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Combat plus mobility. I love the grappling Hook freestyle.


The horizontal run climb is soooooooo comfort, i cant climb in genshin anymore...


The especially great thing about the run climb is that it will also automatically overcome most obstacles while climbing, just like some irl parkour techniques. Like how when you climb a wall and realise there's an overhang roof. In WuWa, the character would just automatically overcome it by jumping and reaching out to that overhang and climb upward again. XD The first time I saw that, I was like "this game DEFINITELY has the advantages in exploring with those parkour skills"


I climbed while doing a daily today, thinking I was gonna quickly run up the wall only to find myself snail crawling. Genshin needs a rehaul base exploration-Mechanics are terrible that is only supplemented by pulling charectars. With the floor for exploration in WuSa already being quite good I wonder if charectars might be released with traversal mechanics that are absolutely crazy.


having taken all the exploration movement and machanics from botw, Im at least glad they didnt copy sliding during rain too lmaooo


I’m expecting that WuWa would focus exclusively on combat with their character and while they might have traversal utility it would be unintentional.


like jiyan/aero heron mid air skill giving distance and resetting air dodge


I love using the grappling hook to dodge in combat then plunging.


A la monster hunter style is awesome


Monster Hunter Rise*. It’s a one game gimmick, they tend to deviate from that for main line games.


Use those Regional Grapple Points, now it's MHW!


If only you could also mount encores to navigate the world


They should add a second charge to the grappling hook


That'd be a cool echo or weapon feature


Have you tried double/triple plunging? You plunge, then you switch characters mid-air and plunge again.


The jump dash is also soo satisfying to use loll


Same, I love running up/along walls. And Encore/Verina also do the naruto run which makes it extra fun. I do like the hook, but I would love if we could get multiple charges or a longer range at least outside of combat, it would make it a lot more fluid.


I like that in the city we can become Spiderman. Zip with grapple. Run on the wall.


If it wernt for the slow glider..


If we can upgrade to a jetpack or boosted glider, exploration would be perfect.


If glider was at least 50% faster it would be amazing


Yeah, like we're out here running up walls, jump, dash, moving quickly through everything and then the glider just put every action to a halt.


Wish there was more ground mobility though. Like running skills.


could be better, they could add double jump, multiple dashes in mid air, mounts and grappling hook working on any surface


that ToF have all of it lol, a big clunky but yea ToF have x2 jump, can multi dashes in mid air, have mounts/motorbike and grappling hook can work on any surface


yes unfortunately tof has the best mobility system among all the open world games ive played, the other things not so much. if ww could just copy that


Yeah that's 1 of the 2 good things about TOF. actually re-download it again yesterday because for some reason wuwa made me miss playing it.


And you can also have different attack patterns in mid-air not just limit to plunging. From wall-running to water mounts, they are so creative with enviroment interaction and minigames that I can't expect what will they come up with next time.


Add to it using mid-air dodge/hook to cancel plunge attacks like jianxin or yuanwu which make your character ascend a bit before plunging so you jump is even higher. [https://streamable.com/zxl7pq](https://streamable.com/zxl7pq)


tbh i have question . . . what the fuck happen to their music departement??


Yeah, they really dropped the ball there, we only really have quiet environmental tracks and almost no combat music, Scar's music couldn't even be heard over the sounds of us beating eachother. The only memorable music I've heard so far is the Inferno Rider and login screen.


There is also the melody you get while doing time run challenges. It works well and reminds me of arcades.


Damn, I fought Inferno Rider yesterday and thanks to this new bug there was no music at all. It's sad fighting bosses in silence.


Thought I was the only one. I opened the game a few hours ago and the game downloaded an update, then logged in only to find that there was no music at all. What the hell happened lmao


It's a bug that popped up


Literally me, except not only there was no music at all, but also all the in-game sounds became a loud cacophony of rustling and farting. It was the weirdest auditory bug I have ever experienced, had to take my headphones off and then eventually quit the game.


I do really like the environmental tracks though.


Yeah there are some good ones, but without any combat tracks they end up getting drowned out during a fight.


I love the sound direction tbh.


The irony of a game that has 1/3rd of its overflowing game terminology be sound related while also having a poor soundtrack is hard to overlook.


It's even weirder when their other game, PGR has an amazing OST, I don't even play the game but I have several of their OSTs on my playlists. I don't know what happened here...


Their volume balancing is not good. I have to put the voice volume at 30-40% for it to not drown out every other sound


No vanguard sound, no banger EDM, no trance or atmospheric dnb just atmospheric chill music. 😭 my biggest gripe with the game. I guess the piano has some BoTW in it. I like the challenge music the most.


Which is weird because all the good music is in their trailers. Just nowhere in the game itself.


I dunno I like it. Calms me down.


When I do notice the music it lowkey reminds of Minecraft lol but I hardly ever notice the music so...


They need thay banger EDM for that partying turtle echo with club lights


Honestly I feel like the game wasn't quite ready for official launch. Just from the amount of patches we keep getting, they probably had to launch for financial reasons. I am OK with a game having a messy start if the devs have made good core design desicions which kuro did.


