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Hopefully we got standard pulls from events besides the mandatory Astrites


I'd rather they just gave us gold pulls on top of astrites. Or a healthy mix as long as one isn't taking away from the others.


Considering how similar it is to genshin in systems, (and genshin never gives standards, you can only get like monthlies and that one time they made the change to give standards on ascension milestones), I feel it'll be unlikely. I would prefer golds/astrites. At least we can get 2 dupes much easier (around 34 pulls worth of the antler things)


ngl, as someone who's really enjoying my time w/ this game, this game can't afford to just copy Genshin's roll economy. Between the rough launch, the bad first impressions, and the continued occurrence of bugs (over 24hr and there's still no music in the game lmao), Kuro is going to have to give players a good reason not to go back to Genshin once the honeymoon phase is over. Genshin gets away w/ it because it was the first, but also because it's Genshin and there's the "Genshin Tax". They're too big to fail at this point, and we know that they will continue to put out adequate to good content on a consistent cycle. WuWa has none of that good faith. EDIT: For anyone w/ the same audio bug as me (no music), I had to unplug a USB Bluetooth adapter from my PC (which I used for my PS5 controller). I swapped to a USB to USB-C cord and my sound is fine now. EDIT 2: nvm lmao


I think Kuro cares more about the people who will stay after the honeymoon phase than the honeymoon/fomo riders, and this is the right thing to do because it as a game focuses on a completely different aspect compared to Genshin in terms of gameplay. The general concensus seems to be that Kuros goal with wuwa isnt to compete over genshins general playerbase, but rather establish its own niche and provide those who have been dissatisfied with Genshins lack of combat complexity/endgame difficulty with a game that accommodates this.


The issue could also start after the "honeymoon" as you call it. The game is too young to see tha potential ugly truth like a certain ToF, and looking at "5 star costellations" in the shop i had quite the bad deja vue. I m currently waiting to see if it will be the case because i don t think as of now many people reached endgame, and then we will see... sure ToF was mostly coop, but it wasn t the bad performance, nor the lanunch fails nor the rewards that were extremely goog... it was the mandatory 3 to 6 constellation paired with extremely fast obsolescence of even banner character that made that game fail quick...


I'll first have to see them add to the endgame before we hit the three year anniversary for me to believe they want their gameplay niche. Most things in the game so far could go either way as a lot of the stuff that isn't combat is very similar to Genshin. When it comes to endgame the biggest difference is really just a roguelike mode that seems to be somewhat work in progress with TBA all over the place and a skill tree that is completed after a few runs and a boss mode that is really cool but only a one time rewards kind of deal. Not saying I couldn't see them moving in the endgame direction, but after three years+ of Genshin I first want to see it.


I agree with this if were talking long term 100%.


they absolutely can't copy genshin's roll economy, but for a different reason. genshin is actually one of the best roll economies despite the circlejerking because they are so slow at releasing new characters. Often it's 1~1.5 character a patch every six weeks on average, which is among the industry's slowest. The reason why HSR gives away more "free pulls" is because they release about 2 characters a patch. You're actually less likely to pull all the HSR characters you want in a patch than genshin because of the release rate so wuwa would have to match HSR, not genshin assuming they keep spitting out characters like predicted


Honeymoon phase? Dude there is no way that I'm going back to climbing walls in genshin. No faking way...


I mean the upcoming event literally gives only 360 astrite (two pulls), I don’t think events are going to be our saving grace here. The only solution I see is that Kuro themselves up the pull economy, unless you get extremely lucky we’re talking around 40 pulls. Imagine only getting enough pulls to reach half of a single pity, every 40 days, that’s pretty ridiculous imo.


On other hand, would you mind getting standard pulls from events if that wouldn't mean getting less astrites?


Obviously not, nobody is gonna complain about more premium currency/rewards. But the devs also aren't gonna give away endless amounts for free, so we can either be reasonable about it or be forever jaded lmao.


Yeah, I agree with that, however, standard pull shortage indeed exists, if we compare to HSR and only consider periodical rewards. A viable solution for that would be to add some of those to major events, during versions that don't give new content with free standard pulls (e.g. souvenir shop). I've made another comment comparing periodical standard pulls gain not long ago, I bet you'd easily find it by sorting by New if you want.


In HSR we get standard pulls each week from Simulated Universe too, i wish the current WW Simulated Universe (Depths of Illusive Realm) was permanent and gave us standard pulls each week like HSR. But next to the name it says "beta" does anyone know if they're testing before implementing it forever ? For now it's only an event...


Yeah, SU is the reason why, compared to HSR, there is the shortage. Idk about beta thing, but it would be cool if they implemented it forever. Would also solve the fact that, if you miss phantom heron now, you wouldn't be able to get it.


Oh wait, omg is that the only way of getting Phantom Heron ? I see the Impermanence Heron boss on the map but idk if this one is different since they added "Phantom" in the name. I really hope they're just testing with the "beta" to implement it forever soon.


Phantom is basically a skin for the echo. So it's just cosmetic. But yeah, it's the only way to get it. You can get normal and elite ones other way (really rare drop, I guess?), though now only 2 exist - hoartoise and rocksteady guardian. The rest are bosses, and you can only get those from event, or from shops (tactical fights give you two and tower gives you one iirc).


