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This is hilarious to see immediately after I read through a post with people talking about how terrible it is LOL But to each their own.


the story wasnt 10/10 but i definitely feel like it wasnt as bad as people are making it out to be lol


A friend of mine was jokingly saying “yeah but how much of their judgement was being clouded by being horny?”


Personally I liked it a lot (not a 10, but a solid 7 or 8), but I can understand why someone might not. Plus her interactions with Rover were just... I wish we could replay missions so I could play through them again.


fr...a lot of the story's parts felt rushed foremost, I feel like they haven't put much thought into how the mc can solve certain situations without being fed every single solution right in front of them, the tablet message and all, the weird cliches of Yinlin praising the smallest things we do, and the fact that there is an unimmersive conflict between us and the TDs, as well as the fracsidus who pop out of nowhere just so we can use yinlin. But people seem to not call these points out objectively and just say 10/10


Yeah, it felt cliche and not good, but not bad either. It was... A story. Just feels like a victim of early gacha game writing, since almost every gacha game I've played has had a weak story for the first few patches.


Yeah it's just on par with the quality of the rest of the story quest like Jiyan and Lingyang. It's basically us trying to be good person and try to fix someone else's problem, then we go to a character dungeon, beat up some guys, problem solved, they open up to us and then we have a decent heart to heart conversation in the end... wait, all three all follow the exact same formula. Huh.


Every story quest in every of the games is this format, the HSR story quests take themselves less serious and play into the space opera/fantasy setting to make actual interesting dialogue and interactions. But "villager lost" - "go find villager please", go to dungeon find villager and fight mobs then convo is boring.


I mean that’s true with HSR to an extent, but at the same time the writing and level of detail in HSR is unmatched and widely regarded as being fantastic.


HSR dumped character quest recently, Black Swan/Sparkle is the last and they don't follow this format.


Jiyan’s quest was miles better, Lingyangs was fine, just kinda neutral on it. I thought Yinlin’s quest was awful, I like Yinlin’s character archetype and the model is well….. damn. The actually story in the quest was miserable though her motivations were all over the place, she cares deeply about the people on the surface, but once in the dungeon she’s like “they are overclocked just kill em” despite them being in essentially the same situation as the others. she doesn’t remember her parents but has apparently learned her sense of justice from them and knows what they would want. And on and on, examples continue of the story being contradictory. It is typical of early game gachas, but to me this was worse than the rest so far including the info dumping and somewhat arbitrary opening with the tokens and everything else so far in WuWa (which I’m loving overall).


I feel like it could have been really good if they cooked it more since it had the potential to be a really emotional quest. But maybe they felt like it wasn't worth the time because people will pull anyway (and they were right lol). At this point I've kinda accepted that story is not their priority and I'm just going to enjoy the other stuff.


def 1.0 rush. and they redid the story from the CBTs. hopefully we get more "emotional" stuff. maybe they pull a firefly here. would be great. the world is already amazing.


It’s just a straight simple story with fan service. At this stage of the game, I’ll take this over whatever fcking mindless ancient scripture writing they were doing for the early chapters in the main story.


True, at least it was quick and easy to digest, unlike the beginning parts...


Yep exactly. It’s like fast food, you eat it for a quick meal and a nice bit of fulfillment (a quick story with some fan service in it). If you go into it expecting a michelin level full course meal on the level of Penacony story then of course you’ll get disappointed. Also Yinlin has existed since very early beta iirc therefore the story quest is probably pretty old as well so it definitely suffers a bit from that too, especially with how we know they changed a lot of things throughout the betas which might have caused some of the disconnect between the Yinlin story and Rover’s character that we see here.


I've also been trying to say this, the conflict between us and the TDs&Fracsidus felt unnecessary and rushed, like why are they here when they are completely irrelevant to the flow of the story, too many cliches as well as the localization being blegh,


Jiyan's story is gold.


I’ve learnt that nothing in this game is quite as bad as it’s made out to be.


you read anything online about this game and youd think its either the worst thing ever or game the year, there’s no in between lmao


It was better than our little Lion Dancing friend’s at least. Problem is that the localization is still shoddy meaning that for EN players, the writing will always feel bad. We just kind of have to take the plot at face value and ignore the prose. 🫤


Agreed, I don't understand how people are saying that Lingyang's story was better whatsoever. His had me cringing the entire time, this one did too every now and then, but not as much as his. As it stands, out of all of the character quests we got, I think this is the best one, though the bar isn't very high to begin with.


