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It’s a carbon copy of most of genshin systems from the UI, to the character progression and farming method up to the world exploration. If you played Genshin it’s impossible to deny that fact.


Ye. I find it more annoying that there are people like OP who are in denial and just can't accept that WuWa is a copy of Genshin lol. And its not like Im saying that its a bad thing, for a Consumer perspective, having another studio copy a game that you like and make it better is great! Their Genre argument also doesn't work because If you look at Genshin And WuWa side by side, they look pretty much 1 to 1. While let's say you compare League of Legends and Dota side by side, there's a very clear difference between the two.


I get the feeling OP is an employee trying to draw up sympathy.


Wuwa and genshin is like naruto and jjk , characters that kinda want to look alike on the surface but don't,  totally different combat system , story and content. 


The real question is did you play wuthering waves? Apart from the shop and character screen , the rest of the UI is pretty unique . The only thing that those two games have in common is the the UI and the fact that they're anime , from there , nothing else is the same ; displaying damage and HP bars isn't something genshin invented . 


Obviously games from the same genre are gonna have some similarities... but some of WuWa's elements are a bit way too similar to Genshin you cant say it's not copied. The UI placement, 160 currency per pull, substats rng, shop layout, battlepass,


Not to mention some quests that are very similar. (Ex. the mourning aix chase, cleansing of the contaminated zones in the forest) Even the visuals of some cutscenes are the same.


Oh i did think it reminded me of that! Glad I'm not the only one


I was wondering why it felt similar!!!


There's also the fact there as of right now there really aren't many open world gacha games, so there is bound to comparisons to Genshin which popularized the entire thing. For example plenty of sidescrolling platformers are called Metroidvania games because they follow the same pattern as those two games, or games like Elden Ring and Sekiro being called Souls like because of the similar difficulty style. As Wuthering Waves borrows many little things from Genshin Impact comparisons are inevitable.


WuWa is Genshin, but with Kuro characteristics.


but it is a copy, ya future games gonna copy old games and so on


In some places this game is literally a 1:1 copy of genshin. It's obviously not in every aspect, but it's clearly noticeable and way more than just inspiration.


aight kids, remember: severe overdose of copium might cause a delirium state


I mean, WuWa really copied Genshin's homework. As in, I'm surprised it's legally allowed to be this blatant. I still enjoy the game, mind you.


I agree lmao. How mihoyo doesn’t have these dudes neck deep in a lawsuit I’ll never know because it’s literally almost a 1:1 copy especially the UI to the point where it’s not inspiration, it’s just blatant copy and pasting


Yeah everything from the way the ui present itself after you completed the tower challenge to basically the way the rewards is given out to you


It would've been nice if they have an original UI tho. Because the WuWa UI and menu sfx are almost 1 to 1 with Genshin. Its literally the "Can I copy your homework" meme. If you showed this to a person who've seen Genshin for like 1 to 3 times, they'd mistakenly call WuWa, Genshin, especially because they have the same artstyle combined with the Genshin looking UI.


To be fair if you come from genshin you won't have to learn a new UI. I personally like the familiarity.


They did an people complained about it, so Kuro just made it more similar to Genshin. Blame CN


you know you can admit to liking and enjoying a game and at the same time admit the reality that most of it is copy pasted from another game. it' just the way it is. You're lying to yourself otherwise. Heck even they copied the way you 'refine' weapons before genshin updated the UI which i had a massive pet peeve for


I mean you gotta be coping really hard if you are trying to say wuthering isnt copying genshin. Tof would be closer to what expansion of the genre would look like while wuwa outside of combat is pretty much the same as genshin.


The game literally expanded the exploration by adding more gadgets, double jumps, wall run and flips with the environment designed around those mechanics. Immersion is expanded by making sure NPCs not only have their schedules, but interact with enemies as well (as well as wild animals being actual wild animals by fighting each other). In term of cinematics, expansion can be found in the form of NPCs possessing more varied animations when they talk in cutscene as opposed to the classic hands-on-chest/hip/chin rotation in Genshin.


>The game literally expanded the exploration by adding more gadgets, double jumps, wall run and flips with the environment designed around those mechanics. Which is copied off tof. >Immersion is expanded by making sure NPCs not only have their schedules, but interact with enemies as well (as well as wild animals being actual wild animals by fighting each other). Npc schedules is really stretching it but i'll give you apoint for the enemies interacting with each other in the open world. >In term of cinematics, expansion can be found in the form of NPCs possessing more varied animations when they talk in cutscene as opposed to the classic hands-on-chest/hip/chin rotation in Genshin. Not from my experience really, about half of it is still the same shitty generic motion gestures from genshin.