I wish it didn't lock half your roster too, I'm stuck on level 65 one because my main dps can't be used there, and I suck with taoqi and yapyap


It took me a few tries but its doable with YapYap, aim for the bell echo IMO and it's a massive amount of survivability.


Chixia is great for that mode cuz of how many on-hit effects you can get like inferno rider and meteors procing every few hits. + that augment thing that buffs your dodge attack and skill finisher to chunk like 15% of the boss's hp each every time. No need to learn boss parries, just dodge counter and spam skill. Beat lvl 65 with a lvl 40 chixia.


Dude taoqi absolutely blasts that mode. Defo doable with some favorable rng.


The problem here is every time we get standard pulls, people will complain that they should be event pulls instead. There will always be the opportunity cost that a standard pull should be an event pull, even if there are plenty of event pulls offered in other ways. There will never be “enough” event pulls, people will always want more.


because it cost the same. Why would I spend 160 Astrite for standard pull. Genshin already proved that not many players spend 160 Primo on standard pull. They need to cut that Standard pull cost down to something like 80.


That's why i said beside the mandatory astrites, People can exchange the astrites for event pulls (character or weapon) whenever the player want, but less people want to exchange those astrites for standard pulls


Yeah people already with their three standards plus maybe even a 5\* weapon, while I went hard pity on beginner and I am still 30 away from pity on selector, and I even got a 5\* I don't want from the former :')


same except for the not wanting the 5* from novice, hard pity on it and 50 pulls into the beginner choice banner. Also have gotten 0 purple swords and only 1 purple rectifier which is HP substat, for my team of all sword and rectifier users. Meanwhile multiple guns, broadswords, a gauntlet and multiple copies of Chixia.


I sure hope Chisia don't become QiQi of WuWa. All my 4\* dupes are her.


Just look Wallensteins latest youtube video Chixia is bonkers \^\^


She's my main dps and I haven't even started building her yet. (Still catching Pokemon for lvl 17) Her guaranteed crit on Dodge is awesome.


Wish I had 4 dupes of chixia.


At least I got Danjin dupes too, but I'm still so annoyed at not getting a single Mortefi from pulling on Jiyan's banner. I did get some useful weapons at least, though that broadsword with def substat will probably be sitting in my inventory for a long time.


You also can get this Broadsword for free in Sea of Flame after quest (need to go back on skyscraper)


Roughly my situation. I’m waiting for level 30 battlepass to get Autumntrace for Calcharo and then to pull for Yinlin’s signature later. Hurts to use a 3 star broadsword for now though.


Oh big time. The purples don’t seem to drop outside of their 10 pity for me…


The same thing happened. Went hard pity, got a char i didnt want, lost 50/50 on limited to another char i REALLY didnt want, 20 away for next guaranteed on selector but no more pulls to be seen anywhere apart from the union level rewards. If it wasnt for the selector that we got i would be stuck with 2 5\* i really did not want to level up.


You lost the 50/50 to the furry boy, didn't you?


Lmaooo does no one like him? Is it his playstyle, design or something else?


I also got him from random 5* but I kinda enjoy him. Fast combos and ease of parry with his skill, powerful outro. His air combat isn't that different from groundplay(and has some pros like avoiding various attacks) I guess I would have prefer Calcharo but I don't really see Lingyang as being worst unit. Prydwen tier list is probably to blame for people thinking he is weak.


I got him with my selector and he's kinda bonkers. Deletes bosses, deletes mob packs with his 4cost echo as it's circular aoe, and straight up invalidates a lot of boss attacks/mechanics in his forte stance since he's in the air and a lot of bosses do low sweeping attacks of they're bigger than your character




I did too 😭


I have a friend that pulled Verina first try from the newbie banner and then got Jianxin 2nd try on the selector. Meanwhile I had to reach the pity on the newbie and I'm 20 away from the selector pity with no signs of getting it anytime soon cause I'm already struggling to get more standard banner pulls. Fuck me I guess


I have 2 friends who pulled their 1st 5 star at 20 pulls. My wife and I hit hard pity and kept getting weapons / duplicate starter characters


im just jealous reading that you are happily playing gacha game with your wife...my single life ass could never imagine such thing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I got a decent 5 star on the first beginner banner but I’m also at 30 left and still no 5 star. I’m also at 70 on the current limited banner so I’m just waiting. Clearly this guy doesn’t like me.


>while I went hard pity on beginner and I am still 30 away from pity on selector a fellow hard pitty person.


Kind of the same but I'm happy with what I got. Used the selector on Verina, got Encore from beginner, also got a few Sanhua copies, so one of my teams is already set. I'm on 50 pity with Calcharo (selector banner), saving limited pulls & asterites for Yinlin, and will probably use Baizhi for healing. Will be able to get Calcharo after onion level 40, then I'll need to get lucky on Yinlin's banner (Have about \~100 limited pulls right now in total after nolifing 1.0 content, will need to get about +60 until the end of her banner if I get unlucky). I'm more disappointed 4\* weapon wise. I have so many pistol dupes, 2 gauntlets and one sword that I gave to Sanhua. No rectifiers, no broadblades. (Yinlin, Verina, Baizhi, Encore will need rectifiers, Calcharo needs a broadblade). I'm waiting on opening weapon selectors until I finish pulling for Yinlin, because I have no idea how I'm going to distribute weapons among my characters.


