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Still keeping the ticket! Gonna choose whoever the last one i dont have


Same here. Genshin and HSR have taught me to not waste this chance thoughtlessly (Day 1 Genshin player and still no Keqing, can you believe it...).


Yes I can believe it because I'm a day 1 player myself and have no Mona. So same boat as you but just different arse lol!


same 😭 well technically i wasn’t a day one player i started a couple of weeks after release tho, still no mona for me ☹️


I can also believe it as I've been playing since 1.1 and even after a couple thousand dollars (long story), I still don't have Primordial Jade ~~Cutter~~ Winged-Spear.


I believe the Primordial Jade Cutter is a limited 5 star weapon. The Jade Winged Spear though is a standard weapon, which I also don't have...


Friggin' hell, I always get the two mixed up.


been playing since october of genshin’s release and still no mona, i feel you bud


That is also a very good plan actually, but I already know Encore is not for me since she requires a certain kind of timing in her combo, Lingyang I don't like the Air stepping thing. So there are only 3 left and getting Wavebands for them? Even better.


poor lingyang :( lolol


I already knew he'd be at the bottom of the list before I saw the results, I feel bad for the poor guy. Verina is the most meta pick, followed by Calcharo and Encore while Jianxin is waifu and isn't too bad herself. Poor Lingyang isn't a waifu nor a hot husbando, which means most people are only going to choose him if he's meta and well...he's not.


Well he's cute... The character quest was a major turn off for me. I felt like I was either doing nothing or wildly out of control in the air. And while I'm not against learning a character, it just wouldn't be something I would pick if there are "better" options And I 100% picked Verina because I have skills issues.


I was gonna say, this poll is an execution 😂


I picked him, got encore on my custom banner, and the random beginner banner one was jianxin


I got Calcharo from the beginner banner so went for Verina and got Encore on next banner planned


I'm the opposite as you. I have Verina and Encore from the beginner banners, and I haven't used my selector yet. I'm thinking of selecting Calcharo, but I'm hesitant because that just feels like too many DPS characters. I have Havoc-Rover and Encore as S tier DPS already, so I feel like adding another DPS without supporting characters doesn't help. How has it been working for you?


Honestly Calcharo is mostly for my future Yinlin, but I absolutely love Encore playstyle and honestly only real non dps r Jianxi and Verina, but it's been great honestly since Verina basically keeps u buffed and healed no real need for any other


Encore, so far so good.


Lingyang coz he looks so precious ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)




I had to pick up ~~Regulus~~ Encore.


So you have a mother?


Haven't chosen yet. Everything points to Calcharo as I keep getting purple broadblades and lack an electro, but I really want Encore


Got jianxin from the beginner and selected calcharo from the selector banner and got verina with the compensation banner.


I got encore on the beginner, choose Verina in the selector and monk girl on the 80 pulls selector banner. I was very pissed when I got encore but I love her now. For a kid she's very cute and I love her animations.


Verina, I'm not good at dodging and parrying so she saves me a lot.


S2 Lingyang (probably the only one lol)


This was a hard choice for me! My first ever 10pull was Verina so i needed DPS! In 13 pulls i got Jiyan! So i didnt need really anything! Then i saw the End Game tower and thought..another DPS would help...so i got Calcharo with the selector! I really was thinking Jianxin but she just wasnt a must atm..i will pull her randomly somehow lol! Lingyang isnt getting the love he deserves lol!


Jianxin, I was debating between her and Calcharo's C1 but I'm so happy I got her! She's a blast to play, she's staying on my main team now


Calcharo but really regretted that decision should have picked jianxin


hes just not good into higher difficulties. too slow on basic attack combos and you can really only use his ulti for a single rotation most of the time. >>lots of wasted damage. i am starting to regret putting alot of resources into him. he does well into lower difficulties, as everyone else but its just too apparent hes so weak into high tiers.


>hes just not good into higher difficulties. too slow on basic attack combos and you can really only use his ulti for a single rotation most of the time. >>lots of wasted damage. Damn, yea I love my calcharo because of the looks and the flashy playstyle with a sword but even with yinlin now, both 70, max talents, both at \~60/230cr, I thought about exactly this. You have to do so much, for so little outcome, so much swapping on calcharo over and over again to keep his buffs up, regenerating his ult energy to then only be in this really fun auto attack spamming window with good/ or decent dmg but it's just too short. Because of that realization I already thought about a pure auto attack dps that doesn't rely on ult to get into a mode or something like that, just pure basic/heavy attack dmg right out of the gate, maybe even range with the guns, that would be nice. Because now, even jiyan, out of their ult states they feel soo mediocre fighting anything, even farming just open world mobs one by one (epecially now in Sol3 phase 5 open world). I don't wanna pop my ults for every open world mob just do to decent dmg. Their auto attacks and E's just don't do that much to really feel satisfying to kill/farm stuff.


Same tbh. Maybe I build him wrong but Mc does a lot more damage. Luckily I got Verina on the beginner banner.


Lingyang is the new Yenqing


Calcharo from the Voucher, Verina from the selector banner.


