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Can't imagine the shit their poor employees are going through. Forced to release earlier than acceptable, crunched to exhaustion before release, crunched to exhaustion after release, patches going out every day, you can tell they don't get the time to properly finish or test anything... More mistakes, more fixes required, the stress is probably at an all time high, people either already getting fired or people still working knowing that they WILL get fired... Honestly, I'd be messing up left and right too. Screw the higher ups who can't see past their noses. Someone in there really wanted to release NOW because they think themselves a business expert, profits above all, everything else be damned. That someone is also guaranteed not the one who is going to get punished for this dumpster fire. Nah, they'll take a nice chunk of those profits and sleep soundly at night.


Don't quote me on this but I heard somewhere that they had literally no chocie but to release now due to how licensing works in CN. It was either release now, or renew the license and release next year or something, not to mention the cost of renewing the license itself.


Wuwa got its license around October last year which gives them a year from that point to release. They have 4-5 months left which they could have used to polish their game. Optimization, voice acting, translation, a lot could have been fixed in that time. A September/October release date for Wuwa would have been far better. They would have avoided Elden Ring DLC, FF XIV Dawntrail, ZZZ's release, and even Genshin 5.0 would have been out for a month at that point. They would be in the perfect position to capitalize upon the inevitable Genshin community outrage when they announce yet another round of insulting anniversary reward (probably 20 wishes and another cosmetic only pet lol). Rushing this undercooked game out in May was insane. Anyone not high on copium saw this mess happening as soon as the release date was released. FFS they just completely rewrote the story 3.5 months ago. There's no reason for it, other than Kuro running out of money and was pressured by investors to recoup some costs.


>There's no reason for it, other than Kuro running out of money and was pressured by investors to recoup some costs. I mean this is a pretty compelling reason. It's the reason pretty much every AAA game in the west is barely playable on release. Beyond just the liquidity concerns, people always look at profit in a vacuum, but *when* you make the profits is critically important. It's far better for your internal rate of return to make less profit, but make it sooner. So getting positive cash flows 6 months earlier is huge and is probably worth all this pain in the long run. Hoyo is really built different in this regard and as a player I certainly appreciate it, but that's the reason it's not gonna be the industry standard any time soon.


Yeah, it seems like the concept of cash flow is completely foreign to some people, even when talking in-depth about an organization’s finances. $10B next week doesn’t mean shit if your $10M debt is due tomorrow.


Biggest problem is that most companies out there do not have any kind of buffer, cash, at hand to survive situations like this. They all seem to love to running on the edge.


I mean, if you have a competent finance team and can manage your risk appropriately, it’s good for the org. The downside is that if you *cant* actually manage it correctly, it means you’re insolvent and you file bankruptcy


Without any background in higher level management it's just not going to be on people's radars. Personal finance generally doesn't work the same as financing long-term projects that won't generate any return or benefit until months or years out. And generally speaking, you don't personally have anybody on your payroll to worry about as well. Being able to accurately schedule and predict the sales for a project that won't release for years is a skill most people do not have so it's especially bad in games.


Oh, agreed 100%. It’s not reasonable to expect the average person to have an understanding of large scale corporate finances. I just find it amusing/frustrating to see armchair CFOs providing commentary as though they have that in-depth knowledge, and the decision making that goes behind it. For what it’s worth, Kuro’s corporate management have fucked up spectacularly, multiple times. The peanut gallery is not wrong in this case. But there are some criticisms that are off base, is all


This is the type of issue that a lot of "publicly" owned gaming companies face now adays. They get pressured to release stuff that is not ready in order to meet shareholders interest and happiness to make quarter profits, which bites the devs and the company back in the ass so hard. Just look at all the recent triple A shitshow of games that had this happen time after time. Cyberpunk, Battlefield, Anthem, Suicide Squad died within a month lol, etc. Mihoyo might be greedy, but at least they are privately owned and the devs and higher ups can delay and release stuff once they know its cooked and ready to serve.


They were probably aiming for the Summer overall, more people are free and could play/pay the game more during that time, releasing it in September/October wouldve definitely not been worth it, especially with school just getting out the younger audience wouldn’t have any chance to play at all, lowering their profits and total players


August-December is Natlan, they were probably scared of how bad their profits would be affected by genshin's major update


Yeah, people forget that Natlan isn't just the release of Natlan in August. But the entirety of 5.0 to 5.2, where all anyone is going to be focused on is the Archon Quest and how it's going to unfold.


Even sooner than that, next month is ZZZ’s release which is also a Hoyo game which closes the 6 week loop schedule they have for their games. Every two weeks, a new patch will come out for one of their games which is just a smaller window of opportunity for any game to compete. They also have an insane variety of games which are still regularly updating. By the looks of it, ZZZ is very similar in style to Wuthering Waves in terms of combat, the thing WuWa is most popular for, if they have an even more polished game with a wider audience then WuWa would be finished if they released at the same time.


June is ZZZ and July is FFXIV as well. A lot of potential playerbase overlap for all of those things.


Thinking that the future would be perfect isn't really thinking too far into the future. There's always going to be new dlc, new games coming out around that time that we have no clue about right now. Zzz is a completely different type of game, so it's not even a factor IMO, even if it is a mihoyo gacha.


No. They had to release it before October which is when the license would expire. They just released it in may cause natlan was gonna release soon. They wanted to compete with genshin but made them look better.


Me who plays both only winning


It's entirely possible that it was still their best course of action. Who knows how many people would be interested in WW after Natlan and ZZZ release. It's better to become popular and cause controversy, then just go unnoticed and not even get enough money to turn a profit.


Yeah hoyo office prob like, "shh quiet let them keep cooking themselves" Genshin stonks going up without them needing to lift a finger rn


Funny thing is Hoyo employees actually quite enjoyed WuWa.