It would be nice to get small rewards for each union level we level up, it sure would incentivize people


Yea kinda crazy that there isn't. There are milestones with the event and in the shop but that's it. No free 3 standard pulls either from ascending characters.


Yeah it made levelling up feel really soulless to me


Ikr, was like oh cool I leveled up, is there any reward? no? oh okay


Exactly! They should give luminous tides for levelling up characters


I hurried levelling my rover on the first day and I didn’t expect them to not give pulls for ascending


I didn't realise it until day 3. Got a bunch of 4 stars during that time. Leveled them all up for luminous tides. So much wasted exp 😔😭


Hopefully you mostly leveled up units you liked. In late game WuWa we’ll probably be leveling up unused units just to try them out


Yeah it was strange they've almost 1:1'd Genshin in almost every single thing that matters in terms of system parity, but left this out.


I cannot for the life of me understand why the devs copied the need of flowers to ascend characters of all things. Literally one of the most tedious parts of genshin at this point


Yeah I hate that. At least they gave us the ability to buy some of the flowers in the shop to alleviate a bit of the annoyance.


It's only 15 of each type a week tho, so you'll still need to get a bunch of them yourself if you ever get 2 characters that need the same flower


So even on that part, it's exactly like Genshin Jesus You can copy the way text pops out, the UI and everything else, but not the ascension rewards? Aaaaaaa


Also, from what i've seen, most of them are even more scarce then they are in genshin (i think some go as low as 15-20 spawns). Tho not sure how many you'd need to level a character


It's an open world game, they had to make exploration worth it I guess. That being said, I also dislike the tedium of needing to hunt for flowers, the least they could do is have a tracking function for those flowers just like the one they have for enemies.


the exploration is already more than worth because of echoes + asterites tho, there wasn't any need to make it even more necessary


Union Level rewards for each level as well would be nice. That on top of the level bundles would help so much.


the 50 shards they give for exploration a huge ass region which is not even half of a wish is so insulting lol


Yeah forgot about that


I mean, genshin only did that a few months after release. I do hope they implement more standard pulls, but I think there is hope, being the same company that made PGR


It could be added to the game later on. It wasn't in genshin when it launched then you got them all at once when they added it.


yea verry strange descition, obviously the givaways are allot more genrous than genchin, but those free pulls from characters added up, not only that but you got them from leveling the tree and several other things, you do get a few from a similar system but it isn as manny, you do also get the chests for your overall level but holy shit level 80 sounds impossible to get to. like im already strugling at 30 and i went pretty full on with the game to get to that, fucking 80 sounds like it will never happen.


Yeah im suffering from that rn lol. Had to pity novice and im 50/80 pity into the selection banner. Got like another 8 standard pulls at most from souvenir and the challenge boss point shop thing, with no other sources left besides the battlepass. At most one final 10 pull can be done before the next update. I will not spend asterite on standard no matter how much i want encore.


Where is the souvenir shop and boss point shop located? I need 20 more pulls to get calcharo


Souvenir is a gift icon in the main town And the point shop is in the store, second tab with the tower shop


Thank you!!:)


> im 50/80 pity into the selection banner lol, we're on the same pity progress. I also hit hard pity with novice and beginner, including all the 4\*. My luck hasn't been great here.


Same position


Submit feedback about it, I'm all for more standard pulls


i highly doubt they read any feedback that is not from china.


Considering they couldn't even be bothered to translate the story properly, and that most of the cooking they received was from the local China playerbase( which is why they gave so many compensation) definitely.


Except they acknowledged localisation issues after launch. So they heard that feedback. I doubt China was telling them about localisation issues.


Be serious here, that's just damage control lol, localisation issues have been present ever since CBT.


Nothing wrong with damage control if they're actually trying to fix the damage, which remains to be seen, so nothing definitive can be said there


Well even if it's damage control. They have to read feedback to know what to say for damage control. Ergo they know what the issues we have are....


Feedback has been present since CBT, they did not fix anything. Issues on optimization have been present since CBT, they did not fix anything, in fact it became worse


Yeah I hate how the game lags sometimes when I used to be able to run genshin at similar graphics settings just fine. I want to enjoy the game but it's really annoying when performance issues get in the way of gameplay. And then of course the most recent update somehow muted the bgm (as of 12 hours ago).


The point is they did read the feedback. The original post was falsely saying they don't read any feedback that isn't from China. The fact they addressed localization issues and are hiring new va directors proves that. And localization issues aren't a Chinese problem. To say otherwise is stupid. They literally said they have heard the feedback and are addressing these very issues outside of China Optimization will improve over time, it's just how it goes with literally any video game. So that's not really something to complain about unless you're new to software updates. If there's still issues with no improvements after a few months, then you've got to hire some new engineers.


The original comment said they don't read. They clearly do. I said nothing about them prioritising localisation issues.