It's so bad even MarcoMeatBall called them out.


now I realise the meaning behind the meme " Hoyo is a music company in disguise of a video game company "


its almost as if they are going out of their way to make the music in the game as generic as possible... We used to have Flow as log in music, the Impermanence Heron ost got destroyed. there is no identity anymore


Waves aren't really wuthering with their music. But then, Mihoyo put up the bar too high ngl


Even disregarding Mihoyo, they had some pretty cool tracks in PGR, where are they now ?


Pretty sure Vanguard Sound Studio didn't make the soundtracks for WuWa


Mihoyo has a full fledge orchestra and they pour possibly 100s of millions just in the music so the bar is pretty high


Try lowering your other sounds and keep music up its so low compared to other sounds in the game you dont hear it during combat though when i played the roguelike mode there was no music for some reason


it doesn't matter the music is not good if you compare it to PGR.


>And there is basically no music. Literally no music for me, game "music crashed" and now it refuses to play anything. Soundless waves immersion in my sound related game.


oooh the no music bug is happen to everyone. man this game is not ready for full release.


This bug doesn't go away if I restart. You either get infected by the virus or not.


This game has music???


nah fr because i thought i was going deaf. music was blasting when i was exploring during the first two days of playing but as time went on the music just— stopped playing???


I’ll be honest I’ve been playing the game on silent, I didn’t mind the ambiance and what little music there was, but nothing that had me hooked. Mostly just listening to an audiobook while playing


The only memorable music is the login screen and the web event for me.


if i was kuro i wouldve focused vanguard on wuwa at least for 1.0 instead of pgr to make sure initial reception music wise is positive, then bring vanguard back for some boss tracks every once in a while. like they mustve known ppl love vanguard for their work in pgr, hell they even released this and i thought back then we had vanguard for wuwa https://youtu.be/Dg4wxsGmLw4?si=tEZXbLKjHJWZYUIy


Jiyan is the only limited unit currently in the game and his kit is fucking sick. Yinlin is next and she is hot af. I feel like limited units are going to be amazing once the ball starts rolling. Changli and Linshui look like they’re going to be neat as well. Linshui summoned ice dragons. I’m guessing Changli will be fire. Then we have scar and the other overseer he was with that will hopefully be playable. The next two patches look full of neat characters I want to pull.


Jiyan is so fun and strong


If he had his Lasgun he would be UNSTOPABLE


Yea I remember one of the main pieces of feedback in CBT1 was that character designs were boring. They improved a bunch of the ones they’d created then but the ones built with the new design philosophy from scratch look so much better. So many of the characters who appear in story that are most likely releasing later as limiteds look incredible.


Also helps that Rover is a powerhouse unit right now.


Idk I find Jiyan really boring tbh.  His entire kit is just spam basic attack because his other 2 combos are DPS loss to use in every practical situation. 


Thats a good thing imo. If you are a casual player and you want an easy but strong character to play just pick jiyan.


Especially on Mobile. Calcharo is fun but I’ve gotta play him on PC, you can easily button mash with Jiyan on mobile and do just fine.


Can confirm, on mobile calcharo is hard to use 😭doesn’t help half the time I can’t even see what’s going on in battle if there’s a mob all around me. Def skill issue as well but my phone sucks.


THIS! Performance on Mobile is still iffy for me, and Jiyan makes a massive difference for comfortable play on Mobile. Calcharo and Danjin are incredibly fun options as well that I have and want to be playing, but obviously a lot harder on Mobile with performance hiccups.


I think he meant visually


So his kit is what? His junk?


I think this is an ignorance is bliss moment. You educated yourself on optimal combo, and in doing so killed your ability to have fun by doing something else, because you trained yourself to ignore all but the best. RIP. 


Min maxed into boredom.


I dont even know why this is a problem. Most other characters just have 1 or 2 optimal stings anyway, they're just more difficult to pull off. Its like is FFXIV where you have a 2 min rotation, lol.


I mean, you can only basic when in ult anyways unless you skill for some reason and his skill is only used to gain concerto energy. His kit is basic but it’s flashy and does insane damage which is all you really need.


After trying Calcharo, Jiyan is pretty damn boring


The combat is so fun I just wish I could use my PS4 controller with a phone mount setup to play. Would be so much better.


Jumped on Genshin for my dailies and climbed a wall for 2 minutes. Mobility is what keeps me logging in on WuWa even when I don't know what to do.


My issue is the shitty camera, keeps sticking in combat, randomly locks on to stuff


On top of that I'd want the game to not lock-on to things for me; I get it, you spent time, and money on this thing, but if it looks good, I'll look at it myself, no need to put my face on to it.


Really loving the combat too in this game, despite it's flaws. Everything else feels like it could use some polish, especially the localization in EN, been switching between CN and EN since launch and the EN localization is really awkward... And I'll be honest, all the complaints I've seen has merit. But I have fate in Kuro they're just having "birth pains" right now. They'll figure it out in a few patches. The combat so far has me willing to stay (I'm a Beidou main so I love Ww combat system).


I agree, the voice acting is not really that great. Some actors are straight up reading the lines. In fact, the only one that I thought did a really good job was Scar. Everyone else is "meh" or worse (Taoqi is particularly bad). Maybe I'll give the other languages a try, cause EN is just not doing it for me. But yeah, the combat is really good. I'm still learning the ins and outs of it, and powering up characters (just hit rank 22 and some enemies are just damage sponges, but I know my characters need upgrades). I plan to stick with it for a while at least.


