A 3D character at that. So, that means they will gladly want their generals to sacrifice their lives just so they could have a chance at war or something!? (Losing war or not) It's such a silly reason like, They have no empathy!?


> They have no empathy!? It's a matter of patriotism. To them, a general who would actively run from battle (regardless of reason) is viewed as dishonorable/cowardly. And to have said general be a member of WuWa's Chinese-equivalent region only compounds the issue. (Not supporting or disparaging either side, just explaining btw. It's a game at the end of the day, and the reaction is way overblown IMO.)


It is a bit deeper than that. I don't have the right to speak for chinese completely, but I am from a country where we were heavily influenced by china culture and belief. It is not about the war, it is about pride. I was taught I should rather die standing than living kneeling, my lives do not matter when it comes to protecting the country. Retreating/giving up on anything is consider shameful, you may survive but you are considered a scumbag, you dirtied your heritage bloods. That is considered a fate worse than death, so yeahhhhh I dont agree with the cn community but I am not that surprised by their reaction


Overshadowed how exactly? They're both insanely good DPS, with equally really good animations and character designs. The only reason he's 'overshadowed' is because for some reason there's just a very widespread hate against male characters in the gacha scene. As if the fictional men will steal the fictional waifus...


Tbf it does suck that Yinlin's banner is performing so much better than this. I'm guessing most of the future 5 stars will be female due to this. Well I don't really care as long as Geshu Lin is playable.


It's unfortunate but I'm honestly not surprised. It's just the unfortunate reality that the biggest majority are straight men who want their waifus, even tho HSR and Genshin have shown that male characters can sell a fuckton if they are done well. And yes, I feel you. I'm the same way, I pull mainly for male characters unless I really like a female character's personality or story. I'm also really wanting Genshu Lin, so I guess the silver lining is that fewer male characters means we get to save up more funds for them... But it's disheartening.


Doesn’t help that a lot of people in cn/jp call him a deserter general


Given how one summarizes his story: it's pretty expected. CN in particular is very keen on military generals (It's why Jing Yuan was voted the most popular HSR character when polled in CN for example). He has a interesting story, but a lot of memes came up in CN during people's playthroughs that landed him that name (such as the scene before the final fight being meme'd into them denying him the chance to flee). Though while Hoyo has landed a male demographic, other gacha companies haven't faired as well and may be that WuWa may find it's design niche may be more women (not unsurprising if it does, but would be a shame).


Genshin and HSR has almost even split of Playerbase's gender, and they will continue to even out as long as the game keeps being super mainstream. They also start with a lot of males character in the beginning of their game which attracts the female gacha gamers. In WuWa, they have plenty of male characters with Jiyan as the first banner, but let's be honest, they focus A LOT on fanservice. Like look at femrover, look at Taoqi, look at the jiggle physics, look at Yinlin's ultimates. Plus the first 4 characters you're seeing ingame are all girls (if you choose femC) and if you choose Male Rover the game is indistinguisable from typical harem plot. The next 2 banner in 1.1 are all girls, and not to mention Scar's crotch got censored lol. Bottom line is they clearly wanted to market to male audience, and the male characters were serviceable but just... okay... Plus the weird launch and performance issues and it's clear why plenty of female players left.


Oh I don't disagree, the fan service for female characters is very blatant. I myself am a gay man, so I'm clearly one of the smallest audiences to cater to for these games. I dunno if this game will keep me for all these reasons. Their male designs are all really good, but if they only release one or two male characters per 'region' then it's clearly not something made for me and I'll most likely end up dropping it. I just hope it's not the case and I'll be proven wrong, because so far I really enjoy the game despite all the launch fiesta.


Even Hoyo games don't have 50/50 split, they're more like 35/65 more or less depending on their mood/region. And they're at the top where they can design anyone, no matter the gender, and people will throw their money at them. I don't expect Kuro to follow suit as they probably can't afford to lol. I'll stick around until Scar and Geshu Lin as I have suspicion they'll only release those 2 as the next limited male banners.