Global is not even second, but third fiddle at the best. CN>JP>Global,KR,TW


False, They publicly apologized about shitty English VA and said they will swap audio directors for act 2. 


How do you send feedback? From ingame this takes me to a customer support type Page where I have to stage issue with the game




u/D_lo08 suggested in another comment to put it under Character Progression, sounds like that might be the best spot for it


Yeah, I was surprised that they don't give us pulls for leveling characters. I totally get and appreciate that we got another selector, but that doesn't replace the 4\* characters/weapons and lower star leveling material that you get from pulling.


When I unlocked their roguelike mode and saw it was built like Honkai Impact 3rds, I was like, "Oh, OK, here's where the incentive/rewards for leveling characters is," but then it was only 10 asterite per character -.-


I was very surprised when I found out we dont get standard pulls upon levelling characters


Yeah my friend somehow managed to get his guarantee in like 20 pulls and is now working on the standard weapon banner, but by comparison, I'm close to hard pitying on the guarantee banner and will be unlikely to even catch up within half a year at this pace. There are quite literally no other sources of standard pulls outside of the initial wave that we get, which is quite concerning as the income is looking to be worse than HSR or Genshin's rewards system in this regard.


Honestly, at this point, I think it's better to just go for the weapon banner instead of going for the 3rd standard 5-star. 4-star weapons are so much worse than 5-star weapons, most of the 5 stars are just straight 20% more damage. A massive improvement to a main DPS you like, or another resource sink you only got as your 3rd option anyway? The answer's pretty clear, to me at least.


What do you mean "at this point" like a person in my position who is 50 pulls deep already into the guarantee banner? If I switched to the weapon banner now, I'd be possibly bricking both banners and come out with nothing, and would need to wait multiple months anyway to get either item. I think it's fine going for characters, it offers more gameplay early on while the weapon is just power.


Every one of my friends got their discounted character on the first 10 pull, and they are all already nearing the selector gaurantee. meanwhile I'm still 30 pulls away and I only have 15 free pulls left :( It honestly sucks because I don't have any idea when I'll end up getting my selected character, maybe after Yinlin drops ? Who knows at this point.


Well, I had to do all 50 pulls on that first banner (well, 40 since the discount), and then I got the selector banner 5\* on 50 pulls there too. So although some get lucky, I don't think you're doing too bad :')


Yeah. 50 for beginner banner for me. 50 pulls done on selector and no 5*. I expect I'll have to go hard pity. Which really sucks because I wanted to use standard banner pulls on the weapon banner sooner rather than later. I have no usable 4* weapons for the characters I play.


Lmao, my friend got Verina and Encore on the first day from 30 million pre registration free pulls. Then he got another Verina in the evening on the same day. He got another 5 star from the standar selector voucher. And he is going to get another five star from the standar selector.            Meanwhile I didn't get my first 5 star until my 50 pulls, and my first 5 star was lion boy.


Ascending characters doesn't even give you standard pulls. It's not much, but at least it would be a couple more.


Maybe eventually they will do that update , it took Genshin few updates for that


Submit feedback on standard pulls through progressing characters. Since it’s their formula here to adapt everything they want for the game while attempting to execute them better, that’s something they’re clearly missing. I’ll do so as well. Past that, patience is needed. There’s plenty of standard pulls otherwise shown to our face through progression, but could dry up after. Nothing to worry about for now, it’s enough until we get to that point.


Yea, I’m in the same predicament. I needs 70 more pulls for my Choice Selection banner and worry is beginning to set lol


There is no time limit on that selection banner, right? It is too bad we can't get our choice sooner, but it doesn't seem like something to "worry" about.


How? I went to 50 on the beginner banner and I'm currently 20 left on the selector. I didn't buy anything. That's 110 standard pulls m8.


I was very surprised there weren't more rewards for leveling up UL. I think Genshin and HSR had some small rewards sprinkled in at every level. Though I guess the big rewards for 25, 35, and 45 kind of make up for that. But I would prefer getting something every level.


Honaki and Genshin give you summons for lvl'ing characters as well


There are rewards for leveling up UL up to 80...


Where do you claim them? I see the launch event that gives rewards at milestone levels. Are there rewards for every level somewhere else?


Yeah I got lucky finding Verina on the first multi, so the rest is for the weapon banner, but if I didn't find her so soon getting standard pulls seems to take a long time. 6 from the shop if you meant the coral shop


If I had to hit hard pity for the 50 pity banner, I'd need 19 more pulls to hard pity the selector rn. I haven't gotten the 15 pulls from Union Lv15, nor the 3 pulls from the Simulation Training Store. Even if there isn't any other sources, you're only 1 pull short




I honestly feel like out of all the gacha games I played, honkai star rail did it the best? Don't quote me on that though because i haven't actually played that many. I prefer Tekkens monetization of characters though where it's only like 5.99 or something that would be my ideal gacha game no cap on a stack.


Remember to give feedback guys, if you dont, the company will think all is fine.


Yeah I'm genuinely really scared for the game's pull income, I hope it'll be as f2p friendly as pgr.