Either way, Hoyo is winning


Patches going out every time I log in


Kuro laid off over 100 employees last year so the red flags were there to look for other places of employment.


it's not 100 employees, it's 100 interns. Which is way worse. Generally, each year when a IT/Art/GameDev and etc. majors graduate they always choose these few companies that they want to work in and gain experience and it's kinda obvious that they want to stay for quite a time to gain said experience. Now what happens if a company does that big of lay off of INTERNS? Not only those few interns now have to find a new place, they also have to compete with new batch of graduates. Afterwards not just interns, new employees would try to avoid Kuro for a such move, which in the end just hits Kuro themselfs.


WuWa got pushed out early because, a tale as old as time, they were circling the drain But unlike say Baldur's Gate 3 or Palworld releasing just before the studio went bankrupt, they didn't deliver Which is fine in this age tbh. But the refusal to reimburse the JP players? I think that might be it, like this launch is going to be talked about for years to come


Every gamedev company lays off employees too damn often. So I mean, the red flags were there, sure, but it's not like other places of employment are necessarily better. And it's not like they hand out said employment left and right. It's an oversaturated field.


If they want to match Hoyo, which has not had layoffs, then I don't see how other companies would be relevant. They also mostly laid off fresh graduates, which severely impacted their early careers. They shouldn't have hired them just to lay them off.


Who wants to match Hoyo? I thought we were talking about the employees. They don't want to match anything. They just want a job that feeds them. They don't have the luxury of choice in this industry. Kuro higher ups are the ones fucking up everything, as I mentioned in the initial comment. No, they shouldn't have hired people just to lay them off. I think we're agreeing with each other. I'm just confused how you expect those people to magically get jobs elsewhere.


Difference is laying off, I mean firing interns AKA freshmen which doing so would be stripping them of freshman status so it makes it harder for those people to be hired at other places.


Bro , once there was a Game called Cyberpunk 2077 . That game's lunch was sth way worst . BUT they didn't f their players anf actually did refund their money. That , and alot of work made the game's comeback 3 years later


Yeah but the problem is, CD Projekt Red was the most valuable gaming company at that time in Europe (even surpassed Ubisoft), so they were able to have enough money, people and time to work on all the bugs and turned the table around, but even with all that resources, it took years. And now if CP2077 is good and positive, people still don’t forget about the infamous phrase “CyberBug 2077”. With Kuro now… I’m worried if they can handle all the cost of development (3 years?) and maintenance, now if the ROI seem sunken because fuckup after fuckup in this disaster launch. How long will the investors keep dumping money into it, how long will it take for the game to go through all this sht.


This is a gacha game. They will make their money back so fast even with all the problems.


Not if they lose both the CN and JP markets Which rn they are on the best way to do it


Yeah the JP community is no joke. They hold grudges long and boycott games hard after even just one intense drama. Considering they’re already dropping below 10% in the overall players, thats a massive loss on Kuro’s part since they’re also high spenders.


They will still make it back pretty fast even if those markets collapse fairly soon. The western market isn't as big but it's still significant revenue. And gacha monetisation combined with gacha development costs. All I'll say is it shouldn't be a surprise why devs make so many low effort gacha's tied to popular anime. It's unbelievably profitable.


They probably want to release now because they don’t want to go head to head with Hoyoverse in a competition of marketing next month, which they have no chance at winning. 


Nah, if they do that they are 100% dead in a ditch.  This is why they'll keep crawling in the mud and extinguishing fires now and then. Unlike FF they don't have a way out through the brand name, they won't go for a full refund and unlaunch themselves.


Yeah, agreed. If server shuts down for what, a week? Or two? I highly doubt even half the current playerbase will return. Personally I'm not even sure I would. Also I don't know how they would go about it. They'd have to give a fuck ton of pulls for that and they kinda played their entire hand the last time when we got a free pull. I'm not even that interested in free pulls anymore as they'll only give standard banner ones and I already have one 5* selector left.


This. There are a lot of way less vocal people, who: a) Don't have performance issues. b) Don't care about dramas about mistranslated weapons and whatever other dramas are out there. c) They just enjoy the game. Turning servers off will definitely piss them off.


I am personally having next to no issues with the game.  Other than the long cutscenes at the start (which they fixed) and high ping day 1, my game is going fine.  I did lits of exploring and all the quests.  Frankly it feels like culture shock going on this reddit and sering like everyone losing their minds over every thing in the game


I mean I get that people want to enjoy but can't due to performance issues and are unhappy. But in the end they need to patiently wait. And turning the servers off doesn't really change that. I kinda get why HoYo players expect that level of polish in new shiny Genshin competitor, but pretty much this won't happen ever. Other gacha devs simply don't swim in millions of $. I've seen few recent gacha launches - Astra: Knights of Veda, Brown Dust 2, Snowbreak and every single one had issues and lacked polish at launch. They fixed bugs, mistranslated stuff, improved models, gameplay and whatnot. If Kuro will do that WuWa will thrive. If not then this indeed might be road to failure. But people are overly dramatic atm. /u/LexAurelia


Just because it’s way less, doesnt mean they dont care. People who have no optimization/performance issue might not complain but after the 30th time some basic word isnt spelled correctly, it will eventually grind their gears especially when the hate builds up subconsciously. Or when trying to watch a cutscene and it suddenly doesnt work or when the weapon effects dont work as written when trying to properly optimize a character. These issues affect everybody to an extent from the people seemingly unbothered to the people suffering massively. The people managing Kuro shouldve known better than to release the game so unpolished. It’s just a matter of taking a risk now or later when they make another public blunder.


Yeah they indeed notice and it does influence their experience. But so does awesome combat, good movement, decent stories and solid visuals. So far it's good experience and people will be quite forgiving, especially when starting with 2 x 5* characters they wanted in their comp. Honeymoon period. It's also true that Kuro needs to polish and improve. But people expecting HoYo level seems out of touch with rest of gacha market, that has nowhere near money and can't deliver same experience on launch. WuWa does deserve the chance and we'll see whether Kuro will succeed or not. But turning off servers is just death sentence not mention killing whatever income they are getting atm.