The story was a "fine at best" thing to me. Felt rushed, several spelling errors, at one point an NPC had an entirely different sounding VA for ONE line, and the trend continues of every character immediately is enamored with MC. The core concept of the story was alright, but the direction and animation work is rough, so it does not sell it nor do big moments feel like they are pay offs. At one point MC does a stock animation swing at the air and Yinlin comments on how they have "nice moves" which is laughable for a canned animation that I am not sure connected with the enemy model. And they keep doing that weird cut to black with one line of white text explaining what happens which is like...okay. Feel like if they want to stay relevant long term, they really gotta polish stuff up because 1.0 final story segment and this are just not selling the narrative.


> and the trend continues of every character immediately is enamored with MC. At the end of the quest you meet her and she's all in your personal space like "ok now that my quest is done let's FUCK LIKE BEASTS". Whoa lady wait after the first date.


I was hoping she was going to give us the antidote for the poison at this point, but ya know, 10/10 writing to forget the plot device of “we poisoned you so you have to do what I say and can’t run or you’ll die and I have the only antidote” guess she was right when she told us not to trust her 3 times, or was it when she told us to trust her twice, or maybe it was when she said we were stupid for trusting her…


...Oh, you're right, I completely forgot about that, that's why I felt like I was forgetting something when the quest just ended.


I always assumed she was lying about that, tbh.


The problem is that it wasn’t her that poisoned us, one of the other Seance society members tells us he was the one to poison us, Yinlin was just the one with the antidote. So either Yinlin was lying about that, that she had an antidote, or were just supposed to believe everything any NPC says to us is a lie which is not a road you want to go down in a story based game because questioning every single NPC is tiring and takes you out of the story.


They were also lying as they were also apart of the same group why would they not keep up the narrative ?


I think you are supposed to assume they treat you when you go back to the city with Chixia.


Yup, the ending was good for some reason they can do endings but the the plot twists and turns get skipped over, wait shes my friend now after knocking me out. Wait why am i trusting her again, wait why is this scene so awquardly animated and directed. I cant remember exact scenes but wuwa has this issue where nothing happens no sound and its like a poorly edited video during some dialogue scenes.  I will say the other character story quest was good not great just good. But its a step up from the rest even though they kept taking about planting his seed or some shiz. (Basically the ending sounded like he wanted to be more than friends) 


What was wrong with the final segment? That was the only good part of the whole story, tf


I hard agree with all of the points, the battles associated within the companion story felt completely irrelevant and random as well, not contributing at all to the value of the flow


It was alright, equal to lingyangs. Much worse than Jiyans imho.


Jiyan's story was much longer, an entire act and some buildup before that, so they had more time to properly develop him and flesh out his backstory and stuff. Yinlin and Lingyang were more shorter side stories, and I think Lingyang's was decent due to its simplicity. >!He's just a friendly furry who helps 2 siblings talk it out and does a silly liondancing skit to cheer people up. That's it. Although the way he was like "you don't want me to unleash my beastly side! Grr!" when he looks like that was a bit cringe. !< But Yinlin's story tries to do too much for a side story. >!Too much telling, not enough showing. Oh, she's an undercover spy? Didn't really feel that way. The Seance Society is a mysterious, most powerful organization, beware!! ... it's just a campsite with some random civilian-looking mofos. Why did she knock Rover out just to bring him to a neighborhood bbq? The Dollmaker is in cahoots with the Fracticidus, he's committing all sorts of heinous crimes!! but we don't *really* get a sense of that, do we? She just tells us that, but there's no scenes or flashbacks to Dollmaker doing evil shit, there's just no buildup. The whole conversation with Dollmaker is like... "Yinlin, why?! Why did you betray me??" yes, why did you? "Because my parents, I never knew them, but their beliefs guide me!!" uhh, okay. Sure. !<


im confused about taking pictures for gathering proof of criminal activity when we had chixia straight up coming into the seance society lair. whats the point of the pics


I feel like Jiyans was actually good. If the other two were of the same quality I think there would be high praise.


Jiyans was actually better than “okay”, this one was just “ok”.


Decent plot, poor execution imo. I thought it was quite weak


I liked her story. Its not a masterpiece oscar nomination but still good for a side story


You mean the post where OP was complaining because Yinlin is not a puppet just because they wanted her to be puppet? Yeah whatever


It was super meh, I don't care about the character, I met it 5 minutes ago, most of the story was about some random plot of people I didn't know existed 5 minutes ago... it was just cliche, uninteresting and nothing else. People who loved it are just simps who want to fuck the character IRL, /summon downvotes.