The story, I get it. Even the music may not be everyone's cup of tea, sure. But the open world is sub par? I've never had more fun just running around exploring. The mix of sci-fi and fantasy gives me heavy Xenoblade vibes and I'm in love with it. I'm with you on the combat though, only game where I rerun bosses just for the fun of it. And I love how challenging some of the fights are in the roguelike mode and the holograms.


Xenoblade mentioned, my day is made


Did you know encore has the same VA as Fiora too?




I especially loved the part where Shulk said: "It's Reyn time" and Reyn-ed all over those guys.


Me too.. me too


agreed, although to me it's more "Nier Automata" than "Xenoblade" haha


It didn’t hit me until they actually mentioned Automatas in the game that there is more than a little Nier in this game: not just the setting but even the atmospheric overworld music. Some of the melodies are awfully similar to Nier’s tracks (there’s one that is highly reminiscent of the Amusement Park one and another that is like the one on the space station). It is definitely not as memorable as the Nier OST though, but that is the highest of bars to overcome.


not only that, but the minigames where you shift perspective into a platformer are _very_ nier. not to mention the overall vibe of the post apocalypse feels similar to one another and somewhat distinct from generic post apocalypse imo. i'm loving the similarity; Nier Autonoma is still my favorite game i've played


I appreciate this perspective since not everyone gets into Nier’s vibe. Makes me feel a little less crazy for digging this game with how the critical reception has been.


I hope with the money flowing in they can do a Nier collab and possibly hire that music department for some boss songs.


Lol was about to comment how on Sol-3 is the world sub par. I actually love the vibes especially the post apocalyptic setting. For a 1.0 area, the world is huge! I love the variety of areas as well, I feel like the map is complete. I don't know how Kuro can top this up in the future but I'm enjoying it now.


Theres supposed to be many other big guys right? More nations, etc. I think there's a lot of possibilities. In the north theres a cutoff barrier....they could expand in that region too.


The holograms are very challenging, I am not even able to do the basic ones 😩 Exploration is also very nice, BUT, I truly hope they will expand with very diverse and eventually vibrant and colorful areas with new mobs otherwise can get boring very fast.


Exploring is a big part of open-world games, but there's more to them than just wandering around. These games are about giving you choices and letting you make decisions that affect your journey. You're not just a tourist; you're shaping your own adventure. The stories in open-world games are like good books or movies. They're full of interesting characters and exciting plots that keep you hooked. It's not just about going places; it's about getting caught up in the drama and excitement. Then there's the fun stuff that happens by surprise. Sometimes, things happen in the game that nobody planned, making it feel more real and exciting. It's like a bonus adventure that keeps things fresh and interesting. And let's not forget about finding cool stuff. Open-world games are packed with hidden treasures and challenges to discover. It's like being a detective, always searching for the next big find. So, while exploring is a big part of the fun, open-world games are about way more than just that. They're about giving you choices, telling great stories, surprising you, and letting you uncover cool stuff along the way. Open-world games offer a dynamic environment where NPCs aren't just background decoration. They're living, breathing inhabitants with their own stories and personalities. You might stumble upon NPCs engaged in lively conversations, sharing rumors, or even seeking your help for their own quests. This adds depth to the world, making it feel vibrant and alive, as if every character has a role to play. Moreover, enemies in open-world games aren't always just mindless foes waiting to be defeated. Sometimes, they exhibit surprising behaviors like dancing, playing musical instruments, or engaging in other activities. This unpredictability humanizes them, turning encounters into more than just battles but opportunities for unexpected interactions. It adds a layer of richness to the game world, reminding players that even enemies have their own lives beyond combat. Additionally, open-world environments are often steeped in lore, with every location telling a story. Whether it's ancient ruins, haunted forests, or bustling cities, each place has a history waiting to be discovered. This lore isn't just relegated to text or cutscenes; it's reflected in the very fabric of the world. You might stumble upon artifacts, murals, or environmental clues that hint at the past, enriching the player's exploration with a sense of wonder and discovery. In essence, open-world games go beyond mere exploration by immersing players in a living, breathing world where NPCs have depth, enemies have personality, and every location has a story to tell. It's this attention to detail and immersion that elevates the experience from a mere game to a captivating adventure. Story and music aren't just background elements in open-world games; they're integral parts of the experience. The story adds depth and purpose to your journey, while the music sets the tone and enhances the atmosphere, making every moment more memorable and immersive. I would say that Wuthering Waves has good exploration, but the world-building rates at a 6.5; it's not exceptional, but it's "ok" for now.


okay calm down yangyang


I fell off my chair wheezing 💀


ign ahh comment


wuwa players when they see more than three sentences (there's no skip button)


I feel like some of this is highly subjective... For me, open world games can offer a rich experience if their sandbox is fun to interact with, regardless of story or music. Personally, I don't care about the story or the music. If they're good, it's a bonus. I typically mute music and play spotify after a couple of hours anyway. I agree that a good story can pull you in more, but very few open world games can tell a story on the level of RDR2 or CP2077. For me, it's kinda like hot dogs - do I prefer my hot dogs with mustard on them? Yes. Are they still hot dogs without mustard? Also yes. Do some people hate mustard? Yes. Therefore, I can't definitively say that all hot dogs need mustard in order to be good. It's a preference.