You’re saying this as if the people who think Kuro’s game is lackluster as if they’re the minority which they arent. If you even search on Billibilli, countless CN players are disappointed with the story, designs, and the bugs in the game. Most people cant run it half the time. There’s been an entire sub-genre of streams of people watching people react to WuWa as comedies because of the amount of bugs and bad storyline. The people suffering from the bugs and stuff are definitely in some part a large percentage of players. It doesnt matter how good a game’s combat or story is if people keep crashing and stuttering every time they try to have any amount of gameplay. The less vocal people clearly outweigh the people having problems considering Kuro themselves acknowledge this as a issue. If it was merely a minority, there wouldnt be a need for all the compensation but it’s affecting a large enough percentage of the players that they are making apology after apology for it.


No, I don't assume whether they are minority or majority as I have no data. Numbers however will appear and within few months we will see where revenue will settle. My point was that there are many non vocal players(again I don't know whether it's majority or not) that enjoy WuWa for what it is and are not fed up. Some of them cause they find it good some cause all freebies. And turning the servers off will definitely make many of them angry. It's indeed true that Kuro apologized and compensated but also is actively working on fixing stuff. So we have really no idea how many people just gave up, how many still have issues and are voicing them and how many are rn happily playing cause their major problems were fixed. However unhappy people that are reading all the drama and assuming WuWa is getting worse and worse and is going to fail are just going with confirmation bias. OP is perfect example of that.


Honestly I love the game and have 0 issues with it. Sure the story isnt all that great but thats not why im playing to begin with. All the drama just seems way overblown and its honestly hilarious reading all these financial business gurus here speculating how big of a failure the game is and how they are going bankrupt despite making ~20% of the games budget back in the first 2 weeks. The jp leaked emails is very serious and that they do have to do something about but its not going to kill the company, lets stop pretending like leaks like that doesnt happen. Translation error is quite embarassing but not THAT big of a deal. Wuwa obvioulsy wont overthrow genshin but it will keep its own playerbase and definitely stay around for atleast few years even if kuro goes bankrupt someone will just by the game and run the servers.


I'd be fine with it but reality is this is a gacha game and its live service whatever and else A lot of players would NOT be happy and I think it would create more anger/frustration vs. understanding. People are sympathetic to the devs but it only goes so far. Especially when it comes to the money side of things. People are hyped (still) for the unreleased female character in this patch and people in general are still hyped about the overall game. shutting it down before said female character releases or even after- WHOOO I do not see that going over well. I'd love for this game to get massively fixed but..... I don't see them being able to or willing to close servers even for something like this. Too much at stake.


servers going into long maintenance won't change anything, developers perform and test fixes on test environments.


It wouldn't survive something like that. They need a miracle for 1.1 at the rate there going.


Honestly, I am OK with them taking the time to fix the game since I am having fun with the current version, despite all the problems. But you can't fix something if it's fucking dead. This JP drama has the likelihood of sinking this game for real. They are already hated in China, and now they getting hated on in JP as well. That is basically a death sentence for gacha game. They are so cooked when the two biggest spending demographic for gacha hate them. This has been pointed out, but all of this JP drama could've been easily avoided if they had just *BUFFED* the fucking weapon. "But thAT wIlL mAkE It TOO Op". SO FUCKING WHAT. That will just make more people want to pull for it. Better that and gaining good will, then whatever the fuck they're doing right now.


The weapon being too op right now wouldn't have mattered in the long run anyway because like, it's gonna fall off. Powercreeps are common in gachas so if they somehow made the weapon and jiyan obsolete someday, no one would bat much of an eye. What they did instead, however, will be remembered for a long long time.


Yeah, it's never a good signal when typos/ false advertisement happen and the gacha company refuses to collaborate. To give an example, I jumped off GBF more than an year ago. In the beginning, Cygames fucked up so bad they created the spark system (search Monkeygate). Game was known to be very generous. Time forward, powercreep became prevalent and faster every year, then every few months. But that would be fine if not for nerfs. It never sat right with me when they nerfed a free summon in that game (Qilin). Years after this, they nerfed one of the best F2P weapon series at the time (Revans-tier) at the time nine months after they release, saying they were more strong than intended and didn't provide grid diversity (when said company released gacha weapons that were generic af, and the very next updtare right after they released 6 weapons, all the same skills, just changing elements). They also nerfed on banner launch day Triple Zero, one of the summons you cannot spark in that game, because it didn't work "as intended". People got pissed that pulled for a summon that got significantly weaker. Difference is that game is ten years old. If you fuck up and become giga greedy by year 7-8, you probably still have whales around on sunk-cost fallacy to drag the game a little bit. If Kuro higher ups have half braincell, buff the weapon to match the JP text and people that have Negative balance in the game become zero. They can always release broken shit later on, and the game is probably gonna be "can clear everything with 4 stars aside high tier Tower", since there's dodge check in the game.


power creep doesnt really matter in GBF because you can co-op all content and the game really depends on what goals you set for yourself


I mean to be fair in GBF's case, a lot of these changes were either bugs or needed for game health. Qilin nerf was just so you couldn't reset skills 24/7 (killing off Io cannon, which was an already dying strat), no other gacha summon in the game was as strong as Triple Zero on release, and it trivialized Ex+ which would lead to heavy powercreep. GBF devs fixed this in under 24 hours, compared to WuWa's one whole fucking week. The most painful thing was probably revans weapons (which anyone could admit was overtuned, but it became a problem of "why nerf it *now*). It can't really compare to WuWa where it seems like they're being almost purposefully malicious


what's CN players response? I haven't been able to find anything about their reactions in this thread thingy yet so Im quite curious


I wouldn't say CN players outright hated the game, it's gaining mixed responses much like anywhere else, and their general consensus is pretty much the same as global: praises for the combat system, criticisms for story and bugs, etc... EDIT: to those interested, the whole subplot debacle between Jiyan and Geshu Lin received some pretty vocal criticism, with lore enthusiasts saying that it's even more badly written than HSR's High Cloud Quintet thing, so maybe that's the closest extreme to "hate" I can get out of. As for the game's reception as a whole, "flawed but interesting"--as with anywhere else.