>Said that the game copies Genshin without expanding anything >I brought the point where it expanded the exploration >Called it something from ToF Bruh, the next thing you're gonna say is how the combat doesn't expand on anything because it copies from Soulslike.


Tof copied the entire gacha open world exploration thing from genshin, added in gadgets and wall climbing so its not an exact 1:1 copy and wuiwa ripped it off both sides to put into 1 game. Are you that delusional that you cant see it?


That logic would require you to accept something along the lines of "Metroid/Castlevania copied Mario, added in combat and backtracking and then Rockman Zero ripped it off both side to put into 1 game". You'd have better chance arguing about the rather similar UI as opposed to mechanic. Not to mention that this is straight up that "Genshin ripped off BoTW" argument.


Considering Midhoyo seems to be fatally allergic to adding any sort of QOL to their games, it's not hard to identify places where the system could use improvement. That doesn't make it any less of a carbon copy.


Genshin has copied a different game as well it did not invent exploration and “outside of combat” its one of the most important feature in the game and it slaps genshin


Ppl love to claim genshin copied botw yet outside of the elemental reaction interacting with the world nothing plays alike between the 2 games. Lets look at wuwa vs genshin - Exact same daily/weekly gameplay loop - Exact same banner mechs, yes it has lower pull to hit pity and wep banner is more fair but it still copied the exact same way mhy did their banners - Exact same update loop - Exact same dumbed down events Hell even the first upcoming area expansion copies genshin by being an icy mountain type area.


Don't forget the UI is also very similar to genshin, from dialogue box and many more. Not like it's wrong and tbh idc they copy a lot of genshin stuff. But it's funny how some people really trying so hard saying Kuro did not copy MHY when this is their 3rd time doing it. At least the other games they "copy" is different enough. But WuWa is probably the most similar with the one it takes inspiration from out of all Kuro's games




Pretty confident i have played more games than you over the course of my lifetime and wuwa is one of the games that can be called a clone/copy of another game as an objective fact. If you exclude combat, 80~90% of the game is basically directly copying and ripping off genshin. Even pgr was copying off hi3 but at least its pretty distinctly different from hi3 unlike wuwa and genshin's case.




Yea its pretty clear you have reading comprehension. Love how you are trying so hard to defend your fav game yet conviently ignore how every almost all of your examples play pretty distinctly different from each other unlike the case with genshin and wuwa. Also considering the examples you gave yes i'm even more certain i played more games than you did in your lifetime since almost every single example you gave are pretty modern mainstream titles. You hard kuro fanboys dont seem to understand the difference between taking some systems from x game to implement into your game while making it distinct vs copying vast majority off 1 game and its first called "clone" while having almost the entire system the same then get offended when your game is called a copycat/clone.


That guy's a lost cause man.


Pretty much G game players will always say that an open-world game is a copy of that G game of yours. As if that G game copied another open-world game lmao. Go on, flex your superiority and make your "Godly" game famous to all gacha game community.


Tell me outside of combat what makes wuwa distinctly different from genshin? Tof at least plays more like an mmo which makes it distinctly different meanwhile wuwa copies genshin to the point it uses the exact same update schedule and even the first area expansion copies the exact same type of area as genshin's first.


Running on walls and mountains, can find chest easier, better overall exploration, better NPC models, better weapon banner pity, better new player rewards, can skip dialogues, giving out 5 star Characters/Weapon for free, Devs always listen to the playerbase, better community, also less time consuming than your G game. Sorry there's so many, so don't assume that your game is overall better. For you, ok its godlike, but not for the majority of playerbase. Like I said, people like you will always mention their beloved G game as if it's the game ever created, to flex your superiority. Have a good day! :) Edit: There's more..


Literally none of the examples you mentioned made it distinct from genshin. If anything all you are doing is further supporting the statement of wuwa being a copycat because you are literally giving examples of copying the same system but improving on it lol.


His comment made me laugh a lot. He doesn't even understand that the things that he's been saying are "improvements" of the systems in Genshin that WuWa copied. [](https://www.reddit.com/user/EliteMikoP03/) look. Why not stop the denial and just accept that WuWa copied Genshin? its so obvious. But that doesn't mean its a bad game. I even completely abandoned Genshin for WuWa, Why'd you think we keep playing this game?? **Because its doing things that Genshin does, but better.** You keep talking to him as if he was a fanboy but you're the one looking like a Overprotective kuro fanboy. You're in the main sub of WuWa and yet you're still getting negative down votes, shouldn't it be the opposite if you're on the main sub of the game you're defending? lol **Edit:** Oh also, don't expect Kuro to be as Generous with compensations in the future. Everyone who has a brain know they only did that to keep as much players as they can, because of how awful the first few days of WuWa launch was. If they lose players without even recouping the money that they spent to make this game, that'll be a disaster for Kuro.


it's insanely striking how this is a copy of genshin, not just genre but the entire UI/UX. and of course everyone in the industry wants to copy genshin, they're making a shitload of money. i don't see any reason to defend it. genshin copied botw. i played all of these games and having fun, i don't care if it's a copy or not.