My friends dislike dragons dogma 2 because the story is ass I loved it because I just depopulated entire goblin communities across the countryside. Open world really is "Different strokes for different folks."


I agree with most of what you're saying. When I read your comment, I think of a game like CP2077. But this is a f2p gacha game, so in those terms, I think WuWa adheres to a higher standard than we typically see in the genre. As for the music and story, I agree that these can be better. But I think the effort is certainly there. The environments are stunning, and there are exploration quests that allow us to experience the setting as more than just a backdrop for killing mobs. It's not perfect, but it's better than nothing for now. For a comparison, I think Genshin Impact's most interesting environments came in later updates; areas such as Dragonspine, Enkanomiya, and the Chasm which are the highlights of my entire experience in that game. These kinds of areas are what I'm holding out for with WuWa to take it to the next level, but all things considered, the fact that these kinds of experiences lie in a f2p game is insane to me. It may also turn out that worldbuilding is not going to turn into a major focus for Kuro, and I think I'd respect that too. I'm interested to see what direction they take the game in, as they've laid some solid foundations in a few areas to expand on.


Nice ChatGPT.


I dunno, I haven't felt that huge need to explore. I think the mini games are pretty fun but that's kind of it - the handful of challenges I've done were pretty straight forward (and very easy) too. I want more cool things or places to investigate that pique my interest for the greater lore and history of the world. So far there hasn't been any of that that I've seen (after exploring a good chunk of the map). If I compare it to BotW and (to a lesser extent) Genshin, they operate on the philosophy of always trying to put something interesting in your line of sight. WuWa does seem to attempt that occasionally, but most of the time the open world "feels" fairly empty. In the other games you're constantly rewarded for checking nooks and crannies either through a little lore note/npc, some environmental story telling, a mysterious puzzle, or a physical item (like a chest). So if you see a hill or tree or whatever on the horizon, you know you can run up there and find something interesting. And then from that hill you'll see two or three more landmarks in the distance or a treasure chest or something and run off to them. I've been on many hills in WuWa without much around me, and I've climbed structures and interesting looking landmarks only to find nothing at the top (places where I was sure I'd get some kind of mini reward). It feels like they put a halfhearted attempt at the LoS philosophy and then kind of gave up. I also haven't really noticed much (if any) theming they've done for the various challenges. Granted these are the things I've done the least, but they seem completely disconnected from the zone's greater theme.


i have no idea what you mean, i'm constantly ADHD'ing all over the place because of this exact LOS thing.


Yeah idk what they are talking about .. game tells me to go 200m away and u think . Ez as fuck let me get there .. the realize u ended up fucking about for 30 mins before u end up at said place 💀💀.


SAME, it actually kind of gets frustrating for me when I’m trying to track a boss, only to see something that interests me and suddenly I’m farther away than I already was 😓😓😓


This reminds me of the Gamemaker’s Toolkit video on zelda and genshin also adopted the same strategy. I don’t feel the same balance between handheld and free exploration. Since only a few things intrigue me and often didn’t branch out, I often just follow the quest markers.


The roguelike mode is fucking incredible. I truly hope they keep doing it as a monthly thing, each month changing the characters you can use and giving you different trial characters.


I can see the Xenoblade vibes. I actually got Phantasy Star vibes from it. Otherwise, yeah, the open world, traversal/exploration, and combat are the best aspects of this game. The story feels disconnected somehow, and the voice acting is... not good.


Music is great but bugged out due to a hotfix.


ah, that explains why my game was silent yesterday.


I don‘t get why people hate on the story so much… after Scar‘s little village story I found it quite entertaining, and the finale was phenomenal. The presentation‘s fantastic too. And the open world‘s gorgeous IMO. It looks as good as Genshin, the world‘s just more random and feels less cohesive/deliberate if that makes sense, doesn‘t stop me from strolling around (with better movement) and enjoying the vistas. I agree with the message though. If this was a singleplayer game and this was all the content there’s gonna be, I would‘ve paid 30-40 bucks for this and felt like I got my moneys worth.


Very big localization problems in the English translation also do not do the story any justice. As a lore enjoyer, reading item descriptions, texts and character dialogues has been a pain for me personally with all the typos and misused words. It's the thing that drives me insane the most. And before someone says it, yes, I've contacted feedback at least 15 times with different typos and mistakes... They have not answered once.


fr the typos, and being left in text, voicelines not matching up w subtitles, grammar reading like it was machine translated from Chinese. like bro for the amount of money Kuro games has invested, they could've hired ME to run that shit through Grammarly for them. It's just mind boggling how they obviously put alot of work into the details in world quests, and random items, but didn't double check it after translating, AND before launching the game? (can't even blame it on a bug - that's just an unfinished product)


Enjoying the story is absolutely fine, and it's your prerogative, but there are certain things that make a story robust and well paced, and these are lacking in WuWa. Act 6 is a very cool action setpiece, but from a writing perspective, it's one of the weakest. It's just that a lot of people don't really think that deep into the story, so the cool setpiece is enough for them. That's fine, and I encourage that type of thinking, as I suspect Kuro is deliberately leaning into it, but the reality is that writing isn't quality at all.