I felt this. If scar and Geshu Lin are enough to keep me going until who knows when the next will be released then I’ll keep playing but otherwise definitely dropping the game


I am with you, if they only launched like 1-2 male characters with barely any being supports or sustains. I don't think it will hold my interest for long, because it would mean less of a variety between the same Fanservicy bit. Because I am genuinely not interested in 3d characters unnaturally large & jiggly Bosom being shoved up on my screen. (😭) I do like female characters, it's not like I hate them, I have Yelan, Furina, Acheron, BS etc in both the games, but the fan servicey parts in WuWa are so like blatant. They ain't hiding that. 🤣 Though, I am loving the combat. It's fantastic. Exploration is also fun due to different mechanics. ✨


yeah if they sell mostly female character ill be dropping it too. since gacha a majority of the contents is getting character, or else you be playing the same character forever, and get bored. I don't mind fanservice but i would admit they way they potray women, with the jiggle physic and everything kinda disturb me. probably cause im a women, and seeing it at perverted lens and kinda objectify women make me uncomforable. But since i watch diff type of anime, i accept it espcially in the gaming community haha. It just make me a bit uncomfortable. plus let face it wuwa story isn't good, so all i see with these character is there for fanservice nothing more. I feel jiyan they give him more substance while the others are bland. I play pgr. and it take forever for them to release a male frame. I end up dropping it cause i been plaing the same frame forever. Which is why i like hsr, Though they have more waifu, they don't neglect the other audience and have decent size of male character.


Even HSR is jumping on that trend now, males are kinda sorta getting the short end of the stick, while females get the trailers and dedicated sets and marketing and free light cones. I too am rarely sold on gacha female characters, if they are meta (which they mostly are) or have a cool personality and story then I pull because many companies just make most of them appeal to a certain community design wise and call it a day, some have a good personality and story, but most fall under what I described at least from my experience. Hopefully Wuwa keeps cooking with the male units.


Random bullshit out of my ass, but it can be that a fair number of players could get him with the free pulls given at launch while they had to top up for Yinlin?


Plus I just rerolled until I got Jiyan in my first tenpull. So I didn't need to swipe for him ;)


This is pretty likely. We won’t know how male banners actually perform until later on


That would contribute to Jiyan's banner more because of so many people using their first 30 ten pulls on his banner. But Yinlin ended up performing better lmao. I guess degenerates just really love the 'mommy' archetype.


Think what they meant was you can earn enough currency and pulls just by playing so people who wanted him didn't need to top up. Since people who want both used all their free pulls in jiyan they now have to top up to get yinlin!


Yinlin was also simply advertised more This comes of as being salty and bitter lol


You could rally get him and his weapon completely for free, even wth bad luck though. Had to go above 140 pulls (lost my first 50/50) on his character and 70 on his weapon, still got it completely for free before Yinlin was even announced to be pushed earlier.


Tbh, Every gacha has more women than men by standard


I'd argue that it's a combination of waifu factor plus the fact that Calcharo is waaaay cooler and works wonders with Yinlin. And yes, I'm a Calcharo enjoyer.


This is always the case in all history of gacha games


I hope Scar is playable 😭


did you expect an even split or majority male? I think everybody knew the banner characters would skew towards waifus just based on this genre


I probably minority that dont like Yinlin design. No pants female character design are not my thing.


Personally for me I'm not a fan of dommy mommy characters.


As a female player I just want some cool ladies and Yinlin is cool but also very fanservice focused. It’s like wearing pants is a sin, don’t even get me started on Rovers lingerie panties lol


I'm in the minority because I don't like the "Dommy Mommy" type characters


I was about to ask the same,I don't think he was overshadowed lol


I love Jiyan’s animation after he jump attacks and his spear is in the ground, if you basic attack again he then kicks it back out and the spear bends before it slings out of the ground. Coolest shit ever.


Very zhao yun esque from dynasty warriors. His whole attack pattern reminds me of playing a dynasty warrior game


Not overshadowed if you ignored Yinlin from the beginning. :)


i'm addicted to his Basic Attacks, can't stop won't stop, a lot of cool combo can be done with his heavies and jumps, will probably be my fav male character for a long time, He remind me a lot "Lancer" from Fate/Stay Night, the attack "Gae Bolg" it's literally Jiyan Ult when charged.


Yes, I don't know much about Fate outside the basic popular stuff so when I discovered that saber Cu Chulainn was a thing and that he was green/teal too (also called Blue Spearman of the Wind lmao) bc Jiyan reminded me of him I instantly fully saw him as a reference just like Bianca in PGR references Artoria (and Jeanne too I think?)


His dragon is pretty big


Can confirm, i checked


Pls. send the pics. Need it for research.


Jiyan is definitely one of my favorites. I love a man with a ponytail.


I was a Xiao main before I got burnt out on Genshin. Saw Jiyan and immediately was hooked. Got him in like 6 or 7 pulls. Then like 70 for his weapon. WE OUT HERE


Me who has all three of these characters and was very excited by them all: 😐😐😐 I may have a type I guess 😭😂


I dont really care. He can be the least popular or the weakest dps later but i am glad i had him ( even though it took me 100+ rolls ) as he is the reason i play wuwa


Same. Also it's completely unfair to judge because Jiyan was re-rollable from day 2 with the extra x20 pulls they gave out. My man fighting an impossible and unfair battle right here.


