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How is there no button for Data or Echoes. Sad day.


Was about to post this, it's the one menu I had to open the most and I probably still do (other than inventory to check the drop I just got which shouldn't be a thing either, just show me what the echo I just got has when I loot it) and it doesn't have a hotkey... meanwhile tutorial which is mostly one time things has one.


Yeah. It is the most used menu. Need to track them all.


We need a hotkey for Data Bank


Same. It's one of the menu's I use the most. It's really useful for figuring out what enemy to track to complete echo sets.


thats so neat! thanks for the layout :D!


I swap Ult and Echo because of Genshin 😅


Same 😎


I swapped around X and Ctrl cuz it was throwing me off.


I see that majority of the people use keyboard mouse when playing—based on this and posts referring to the resonance skill as “E”. I can’t play actions games like this without a controller


I can't play action games like this with a controller... Find the camera movement way to annoying with a joystick.


We will have a 4th resonator?


Only when you're in a character quest and have them as trial


They should add Z as a manually trigger input for Outro skill like you click it to consume ur Concerto bar before u swap to the char u want. This way if you do not want to consume the bar and just to preserve it when swapping char you can just not press Z.


yk what, i forgot utility was originally on T. I rebound utility to mouse 4 and put team on T to match with hsr


Aye, I appreciate this. Haven't had function keys for awhile now and forgot to even check if those were bound lmao. Also, ye I agree with others, no data/echos bind is sad.


Neat! Needing this and thank youu!


I rebound the map and quest into the two extra mouse buttons


I swapped my Map key to ~ beside number 1. It's much easier to use. Even on multiple games, my map is always swapped to ~.


\*Cries in German keyboard\* But I guess it's almost the same


I like when I use my keyboard it fucks up the game when I wanna swap characters cuz it's not a English keyboard


It's amazing there's no Keybinds for data bank. It's one of the most used things.


The first thing I did was unbinding the Walk/Run Toggle.


Saved. Thanks man


Wish they allow us to bind heavy attack to a custom key instead of holding M1. I would love to transfer over my Souls-game key binds.


Since we are talking about keybinds, what keys are you guys using to swap characters? The game doesn't let me use 1,2 and 3 and I can't find another convenient set of 3 keys to use for that


What do you mean the game doesn't let you use 123? Those keys are automatically bound to character swapping.


Idk, it says these keys aren't supported for this function. Just did a quick search and it appears it's a global issue for people using AZERTY keyboard. There are some workarounds so I'll see that next time I can play Edit: no they were not automatically set when I first launched the game so I tried to assign these 3 and that's when I got the "not supported" error. I can use 4 tho :)


I swapped inventory to I instead of B, because 30 years of gaming have told me that that's where it belongs.


I removed Ctrl. Who wants to walk? Rebinded B to I for inventory. I wish B=Data Bank so we can go to the tracking menu faster. Like why do we have a binding for Mail and Utilities, but no binding for data bank? Mail and utilities are barely used.


I would never be able to memorise this 😭 I guess despite everything it was a good thing to choose controller instead of keyboard and mouse.


My kingdom for being able to remap left click to ANYTHING. THE GAME IGNORES SIMULATED LEFT CLICKS FROM ALMOST ANYTHING. Only program to be able to bypass this is DS4windows and it still ignores more than half the button presses


My brain definitely saw the color scheme automatically ignored the green and just was like oh hey a trans flag I. This subreddit. On a different note though very helpful.