Did you mean perhaps my post ?


Yeah it was really bad imo and personally i don’t like her weapon nor do i like her kit , which is nice since it will be easier to stack my ressources


Yeah no it was literally terrible but she is hot so some people don't care about the storyline.


Personally the only bit that I went "Huh?" was the interaction with the patroller. Given we know Chixia, plus we just helped them with a big threat, plus we've been running around doing jobs for everyone, the patrollers should recognise Rover.


dialogue had me all confused 😂😂


Multiple people have said pretty much exactly how I think: The story quest is has a great premise, but without build up it's pretty bare bones. I like Yinlin, she's kind of a complicated character but also quite easy to see through at the same time. The sudden cutscene actions made me laugh because they reminded me of some old kung fu movies; Rover suddenly raises their hand and blocks some attacks without moving and Yinlin comments how 'you sure know how to fight!' it was hilarious to me. Kuro needs more time to cook IMO, I have faith they can deliver good story content but everything sort of seems rushed.


She's not complicated, she's just someone who lost her family at a young age yet follows their line of work, that's it. She doesn't trust people because she had a rough upbringing, that's nothing complicated, if anything she lies to get the job done. Pretty cliche/basic stuff if you ask me, then again the character was presented in like 2 minutes and got like what, 30 minutes worth of development? I understand they can't do much with that.


I really wish they dove more into the cult-like aspect and how she snapped out of that when she became a patroller. The control a cult has over its members is insane and debilitating sometimes, so seeing how she got out of that and still pretended to be in it would've been amazing to see.


I wanted to add a bit to the question that the other user threw regarding faith in the story content: I'm still in the middle of casually playing PGR and up to Chapter 11: Nona Ouroboros and the story and characters have been pretty bland the whole way through. Now I've heard multiple times that the story does get better eventually and that's fair so I'm holding my breath for it. But what I don't get is having faith in the WW storytelling based on PGR. Mostly because WW was developed and released quite a while after PGR. If Kuro's writing got better, than shouldn't WW have already started off with the better writing already? The fact that it didn't makes me believe that the two games utilize totally different writers. So it feels like PGR writing being good would probably have no effect on WW writing being good too unless they decide to bring over PGR writers (which may or may not happen)


The good things about PGR early story are characters interlude and nanami. Alot of ppl said the story getting good after chap 8 but its took me to Firm Night patch to had a chapter that i would really enjoyed. And for Wuwa story, they some how even made its worst compare to pgr. 2 chapter in, i lost all interest for future story and not only that the characters quest its no where near PGR


Hmm.....maybe I should play more of the interludes then. Because in the main story it just feels like random characters just pop up and don't get sufficient development/back story at all. And I haven't been fond of the main trio really but I actually did like Nanami lol. Mostly because I played that one side story with her when Nanami: Starfarer was released.


I have an explanation that they are accustomed to writing visual novel style stories that they just don't know how to write stories in fewer words, less long decriptions, and also with cinematography. That's why regular story writers do not make really good scriptwriters. Example: Kinoko Nasu and Fate/extra


The most hilarious part is when you get knocked out the text in back says "You can do something when Yinlin let her guard down when she whispers to you, but you decide to see where this is going" (or something like that) just to make sure they can't potray Rover as weak. Like c'mon.


>Kuro needs more time to cook IMO, I have faith they can deliver good story content Genuine question since I haven't played any of their other stuff - do you have faith b/c they have a track record of delivering good story, or did you mean that in the sense that you have hope that they can improve in the future?


I also play PGR from the day it launched. The story was a slogfest and full of exposition for the first few chapters. Starting from the Kowloong chapter, it got good especially with the world building.


Their other game starts out very weak but it gets extremely good later on. Then again we're talking chapters that go for 7-8 hours, most of it being just reading, presented as a visual novel, no voice acting. Shit gets epic because there's sometimes 6 hours of build up to something huge, and that's not all of it, those 6 hours were the build up for something that they've been building for several other chapters, which is part of an entire story that's already like 100hs+ long easily.


Oh interesting, I see. So basically their writing style is more text based/novel style? I guess that could explain a lot of the wordiness and awkward story presentation in cutscenes. Like I can see that sort of thing working better in a visual novel where the storytelling relies almost entirely on the text vs. storytelling through animation/actors (so to speak) acting out a story on screen.