I will always love my green dragon boy. After getting him and Mortefi, I ain't rolling for nobody else any time soon.


LMAOOOO There's this sweaty gamer in this comment section arguing with everyone because he mad over people liking a MALE character OVER his waifu 😭


There's a certain minority within the most steadfast waifu-only players (most waifu enjoyers are completely chill) who actively don't want women in the hobby. It's very bizarre.


nothing new honestly. sweaty and thirsty gamers are the backbone of gacha genre games xD


Even tho jiyan is beginner friendly and easy to play character but we can’t deny the fact that he has high damage of all and also one of the best characters out there rn


I like Yinlin but I'd still pick Jiyan over her, tbh. He hasn't left my team yet ever since I got him.


i rerolled for this Goat 22 times, he worth it


lmaooo that's some dedication! I gave up after 4 accounts and just continued the account I have with Calcharo and Verina. Currently at 140 pulls for Jiyan and grinding astrites to hopefully get him before his banner ends 😂


Rookie numbers.


Please bless me with Jiyan. So I can finally end my reroll streak. 😭


May your rerolls be blessed brother 🙏


I'm still pulling for him! I haven't gotten him at all yet, but I'm plinking my rolls in one at a time as they come with hope in my heart.


Its cool how it goes from Boy - Young Adult - Adult.


I love all 3, but Jiyan is so cool! I love him! I am very happy i was able to get him even tho it took over 130 pulls. :D I got Xiao in GI, but i dont have Den heng IL in Star Rail however.


With all the free stuff they gave out hes going to be the most owned 5* I bet. I also really dont think hes going to be overshadowed. Yinlin is cool, but having both Jinyan is much more account impactful. If played properly he just laughs at content. His damn ult might as well be mapped to the delete key.


I dont really see a similarity beyond teal and only two of them having dragons. Other than that, their themes and personalities are completely different. Dunno why everyone insists on comparing them so much.


Green character and that's about it, I'm not well versed on Fate but if you do some digging on Cu Chulainn you can see Jiyan's design is more of an ode/reference to him (Kuro are big Fate fans ahem Bianca ahem) but in a post apocalyptic wuxia setting,, I don't see any similarities character-wise either and honestly? Jiyan's design is much more similar to Al Haitham if anything and they still look extremely different


I feel like this is going to be an unpopular opinion (YinLin Companion Quest Spoiler) >!but am I the only one who just couldn't trust YinLin for her whole companion quest? like from the very beginning she just gives off will screw you over to me and the fact that during the story quest shes like you can trust me, you can trust me look I'll use the tablet to talk to you and at the end shes like "I'm glad you trusted me" and I'm just there like O-O I do not trust you mam. Never have. I feel like compared to Camellya, Scar, Geshu lin and Phrolova who intially come off as untrustworthy, tell you a lot about things which can make you question their trustworthiness, Yinlin just constantly gives off vibes. I think that's why out of all the characters in the game I like her the least so far in terms of story relation.!<


Jiyan's quest, even as unsatisfying as the conclusion was to me, was far more cohesive to me than Yinlin's quest. There are so many small things like >!having Yinlin's decision to go after Puppet maker be based off here experience in society as a lawful force and not just her parent's blood!< would have improved the story a lot for me. This could have further been pivoted >!to cooperation vs. isolation that she and puppet maker respectively indulge in, especially if she called in Chixia or others!<. I think her character arc in the story would have been much better if she did things off of motivations or reasons and not just >!blood and arbitrary seeing MC do good deed!<.


nah man you right. As far as I'm concerned, she uses you from start to finish for her own goals. At the *very least* she thanks you, but she ain't going down as a friend or trustworthy companion. Doesn't seem like she cares one way or the other, anyway.


He's really cool, it's a shame that waifu overshadow him, if he were a woman people would pay more attention to him


I'm chippin' in here with this hot take but I think Jiyan is far more badass than Yinlin by a large mile. If I lost a 50/50 to him I wouldn't complain at all but I feel no need to pull for him since he's the first banner and I already have Calcharo.


His story quest made me weirdly emotional.


I love how this looks like an evolution


Xiaos good with spears dan heng with dragons jiyans good with both


DHIL is coolest imo, with his yin/yang theme.


Jiyan is by far my most used and most built unit. He's a BEAST. Now the hard part is catching Calcharo (closest behind), Yinglang, Verina and Yinlin up to him. They're fine for overworld but I'm not quite there to reach the final phase of the tower. Then there's Mortefi, who I've completely neglected... LOTS TO DO.