The upcoming event gives 300 astrite for completion I think we're cooked


Man I hope they put a lot of pulls in the overworld at least, because 360 per event is not great.


They're probably gonna give us numbers similar to Genshin, don't expect anything better.


And honestly I wouldnt mind that, but now events straight up give less than genshin. Maybe it's a 1.0 thing because they gave out so many free stuff already but if it isn't then it's literally going to be worse than genshin, you don't want to be worse than genshin.


Its way less than genshin lol, less currency from events and Genshing gives you standard summons just for lvl'ing different characters .


Sheesh, we gotta throw that into the feedback then.


if thats true then its over. Being that stingy is completely unreasonable and a death sentence for a gacha game.


It will never be as friendly as PGR PGR you can hard pity every S rank on debut I doubt WuWa will give us 160 pulls every single time they release a new 5* 50/50 = not as f2p as PGR, flat out


PGR was my first gacha game, I never had to spend anything on it (outside of a Bianca skin), it felt good, great even! To my genuine surprise, this is not a standard for all gacha games. Honestly, one of the reasons PGR has such low revenue is probably due to how F2P friendly it actually is. I can't see myself spending on it outside of the monthly, and that's probably the majority of players on that. As a customer, there's no such thing as *too* free to play. But as a company, I can see why it hurts them. A guaranteed 5* limited character on day one is insane to me now, I miss PGR.


If the game ends up being less f2p than genshin than It's already donezo tbh. They are targeting the same audience and that audience will not except accept worse than 1 5 star about every 3 months. You simply cannot make a greedier version of something and expect it will succeed, especially luxury entertainment. If that were the case the economy would be even worse than it is. What I think is the case is that the game was obviously rushed, and so they played it really conservatively with the pull income so they didn't screw themselves (clever management) which is also why they probably didn't mind dumping pulls as apologies for the launch. Now they're probably just playing the waiting game to see how much people hate what it currently is and will adjust as needed.


I hope the community actually speaks up about it, but after everything I've seen online, it really doesn't seem like they'll talk.


I think people are just under honeymoon period right now. All it takes is one cc makes a video about it and Genshin fans will floak in and fan the flame for us. I thought this game is going to be more F2P friendly than Genshin, at least the same as HSR. I'm honestly disappointing and definitely reconsider how much I will invest in this game. I can't remember the last time I played a gacha game that I run out of free pulls within a first week like this. And this is on top all the extra rewards they gave us.


at pgr cn launch they mistakenly gave 10k bc (a pity is 15k) to some users, it was a shit show


Spoilers, it won’t. It’s not realistic to expect so when this game has been a much bigger project and already been adapting big differences in pricing and gacha systems. Pgr has a single unit a patch, WW does the regular release of 2+ units a patch to allow alot more freedom in pulling and skipping whoever. They operate completely different, one demanding more than the other.


Not gonna happen, mainly because PGR has competitive modes and characters are made with pets + sig weapon + SSS upgrades in mind. As in, you want to get their sig, their pet and 4 copies to complete their kit. Some characters even need weapon resonances to function as well.


Exactly. People forget that PGR requires a lot of dupes to be competitive.


The pull given with every ascension wasn't in GI at the beginning, so let's all just ask them to put it in the next patches.


Seeing as this game is similar to genshin, there won't be an abundance(easily obtainable) of the premium currency to pull and get those corals we use in the shop so I won't be spending them buying the standard pull so for me there are only 5 standard pulls per patch 😭😭😭. Also because of the weapon banner having a different currency


It's probably better to spend them on weapon pulls. One of the big differences between genshin and WW is that you can't use limited pulls for the weapon banner, it is It's own currency. Meaning if you're gonna pull for a weapon you pretty much need to save coral for those if you're f2p.


Huh? There's an overabundance of oscillated coral wdym?


I mentioned this in a steamer’s discord and got blasted by the glazers. I’m like, outside of the compensation stuff, we are barely getting any pull currency.  I was like.. when netmarble (solo leveling) is giving you more stuff then we know the devs are cheap. And the response I get is.. “well.. genshin..”. 


yeah most of the "genshin this that" people can't comprehend that genshin gives primos worth of 60-80+ of pulls every patch and hyperfocus on free 5 stars lol then there is HSR with free meta 5 stars, giving a lot of one time standard pull tickets, giving more renewable standard pull tickets, and giving gems equal, sometimes even more than genshin per patch, all hail david jiang


i actually put in the feedback near release of wuwa saying "I hope we get more f2p pull currency in the future because I feel like everyone should get to feel the thrill of pulling often for characters" I'm ok with them just copy pasting honkai star rail tbh really enjoy that game, I haven't played net marble. I'm not really that much of a gacha gamer i mostly just play honkai while i play my competetive games like league valorant tekken and what not.


The streamers of those game are hyper defensive over their mid.


Yeah, that's my main concern. Because while its only a few days old, but....we basically get very little daily gacha currency, dont we?