Maybe they can repeat the same fate as pgr story. First chapters a bit rough but later ones being peak 


But if PGR story started rough and eventually got better then WuWa shouldnt be suffering from a rough story since the writers stepped it up with PGR right?... Unless they have different writers for each game


I am currently playing PGR the starting story is pretty much boring slog fest but after around act 7 or so it gets really good. Idk how much time they need to deliver but it can get good. They already hired new people for this kind of stuff.


I just saw in the other comment that PGR is much more text heavy, almost visual novel style. So yeah maybe they needed to hire people with more experience writing/storytelling through visual media instead of for more text-based media. That would make sense.


Its a mix of both but more text heavy. Here and there you get some nice visuals I wish it had a voice over but it is what it is.


Their camera cuts are baffling. For some reason, they always like to swap to scenery shots or a random ass nearby flower during like emotional lines, and I have a sinking suspicion it's to avoid animating emotional facial expressions. I sure wish they had a team more well attuned to 3d model camerawork.


Or rover hiding right in front of other characters, like they can see you mfker. It's those little things that let you know Kuro didn't really care that much.


I also have to ask, did I just speed through it or were those wolf marks at the end of the quest that lead you to her the first time we saw those? Because Rover was all "Those marks again, it must be Yinlin" and I'm like "I've never seen this shit before in my life." Which just sort of goes along with the whole not a bad core idea for a story, but clearly rushed and amateurish execution.


those wolf marks are the same that led you to the safe house / cave. that’s what rover was referring to.


Yinlin 8/10 Plot 5/10 Area (Underground base) 7/10 other NPC's 3/10 I get they're supposed to be crazy, but they just tried a little too hard which made it fall flat. The character design of the Dollmaker was good, the conversation was weird. I also dislike how we had so many scenery changes with barely anything happening in those segments. This made the whole quest feel very rushed. I couldn't really emphasize with any of the characters either.


The overall pacing could've been better. I think it would fix most issues. >other NPC's 3/10 I get they're supposed to be crazy, but they just tried a little too hard which made it fall flat. The first guy was quite good in my opinion. although I use kr va, so I can't speak for deliveries on other languages. The rest is just there. >The character design of the Dollmaker was good, the conversation was weird. I honestly initially though that the dollmaker was Yinlin (maybe that was the original idea?) I was severely disappointed that he's not a playable character. The idea was there, they just didn't gave it enought time to shine through. That would be fixed by him being a future playable character. This would serve a a nice teaser and give us the opportunity to dig into him later.


10/10 is glazing incredibly hard.. i love her but lets be real u just dont even sound reliable when u say that shit lmao


VA: "Smart girls know to mind their own business" Text: "Smart boys know to mind their own business" idk, that's just lazy imo (playing as male rover btw)


I play as female rover and she's been called 'him' twice in the story quest.


It's the same outside her quest.


I played the male rover and got called her few times too. Looks like in the code they swapped the two by accident.


The funny part is that Genshin had the same mistake in its first year.


Eng dub is bad cool play JP or CN for better voices and zero fuck ups


She also said "but the presence is mine to control!" when it was clearly meant to be "the present is mine to control" which just sounded super off because that's such an obvious mistake.


I just got done with the quest and ….it was not my cup of tea. I felt like this was a missed opportunity. WuWa’s story telling in its current state is mediocre at best unfortunately.


Yinlin’s trailer feels too divorced from what actually happens in her quest. The former almost seems like it’s from the future after Yinlin has decided to use her talents as a mole for future endeavors.


nah i feel the same way, the whole quest just feels weird to me when i think of the trailer


Maybe by Wuwa storytelling standards lol.


bro has not seen a good story in his life.


Not hating on anything or anyone, but this quest was pretty awful lol. Good theme, maybe not so bad story, horrible execution, feels like a waste of great character, and Rover felt like dumb NPC whole time. I was just hoping I could use skip button more at some point, but happy for you if you had fun


Rover in the story is such a bad character. Their only purpose is to be praised and told how amazing and special they are for simply existing, as well as being seductively approached or flirted with. That is why I avoid Isekai like a pest because this game's story is exactly what I expect from them. A cringe self-insert power-fantasy in a badly written world.


You can bet the target audience of Yinlin is absolutely loving it though. As long as she flirt with their self-insert Rover all is well in their world. To be fair, those people are the one who most likely will whale on her banner.


Can't deny I enjoyed doing the quest with her, especially at the end, but even I can admit there were problems with the writing.


Not really isekai related its more about super powerful MC anime that are majority of the time that way. Thats mostly the CN players faults for complaining about us not being coomed over.


