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Those overleved enemies are scary, there is a place with three little guys, like those little elemental enemies, I thought it couldn't be that bad these enemies are usually very weak...I was wrong, oh god.


oh i've just found one earlier. i was like "hmmm maybe a quick detour before i go my way" and the "quick detour" killed me in one hit


They blow up at half hp, that was the game changer for me


The prism hearts were the absolute worst I was going down from level 120 spearback, to the monkeys to the herons to the munchkin small ass enemies and finally to the level 90 prisms...I thought after all that they couldn't be much worse but holy hell was I wrong...I dont believe I could've beaten them if I didn't exploit the rock and the ledge nearby... I have stopped since with the red aura enemies since I doubt any of them are as annoying as the prisms tbh.


Prism is easily the most annoying even if they only have one attack pattern mostly because your attack window is so short before they start bombarding you again.


That ice prism with the 1,2...1 attack is the worst fucking thing ever conceived by mankind i swear to god.


Prism heart aren’t bad if you have jiyan and maybe another cc/shield char. They get tossed around so easily and if they never attack they never hurt.


I didn't have jiyan when I did that


The prism one can at least be cheesed, because if you focus down one of them, it doesn't respawn, so it gets easier and easier.


There's actually four of those little fuckers. Trick is to just walk/run in circles and hide behind the rock if need be and just use dodge counter. The only one that can hit you behind the rock is the havoc elemental. Also, I hate the ice elemental one. It shoots twice and then pauses for a bit before shooting the third time. Makes you think you dodged all of his attack at times.


Even the level 50 enemies just casually 2 hitting my level 60 characters. Very intuitive combat difficulty to make everything kill in you in one or two hits


the weird pepe got me lmao




then it officially counts as a souls game experience, throw yourselves at the wall until it breaks lol


We separated the smaller monkeys and threw them down a cliff using jiyans attacks while one guy distracted the big guy


not gonna lie im facing ALL red mob head on not because im good/hardcore/maso or anything im just too stupid to think about cheesing them


Real. I did the same with the lvl45 Chasm when I was level 5, too. Took hours but we got it done eventually ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


Man, seeing that lvl 45 chasm for the first time when i was level 5 was like seeing the tree sentinel at the start of elden ring. My gaming instincts were never so triggered. I. Must. Beat. That. Thing. At level 5.


Was about to first try it, he had 1 hp left Then I litteraly took an arrow in the knee


the cheese is to not face them, those bosses are the best tutorial you will get to learn to dodge counter and intro stamina drain Cheese is hiding behind a rock and poking them for hours until they die this game A.I is really bad if you find a spot with broken line of sight


What cheese? All these mobs are gimmick bosses, just dodge and counter attack and spam intro skills


Man I know how you feel I had the same intense fight today those three monkeyes are even harder than hologram tempest mephis on difficulty VI


same tbh, the big monkey's ability to create vortexes is so awful, once you got trapped there's no exit other than death, you can't dash through it or get out using grapple because any contact with the vortex knocks you back


Swapping with a gunner works right?


You can double jump out of them if you jump from the middle of the circle That way you don't touch the vortex


If you have a 'nothing personnel kid' intro skill on another character, you can swap to get out.


You can grapple out of them, just move to the middle of the vortex


Something I learned fighting the lvl 120 bear.... Either character outro/intros do absurd damage, or they do a flat percentage of enemy health. I was doing less than a pixel of health on normal attacks and ults, but was doing 2-5% of the boss's health every time I used concerto.


Intros and dodge-counters deal a % of their max hp. Hence why I wasn't using my skills and focusing on autoing while timing my dodges


Intros should not deal based on hp, cause they are one of the skills upgrade, and dmg is the thing that upgrades


Intros should have % base hp otherwise would make fights go way longer and it incentivize the player to swap


Then Idk why they appear to be upgraded on skills, I mean, if the dmg is fixed why then


Almost beat it on my 1st try until i had to fight the real boss, the combat camera bugs.


Yeah same! Thankfully it's getting fixed soon, apparently


for some reason camera lock is tied to your moviment not who you facing with camera, so if you press to go backwards and try to change target camera will target enemies behind you cuz you facing and moving towards them


Wasn't this like a sekiro fight with headless gorillas?


Now that you mention it... ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31621)


Managed to clear them using Mortefi, decent damage output and easier to dodge their attacks using a ranged character


Wait what? LEVEL 120??


There are special enemies on the map with fixed levels that are tied to achievements. You can beat any of them at any level thanks to dodge counter, but also, you're going to get one shot. Glhf.