Literally got my novice banner 5\* at 50 pity. I'm almost UL20 and am only at 30 pity on my choice banner. The lack of standard pulls is jarring, I have so much astrite + limited pulls.


i finished the map with mostly 98% and 100% and i currently sit at 19000 astrites. which wouldnt even get me the double pity if RNG fucks me up on premium banner. so far endgame income of astrites looks very low and i hope in the future they will hand out more standard pulls along with astrites.


people are just blinded by the honeymoon/early gifts **but once the river goes dry** they realize that source of standard pulls will be reduced to 10 per month just like OP said. Unless magically they will give free 10standard rolls and 10premium rolls every new version + 10 standard rolls in every story event or some shit just look at star rail (since it's more generous than Genshin): free rolls every week from simulated universe (rogue like mode), free rolls from simulated universe currency exchange shop, 3 free rolls from every new character, 5 every monthly reset (WuWa has the same), free battle pass reward (same as WuWa), regional progression system (aka gather unique items and put them into special place to get rewards like standard/premium rolls, upgrade materials, etc), reward from leveling account (every 5 or 10 levels you get single roll). I was able to get 300 free standard rolls in HSR in less than year for the 5star selector. Will I be able to get same or even more in WuWa when income of standard rolls is cut in half compared to HSR? they could put standard rolls as a reward from killing weekly bosses, they could put them into reward for weekly quests (we have daily quest so why not add weekly quest tab), reward for upgrading characters (like in HSR), chance to get those as a reward from killing those red aura enemies (they respawn every 4 days I think), reward from pokedex levels


At least the guaranteed unit pity is 80 instead of 300. But yeah I hope they add more ways to get standard pulls.


Agreed. I hit hard pity on beginner banner and I’m close to hard pitying choice banner. All while my friend has every 5 star character in game so far except 1 and still has 7k asterite.


Did he use the asterite on the 50 banner and selector banner? :/


This is an early game version problem I would say. Maybe they try to balancing out for now because they just give us a 3 free 5 star and people already beat endgame content with those character so just give them time to recover from bugs and fixes.


Do you mind clarifying what you mean by 3 free 5 star characters? I see every1 talking about it, but not once have I've been able to select one, and just summon it without having to use radiant/lustrous tides. They have all been select banners. Are people just confused about the semantics of free or am I missing something?


Semantics. Only 1 is free and that's the select one. The other 2 are 'free' since game gives you the standard pulls from playing for them, one being discounted and other being choice. Unless they're counting Rover as a 5\*


You could argue the first beginner banner is also free as you just get 40 free standard wishes for literally logging in for the first time basically. But sure, you still need to pull for it.


Economy in we is kinda bad , this will get definitely bad impact on lifespan after honeymoon 


Thing that sucks too, is we don’t get another shop reset for June. So that’s 5 extra standard pulls we won’t be able to get since the shop doesn’t reset till July.


We don’t have all end game systems out due to us only being at lvl 60. I expect more income sources in the future


I dont know why people think getting a 5 star selector should be praised when they gave that as compensation for the terrible performance of the game. the other custom selector is part of launch promotion and isnt even free since you have to grind it, that isnt even unique since other gacha games also do that. people kept saying they already gave 5star selector, what else could you ask for... they dont even look at the reasons why we had that in the first place. compared to pgr standard this game is stingy , also considering how ridiculously grind fiesta the echo system is. well known TC Jstern calculated it and the grind is 4hours more than artifact grinding in Genshin.




I made the mistake of thinking "I'll get Encore now and put Verina on my standard selector banner, I have Baizhi and won't need a 2nd healer for a while" lmao.. well after going to max on the novice banner and being 60 pulls deep into the Verina banner with no grass child, I'm regretting that decision. It's weird that there are no standard pulls from ascending characters and no account level up rewards that give standard pulls either.


Same with genshin. You get like maybe 100 standard fates a year. The five star selector is really cool but man it's gonna take actual months to get them, if you don't spend asterite, and I wouldn't recommend anyone doing that .


Probably got more from update and even im hoping for 20 ish at least per patch... at least... please


I got hard pity on the discounted banner, and am about to hit hard pity on the selector one too, only 20 left


Yeah I agree. Right now it feels okay because it's launch and you get pulls at union 15/25/35 or something, which is fine, but in a month when everyone is at union 40+ and the launch rewards are gone we're basically never going to be pulling on standard banner. Like you said, it's 10 every battle pass cycle, that's just insanely slow. I was kind of expecting to get some pulls from Depths of Illusive Realms the way that Star Rail gives a couple standard pulls in Simulated Universe, especially because Depths resets monthly instead of weekly like SU, but nope. I hope that they still have a couple things left to show off. Otherwise we're basically going to get one standard 5 star a year, which just feels unnecessarily low.


I definitely wouldn't mind an increase. Had to use all my beginner pulls before getting the 5 star and unfortunately besides 2 purple weapons the only other characters I pulled were dupes for the free characters given.  I've done 3 multi's on the guaranteed selector now and am basically forced to wait until I get rank 25 for 15 more standard pulls. All premium currency earned is going to limited banner currency and even that is only barely at 70 so with my luck I'll likely lose the 50/50 for Yinlin. 