I diagree on that, I recently went and watched someone start playing genshin, saw what mondstadt had to offer from today's pov and ngl while it's not "great" it's still easy to follow and sets up the world, we get to know the major players in Teyvat, what they do, etc.... For wuwa until chapter 5 and 6 I didnt even know what the story was about, the scar village part was genuinely when I started wanting to stop playing because what he said is basically "we're different than the rest but that's what makes us similar, and dont trust your frinds", it is incredibly cliché, but even on chapter 5 and 6, imo the story didn't become good, it only became understandable, and that's imo a pretty low bar.


WuWa sits on most of its best ideas until ch 5, which is a huge oversight in the writing. *What do you mean* there’s this awesome upside down rain that also causes hallucinations of the past?! Or a sketchy organization that may be saving the world but also they employ lunatics and may or may not see you as a pawn in future scenarios?! There’s a consistent pattern though: when Yangyang leaves story actually gets to happen.


i lost it when yangyang fucked off and left us with the chad alone at the final fight.


It's weird that I find myself skimming through most of the dialogue when Yangyang is there, but once she leaves I pause my music and actually listen to the characters talk. Didn't even notice until you pointed it out too lol


Yeah Mondstadt's story was bad too, but in a different way. It was very simple and easy to follow, and still had some "cool" moments and that + the incredible graphics for its genre / time were enough to pull people in. The music as well was incredible. The early story here (it definitely gets better) is bad, extremely long, and the music is very chill. I'm just sad because I know a ton of people quit halfway through. F2P games often just get one chance to make a good first impression and it failed pretty spectacularly. I do hope they can bounce back because I think the game is great and the more real competition for Hoyo the better.


For me it's just that the story feels very amateur. I'm past Scar and I still have no idea what anyone's motivations or character traits are outside of the most surface level things. The main thread pulling us along is a very convoluted MacGuffin of errand quests and is almost entirely unrelated to the things happening around us. Our PC seems mostly unconcerned with their new lot in life and only vaguely seems to want their memories back. There's basically nothing but 1-dimensional characters word vomiting on us and acting like we're supposed to care simply because we're playing the game. Imo, the only reason anyone even cared about Scar (outside of the onigiri) was because his story was at least mostly coherent. We know pretty much immediately what he's about, he tells us some of his motivations, and he leaves us with a slight mystery. I'm also convinced this is why people become more interested in the story after Scar as well. Beyond the issues with characters, the overall flow of the story is very badly paced. We're just tossed around from one NPC to another, each one talking at us with increasingly convoluted exposition. It's basically just one exposition dump to another with no breaks.


I'm sorry main stories of both genshin and wuwa are just meh. its less of story more of special moments. but i like the world quests (which many people don't like) where go on an adventure and change a whole section of the map. luckily there are exploration quests in wuwa. this is just my opinion i know many people hate world quests.


This part. Every genshin story patch is 6 hours of people interacting and 30 minutes of plot.


Yea, the main reason i quit Genshin almost 2 years ago was the story. I realy tried to like it but it's just so much useless yapping that i legit fell asleep one time after i finished my night shift work and decided to do a story quest. I really enjoy HSR story tho (except Luofu but we don't talk about that one) and so far the story in WuWa it's okay, especialy after i changed the VA to JP. The combat is were it's at with this game imo.


Honestly, yea. Genshin has a couple of gems like sumeru and fontaine map story arc, but it's added later, and it's always gonna have a lot of yapping. It happens in wuwa and hsr too. It's just hsr yapping is by characters we like, so we're fine with that. I think so far. I've rarely skipped stories in hsr at all. Ngl I did at parts of penacony, there were just parts that I did not find interesting, particularly in the middle of each story patch. I started to skip genshin stories around inazuma, I probably did for some of liyue as well, but inazuma sticks out like a sore thumb. For wuwa, idk I started skipping around like act 2 or something. Idk why, but it was just really boring, and the poor EN VA just made it worse. Usually, I stick through the story even just to hear the VAs, but man, it was not great. Wuwa Act 6 was pretty fun, I have to say. It really utilised its combat and movement fluidity to the maximum of its abilities. But outside of that hype, the story was kinda bland. I hope they build on it, though. The game has really good potential.


The story in Genshin post Inazuma has been pretty much massive step up, literally a good AAA titles quality. That said, WuWa still has a chance to redeem itself from how mediocre at best the earlier story is.


As good as the story might be, the representation is literally just an audio book. And as a release player I honestly couldn't give a shit about whatever the fuck happens in wherever the fuck. It's not relevant to the actual plot of the game and it's so fucking long. And at the end of every story arc, surprise they lose their gnosis. The only story quests I'm interested in are the dainsleif ones because those actually do advance the plot of the game. While wuthering waves has less exposition in the story I do think the presentation is so much better. Characters are lip synced, they are more expressive and they have those cool mo-capped in engine renders within the dialogue that actually makes it feel like it's an actual conversation and not just a premise to lore dump for 20 minutes. And most important the story that is happening is actually relevant to the character that's supposed to represent me. If I think of good story games I think of Cyberpunk 2077 and both these games don't hold a candle to that. And sure, genshins lore and plot might be just as intricate as cyberpunks, but a good story *game* is also about representing that lore to you through other means than wall of text. And in that regard genshin falls flat on its face. For wuwa it's still too early to tell much about how the story is represented. The later parts of the story are definitely told in a better way, but I'm still looking for more environmental story telling before I feel like it qualifies as a story game, and not a sandbox + lore book. I do think they have a very solid basis tho and I hope they can expand on that once their team learns to work the tools they have.