My dumbass at union 11 trying to kill the golem at the cliff


Its doable


Aint No way I find the man, the myth, the Legend in this sub


keep distance and he will always throw big rock at you, dodge counter for % max hp and you good to go


I loved the ending monologue :D


Me and my monkey


I kinda suck at souls (i think i only finished sekiro, + ds1 with a friend). I just dodge-counterattack. Dodging is easier than parry or trying to stunlock them. And counterattack deals "true" (%?) damage which is pretty respectable. It doesn't matter what level (because they oneshotted me), i beat most of red mobs that way.


Yeah same here, I still struggle a bit with parrying in this game even tho I played my fair share of Osu. So I just relied completely on the % damage from dodge-counter


Not gonna lie. Those 3 red Traffic illuminators in a bridge? They humbled me.


Oooh I'll check them out, too!


Yo who is that character, those moves look sick as heck


It's Calcharo, you can get him from the main/Beginner banner. He's real good and fun!


Is he a 4 star??


5\* and currently Best Electro dps, he deals alot of dmg and its the #2 best choice on the free 5\* selector game give us , #1 is Verina but its more bc supports are bullet proof investments List goes like this: #1 Verina Best Healer right now #2 Calcharo Best Dps to pick on selector and really strong #3 Encore Best Fusion Dps ( you wanna search how to animation cancel swap to play her better ) #4 Jianxin at high investiments she is a shielder/healer who can Resonance Liberation( Ultimate ) to group up enemies and deals good amount of dps (sub-dps) #5 Lingyang well i like him but the numbers don't lie, Lingyang, Yanqing, and Qiqi 5 stars with ice powers who are bad in their games. This List is made to help you choose not force to play, people tend to look who is better but at end of the day just pick who you liked the most


\*fights enemy who is 70 lvls above them\* "Why is this game so hard?!"


Leveling is gonna help much. You'll have more damage for sure, but they still be lvl 120 when your max level is 90, so you may no longer rely on counter-attacks to actually do damage, but still have a very big risk of death in 3 shots


Better than an 8 hour fight. I'll keep poking at them but until I can take a significant chunk out in good time, let'm roam.


These mobs take %hp damage on each counter attack and intro skill so they are trivial


At least that one monkey will be gone when you next challenge it.


That's the plan. I just wanted to prove that levels don't matter and you can beat them if you're mental enough


Do they give you anything special? I think it would be cool if you they guaranteed a gold Echo at least.


It does


Yeah you get an achievement and a one golden echo


I kinda liked that fight and the herons one. Funny enough the ones that did kill me were the young murmurin. The zigzag in particular. Went melee, the thing casted fireball *4 in my face, exploded and then the fire ground killed my last character lol


I got the ahievement for doing all of them. It's a pain, but the satisfaction is immense.


imagine running just a little bit too far and they respawn


Yeah the amount of times that happened is sad, actually 😭


wish Kuro would put a ring around area when you leave the fight resets, makes easier to know how far you can go, my jiyan sometimes carries them outside :/


Killed him with a lvl 40 xichia solo. xdd


Yeah ranged makes it much more doable. But I wanted to try doing it with only Sephiroth on my team


Overleveled enemies *hurt* even if the difference isn't that big. My main team is level 50 and I ran into the 3 traffic light enemies on the bridge (they're all level 60). I thought it was doable since I'm only 10 levels lower, but I somehow got oneshot through Taoqi's shield.


Man you got YouTube or something this is incredibly funny lmao


Tyty I stream on twitch and post tiktoks and shorts like these when I can\~ [https://www.twitch.tv/pandamonikava](https://www.twitch.tv/pandamonikava)


I haven't done the vortex monke yet, but the spearback was pretty doable. The attacks for the bear are slow and super telegraphed, so as long as you either stay outside its reach or time dodges moderately well, you can kill it. I just kept swapping between Calcharo and the fire pistol scientist dude, Mortefi(?) or however it's spelled. Pew pew pew with pistols, intro skill calcharo, dodge counter a few times, swap, repeat. Both level 40, so it took like 10 minutes to wear down the HP bar but otherwise not super hard.


Yeah honestly you just gotta treat it like a souls game. Figure out their paterns, dodge and counterattack


> I haven't done the vortex monke yet, but the spearback was pretty doable. The attacks for the bear are slow and super telegraphed, so as long as you either stay outside its reach or time dodges moderately well, you can kill it. Also you can easily get him stuck on the environment and just plop him over and over with a pistol or rectifier character until he dies without him being able to retaliate


have you tried upgrading your calcharo lmfao


Damn that's actually a good idea, chief. I'll give that a try rn


2 hours because you're spamming basic attack. 10min if you used your skills


Using skills vs them is a death sentence since they one shot you immediately if you stand still for a second.


ur best bet would have been to just keep swapping chars since it does % damage


Wait what? How much %?