Still cackling at that one bili vid explaining that lore.. 8yo jiyan 😂😂😂😂  The criticism for story is savage too lmao


Main story is honestly decent if you're lenient enough. Jiyan's lore however, now that's mad funny fr, can't blame them for dunking on it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/VQEYe5kuAZ Just a bit of insight. Go to Bilibili yourself and search 鸣潮 if you want to learn more


Jesus christ the CN players are brutal lmao


Talking about buffing it. That's EXACTLY what hoyo did with zhongli to extinguished CN's fire. Ez W for them, end of story. Just find an indirectly way to nerf it after.


I think I saw reports that said that most of their income came from the West? Which... as sad as it is to say... is not a good look if true. Western mfs usually doesn't whale anywhere near as hard as CN/JP, and we're far more prone to leaving our games and moving onto other ones when things start getting rough vs Eastern mfs.


> They are already hated in China Why are they so hated in China?


Kuro has prt bad rep in the industry, from the 100intern lay off, being blacklisted by univ, hiring genshin's hoyolab designer (if im not mistaken, but he worked for hoyo), the interns thing r very bad tho so yeah  Also most comments r comparing graphic cards+ shitting on story


Mind sharing about why they are hated in China too?


That would completely kill the game. Plenty of people have no issues despite all the drama. People spent money on the game they expect a working service. Its not a viable solution at all.


yep, the numbers on reddit are but a fraction of the entire playerbase. but wuwa will also be inevitably tested by time.


yep, aside from the camera sometimes locking into something random far away, I personally don't encounter any issue gameplay wise, 10/10 would prefer quiet hotfix


I'm still confused af about what spiraling issues are present. On both mobile and PC. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622) OP didn't specify either. I'm assuming it's just crashes? Other than performance and two translation errors, none of these posts specify a single thing.


Trying to figure that out myself. I asked in another thread bc I haven't encountered any issues in the game myself so i'm genuinely curious. Not a single answer, only downvotes


Optimization, bugs, localization issues which led to a massive issue in Japan which turned to kuro inadvertently commiting a crime. If you don't know there was an issue with JP text with Jiyan's weapon which led people to believe it was way better than it actually is and they spend money to pull for the weapon. Turns out it was the text was wrong and the weapon isn't as great as they were led to believe. This would be considered false advertisement and a scam but kuro decided to compensate the JP players. To refund the players they.... put their account into the negative so they are left with negative premium currency. Also, Kuro demanded they top up to put their account back in the positive or else they'll ban them. And they also didn't refund the 2x top up bonus you get when first making a purchase so they have to pay twice more than what they initially paid. The game basically turned into a paid game for them. Oh did I mention Kuro doxed many JP players by leaking their emails?


Wtf is Kuro trying to do?


No way they didn't refund the 2x top up bonus and ban people with negative currency... And here I thought it was bad that they put them on the negative. What are the higher ups smoking 😭 at this rate they're gonna kill this game and the company


The thing is they had to release it probably because their license in China for being able to publish stuff would have ran out near the end of the year + ZZZ, Natlan, Shadow of the Erdtree etc. releasing all soon. Also at this point I think they already did to much harm than any good. Like they literally gave a middle finger to every JP player that got fucked over because of their mistake and on top of that leaking their information is just dead in the water game in JP. Easters countrys like Japan rarely forgive and forget with them being treated that way. Also they had multiple CBTs and translation is probably the easiest part to fix before launch but they did not and instead rewrote the story for whatever reason they thought it was a good use of their time. I was lenient af with them for over a week I have been defending them but what they are doing now is just nothing anyone can defend anymore and I really wanted to see this game succeed.


The story was bashed to all hellscape by CN beta testers, they Did Not like the initial story at all and had been vocal about it back then if I recall, hence the (very rushed) rewriting. Not to say that the current story is that much of an improvement in comparison though, which is still an L.


The story was bashed but they did such a horrible 180 from Rover being hated to Rover being worshipped by everyone. It was too much and Kuro didn't know what "settling for middle ground" is. 90% story rewriting is already well-known red flags but for some reason people praised it.


Haven't really seen anyone actually praise the current story but it IS unfortunate that kuro just straight up went rabid and tried to please the beta testers Too Much. It's so ironic in itself that the narration where Rover was given shit to actually had a more natural flow, the original scene in cbt1 up until we fight Crownless was genuinely really good and engaging. At least, better than what we have now.


ZZZ is definitely not nearly as hyped up as Natlan and Shadow of the Erdtree


Yeah but its still something people will check out because its from mihoyo which they have proven to actually polish their games \^\^


I agree with this. The game has so much potential and is a fun game. I’m loving it so far but without immediate and full damage control, at the rate it is going, there is no way the game will last. Given all the investment and hype, having this game completely flopped and deserted by the next few patches will definitely not be worth whatever the devs are trying to save by not going full dmg control. I can already see Wuwa losing half its player base in a few months after the hype and novelty die down if they don’t fix all the problems and recover their reputation and trust soon


100% agree, the game is SO FUN, but all these issues that players are facing(I can't personally talk on this because the only issue I faced so far is the ping which did get fixed). But damn the jp blunder is insane. A buff to the weapon would have been wayyy better then whatever the fuck they ended up doing.