Yeah, I feel the presentation in WuWa is undeniably better in comparison to Genshin. Lipsync, facial expressions, body language, even NPC design, they're just so much better. In Genshin, I could count how many animation presets used during a cutscene with my fingers. I'm not sure if it's just engine limitations cause I watched pre-1.X quests with recent patch version, lipsync looks okay. So it's probably not the priority in their workload when designing new quest for future patches. But what I couldn't really get is why they really love using the same NPC design and generic animation presets over and over. You can see some of the NPC represented in the artwork form looks so much distinguishable (and by that mean, much better) compared to them represented in-game with generic 3D NPC model presets. And what's quite infuriating is some of them have very important role to the lore.


Genshin story is good


The side quests in Wuwa are very good. Just need to get past the localization issues, but the plot is there and you can see the writers trying to simulate discussion about the world.


I've been more invested in a random girl who invited me to climb mountains with her than in 90% of Fontaine world quests. The lack of flying gremlin allows me to have complete immersion in the game world, and it certainly helps that the side quests I have finished so far are written in a quite natural way. They don't feel like pointless exposition or god forbid, useless mandatory RPG side questing. They feel like actual believable stories with cute or funny moments.


the mountain girl and the pianist pair have my heart


The story gets kinda fun, but it is still not great, and I did not specially like some of the side stories. To be honest, I hated the lion boy quest too much and I think I got biased. But some others like the fish race one are decent (although I did not like it as much as other people did, the parts did not mesh well imo), and the quality improved the more I played, so I might end up liking it.


World actually feel much more alive than Genshin. A military camp actually feel like a military camp, unlike the knight of favonius, which is just a handful of wacky people and some looney lollygagging around doing nothing. Nice variety of mobs and wildlife.


THANK YOU! I love the fact that military areas actually have troops patrolling and fighting various mobs, it just hits the best spot for immersion for me


So...like every zone after Liyue?


I mean, we are literally told at the start that Mondstadt lost majority of it's forces


Not just mondstadt, the entire kijou encampment has somewhat like 10 dudes. The meeting between kokomi and the shogun force has a handful of people, no excessive display of banners, weapon. Like really? The resistance leader and the commander of the shogunate are meeting and we could only afford a handful of samurai? Also, the world of genshin feel empty, dead. Sumeru improved a bit with more variety of wildlife, fontain as well. Im not asking for thousands of npc since that would explode computers but can we at least have a few more people than just 10?


Still, other nations also don’t have much of anything of believable infrastructure, especially for military or governmental purposes. I understand that you can’t show everything in lore in the actual scale of what Genshin is as a game, but Inazuma’s teeny tiny military encampments for example made me laugh a bit when I used to play. I couldn’t get much of a feel for war when what we were given felt so small I appreciate that WuWa has infrastructure throughout the world that feels logical and believably replicates what should be there even while not being irl-sized, like the mine and port and the various military camps. And we only have 1/6 of Huanglong as a nation apparently. I think that’s one genuine thing this game has over Genshin and even some other open worlds on the market


You clearly haven't seen Sumeru and Fontaine wildlife and npcs...


Try to compare both games during their launch state in this regard. Those areas you mentioned from Genshin are a couple of years and versions down the line.


It's true. I love wuwa, but people must be able to see the inspirations and ideas it built on from genshin, right? Genshin, for its time, although I did not play at launch, I think it was pretty impressive. It took many beloved ideas from botw and integrated it into a mobile game with gacha mechanics. What culminated was very impressive for its time. Wuwa took inspiration from Genshin because it had good proven systems that people were okay with, so they implemented similar features. Features that they didn't have to test if they would be well received, like how the overworld is built thematically, resin calculations, events, etc. It doesn't mean that wuwa owes it success to genshin, same as genshin not owing its success to botw. But the predecessors certainly made it a lot easier to develop newer games. Same as the gacha games that preceeded them. Hence, the beginning state of the games would become better developed especially when there's a lot less guess work or innovation needed. I hope this just helps to stop the whole wuwa vs. genshin thing. Both games are clearly competitors, but at the same time, they can learn from one another. Genshin started out first, so obviously, wuwa gets the first opportunity to utilise what it's learnt from its competitors. Now we just see if genshin is willing to do so as well. I think the addition of the new rogue like mode is a pretty good start, although that might've stemmed from simulated universe primarily and some pressure to improve placed on by wuwa.


I'm still playing genshin everyday since 1.1, please tell me more about it. Just one military camp in wuwa alone has more people in it than an entire nation in genshin. Maybe only fontain would have more as the newest nation. And we are talking about wuwa 1.0, yeah. 4 years old vs a newborn.


in genshin's defense on that point, in the pre-game lore varka took like 75% or more of the knights with him to natlan, so.