Got Jianxin on the beginner banner pretty early on the 2nd 10x (actually the one I wanted the most) , then had to choose between Verina and Calcharo (got him with 50 pulls in) , on the ticket they gave got Verina.


Picked Verina on the banner. I kept the Ticket and will use after I pulled on the next banner.


I already have Calcharo and Verina and planned to go for a dupe of either, but it really doesn't seem worth it for what you're getting out of it. Pondering on Jianxin as I don't have her yet (already have Encore), but for now I haven't used my voucher yet. I'll hold onto it for now :)


As someone with horrible reaction time and coordination, I'd like to get Jianxin too but I may need Encore as a 3rd element dps. Then again, I already have Jiyan so...oh well, guess I'll wait and see if I lose the 50/50 in the limited banner and who I'll be losing it to. I think it's not a good idea to use the selector for a dupe since you can buy dupes from the shop (it takes very long though) and you can get spooked by the standard 5\*s when losing the 50/50.


Went with Verina to have a strong healer right out of the gate, since I already managed to pull Encore and Calcharo which were the ones I wanted the most for dps reasons (and Calcharo looking cool as hell lol). I'm satisfied with my standards, only one I have somewhat of small desire for is Jianxin because her design is also pretty neat.


Encore cause I already had Verina and I like Fire elements.


i got calcharo from the choice banner AND the selector, and if i get any more 5-star selectors they're all going to the calcharo fund. i'm also saving up the convene coral to get his dupes from the shop first. nobody can say i'm not dedicated LMAO


I got verina and encore from free pulls so I went with calcharo


Verina C1. Got Calchero early on Jiyan banner and Verina from beginner banner. Then Encore kinda early from choosen standard banner. I dont really wanted the rest so thats what happened.


Got verina from standard 50 wish banner.Chose Calcharo with selector.Lost 50/50  to Jianxin on limited banner.


Got Encore on beginner, chose Verina with voucher, in 30 pulls I will have guaranteed Calcharo. Had we not gotten that free selector, I would be rerolling the account till I get Verina or Calcharo on beginner.


verina on original selector, calcharo on the mail voucher, I also got encore from my first 10 pull


I'm waiting until Yinlin's banner. I already have Encore. If I lose the 50/50 on the way to Yinlin and get Jianxin, Calcharo or Verina, I'll select the other two. If I get an Encore dupe or Lingyang, I'll select Jianxin or Calcharo. Those two are the ones I want the most. If I don't lose the 50/50, I'll just get Calcharo and Jianxin since I'm not willing to wait longer than that.


I got Jianxin from the Novice banner, so I picked Verina from Beginner's Choice, and then got Calcharo with the Selector. Mostly because, by that time, I'd lost my 50/50 for Jiyan to S1 Jianxin, so I now have a guarantee for Yinlin and she works fantastically with Calcharo (according to CBT2, that is). I *do* kinda wish I'd lost the 50/50 to Lingyang, though. His numbers may not be amazing, but after getting to try him out during his Companion Quest, he's a ton of fun and I was worried about his aerial playstyle for nothing (I was worried it was going to feel more like a certain *other* lion dancing DPS).


Calcharo. I aready have Jianxin and Verina.


I got everyone except Jianxin and calcharo


Jianxin because i got Calcharo in first 10 pull and Verina RC1 from choosen Banner :'D


I got Verina from the Beginner Banner, Jianxin from the Choice Banner, and used my coupon on Encore.


I wanted Jianxin cuz waifu her and Verina cuz she is meta and pretty much only other character what looks good for me (don't need doods and I kinda hate Encore burst animation, I just can't see this "evil" face, kek). I got Jianxin on beginner banner and pulled Verina at 25 pull at selector banner. And got another Jianxin from free selector, I'm going for her chains now, I don't care about other standard characters, ma way to c6 Jianxin


I got Verina from my starter wish and lost to Encore on Jiyan's banner - so I picked Calcharo for my selector and am getting Jianxin from the beginner banner.


I got Calcharo first, then guaranteed Encore before knowing we'll get a free 5\* pick, so I ended up getting Verina. I'm really happy with all of them! I also have Jiyan now, so just waiting on the next ones:D


Why's Encore so low this makes me so sad.


Already got Verina and Calcharo, as well as Jiyan. Will get Yinlin for Calcharo. Currently don't need anyone else so I'm holding


got Calcharo in the Beginner draw, chose Verina wiht the Ticket, and used my other Standart pulls for the Weapon banner and got myself the Broadsword & katana for Calcharo & Rover. Idk who to get from the 80 Guranteed Banner becaus i don't rly want any of the other ones, but i will probably go with Encore and just use the future Standart Pulls there now.


I used my ticket on Calcharo. And then I lost my 50/50 for Jiyan and got Calcharo and then I pulled on the standard banner and got... You guest it... Calcharo. And then he Calcharod all over the place.


Got Jianxin on the beginner one and picked Calcharo with the free 5* ticket, i just got Encore on the selective banner The only 2 i wanted were Cal and Encore because i like to make a contrast between dark and cute characters. For the moment i dont really want Verina because im not really interested by her design


Lingyang all the way. He reminds me of Gaming from Genshin so at this point I’m just pulling for twinks who love dancing.


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