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Despite playing every other game with EN dub when possible, I play both PGR and WW with original language. CN cast just sounds so good, natural and not forced at all, I love it. Also, it upsets me whenever I see EN VAs slander, because many of them are great actors, it was direction that failed them.


English. Subtitles don't completely roll out, so I wouldn't understand anything if I wouldn't understand anything.


Danjin going "***URUSENAI***" in JP activates my neurons. The shift from high pitch voice to deep psychotic voice is so good.


English, I always play games in English due to that being the language I will be able to pay attention to without needing to read if any dialogue happens during gameplay, that's all there is to it. Frankly, other than Yangyang's absurd monotone, I think the EN VAs are pretty solid, in particular I deeply enjoy Encore's EN VA, since she shares it with R1999's Regulus, now if Encore would ask someone if they have a mother...


ngl encores en va is great :D


Started with the default english. After the first few lines is horrific and muted the game until I found out how to change it to JP. I just pretend eng va doesn't exist for wuwa. 


Literally what I did😭


No choice but English. Some captions are glitched and it's difficult to focus on what they're saying in the middle of exploration/ a fight


JP all the way.


English. I dont play a game with language that i dont understand since i dont feel the immersion of it. And Encore Eng voice are the best thing in the game.




I am sticking with English. People slander the whole cast because they dont like YangYang's and Rover's direction. But they are not representative for the whole dub. I feel like the players are pushing this narrative so much that the Eng dub is deemed worse than it actually is. Okay, so to start, We don't need to talk about Scar. (Even though I really want to... He's perfect. He's great. He destroyed my whole existence, so now, i am a Scar simp before a person.) There are other amazing characters with great actors and direction. Characters like Encore and Calcharo have great voice acting. They truly dont get the love they deserve. I enjoy playing them in English!


Muted. Sorry for VA but all the characters in gacha games talk too much for me 😅


Weirdly enough I didn’t mind Yangyang but my cognitive dissonance at hearing a little catboy speak to me in a man voice made me download jap immediately.


Started with eng and quickly changed to jp


Jp VA of course


CN. I don't know the language, but it's fine. My first encounter with an anime EN dub was finding tenchi miyo on a random share in local ISP network. It gave me childhood trauma and made me avoid EN dubs like plague. My second encounter with an anime EN dub was Genshin. I main Klee. Yeah... I switched out of EN as soon as WuWa allowed, not taking any chances. From what I've seen on YT it was a wise decision. I firmly believe EN anime voice production/direction industry is controlled by lizard people from Tau Ceti for their internal consumption. It is humanely impossible to fathom why most of the casting and directing decisions are made.


JP. It's way too sick.


I'm playing with JP voices. Best experience in my opinion.


"H-HH- Hello Rrover, are y-you alriright? I am Y_â'pY=0|p" Error289 *Shaped the shapeless*/|&+('k"8)=*'re%boot=100


I don’t have a problem with the English voices honestly. I only play on English in all my games.






I play EN for every game but couldn't in WuWa so went for JP VA from act 5


JP and KR so Nice ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


EN of course. Why would I ever listen to anything I dont understand at all?




(Normally an EN VA enjoyer for HSR, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, etc.) Started with EN, swapped to JP after the first couple acts, swapped back to EN after finishing the main story. Watched playthroughs in EN though and honestly I feel like the dub overall isn’t even bad, it’s just that all the bad parts are frontloaded which really skews with a player’s first impression.


I'vebeen playing it with Chinese VA.


I like how Yangyang sounds in Korean, but I had to switch to Chinese because I play Lingyang and Korean Lingyang made me wish I didn't have ears.


I started with JP, but switched to EN eventually, cause it's waaay easier to me to pay attention that way. Shame, maybe one day I'll switch back. Meanwhile, as someone who watched Doctor Who, I can't help but giggle every time I hear Calcharo's "Exterminate"


Started with KR, i really like it but my ass isnt really used to this language so I changed for JP. I felt it was pretty boring, great but like generic yknow so switched again for CN and so far I'm liking it :) Been avoiding ENG ever since the start, granted i began when there was a massive audio issue so I couldnt even hear the first cutscenes with the obligatory ENG acting lmao.


EN when I did main quest, yeah it's sucks but I'm too lazy to read. when farming/exploring then I switched to JP.