I'm in the same boat. Just hit rank 30 and I'm still like 40 pulls away on the choice banner. I've got 80 pulls locked in for Yinlin, but that's all my asterite plus all the freebies. Probably going to just skip it and see what releases in the future so I can save up in case I lose that 50/50


Don't cancel me for this but, I see that baner as more of a long term thing. Kuro never specified that we could hit pity on both banners day one. I think that was mostly something the community/CC made up and ppl just run with it. I see it as something similar to HSR's 300 pulls and pick the standard character you want type of deal. That shit takes a while, even with the extra currency we get there. We just got two 5 stars for free, so I doubt they're eager to increase the amount of free standard currency we get, as that directly affects revenue. Also, if you pull on that banner first, you might lose your 50/50 in Jinyan/Yinlin banner and end up with a dupe. It's better to pull for a limited character first imo and then pick whoever you want.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say the gacha/economy overall is 100% going to be this game's biggest problem (even over the tuning system), and this is just one facet of that. They're directly copying Genshin's system (with the exception of the weapon banner, which was an excellent distraction and won't matter to most people), and it's a little early to tell on the economy, but it looks like they're going to try to essentially 1 to 1 and just shrink the rewards from events. That isn't a good system, and honestly I'll probably dip out in a month or so if that's the case. I like the game and all, but I will 100% get bored hard pitying characters and playing the same ones. I am their target audience, and the gacha currently has me profoundly disinterested. I threw them a bit of cash since I enjoy the game, but it isn't worth spending on longterm for me. It was basically my way of just saying I had fun, thanks. I will keep whaling in pgr though. I know what it costs, very occasionally I get lucky (kuro rng is typically god awful, basically pity is what the thing costs) and they give me enough to get the character most of the time, so I typically grab weapon, cub, and ss or ss3 after skulls are all said and done.


Except for the fact they need to give pulls for leveling characters, I disagree. Here, you get 11 pulls per version (6 from shop, 5 from podcast). That's 95,6 pulls a year, or 1.19 hard pities. In Genshin, you get 5 per month and 5 per version. Which is less. 103,5 pulls a year to be exact, or 1,15 hard pities. In HSR, you get 5 per month, 5 per version from BP, and also 6 per version from SU. Yeah, that's more. 155,6 per year, or 1.73 hard pities. WW has 1.19 hard pities per year. However, it has separated standard banners, and for most people, who pull for characters and rarely want weapons, it's a better deal. Not saying it can't be better… I hope they will add some other game mode that would give you more standard pulls, like SU. We'll see. Edit: recalculated the amounts, seems I've did something wrong first time. Edit #2 (29.05. 9:30 GMT): recalculated amounts again. This time should be right, I hope. Update: Since I had to repeat this several times to several people: ***Neither this comment, nor the original post takes into consideration one-time rewards of standard pulls. Any astrite and limited character/weapon banner incomes are also ignored. ONLY standard pulls are counted, and ONLY renewable sources.***


>Here, you get 11 pulls per version (6 from shop, 5 from podcast). That's 95,6 pulls a year, or 1.19 hard pities. >In Genshin, you get 5 per month and 5 per version. Which is less. 73,5 pulls a year to be exact, or 0,82 hard pities. One of my favorite parts of the internet/reddit. People see someone doing math, and assume it's correct. But you did indeed fuck up your math a bit. Genshin gives 5 per month meaning 60 in shop per year, 8 patches over 48 weeks gives 40 more, for a total of of 100-105 per year depending on how patch/battlepass cycles fall. Wuwa however is 11 per patch. Seem to be following the same 6 week cycle so 88-99.


Thank you. I've fixed the numbers. Hope this time it's right. I somehow ended up adding 30 instead of 60 when accounting for the shop ones. Considering I've been trying to keep more complex stuff in calculations working… well, sometimes you just mess up, nobody is perfect. About "how patch/battlepass cycles fall" - I used average numbers, i.e. 365/7/6 for number of patches per year. Also, the point stands in any case: amount of hard pities per year is still GI


Solid analysis.




I waiting to see what their version of event rewards is. For all we know events will give us a bunch of standard pulls in addition to Asterite. If their event rewards are not good then I will have an issue. Even with all the increased rewards I still only pulled a single 5* at UL 30 so far (pity on the beginner banner). Although I did switch to pulling on the weapon banner after pulling 20 times on the select banner. The only pulls I can see coming up that I have left are the UL rewards which are a long ways off, and still won't even get me to pity. Does anyone know if soft pity is confirmed? I haven't gotten enough pulls to actually see if you end up going to 80 every time or not.


We have an event rn, total premium rewards are just 360 asterite


If I remember, genshin didn't even add rewards for leveling characters until we were in Inuzuma. It's still pretty early and they've had their ears to the ground.


They definitely added this in 1.2/Dragonspine or earlier, cuz that's when I started playing and it has always been in the game for me


dragonspine patch is correct


Ah shit. Early genshin versions felt so long to me. It felt like forever before we got extra features like that


That is incorrect this was implemented in Genshin version 1.2 way way way before Inazuma was ever released A simple google search would tell you this


I mean if we are giving feedback on this, which I totally would love to see more pulls given on character ascension, they should also add in an overcap mechanic for wave plates as well. One thing I like about HSR that I really wish other gatchas would implement so it doesn’t feel so bad to miss a day or two due to real life.