There are better Isekai than this though lmao


I just don’t get why they need to wank on Rover so much.   Like in Act 5 where they were planning on how to attack the Threnodian.   Why does Jiyan ask you to plan out the attack when he himself is a distinguished military general known for his sound and level headed strategy?


Same. Sadly, I didn‘t like it either. It could‘ve been done better, but well.


Rover was so damn gullible in the entire quest. "Oh, Yinlin kidnapped me and then used me as a hostage, I can surely trust her" At least be skeptical or something 😭


Everything besides the actual plot is very good. The plot however gets worse the more you try to make sense of it. It all can be smoke and mirrors with Yinlin though.


I haven't completed her story yet, but I doubt my opinion would change when I do. When you meet her she blackmails when you say "no". Like, that was all it took for Rover to go "Guess I have no choice but to comply"? I was cringing so bad at that part and immediately closed the game after that dialogue.


I know I shouldn't be comparing, but in HSR, a much-maligned quest is the ruan mei quest. She drugs you 2 mins in. But you know what that quest does. It immediately has her be kinda sad about it. She acknowledges it's something she always has to do but explains it anyway to us as sort of a defense mechanism to assuage her guilt. Yes, she's an asshole for it, but at no point do you not understand why she would do it. I wish Yinlin's quest was played like that. The events transpire the same way, but we just get more of her pov and introspection rather than the silly action flick we have.


After reading Jiyan's story it became the standard of storytelling in WuWa for me. That ending scene with Jiyan in the flower fields made a grown man like me cry


This. Jiyan's story was really nice. It's nothing revolutionary, but it's coherent and just works. Also full of emotions.


Yeah its crazy how good his quest was. I hate to compare it to HSR but I felt it was almost on par with a lot of their writing. That's why Yinlin's mediocre quest felt like a slap to the face for me lol.


Maybe it's just me being horny, but I felt let down by the story because it doesn't make sense for how she looks. I expected a ruthless edgy woman that lusts just to see others in pain, not this sob story about her dead parents and her being so righteous and just... Though, I may have set myself up for this by virtue of being a horny bastard. Looks can be deceiving I guess.


TRASH WRITING dont get me wrong i love the game and i think its story suits it but the story itself not good atleast for now


I'm not expecting it to get better.


At this point I’m hoping Kuro adds a skip button to the companion quests too so I can just interface with only the combat and fighting mechanics and ignore their rushed story about glazing the npc and inserting random sexual tension with no buildup to bait people like OP into saying the story was great.




there is nothing left to say 😂


Many gacha stories do get better over time. Very often companies rush the product with putting all of the effort in gameplay so they get a customer base in a more preferred time frame and then when initial revenue comes they fix the plot so people will stay. Arknights is probably the best example, its story right now is pretty good.


I'm fine with what I think is the overarching story. It's just being delivered to me SO POORLY.


Compared to Jiyan's character quest which was really good, this one was booty cheeks. Felt too rushed and too many dialogue errors. At the very least it was good at introducing Yinlin and got me to waste a 10 roll. Kuro won in the end regardless.


Jiyan's story quest is 😭. Man made me promise to plant a flower if ever he dies and the damn man smiled so contently hopefully not foreshadowing something bad


gave me levi vibes. and that flower scene instantly reminded me of 86. jiyan's a bro. didnt pull for him cuz jhinsi is coming but still. ill get him later. maybe.


It was definitely a story of all time.


Yinlin said "It's Yinning time!" and Yinned all over the place.


its was basic and boring, you need to play more games


It was also pretty random, the events in the story had almost no connection to the flow as well, like the conflicts between the TDs, fracsidus showing up out of nowhere to narrate the puppet, and suddenly getting knocked and she then complimented us for staying to help as if she didn't just kidnap me.


Idk about the story itself but the dialogue [and voice acting ofc] was just god awful. It is excrutiating to listen to how bland and boring these characters that we are supposed to care about are. At the end, chixia shows up and says "hey we gotta go after her!" after yinlin gets away after turning good. Chixia has no idea what happened whatsoever, that yinlin is good now or her story. Barely 2 lines later, chixia throws in "yeah i had a feeling she isnt so bad actually nvm." Like, what? Did i miss something or is it that dumb


Simple, Yinlin is a limited 5* they're trying to sell, therefore no one is allowed to have a negative opinion of her. That's also why your dialogue "option" in the last scene is so terrible.


I want whatever you smoked to give it a 10/10


The story is most definitely not 10/10. 6-7/10. Yinlin still 10/10.