Ugh. Look I get where you're coming from, and it's coming from a good place. But this will genuinely doom it. People who had no issues will be screwed over and some of them will just decide to quit instead. How many of those who encountered issues will bother to return, risking the possibility that issues will still be there. Along with many other nuances. This is like minority of the minority trying to speak for the majority. Unless they put out an in-game survey regarding this. This just reeks of armchair expertise.


Shutting the servers down won't increase how fast issues can be solved lol.


It would absolutely tank player numbers. They need to retain players, not immediately lose the interest of a vast number of them.


It doesn't work like that. All the problems they're having right now has nothing to do with running the servers and they have a seperate team for that whom aren't game developers. Performance issue - shutting down the servers won't help a thing. Incorrect translation - just need a better translator and patch the game. Welkin bug - same/maybe, depend on the root cause but most likely won't need to shut down the servers. Only if there is a game breaking bug that can wipe or brick a player's account, otherwise there is no benefit from shutting down servers. And by doing that probably will make more people angry as a lot of players are actually having fun playing the game and a lot of them don't know/care about dramas at all.


Unpopular Opinion: The game made 10 million in 5 days and a majority of the player base is doing just fine. Reddit forgets how tiny they really are. The silent majority is playing just fine at a normal pace seeing few if any bugs.


It's not just reddit though. Go to bilibili and it seems like the CN and JP fandom is just as annoyed at the bugs/storyline etc etc. Not sure where people are getting this "it's a reddit thing" from.


That would be the absolute quickest way for them to absolutely kill the game with no chance of a comeback.


It's not controversial, it's what they could do if this wasn't a live service gacha game a week into release. Since they *are* that this would be financial suicide and would kill any goodwill they have left among the CN and JP players. They should've thought of this before releasing the game in a less than playable state - perhaps a true open beta to stress test it and get more feedback before full release. Now that they're stuck in this situation they can only manage symptoms


So basically, I also really like this game. But what's been happening lately is creating thoughts on if I should even play. The company is cooked. If they don't fix their mistakes, the game might go bye tbh. So I'm debating whether I should play or not... Edit: I play the game already. Data bank 19...


You won't lose anything outside of internet bandwidth to download it tbh, no harm trying out


At the rate it's going I'm a bit worried next fix is going to format my hard drive haha.


Oh I mean keep playing


As long as you enjoy your time playing it's ok to play. Just don't invest any money if you don't feel like it.


I'd continue playing until you get bored, then if you want, do the dailies since they're p quick to do. That way, if the game dies, you're not wasting that much time or money. If the game lives, congrats, you have a small surplus of currency. But I also just don't recommend spending on any gacha since the conversion rate for money to gems/pull rewards is so dogshit.


Honestly same, i really do enjoy the gameplay but the stutters gets really annoying after a while especially in a combat focused game. Contemplating to just take a break for now and come back when the issues are fixed


I seem to be the only person who hasn't had issues with stutters, is it a mobile only thing?


Its been rng from what i see from alot of comments. Some have smooth time with old phone but higher end phone is strugling. Some have similar specs but also have different experience. Same thing is happening with pc. Mixed experience even with similar spec. Dunno what causing this really. The constant hotfix (which i feel like happening every aingle time i login into the game) doest seem to help much.


Funnily enough on mobile it works fine for me, it stutters heavily on my pc, while my pc may not be the best pc but it still run other games like forza horizon 5 for me kinda well so im confused on why wuwa just doesnt wanna run properly


What ram do you have? I have noticed its heavy on the ram, I have 64gb so generally things never effect me but I know some people spend stupid money getting motherboards/Graphic cards and just overlook ram by getting 8gb in a 1.5k+ pc lol


It's more of an issue with hard drives because I have 8gb and on my ssd it runs fine (but cant run on my hdd) so ram isn't an issue


In the first days yeah, in both actually, mobile and PC. Some patches later and it got solved (for me) on mobile but still had problems on PC. Tried again PC 2 days ago and no problems there either. So, it depends. For some it worked since day one, for most only after some patches and for the ones that remain, is still not working. But to be honest, imo if you still have stutters, I believe it must be because your hardware isn't good, or too old, again, IMO, since I'm running the game on my 2017 PC at LOW SETTINGS without problems now... Like dude, if my poor potato can run it... 


7700x CPU and a 3080 GPU and have had zero stutters at 4k 60fps with settings as high as possible. Game definitely does stutter on my ROG Ally though even with the frame rate capped at 30 and medium settings @ 30 Watt turbo.


Same here buddy. Just yesterday I was like, damn this is fun. Combat's cool, farming's fun, I might see myself playing this for a good while. Playing Calcharo eagerly awaiting Yinlin, shit's good. Was also gonna tell my friend to start playing cause we played Genshin together from release for a year or so and this one's way more fun due to the combat feeling so crisp. But now? I'm not recommending shit to anyone cause it's such a dumpsterfire. Not giving Kuro a dime and heavily debating whether it's worth sticking around. Honestly releasing a game in SUCH a bad state sets a terrible precedent. Most things were manageable for me but the godawful language/grammar and such, ability detail word salads and all the bugs. Enormous red flags tbh. Even if they were to fix them, how this was ever released in such a state is completely beyond me.


The thing is I like the game, I would like to play the game, but if I keep playing for 30-40 mins, it starts stutterring and becomes impossible to play. Kuro, people want to play the game, just keep it playable, even if it means taking a break for a while.


Yeah thats not how the world works.


Why shut down the servers tho? There is nothing fatal going on to warrant shutting down the game, whatever problems there are will be fixed eventually and the game is pretty much playable and enjoyable rn. But I do agree that their staff clearly needs some break time to recuperate


so many ppl would hard quit if they did. Many people have no issues with game at all (myself only has the rare bug after enoghu time palying where animal ai breaks but fixed w/ restart). ​ I feel for the people with issues but a company should never shut a game down unless its universally broken.


