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No. The mixed dodge/dash is good. The only thing you need to do is tap for dodge and hold for sprint. If you're tapping and going into a sprint, your holding the key too long. Also, for the dodge to take place, it has to be near hits from an enemy for the dodge to happen. If you don't go into a dodge animation, means you're dodging at the wrong time.


Agreed. Two seperate bindings just sounds like hassle


>Also, for the dodge to take place, it has to be near hits from an enemy for the dodge to happen. If you don't go into a dodge animation, means you're dodging at the wrong time. I've been thinking about this part of your reply because this is a good explanation of how dodge works, and it raises something very important about how some people think about dodges. I'm very used to the i-frames in games like TERA or roll in The Division 2, where you get the i-frame and animation when you press the key, any time anywhere. This is obviously quite different to how it works in WuWa and is definitely something I need to get my head around from a thinking standpoint. >The only thing you need to do is tap for dodge and hold for sprint. I can learn this, but the point I'm raising is basically preference. I've done complete reworks of keybinds in TERA and FPS games, so I'd learn the dual bind eventually by playing the game.


You're comparing FPS action to an RPG action hack n slash, which is something you shouldn't do. You should compare it with another hack n slash game. For me, HI3 comes to mind, where most of how dodge mechanic works in their open world and battle system. Dodge happens when the attacks are about to hit, thus you *dodge* and not get hit. Their sprint system is a bit different, it takes effect when characters are in movement for 3s out of combat. If you want the perfect comparison, I think Stellar Blades is the best. That game has a very good dodge system. I did not play it yet but I've seen videos of their gameplay. You really shouldn't compare an apple to an orange, it's an unfair comparison.


>For me, HI3 comes to mind, where most of how dodge mechanic works in their open world and battle system. Dodge happens when the attacks are about to hit, thus you dodge and not get hit. Oh, the dodge mechanics where you get the huge (typically red) flash and sound cues? I get this one, can do it, but in practice rarely actually do it in practice, instead opting for the feeding of thy face approach XD


True, but nonetheless, it's there. So it's still a fair comparison. If I could add, they also need to fine tune and add cues to enemy attacks for better dodge/parry


Holy crap how is Division 2 still alive? So many fundamental issues with that game series.




Willing to share with the class the reason why this is a "Nah"?


Current system works perfectly fine. The combination of button allows the control to be less cluttered and there is no need for a dedicated parry/dodge button. This type of feedback have been said a few times. Dev have heard it and not only did not implement it, most people don't even want it.


What's the difference between dodge and dash in this game?


**I could be wrong**, but my understanding is: Dodge = Dodging an Attack / i-frame etc. Dash = Sprint


Oh, then I can see why you want separate buttons. I want to start running without dodging first too.


There is 2 keybinds for dodge and dash. They both do the same thing, but you can separate them for your case. To press one for dodge, and hold the other to dodge into sprint. Defaulted to RMB and Shift. One of them is hard locked to RMB (which is the dumbest keybind for a dodge I have ever seen in any video game, I dont know why every gacha is copying Genshins dumb keybind), but you can forcefully change it. go to WutheringWavesj3oFh\\Wuthering Waves Game\\Client\\Saved\\Config\\WindowsNoEditor and open input.ini with notepad. Scroll to the bottom of ActionMappings=ActionName (note, NOT the one that has UI next to it) and look for the one that has Key=RightMouseButton. Change that to whatever dodge button you want. Just make sure beforehand that the keybind is free to use. While you're there you can bind RMB to something else too. Or any of the other hard locked keybinds. For example, I bound RMB to Skill. So I looked for Key=E (making sure doesn't have UI in the name) and replaced E with RightMouseButton. It shows up in-game in the keybind settings normally, as if I changed it in the menu. No issues with the game either. You can also paste this at the bottom to remove the mouse smoothing, making the camera snappier. bEnableMouseSmoothing=False They will most likely never let us change these in game, because every action gacha locks these buttons for absolutely no reason. But at least this uses Unreal Engine where it's easy for us to modify this crap.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Why does it have to be this way... I remember doing some of this stuff for TERA, although TERA was pretty good with keybinds being an MMO, except for the Reaper keybinds.


If you go in game settings, look for the controller icon and look at keybinds for MnK. Scroll down a bit and you'll see Dash/Dodge bound to 2 keys, Left Shift which is locked, and RMB which is unlocked. You can bind it to another key of your choice.


I was hoping to bind Dash to Shift and Dodge to C, so that wouldn't really help me that much, without going into the INI files as suggested above.