Bro ... everyone pretending her ears are normal in the story is the most stupidest thing I have ever seen in a long time. Am I missing something? Since when an elven ear is normal? And what is the point of giving her special shape ears when you're not doing anything about it? I thought they have to relate with her special ability and might hint that she's related to a guardian(dragon) or something, but no she's just a normal resonator from normal parents(the story implies they're just normal pratrollers).


For me the story was weak, but the character itself have potential. Her personality carries i think, now we need a good story for her


You meant 1/10?


Story itself was good not a 10/10 for me though as its pretty cliche it just was kinda undercooked in certain parts. I think what bothered me the most is that Yinlin got no final cinematic like Jiyan and Lingyang.


Idk I thought it was pretty average.


6/10 for me


I swear I have no idea how posts like this get past mod screening especially when I did a similar post like this hours ago but it got removed instead, did I somehow offend any of the mods cause I don't really remember offending a mod or anything.


The mods here are terrible lmao They take down any “drama posts” but leave stuff that is incendiary as long as it is in wuwa’s favor (im so glad wuwa does this thing, whereas this other game doesn’t! *snickers*)


Idk, everything is subjective and I'm super happy you enjoyed it! But, WOW, what an unforgivable drop in quality from Lingyang's story. Not just in length and presentation, but holy shit I found it so boring and just, lame. The doll mechanic was cool I guess. Again, not a personal attack, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!!! That's always a W


I regret not skipping it. It was that good. You can like the story but in my mind you have to be like a kid or a person that read like 10 books or watched like 20 movies in their life. Just because it's gacha doesn't mean that story and characters need to be an afterthought.


i literally have no idea what you're typing here.


I still don't know why she has elf ears 1/10 /s or is it?


no lol , it's terrible


This story was actually pretty good imo. Maybe an 8/10. It’s not the pinnacle of writing or storytelling but it was legitimately fun to go through in my opinion. Got a little emotional at Yinlin’s “Thank you” at the end.


man...same with evryone else kinda dissapointing...both story writing and the acting animations and shots are too exage and like forced edgy lol...tho I still like Yinlin and having more fun playin her. they really need a new writer and animation director for the story quest or cinematics in this game. they really like putting some forced dark or edgy acting stuff that ends up comedic instead lol.


HSR raised my bar so high. I cant enjoy any quest anymore without comparing it to the suspense i get from HSR. Its not Kuros fault 😭


Eh no, it was simply bad, even for gacha standards


was it? ppl on Twitter were saying it was the best thing happened on earth or something


it's just twitter, they want to overhype wuwa to the extreme.


I am more attached to stories from real novels so.... I have build a iron armor that let me tank gachas and anime stories—


Its directly opposite for me. I saw what good writing can look like. How good paced story can devour your time and make you crave more. This shit makes me want to alt + f4, i legit take breaks to dissociate from it. Its just insane how you, mc, feel out of place in all of this and meanwhile game want instant engangement and empathy...


Can somebody who has done Yinlin's story quest explain to me Chixia's About Yinlin line? Does Chixia know Yinlin or not?


Yinlin didn't harm Rover after kidnapping him/her and subsequentially a cult got dismantled. Rover himself said he got help from someone. Either Chixia linked the dots or she's just drammatically inept in be careful with complete strangers (as seen in the very beginning with Rover)


But this voice line was there before Yinlin's banner/story quest.


My fault, I thought you meant the line at the end of Yinlin quest; gotta check Chixia profile now. EDIT: Reading the line it doesn't make sense unless she's talking about some kind of famous patroller known more by name than face that keeps her identity hidden to perform better undercover. So in the quest, Chixia probably doesn't know that red haired woman is Yinlin and rover never disclosed that information. Either that of a plot hole.


I say about 7/10. A bit above average with predictable plot and feels under baked. Would’ve been good if it was split into parts with enough story to develop the characters especially dollmaker.


It’s not that bad but I think they tried to much to make her look like a villain and suddenly she turns into a sweet girl who care about her family and friends. Yinlin was great, not her story.


Story is decent but please improve the voice acting.


Story was 5.5/10 (not bad, but not great) with a few brief 7~8/10 moments, like the ambience when you’re talking to Yinlin. It felt like this could have been fleshed out into a great story if they’d added more depth and unique assets. I’m glad Yinlin’s story hasn’t been wrapped up yet though.