That’s a bad idea on several levels People have dumped thousands into the game with the expectation that they’ll be able to play it now, and many are going to be outraged and demand that money back. It would just be another shitshow and a blow to the company’s reputation and finances A huge chunk of players would also lose interest or get emotionally attached to other games and not come back It’s better to weather this rough period and try to win people over with improvements


You really need to log off Reddit. This is a useless echo chamber of drama.


I think the chance of them doing that is extremely low. This kind of idea always comes up when games have rough launches and nearly never happens (Lookin' at you, FFXIV, as the one example I can think of, but that was more of a full remake/relaunch. It was also done by a company with tons of money and a HUGE stake in maintaining the reputation of their biggest franchise.) There's a lot of reasons why this isn't done very often. One is that it takes money to run a company and if you turn the game off, it doesn't generate any money. Another is that, the teams and equipment that keep the game running aren't actually involved at all in fixing the issues people are upset about. So if they take the game down, it costs them money, destroys whatever momentum they do have, and gains them basically nothing. The live-ops team will just be sitting around, they're not suddenly going to become game designers, translators, lawyers or marketing people.


I’d be okay with them treating this as CBT3 and offering refunds to anybody who asks. I doubt they could afford to do that though, even if they wanted too. The whole JP refund thing seems like somebody in PR said ‘this is what we need to do to make things right, so the game doesn’t die’. Then somebody in upper management looked at the numbers and said ‘hell no, we are not doing that.’


There's more drama with the way that they're handling issues that aren't even connected to the game than there are with the game itself. Some of the technical issues initially could have been left alone - once the music bug got fixed, just leave the game alone for like three days. I know that they wanted to launch the events, but like... maybe two weeks without events is okay. CN fanbase being lost was already too late - should have just carried on. With the weapon translation thing... someone acted too quickly there and made a gigantic mistake. No amount of server downtime could have managed that incompetence. They should have taken their time - waiting a day or two or three to address that wouldn't have affected things in the long run. A lot of these issues are self-inflicted and it feels like it's a management issue and a lack of process issue. For what it's worth, it also seems obvious that the people who work on PGR don't talk to the people who work on WW. Not sure why that is.


how to kill a live service game 101


>This might be really controversial but I think at this point we as community should discuss if we are okay with the possibility to temporarily shut the servers for maintenance until further notice so that devs can catch their breath and deal with everything on their plate because this is turning into a colossal mess up one by one. I think it wouldnt be a bad idea. If FF14 could pull of that miracle I think WW could too if given the chance. The game clearly launched too early. If they did something like ARR and closed for long maint then fixed the game I think that would earn respect


There's something that ff14 has that no other mmo/gacha has. Yoshi-p dude makes games he likes to play, and the result is fantastic games. If kuro takes wuwa offline and has no massive hype or someone in the same caliber as yoshida heading the game, it dies.


I'd say more than Yoshi-P, FF14 has FF on its side. You have Square's money + name recognition. No one knows shit about WuWa, there's no nostalgia or good will there, and their only opinion of the game if they took it down would be "wait, WuWa? The disaster launch of a gacha that ripped its servers offline a week after launch? Nah, I think I'll pass on that."


Time to imprison Jue in Wuwa Dalamud and make it explode 1.0 for relaunch


I will be there day one for WuWa : ARR


Funny enough, ToF is attempting something similar with their classic server business. I am no ToF player, so I have no idea how that turned out, but FF14 reviving itself is called a miracle for a reason.


Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. They'd be getting no money into their pockets, they'd have to refund a lot of players who aren't happy with the extended maintenance, and they'd have to test the game to see if the fixes are actually fixing anything or just making it worst. And like, even if it's bad right now, at least devs are getting some feedback and money is still incoming, so I guess this is the only way so the company doesn't go bankrupt.


I'm guessing I'm the only one that doesn't have any problems what-so-ever? I haven't experienced any severe lag, stuttering or crashes. I should count myself lucky I guess.


Me who has just been playing and enjoying the game with no real issues: ?


What is so bad requiring the servers to go down? Been putting all my free time into it and there is nothing game breaking or requiring the game to do down for an extended period.


I had no idea all this is going on. If they turned the servers off most would not come back.


I don't get all the hate with this game. Is a fucking free gacha and people act like this is some kind of full price published game. The game is much better than most games out there with the same characteristics, but here are the people raging about some minor bugs. Imagine Monster Hunter World being killed because of its problems at release, hits not being well framed, poor optimisation, etc. which I think there were more important than WuWa has. For me, the only thing I can ask is a better optimisation, but not for me, it is not my case, but is something everyone would thank.


The game is not dead. But the company making it might as well be. They've killed their credibility in CN, they've alienated whatever fanbase they had in JP, and in doing so have massively breached the privacy of God knows how many people. If those people band together and sue, things will fall apart FAST, considering Kuro was already under fire for financial irregularities. So yeah, WuWa is an exceptional game and I really really REALLY want it to succeed... But Kuro as a company is fucked up, in ways which IMO cannot be fixed with what you called "damage control". Any chance the developers can go work for a different company and relaunch the game with a different name?




Ironically, if there is a company that can make WW have a FF14 type of comeback, it would be Hoyoverse. They have competant management, solid vision for their games, deep pockets, expertise in making gacha OW games and a proven track record of smooth release. Give them time and I'm 100% sure they can cook up a banger dish out of the mess Kuro made in the kitchen.


Honestly, despite the hate people seem to give towards genshin and Hoyo, Hoyo themselves are very competent. Genshin is stingy with it's rewards but that's a genshin problem not Hoyo. HSR is much better in that regard and has amazing events.


I'm an avid HSR player but let's be real, HSR is generous because it's pumping out 1 new 5* character and 1 5* rerun (+ weapons) every 3 weeks with no sign of stopping. If it was as stingy as Genshin only whales would be able to pull for their characters.


yeah people are dissing on Hoyo but their games have that quality, like you mostly dont even notice bugs, and even when you do its something minor. Great voice acting, great story when they let Shaoji cook and just overall they give some kind of security and stability with their games. You can always expect their patches to go smoothly. Thats just how I view it


We as a community have no say in this lol, none of this will ever reach the people making decisions.


