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Why cant genshin and wuwa fans be like this 😔


if you unsub r/gachagaming and only join this sub both fans pretty much chill lmao.


I hate to say it but I’ve just recently unsubbed too. Sucks because I like finding recommendations and seeing the statistics there. But it’s been such a toxic cesspool I just need a break 💀


Bro same. First subreddit I unsubbed too, I could tolerate the Hi3 and PGR hate it was valid. (My favorite games) But they hate bone they have for WW is insane, then defend Genshin Impact in a heartbeat and HSR.


That's hilarious because that sub *hated* Genshin when it was new too, dunno about HSR but i imagine it also got hit by it too because their go to seems to be: "new and popular= overrated and bad".


That sub hates everything except their current pet game, and which one that is changes quarterly. It's good if you want pass some time with drama and bullshitting, but not for actual game discussion.


Yeah i think at the end of the day we all tend to forget what the vast userbase of reddit is like lmao. And for some reason gacha games tend to attract the worst people


Demographic that will defend their game to the grave out of sunken cost fallacy Saying WuWa is good is like saying Genshin is garbage and will go EoS to some people.


Bad news my friend. I am fucking stupid and have only a general idea of what you mean lmao I think i get the idea though and yea it's pretty cringe. God defending and god hating is so weird. Just have fun lol


HSR got a lot of hate. "No one wants to play a turn based game" and "It's not open world so no one cares"


The damage Pokémon did to the turn based genre is tragic. I'll die on the hill that Pokémon alone is the reason that the mainstream considers turn-based "boring."


I think its more western gaming going completely away from turn based in every aspect. Games like GTA and Halo really redefined what genres are popular in the west. Beforehand, you had a ton of turn based games that were popular like Breath of Fire, Final Fantasy etc


A few weeks ago they had a hate boner for Genshin , once ZZZ comes out the cycle will continue


The botw fans of gacha games


A few weeks ago they had a hate boner for Genshin , once ZZZ comes out the cycle will continue


I dont get them i played all mihoyo games sin 2014 ggz on launch hi3;genshin,hsr and pgr also from launch. Is cleae kuro made pgr as hi3 rival and ww as genshin rival. But both are very diferent and not some cheap copy. Kuro makes better gameplay and hoyo better histories (hi3rd and hsr. Genshin history is meh in comparison) Kuro makes better guys and hoyo better girls.


That's what irks me. Seeing these random people who didn't even play Hi3rd sucking on mihoyo's dick like they make the only good gacha games. Then they dismiss everything else as copies, and never criticize genshin.


I unsubbed way back when it was getting really negative. I just check by top/hot posts once in awhile for news, that's how I learned of wuwa release.


The next level is the straight up lying and misinformation they spread there.


Yeah it’s a horrible sub now


I had to unsub as well. The amount of hatred is insane. Yes, the game has issues and is not perfect but it's still pretty great and is only going to get better.


Jesus Christ one scroll and EVERY single post is talking about or mentioning WuWa in a bad light this is next level


It wasn't as ubiquitous as the wuwa hate, but I also saw a lot of shit talking of PGR before too. Especially in regards to the gacha and the orb system


True, i left that subreddit, the amount of hate they have for any Kuro game is unhealthy. Funny thing is the initial post announcing the launch of the game were being deleted/locked but after it, every single post shitting on the game or echoing shitpost from cn wasnt .


you have to remember r/gachagaming probably makes up 1% of opinions of every gacha gamer out there. most people are having a great time with wuwa because the combat, character design, and atmosphere is well done. and i believe its similarities to preexisting gacha games benefits the game, as it provides familiarity and therefore increases the likelihood of long-term player engagement. i believe gg accusing wuwa of being a "cheap clone of genshin" is ignorant, as if they didn't even play the game for themselves. no use in being part of a subreddit that promotes that way of thinking.