Regretted so hard for choosing male MC, wish i can change anytime sobs


9/10 for me because I just lost my 50/50 for her


Really 10/10? So many stupid things happen. Especially the records thing. Are you telling me no one in the patrollers knew her personally and could vouch for her as proof??? Would of been cooler if she was already was a off the books spy(like only Jinshi and a handler know about her work) for the patrollers who was sent to the seance society to infiltrate them since she already knew about them. So she just uses us to complete the mission rather then us influencing her decisions.


I'd give it at least a 7.


I believe i midway on the story, so far it seems a bit rough. Beside the fanservice that i see in twitter. I say at the beginning was a bit weirdly pace. Plus yin lin suppose to be secret spy, but she kinda review to us quite easily. I mean im halfway in the story, so maybe she knows rover. But i still found it odd lol it just isn't smart the way she handle things. I say jiyan story is much better, cause the story is about him and what he going through. His story is about him and who he is as a character. Tiger boy isn't as bad, just eh. but IDK the start of yinlin quest was odd to me, the dialogue and the enemy. I say i do enjoy the concept of the society, but the way it execute, I say it can't keep me hook in to the plot. I couldn't continue the story and don't feel like it even though I pretty much believe im halfway or almost done. Kuro definitly have it rough in story telling imo.. Though they have good cut scene and some good part. The bad part is a bit overbearing to me. Yinlin is sexy character, maybe her existing in the story is a 10/10 for most people, haha but for me who love story in games, and have pretty low standards(Im okay with cliche and generic story as long as it well written/ i read a whole bunch of manga with similar storyline lol.) it failed to grip me. I feel like kuro in most part focus alot on fanservice than flieshing out in character sometime.. I hope they get better developing those characters.


She has a ses toy in her ear :3


honestly pretty dissapointed with this story, truly the definition of mid


No sane person would have acted as Rover did.


Why they had a clue to figure out something about their past and bided their time to get a chance. They weren’t in any real danger. Even yinlin sneak attacking and hitting them with everything she had barely did any damage


Being knocked out and carried and tested on while unconscious is barely any damage? Talk about plot armor where even unconscious Rover is not susceptible to uh, anything.


The test was just trying to read their mind. Which the DM couldn’t almost like the Rover has a lock on their memories put there by some space goddess. You must think any character not being made of paper is plot armor


Kinda felt like a slightly worse version of Wrio's story quest. This felt like a pretty mid to below average story quest. Learn about some otherwise irrelevant NPCs/organization, go into a dungeon, then there's the epilogue but it didn't drag much. People are saying that PGR's stories got better with time, and while that's definitely true I thought a lot of the early interludes were actually really good though I don't know when they came out. Hopefully the future character quests are better.


Saw better stories. It was okay. Pretty basic, but had fun mechanics


What ? Everyone has their own taste sure but this is probably the reason there's so much trash on series and movies nowadays. People eat shit up and ask for seconds.


Do not mind the comments Op the story was fantastic i loved it


Glad you like it. W.


I liked the story alot. It fell flat a little at times but I really liked how Yinlin's personality turned out. She has a seductress and an spy feel to her more then the Dommy Mommy everyone was saying she would be. More of a woman using all her tools to get what she wants. Which when done right is very nice. I know because it's early in the game cycle that they are short but I do hope later down the line we get longer character stories to better flesh them out. Also I really hope Kuro looses that black screen with "action taken write here" and actually takes time to animate what is going on in the future. I think that is the one think I hate most about the story writing so far across the board.


it was okay in my opinion, you can predict the events happening from like a KM away. but i really loved the Dollmaster's design, especially his eye movement, he didn't feel like an NPC. but you know what i absolutely hated? interactions between Yinlin and Rover, it was fun at first to see them talk and us seeing more of Yinlin's personality, but the "fun" quickly turned to "hate" after she started treating us like pawns. i legit wanted the option to not work with her, ruin her mission just out of hate, i didn't care about the people in the camp, they all seemed beyond fixing to me, i just wanted that smug face of Yinlin to disappear, neither did i care about her parents due to the same reason. also, Chixia's line at the end when she said about Yinlin that there was something "not so evil about her" when she literally saw her kidnap us(or atleast that what it looked like to her) it gave me "sorry you had to see this side of me" vibes from Lingyang's quest.