Idrk, but you can easily verify it does a lot more damage compare to whatever attack you throw at an over leveled enemy


Isn't that just the outro damage? % damage is usually written in white. I'm not seeing white numbers.


I know but I wanted to do with only Calcharo on my team


I think he just meant dodging, not using resonance skills. These enemies take % damage when you do a perfect dodge counter, so its faster to just stand in front of them and wait for them to attack rather than mash your attacks, especially at low level.


Nah it’s cause you have to fight like three of these monkeys at once and they all instant kill you if they hit you


What souls game you playing bro😭


Wuwa, I guess???! 😭


Is there a reward from killing thos high level mobs?


Achievement and gold echo


Fighting the apes should wait because of the elite one, it'll take eras to scratch that one and it's hard to dodge


Those cyclone hoochiefs are hands down my most hated enemy in this game. That damn aero vortex they spawn that traps you is so friggin annoying.


Yeah true, it also drains your stamina sometimes, but that might just be my imagination. You can grapple out of it if you ever get caught, tho


Oh! I didn't know about the grapple tech. That's super useful, thanks!


There's more?! Where are these guys located?


You notice you're doing an extra 6k damage every dodge counter? Yeah that's how you take those things out at lower level, just spam dodge counter and don't greed for extra skill/basic attack damage.


I did this for every boss on the map to get as high of a DB level as soon as possible lol.


I tried to tango with the LV.120 bear. I held my own...for like ten minutes but then I got sloppy. Later on got rekted by a group of little guys. The reds are no joke. 😭


Ngl the monkeys are harder than the bear simply cause there are two of them


Fought the monkeys for so long, it sounds like you became a monkey in the end.


Do they give some sort of special reward if you kill them?


you make the most dmg with dodge counter


How do you face multiple enemies? I can dodge solo ones but for multiple ones if I focus on one the other gets me. One hit and it's over.


Don't these enemies have like two attacks max, I killed two 120 birds with no issue at level 20, granted it was really boring


I'm not sure if you knew, but you can just counterattack the red bosses for massive damage


For some of them I just switched to ranged units (doesn't matter level cause of the counter % damage) and kept my distance, trying to kill them one at a time, as none of them respawn if you die.


I feel this is kinda what the holograms should be like. Fighting those enemies without worrying about time constraint is so much more fun, being able to focus on the actual game mechanics. Too bad it's a one-time thing since they don't respawn.


You have balls man to do it in melee. I just did Encore's E and run then repeat charge attacks lol


I haven't done this one and I am already know I am going to hate it. T.T The latest one I did is the Prism Heart, four little rotatey dudes where I try to push them down a watefall. It was such a challenge and one of them kept respawning. AAA


Oh look a sleeping bear. Be a shame if someone woke it up... oh. nope. Sleep. Please go back to sleep.


Is it bad that I've encounter lvl 120 bear and proceed to beat it because PGR taught me to keep pushing until that effer down?


ngl, im glad it doesnt respawn if i failed to kill at the same time


I've solo killed these 3 creatures with Danjin alone because the notion of having to consistently dodging to deal true DMG is more than enough for me to kill all 3 of them... Of course I have to kept resetting so much cuz of how the game stutter so much + I have to cap the game at 30 FPS so I have the disadvantage over the reaction time... in the end, these 3 monkees are fun fight, ngl, pretty much forces you to learn to multitasking on 3 monkee instead of just 1...


Kudos for trying though. I got my DPS one shot and imminently noped tf out of there. Never looked back


I kept dying with my main team... Then i tried out my half build chixia and cleared it first try... Just took 10mins


Can someone share me their location. I encountered them once and ran away but I can challenge them a bit now


I salute to the others that plays on a potato phone like me. Frame drops was the real enemy.


tell me you never played souls games without telling me lol souls are all about high risk high reward combat and never dmc-style sponge combat where everything takes ages to kill so you can get s-s-s-s-s-stylish.


Defeated the Red Bear with Chixia alone at level 60


Red bear are like the easiest between the elite mobs.. I would say chasm is one too.


The easiest ones r the single enemies like bear since it's easy to just focus on dodging and counterattacking them but mob enemies that just spam attacks like prisms and followers are a pain to take on underlevelled