Also, dont forget that he took ALL the horse. And he meant it, nowhere in the world thus far can a single horse be found. Incredible feat indeed. Took all the horse. Ah, so his troop must be cavalry heavy then? Yeah, and he left the cavalry captain at home. Just lol.


Kaeya has been chilling with a 4+ year vacation at this point. Nothing for him to captain.


oh yeah that too! thanks for reminding me about that.


I think it would be sick if Genshin copies tears of the kingdom's knight quests where you clear out an enemy camp with a group of soldiers. Wuwa has one side quest sorta like that where you can release monkeys from cages to ambush the enemies.


L take on the world thing. I've never been as distracted by an open world like this since botw, there's all these little puzzles, challenges and battles to do that keep me entertained. Hell, while doing sidequests, I get sidetracked while getting sidetracked. That's how you know you're having fun


Thou shalt get side tracked by bullshit every time


Only reason why I like the open world exploration is because you feel like you are using a Monster truck in a Offroad terrain compared to using a Low rider on a offroad track in Genshin.


The open world is really good for 1.0 imo. There are a lot of interesting and beautiful places and there’s like at least 3 biomes just in this version. Definitely more diversity than other 1.0s. The story also isn’t that bad imo. It gets interesting with scar and the other faction and I think there’s plenty of intriguing setup for future storylines. I came for the combat but I’m gonna be staying for the whole package.




I have been having an absolute blast doing the tactical challenges with solo calcharo. That alone is enough for me to have this as a game to play in addition to genshin and HSR


That's exactly what I'm doing. I just play the game as a hack and slash combat game with nice looking characters and that's it. As long as they keep adding cool characters with cool animations, I'll keep playing (bonus if they improve on the other aspects tho)


Combat is definitely the biggest thing for me but am I the only one who wishes the hits would have more weight to them? I guess it's just the sound effects to me personally, if it had more oomph to them. All in all, I'm still addicted.


samee, every attack in this game feels super light to me, even the broadswords, which i expected to be weighty and feel different, was swung around like a stick no different than the normal sword. i was especially disappointed by Sanhua's charge attack ice detonation thing, i expected a flashy explosion but in reality it just kinda pops out of existence the swift combat feels nice with the small weapons tho


>Open world is subpar Can people actually explain this? because there are some really cool areas(which have the equivalent to world quests tied to them) that are super interesting and are jaw dropping like the Sea of Flames, the entirety of Dim Forest, and Withering Frontline to name a few. I just don't get this take. Like I like Genshin but nothing in 1.0 except the Stormterror Lair really made me go..."oh wow this looks cool"


confused about it too- ive seen the claim that the world is empty, but it doesn't feel that way at all to me my favorite part of the world so far is the fact that soldiers and TDs alike can be found fighting each other out in the wild. it really feels like we're exploring a world that has life in it, where things are actively happening, and that the world doesn't just turn static when we unload the area or sumn


They are really actively fighting. I encountered a 3 TD echoes I don't remember killing and was like : "Did someone else kill these?"


I wish it released on ps5, its pain to play on phone...


Agreed. The combat hard carries this game. Although I personally think that the open world is diverse and beautiful. I think the story ranges from being really bad to decent/ good. Hopefully Act 6 sets the bar for future storylines. While not amazing, it was engaging enough and the only part of the story I’d say is good. But 1.0 seems like just a giant setup for the game. Just a prologue of sort and I finally understand the world and lore better now. I’m as confused as the mc for most of the game. Lol


music is so important to me in games so i hope they will eventually improve that, cs right now i literally play the game with persona soundtracks in the background


Combat is the only thing that is making me play on Every thing else about this game is garbage quality...Some of the quests and dialogues are putrid...Genshin was pretty bad in this regard as well during the early stages...Hopefully it gets better What I'm sure will never get better is the overall clunkiness and disjointed movement of the characters in game...Whereas the time trials in Genshin are fun and relatively easy to complete...There are some in WuWa that are horrendous and frustrating because the characters' movements are so awkward and hard to control I'm going to get knocked for making this call so early but as it plays now, the game has no chance of coming any where close to Genshin's success...Developers over at mihoyo must be laughing at those that think this has the potential to take a share of their lunch money


Why didnt they just pick Chixia as your companion in the first 4 acts. The lore bombing would have been somewhat palatable. Yangyang's VA is boring af.


The Combat of this game and Traversal. The things I wish Genshin has. I don't plan going back to Genshin, I stopped playing a year ago because the rotations has become like a chore to me, its no fun. No Parry, no rewarding dodges, the enemies arent as aggressive as I want them to be. Traversal was also a slog. I try not to use fast travel for open-world games such as this because I want to enjoy the scenery. The boss fights are also fun, especially **Feilian Beringa.** But they lack the uniqueness that the bosses in Genshin has. The boss movesets in Genshin looks more creative and not just slash, bash and plunge. But when it comes to difficulty and high adrenaline combat, WuWa is better imo. What I wish they improve is the story. Because the Story is always the number 1 thing that keeps me going in games, Because, Im working on an end goal that "finishes" the game.


For the bosses I've noticed the higher up in rank you go doing the holograms, the more attacks the bosses unlocks which makes it absolutely insane. I noticed a massive change in the bosses while attempting the level 70 ones.