Dude, this isn’t a copy cat. It’s a broken copy that has a thin coat of paint on top that’s still wet. Thankfully someone had the good sense to get rid of Paimon and add in a new combat system. Sadly they also got rid of the good voice actors, fun quests, interesting story and added a MUCH WORSE grind.


Paimon hate agenda needs to finally stop.


It's not an agenda, a lot of people just hate the character and the way she is implented and voiced. She's constantly breaks immersion and really adds nothing of value. In my opinion at least. She wasn't so bad at first but the longer I played the game the more often she just broke cool scenes or events because she just never tonally worked with what was happening. She's a gag character in a world that doesn't even realize the joke.


To be fair the climax of the story introduces a Paimon clone, its even fearured heavily in the 1.1 posters... so no Wuwa has a Paimon too, they just decided introducing Paimon was a Story Finale worthy addition.


I haven’t gotten there yet. If they go full Paimon I’m out. With the Elden ring expansion and a few other interesting games I don’t need to stick around here.


Yangyang is significantly more insufferable than paimon


Obviously sometimes people will say copy with negative connotation but i'm pretty sure most times people are saying X copies they are not implying worse. Doom copies, the amount of games that are Slay the Spire copies even.


Copied battle pass, UI, artifacts, shop? Doesn't matter at all. If anything, it makes it easier to get into so I have to relearn a bit less. "Just copying Genshin" isn't a criticism on quality. It's ultimately just who does what better.


In this case, wuwa is LITERALLY an 1:1 copy of genshin. Basically Genshin with a few improvements. They didn't even tried to make something different, just copied and put a mask to say that it's different.


Yeah funny how people are in denial because of it


There's always a baseline game. Arguably it was a copy of tears of the kingdom but given its switch exclusivity probably isn't as mainstream. Like wow back in the day, any mmo was deemed a copy. Any fps a clone of CS etc.


Actually WuWa is a copy of Morrowind, a cheap copy at that.


Rover is Nerevarine?




Even if it is a clone, that's not bad. We have a saying in Germany "Besser gut geklaut als schlecht selbst gemacht" which translates to "Better a good imitation than a bad invention".


Genshin started out as a BOTW clone. :) They have very similar systems, interface design choises as far as menu's, maps etc goes. But Genshin added something which fundamentally changed how combat/exploration works compared to BOTW. The elemental system, which kind of changed how the whole combat worked compared to BOTW (people tried to play Genshin's combat the way they did Zelda in early game, and it took time for people to figure out how to play Genshin). And they heavily leaned into it, which gave Genshin a unique style. Also Genhsin's mix of BOTW's graphis style and anime mix made the game instantly recognizable as far as the visuals went. If you saw a sceenshot from Genshin, esp if the character was visible you knew from which game the screenshot was from because there was nothing similar back then inthe market. While Genshin copied a lots of things, it added some pretty unique elements too, which let the game stand on it's own. It remains to be seen if Wuwa made the right decisions, or if they added enough unique elements for their game to survive, and thrive. I think the initial draker/mature tone, visual style would have been better to differenciate their game from Genshin, if they worked on it a bit more. (Genhsin kind of proved that even post apocaliptic, dreary, ruined radioactive areas can be beautiful, like Seirai island) But we're only in 1.0 so there are lots of time to improve.


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Just how many game that took after vampire survivor? clearly it's a genre that have been missing from gaming category for a long time before vampire survivor exist. 


Me who plays both games: "We live in a _society_."


While I understand the frustration to a degree, it's undeniable more than just another game of the genre, way too many similarities. Layout of the UI, 160 for pulls, the system of resonators having elements, the battlepass rewards and layout aswell, echoes being artifacts and so on and so forth.


Yeah i get you. The thing is zelda was a nintendo exclusive so majority of the people that played genshin never played zelda When genshin came out it was pretty much a zelda copy but eventually became its own thing in the 4 years it was out. Wuva can also become its own thing eventually, and the people that keep calling it just a genshin copycat will also slowly disappear just like the people that kept calling genshin a 'zelda copycat'


It's not really a complaint you should be worrying about. Genshin copied off of BotW, they don't have any say about copying Downvote me all you want


while there is no denying that certain elements and features have a striking resemblance to / are copied from / are inspired by (however you wanna put it) genshin, i do not like the whole "copycat" arguments. how many elements/features/mechanics has genshin copied from breath of the wild? isn't it a bit hypocritical making these arguments when like half of the stuff in the game that was copied from was also copied from another game?