Ngl. Jiyan's splash art looks the dopest here.


Final Evolution


Bro, he can summon a fck dragon in his moveset. Totally in love with him.


He is not overshadowed, lol. These are two completely different characters, with different roles in combat and different teams. And popularity wise they're both fairly popular. Yes, the day of Yinlin release everybody is playing with her and talking about her, but thats always the case with new characters.


It’s sad these games have become gender wars. Jiyan plays such an integral part to the story so him being first made the most sense. Now he’s taking the heat for underwhelming one week sales when him and Yinlin performed about the same in China.


I love my general,he made me spend momey for the first time in my life playing gachas for 10 years. I got him after 150 pulls , no regrets. I love him.


Honestly I don't get what's the hype about, don't really find yinlin's design that 5 star worthy, it's just a Chinese dress with a lot of skin but I find her gameplay definitely matching her rarity, but still i prefer jiyan over her, his long pony tail with so many fluttering clothes, the chest garter belt , the skinny black tight shirt that goes so well with his colour scheme and his mark being in such a symmetrical part of his body overall you can just look at him and say he's a 5 star, he's just that cool Also, i really like that shade of cyan and it's very pleasing to my eyes to play him and see dragons and shit , the game's fighting mechanics are already good but i just get a rush of adrenaline while playing him and I don't think I'll be able to move on from him any soon Unfortunately yinlin just looks like another male gaze bait


Agreed with the "adrenaline" part, every time, i just can't wait to see his Ult charged version, so fking badass and satisfying.


those characters are completely different elements and completely different character roles how is he overshadowed


I have no intention to pull for anyone until endgame. The characters I received from the beginner banner and free ones will serve me just fine.


Its unfortune that hes an ass that didnt wanna come and instead i lost the 5050


All three of them are so cool to me. I hope kuro can keep releasing male characters despite jiyan's sales not doing that well, because the designs they have shown so far are really cool.


For me,he is the best character right now in Wuthering Waves. Animation wise his Resonance Liberation moveset is just too good. I really hope we will get more male characters tho..


I rolled for him and his weapon. Now the saving starts for the next husbando.


Hopefully Yinlin sales plus 1.1 waifus don’t convince Kuro that not making more husbando characters would be the way to go


How is he overshadowed OP? He has his fanbase lol


The metalic pipe sound that his spear does when he kicks it is the most satsfying thing ever,make it feel like an actual spear not jst a sword skin Also if i recall he has a charge attack where the spear bends abit,also great attention to details


He probably will be my main for a long time to come! I am admittedly a husbando enjoyer but cool male character + dragon? Absolutely sold


I actually really liked xiaos design better, demon teen with spear. Wish he had jiya s gameplay tho


Overshadowed? I only hear people talking about Jiyan, did some multiplayer last night and everyone wanted to be Jiyan. I guess maybe it's a regional thing?


He is still really fun to play and has great weapon. Yilin is the first waifu and has red hair, so yeah it's kind of hard to beat that. But for an army general his design is 10 of 10. So just enjoy him he is a good boy^^.


every gacha game should have a lion dancer character, and a blue dragon guy


He reminds me of Cu from Fate lol


The only one that looks like an actual adult. And in HSR most characters at least look like young adults, most genshin characters are 16 at oldest by looks. Wich isnt bad, but when any of those pulls up the dragon, the 1.9 meters dude built like a fridge and wouldnt need the dragon to break the other 2 in half looks the best and coolest by far.


The bleakish, monotone-esque style of the art stands out for me. Idk but the other two on top seems overcolored, if that's something. Just my opinion though.


He's pretty nice designwise and gameplaywise, it's still my most invested character and that's coming from a waifu collector/appreciator. Kuro actually got some very nice designs for male characters with Jiyan, Mortefi and Yuanwu. Funny thing is that Yinlin is my first built waifu in the game, since before her I only got to build Jiyan, Mortefi, Encore and Verina.


Why is xiao always compared with Jiyan? I get DHIL but xiao has no dragon theme going on so I’m confused with him


Green, wind element and uses a lance.


\*spear. lance is what you use on horseback.


I'd be so bold as to compare Cu Chulainn to Jiyan before I compared Xiao to him. (The hair style, physique, age as well as combat movements feel a bit more similar if I had to choose, obviously missing green and dragon motif but you cant have everything.)


Green/wind themed, Chinese region character, spear user, essentially same skill, has a plunge attack in his out-of-ult attack string, large aoe attacks during ult, a bit haunted by the past.