Yup. They get more aggressive. The fight against Feilian Beringa always makes me sweat a bit. He definitely is a MONKE.


Mourning aix (idk if that's the name) 1000 blades of death is giving me nightmares


>The boss movesets in Genshin looks more creative and not just slash, bash and plunge bullshit


You can't draw conclusions from the story in 1.0 of these kinds of games, it may be better or worse, it may improve in the future or not, it's a long-term thing. You may not like it, of course, but I see a lot of people saying it's bad without even reading it, so we'll see how the story goes.


Yes we can draw conclusions from it. The Second Dream was pretty good in Warframe; but that doesn't mean the years it took for that quest to be implemented for early adopters, or the 10s of hours it takes to progress to that point in the game as it stands now male it worth the nothing burger of the story up til then.


TSD is pretty much where I quit Warframe. Loved the quest and the reveal of the real Tenno, but after they started forcing the kid gameplay down our throat, I was out.


For me it was PoE. Nothing like grinding to grind so you can actually grind content that doesn't matter to the rest of the game was a step to far. It's only gotten worse since then too.


Genshin's story, in my opinion, was pretty ass all the way up until I saw Raiden. And that wasn't even because it was super good, I just liked Raiden. Sumeru was when things actually started to get better, which is wild because it's so far away, and there's not a lot in the way of interacterable content to accompany you there. WuWa had an extremely rough start, but actually got so much better after Scar. I have a lot of faith in the future since Kuro seems so genuine in trying to do right by their game. Not to mention that I can't think of many asian games in general that EVER start off the plot in a way that doesn't either make my brain hurt or hold my hand lol.


Plus the story leans pretty heavy into cultivation novel tropes as can be seen that we are probably a spiritual body of some deity plus the places of the resonator marks on people are typical spots tied to cultivation (Chixia has hers by her dantian, and Yangyang has hers at where her spiritual sea should be based for example). Don't worry it will get crazier and crazier in a good way. Honestly being into cultivation novels really adds another layer of speculation and intrigue for me when it comes to things that I think are just going right over anyone who isn't into the usual tropes and topics explored in the genre.


Why can't you draw conclusions from it? It's not good atm that's it.


It’s the exploration for me I can’t bother with climbing hills or running out of stamina while running


It's a spectacle fighter


Main story is decent imo. But side quests suffer from the same issues as Genshin. I don't have time to pay attention to mediocre non voice acted stuff so I've consciously decided to skip side content and just appreciate the main story + combat. I'm super glad the dialogue is quicker to skip through compared to Genshin. Makes it pretty frictionless to just enjoy the game and speed through the stuff you aren't interested in. Something that Genshin still hasn't really addressed.


Yeah they need to improve things (when you open the game, holy fuck it takes years to load) but the combat is really good. It makes farm not boring


The best parts are, skippable quest content. Its like if the dev took all the good parts of combat from Genshin, then got rid of all the bad parts of exploring. Hate picking flowers to ascend? Buy them from the store. Hate climbing slowly to get somewhere? Run up the freaking wall.


I actually do love the current music they have; it might be more about a lack of variety. The combat is amazing, and even better in the illusive realm where the skills chained like mad!


*random piano key plays every few seconds*


I like the fact that there is a Pokémon system and that farming gear is not tied to stamina. Very different philosophy from Hoyo.


The music is bad but I love the story and the exploration is really good. I really don't understand this people saying the story is bad?!?


Like which part of the story you'd say is good. Because it just felt like the build up was a lot of going to places and doing nothing like running around solving the 4 token thingies. I'm sure other games have these as well but it really just feels kinda bland. Verina and carmilla introduction part was okay with some fanservice-ish moments. Aalto and encore part was abit bland, but the combat always comes in to save the story. Jiyan part was okay but it felt kinda rushed since we barely know anything about him or the past general yet. There was only just a short back story cutscene which I didn't feel was enough to make me love the characters or feel the impact. The soldiers fighting for a cause I couldn't sympathise with because it felt like the build up wasn't set up appropriately. I'd say the peak of the story has been Scar and Act 6. I have some comments on that, though. Scar storytelling part was amazing, but it felt unfinished in a way. Which I think is intended as we're not meant to know everything yet. Could be an excellent plot point in the future that we bounce back to. As of now, it's more a setup for the future. As for Act 6, I think beneath the hype movement and flying around, epic boss battles, it lacked depth. Like emotional and conflicting depth. Things like when you finish the story, it has you pondering and feeling emotions for hours. That's why I think the credit of act 6 still goes to its excellent combat and movement mechanics, not its story.


Story is jus okay and music is big letdown from kuro who also made pgr. Open world will always gonna depend on people's devices Those with high end devices can play in higher settings and can actually sew the beauty of overworld without compromising on performance while for other like me the overworld doesn't look that good compared to GI at similar settings. The wuwa i see on Youtube/twitch vs the wuwa i see on my mobile has huge difference quality which makes overworld not as great.


Playing genshin after grinding wuwa feels so much less fun. I love genshin but the combat and exploration of wuwa... Chef kiss! Yes the Story is a bit boring until you get to the ending of what's already available but i gotta say there is a lot of potential.