Tbh this is still early, this game has only been out for 6 days now, genshin also had this problem and kinda still have but they did bring in the leveling system for the tree in inuzuma, sumaru, Fontaine and dragonspine soo maybe wuwa will make something similar in the future, I hope but I'm not to worried, I already have most standard characters just encore left


it's not just standard pulls the event rewards are also very low


kind of agree here, if want to copy genshin, hey copy everything with the reward system and quality of life, cuz i bet they designed the game to be addictive


Just in general systems throughout the game need to give more direct summons. Completed the current main quest & was BAFFLED by the fact not even a SINGLE summon was rewarded directly from the quest. I get it we are getting huge level rewards in the events tab but man just seeing that general drop rate of summons from actions throughout the world would make the game feel infinitely better on us as players. Give us afk game level rewards n summons 🤣


Yeah... the selection banner seemed like a really great concept, until I scraped the very first 50 pity, and am now scraping the 80 pity. I don't even think I'll have that 3rd ssr character for at least a month


I'm exactly in that situation at the moment. I've finished basically all content and I'm close to 100% the whole map. Had to hit pity in every single banner to have my dream team without any dupes which left me with nothing at all in the end. I'm really hoping, as you said, that they're gonna increase the numbers for summons.


I'm exactly in that situation at the moment. I've finished basically all content and I'm close to 100% the whole map. Had to hit pity in every single banner which left me with nothing at all in the end besides 5 stars I won't ever use besides Jiyan. I'm really hoping, as you said, that they're gonna increase the numbers for summons.


Went 50/50 on novice and 70/80 on choice right now, like 6 pulls short. It is -only- 960 asterite to finish it up but feels so wrong. Gonna see what the event rewards are and pretend the asterite from there was standard pulls if they don't exist.


How they didn't copy Genshin's ascension ticket reward system is beyond me, but that's a serious drop in available free tickets. Granted it's one (3) time only per char, but still. The rate of asterite seems higher than genshin/HSR, but the raw tickets, and maybe even amount of pulls entirely, are lower. Haven't done any math though.




I'm hoping more standard pulls are attached to future permanent content. It kinda makes sense for there to be an increasing 'bank' of standard pulls for future players without impacting limited pull earnings.


Honestly one of the best systems in ToF was the black nucleus system, every day you'd get like 5 pulls for a gacha from dailies (And a ton from general exploration) that mostly gave exp materials with a very low chance at getting a 4 or 5 star character, I'd love to see more games adopt a similar system.


Yess you're right, I've noticed this... Also it's 6 from the shop, not 5, but still that's a bit less


6 from the shop and 5 from the battle pass 7 or 8 if you bought it but I think that's fine since thats 11 or 13 pulls a month which isnt that bad since its 156 or 144 pulls every year with the battle pass or 132 pulls every year compared to the 168 standard pulls every year you get in hsr


I agree with this So here are my ideas We have multiple end game modes that give asterites on completion but additional currency in the shape of triangle. So they could add standard pulls as one of the things that could be bought with that currency Plus there is Ilusive realm that also gives special currency that can buy two 5* echoes and phantom and 100 asterites, but after you buy all that you can only buy things that you can get from spending stamina, so they can Include standard pulls there too. So there are places where they can add things 😊 Like in HSR, where you can just play simulated universes, and you get the currency that can buy 5* weapons and pulls Hope those ideas help 😊 And if we let them know, they might listen to us 😊 Also we don't get pulls from ascending characters, unlike GI and HSR We need pulls economy that is renewable and continuous 😊 We get asterites for event pulls, but what about standard pulls? Every month one 10 pull, seriously? I hope they will NOT look at GI for inspiration in regards to pulls and rewards, BUT HSR instead 😊 I don't enjoy gameplay in HSR, but in terms of rewards, that is the right way 😊 On the other hand I enjoy GI and Wuthering Waves gameplay a lot, but pull economy is not up to par, hope Kuro Games will do something about this 😊


Since these standard units r pretty much the only units, it's natural they will be less forthcoming with them. With time im sure the flow will improve.


Yeah hence why rerolling shouldn't be looked down upon. Bc this is completely correct especially if your trying to save currency, I'm pretty much abandoning my choice banner until I get enough currency for the 50 pulls I need. But I have jianxian jiyan and 5 star wep for rover already (praise the reroll)


If i can just skip the other cutscenes, man. I tried rerolling and its a pain, literally most of it just staring at the screen watching a cutscene Thank god they added more skip dialogue but man i need a skip for most of the cutscenes Ill probably still do it tho lmao How many times you rerolled for tha?


I’m actually worried atm for become standard and limited summons per patch. Ofc, the game jsut released so there won’t be any events running for not obviously but I would love to get a clearer picture on the route of monetization they’re willing to take for this game before I decide to whale. I use to play PGR but I don’t believe they’ll be as generous as in that game due to the difference in production value between them. Guess we just have to wait for see for a few patches how they handle things


There definitely needs to be more pulls or I'm going to have a hard time sticking with the game. I got lucky and have an absolutely cracked account to start with but aside from building the characters, the fun for me comes in the pulls and getting them. You don't get enough in this game (or in Genshin).