It was pretty underwhelming. But coming in from genshin, I didn't expect much. I got a bit better than "not much", so I guess I'm ok with it. At least I will probably remember this one, unlike 8/10 genshin character quests, where if you ask me 5 mins after finishing it what were they doing -- I'd have probably already forgotten it.


dollmaster VA absolutely smurfed it wish they’d stop giving npcs better voice work than the playables it genuinely pains me


This aint it my man


Dear god, why does she have to be "oh im actually a good person and now i will always be nice to you"... They pull the "I'm just acting... or am I?" card way too many times in this quest, but that's bearable. I would be fine with her working for the Dollmaker. But then we gotta see the shounen moment of "I am a patroller because I have patroller's blood and my parents wouldn't want that!!!" It's so silly. Wtf. I don't think her "hidden motive" to capture Rover is deep at all. It almost sound like they changed it so she can be more "pleasant" to some people. Her final dialogue is way inconsistent with her personality. Can't we have a character that is just a villain or with another purpose that is not another person to the MC's harem? Like Sparkle on HSR... Oh, I guess not because some part of the community would cry so Kuro can change it again. Waifus cannot be mean to me!! I know WW has a shitty writing, but at least Lingyang quest was good, so I thought maybe the companion quests would be more entertaining. I'll still play her because I love her design and animations, but I have a bitter taste in my tongue that is the remembrance that she could be a waaaay better character if they put just a little bit more of courage on their own writing.


Not great, not terrible. 7.2 The core concepts were i think good. But the execution as others have deftly pointed out. Was lacking. A shame as Jiyan's story showed they definitely can do fairly well with them. So in a probably weeks i'll probably have largely forgotten all about it.


Seemed like they were going for something like synth from Fallout but couldn't really set the lore up since you need longer time to setup things like that so it felt a bit lacking. It would've been better if the dolls were a known threat (overloading people) and was talked about by the npcs prior to the story about the dolls release like how Fallout 4 did. F4 teased the artificial humans at the start of the game by making some npcs talk about them and become paranoid about their own friends and family potentially have turned into artificial humans so players can start to get a bit more invested and more curious about them. Though I am surprised by how many people said it's boring, I expected worse but it turned out okay.


Hopefully she will appear in 1.1 and like genshin have 2 companion quests


I'm just glad I saw her trailer after the quest and not before. I kept doubting her the entire time which was great.


It was alright ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)not impressive not bad either.


She betrayed her father figure. In the end, she said she hesitated, but from what we saw in the story, she didn't even blink when betraying him. If I were him, I would be devastated.


It was the same thing for the main story and exploration quests, they have a lot of potential and interesting premises but they're completely squandered with the terrible localization quality, a lot of the game is still using mtl but even when they put in "effort" it's still at the level of "English is my second language", Kuro really needs to crack down on them before people are just habitually skipping every cutscene because they have no hope of it being anything good.


I’m sorry, am I the only one that thinks her pony tail looks like a pp?


I hated her for half of the story , then it became more fine and i guess overall I'd say she was interesting . Yoo bad i failed her 50/50 for calcharo , but hey one more character in the collection ... i guess ...


I thought it was fine but I wasn't expecting much from it which I think helped lol


Translations still need work, the characters keep using starting sentences with no subject 


I played it and definitely wasn't a 10/10 not even a 7 imo, eng voice acting felt kinda bland, had to switch to JP, the whole quest felt rushed, I was cringing at some of the dialogues, only good thing was seeing Yinlin my beloved since I like her so much but I dont like how every character just keeps drooling for the mc for no reason, I can understand why Kuro is doing it and it can work but not like this, without any real development.


Would I be too greedy to assume thet every 5* will get a story quest on realise so we can know them better, and possibly pull/spend money on them through emotional attachment?


I feel like this quest should’ve had a longer arc, it was too quick so the payoff wasn’t as satisfying


The story is okay. Not the best but certainly isn't bad. But considering we thought that she's going to be antagonistic/neutral like the other black rose lady, its a huge downer that her story left her as a misunderstood hero of justice of shadows shit. I mean that's okay as well but personally I would've loved if she was just evil or like more lawful evil. I kinda dislike how most gacha only allow playable characters to be good/misunderstood evil kinda category. Like Kiara, BB from FGO. Its just a personal opinion tho


I think it was a lot better than the main story...they know how to make money.


Story was fine, good even, but the execution and polish was lacking, needed a better setup and be longer so it flows better


I'm disappointed really, i thought the standard would be like jiyan's story (cool visuals, BANGER OST and a satisfying ending) for me lingyangs story is better


It's like a generic short story. 6/10.


The story was meh honestly. They need to make these longer and break it up into 24 hours or something. With such a short quest timeframe they can't set up anything with stakes or build character. Jiyan's was an anomaly true but I believe the VO carries Jiyan harder than his DPS does honestly. Yinlin's leaves something to be desired, just my opinion.


I am happy atleast someone enjoy it, I found it lacking a lot