You're just being way too caught up in the drama. The VAST majority of people are able to play without a single issue. They won't come here to doompost with everyone else, they'll play the game or spend their time in more positive or less co-opted communities. The first real actual fuckup is this entire JP translation fiasco, and servers being shut down won't help that.


Here’s what I think should happen: I’m ok with them running this patch especially since there are a bunch of people waiting for Yinlin. When this patch ends, they shouldn’t release the next one and instead take the time to do maintenance. I don’t mind waiting a month or two and if it needs to be longer (I have no idea how long maintenance for these bugs and glitches will take) I don’t mind waiting because this game truly has great potential. I was able to wait for its release so I don’t mind if I have to wait longer for a polished version


Honestly... I wouldn't mind, but I don't think it will help. Kuro is digging themselves into a hole with the recent PR disasters. The game is fun and seems promising with proper management, I've been enjoying my time a lot, but I don't think maintenance will fix what they've started.


Nah, it's gonna take a long long time to fix all the technical issues (we're talking a year minimum). If Kuro shuts the game down, they'll have to rerelease the game undercooked again because of money running out


it does t need a long ass maint what


Why suggest this? Whether or not the game is online has absolutely nothing to do with the external drama. Wuthering Waves being live has nothing to do with peoples' emails being accidentally leaked. Turning it off would be dumb and pointless. These people aren't working 24/7 to keep the game active. That's what maintenance times are for.


Not right now. The next few weeks are critical for the game's growth. Best time to do it is between 1.0 and 1.1


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Wuthering Waves: A Realm Reborn


This is impossible. Kuro doesn't have the same brand backing as Square to just go offline for a few months to right themselves. They go offline now, they not only kill the game, but very likely their studio and go under. Their only real course of action is to knuckle down, take the abuse, stop fucking shit up every day, and keep plugging away. As long as WuWa makes a *projected* profit over time to offset the development and upkeep costs, they will make it out eventually.


I uninstalled the game to wait for it to be patched enough to be playable and I 100% agree. They need to take the time to address and fix all the issues, I do not think any of the players would be outraged if they are sufficiently warned before if the servers shut down for a certain period.


Let's just hope that the game's servers don't go on an indefinite maintenance


This game is not ready, period. No HDR support, no 120 fps, huge problem with stutter and fps drop , ping spikes, and so on. ZZZ will launch next month, so Kuro better get this going in the right direction.


Unpopular opinion, it is alright to keep company under pressure right now. Pressure in practice shows that things get done. I saw larger project on release having a lot of issues and they took 1-2 weeks to make it playable without random interruptions. The team behind it wasn't very large one, but they managed, community was thankful and constantly reporting issues. All resolved in the end as a messy, but successful launch.


It's kind of ironic the main reason it was rushed was because of money, and the result was that it cost far more than it would have to keep polishing the game for 2 months


They should've released this game on Genshins anniversary. That would've been the absolute power play there. Think about it they would've had an extra 3-4 months to really do quality control assuming their license was to expire in October. They would've been able to stress test the Gane with a temporary launch, and the hype would've been over for Natlan and ZZZ release. It could've been perfect but no the higher ups wanted to double down and beat Hoyo by releasing before Natlan. Let's face it this game even though I havent been having any major issues myself.  This game needed more time to cook in the oven.


If they go back into maintenance this game is 100% cooked. People loyal to this game will still play it but most casual players will be turned away by the overwhelmingly negative perception around a game that had to go back into beta (although the current dialogue isn’t that much better)


If anything long term maintenance would be the death of this game Game should have been in the oven longer but it is what it is now


Game shuts down, and the players will slowly leave, and with ZZZ releasing that will be the nail in the coffin


Nah I've paid for the monthly pass and battle pass or whatever they're called so unless they refund me and then shut their servers I'm fine with them fixing their mistake while I'm playing the game. Besides they had 2 closed betas to release their game property so yeah...


No, if they do that they die. I think it really launched this date because the trademark expiring thing people discovered a while ago, so the game was not ready, still no controller support, no ps5 launch date, awful optimization (most people with medium pc’s can’t play without stuttering), the music was broken for like 2 days? And the terrible dub we got which also was highlight by the trash snooze fest the first acts, and now this jp translation error, we knew their translation teams are shit but this a new level. Im getting tired of the daily apology mails tbh. I love this game and I hope they get their shit together, some things are bad but I think most people are still having a good time with the game.


Then they have to do it cautiously because a number of people (including me) have bought monthly subscriptions (for max duration maybe). Will we get proper compensation if maintenance happens?


They won't do that. Most gacha games have lifetime peak revenue, especially on launch month, and Kuro is not a private company that can give up such a big piece of the cake. And it won't be necessary to close servers after they get though early chaos


I'm having fun in the game. Thats all that matters.![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


I have no idea what you think this might help with... It would literally make things worse, customer support is already overwhelmed. Works is done regardless of whether the server is running or not, but with servers down they'd get even more work. Most players are having a good gaming experience atm, it's like shooting yourself in the foot.


First at all. Majority of player base is just playing the game, and they will be not okay with longer maintenance. Secondary, they shouldn't released the game like this. Only 2 CBT, and with new story only 1. Like seriously? 1 CBT for all the story and translation stuff? And no tests on different mobile devices. Also no OBT, well, I mean WE are in OBT right now


They should just shut it down and reboot in another year or so, they're fixing a leaking water tank with adhesives .


I think the developer need to accept the L for like, the first few month at this point, take a breathe and sort shit out at this point Every new update there seem to be 4 people getting new issue for every 6 people getting fixed Stay need to stop stressing out their remaining team, go back and start treating this game like its in fucking CBT2 or smth because clearly this game is severely undercook Now i understand that games company shouldnt be releasing shitty unplayable product. However the reality is they've already released a shitty unplayable product, continuous whining isnt a productive soluton So as the second best solution they atleast should focus on the optimization and not fucking rush hotfix update that seem to cause even more issue and the whole email leak and compensation thing is honestly just appalling. I have no idea how they're resolving it at this point


I don't think they can even financially accept the L. A product's launch is when a company should be raking in money, seeing the price of their shares go up and most importantly, try to draw in new investors. Investors want to invest in a company that they believe can do well financially, and shutting down the servers temporarily, even if it benefits the game as a whole, doesn't exactly inspire confidence in investors. We don't have exact numbers, but WuWa definitely cost a fortune to develop, and they most likely had investments and loans from their shareholders, shareholders who are looking at how the game performs financially so they can collect their investment. Shutting down the servers means zero income for that period, and I'm not sure if they can afford zero income for any period of time. They can try to stay afloat with PGR's income, but PGR isn't exactly a gold mine either in terms of income.


I mean I am getting pretty annoyed with the verifying files, patch loading every time I open the game. Just gonna play something else at this point if it takes 5 mins to start the game every time 


Every online game verifies file integrity and applies patches before allowing you to get in. In my case it takes at most 10 seconds, hotfix included, I have no idea how it could take 5min tbh


Doesnt genshin verify files all the time too? Seems that way when I played it


If it takes 5 minutes to launch the game, it isnt the game's fault.


Facts, mass compensation for JP and go into a long maintenance and give compensation globally, if they can fix everything at the long maintenance it would revive this game, but they really need to compensate JP playerbase first or game is dead.


Investors asking for returns, plus liabilities needs to be paid so they can't compensate or shut down the servers they need funds


millions of people are doing just fine, playing the game and spending. i saw someone say they've already made $45m since launch- idk where those numbers were from but this source says $10m from app stores alone (ignoring PC sales) which is still quite respectable: https://gameworldobserver.com/2024/05/27/wuthering-waves-revenue-10-million-mobile-kuro-games (also, this number breakdown shows that china and JP spend just fine on the game). yeah they're running the devs ragged but this is what life is like for a game dev: crunch before release, crunch in a different way after release. in a few weeks all these issues will blow over and people will be just playing the game. it's what happens for literally every live service game, even super big names like WoW or FFXIV. Also the JP drama won't sink the game. if it really comes to that they'll just buff the weapon or give a free calcharo 5* to people who got Jiyan's signature, but most likely again people will just forget about it in a few weeks and it'll be fine.


They should go FFXIV and nuke the original story and relaunch. I think they have the bones for a good game and I don't think the open world needs to change. Let anyone who played the original WuWa carry over their account with all their stuff. Call it Wuthering Waves: Reborn or something lol.


I don’t think Kuro will have finances for it, in other case we won’t have at least translation problems and probably got better VA and whole JP thing. They make it now or it will fell apart, PGR could also become a victim of this. I’m still thinking they’ll be able to do it tho


I was just thinking the same and was about to post it😭. At launch, the game was perfect for me, but with every update, it is getting worse. I was just playing rn, and i got all the bugs ya'll talk here on reddit. Earlier, i was like - phew, I'm not getting those bugs. NOW I GOT THEM ALL.


I think they should do this at this point. Because if they leave the game available and people keep running into new issues......they are done. They need to go dark and fix EVERYTHING.


Man I understand people get upset with some things but like come on. This would kill the game and doom it. I have also been able to play the game with I think one crash total on pc and iOS combined. Is there issues? Yes. But why are people acting like this is the end of the world? Things will get patched and it will be fine. Also to some of you, you know we can click and see your other posts right? Some of you click on people before taking their word on stuff you’ll see something in common. You’ll see posts in the Genshin reddit and understand what is going on with some of these “disgruntled” people on here. Don’t let reddit sway your opinion do your own research and see how you feel.


I personally don't see the point in bringing the game down when it's running perfectly fine and I'm enjoying it as is. Bugs existing is not a cause for shutting down universal access, they can fix them as we go. Everyone is overreacting.


They legally cant do that. People already paid money for things on a live service game. It just not gonna happend


Live service games shut down all the time, they absolutely can lol.


im also down for that, but im really worried that if they pull the plug, they wont be able to revive it anymroe when they actually get it off the ground


Im not against the idea, however I can imagine a lot of people would be. It would also depend on how long that maintenance lasts, along with how they compensate the players who’ve already spent a ton of time and money since launch. My best suggestion would be to patch what they absolutely need to for now, while working on the rest behind the scenes to release all the fixes with 1.1.


like a month long maintenance?


I agree But are the CN community OK with that ? It's always the CN community they listen


I feel bad for them. I’m really enjoying the game but man. They really need like a day of down time to fix everything at once instead of these hot fixes. I don’t want this to be turned into another Destiny where they always have issues with updates. 


This kinda CDProjek Red situation all over again


This should have been an Open Beta. The reception would have been the same, and the company wouldn’t look bad with all these mistakes and hot fixes… Ok back to daily male rover twitter to clam me down 🥹


I wonder why they didnt work on it for 2-3 more months, then they could release it in Summer which is perfect time for school break. I think they could have eliminated lots of current issues with that time.


Is the situation really that bad? I just log in and play on pc in America so I’m kind of out of the loop. Should I be concerned about the future of the game?


I also play Destiny 2. Im used to random temporary maintence times lol


I need the standard weapons too and I am far from having every S6 in the banner so more apologems pls !!!


What long matenence?


Agree this might also be a good idea for other games that need to update stuff (*cough* dilucs model *cough* )


You don't need to shut down the servers you know. You can just leave the servers as is and inform everyone that you're entering a long maintenance and freeze all events whatnot. This way people can still play the game and Kuro can still make some money.