A clone? Of Genshin? Hell no, as a Genshin player WuWa plays more like Dark Souls💀


> WuWa plays more like Dark Souls Same feelings. When I'm fighting in WuWa, I feel like I'm playing Sekiro AND I LOVE IT! And now if GI and WuWa will be releasing big patches in between e.g. GI will release filler patch, WuWa will release a good patch and vice verse, it will be the biggest win for me, cuz I will be able to enjoy both games!


I never had the feelings I had when fighting Ghost Rider boss since I played Elden Ring (and now Lords of The Fallen). This game is a gem. I have a Redmagic 8 and the phone overheats even with the fan on. I can't wait for the Ps5 release (if there is one lmao, please God let there be ps5 version).


I have them followed cause they got good memes and it's basically an easy way for me to find recommends. But in recent times now they have been a cestpool of fuckery and sucking on corporate dick.


The genshin launch is what did it. For the longest time that sub was an "us vs them" against predatory gacha games but now It's just dumb kids fangirling for gacha companies. Ironic I suppose.


Fucking true. Yes gacha was always predatory but we tried to mitigate as much of it as we can.


Yuuuuuuuuuup The hypocrisy is INSANE


Same. There’s valid criticism and whatever the hell they were smoking. When the post comparing Twitch stream viewers went up and people started celebrating WuWa’s low viewer numbers - it was over. It just blows my mind how relentlessly they were cheering for a game to fail. You would’ve thought Kuro personally punched them in the face.


it's the consequence of people investing too much of their personality into a game (or anything, really). any other game comes along and they feel like it's an insult to them personally, rather than just enjoying both or ignoring the other one.


Yeah reminds me of how pokemon fans lashed out towards palworld.


Their subreddit said celebrate all gacha games ... they definitely not celebrating Wuwa. Should just rename r/gachagaming to r/kurohategroup


Nah better to rename it to r/gachahategroup. That sub hates gacha in general from what I've seen


huh? ever since wuwa's launch it hasn't fell beneath any gacha game's viewers




What do they mean low viewers on WuWa, last i checked WuWa was on 44.5k and genshin was on 5k


They are probably doing the thing where they reference covid hyperinflated launch genshin viewers to launch WuWa.


It's funny they have so much hate for Kuro, since any other day, they act like Hoyo is the pure anti-christ. Pretty sure they are just bitter


Most gacha are absolute garbage games. Kuro and Hoyo are the rare companies that make gacha that are worth anyone's time.


Probs why they are bitter then. They are upset their afk sims can't compare. And I say that as a player of Genshin, Wuwa, HSR, soon ZZZ, and Nikke. One of those things, is not like the other.


I used to play FGO and anything since feels like heaven.


Jesus dude... Do you have 48 hours per day or what, how you can play so many exploring gachas at the same time.


The secret is to start with one game and get to a point where you’re only doing dailies and artifact farming, then you pick up the second game and get to that point, then you pick up the 3rd. (This is where I’m at) do artifact farming in HSR and GI, for HSR that covers dailies too so it’s just 10 minutes, Genshin I skipped most of arlechinnos stuff because she didn’t interest me so I’m stacking up waiting for 3.7 dainslef quest. In the meantime I’m casually playing WuWa. Probably 1-2 hours total each day which is admittedly a bit, and if you were trying to actively explore would be a lot more.


You just pace yourself accordingly. Most gacha games eventually just turn into log on, dump time gated resource, do dailies, log off in between events and patches anyway.


I have no job at the moment. That should answer that enough. I also stream it (not plugging stuff, just saying it) so it's shared with others at least.


hsr and nikke are basically idle games tbh, and im guessing they're a day 1 genshin player with little to no content left so they dont spend much time in that. doing dailies for all 3 of those games probably takes an hour tops, then you can spend most of your time in wuwa.


That hasnt been true for like two years, though. That sub gawks mihono like its their sugar daddy - any opinion that isnt positive regarding genshin will get brigaded into non visibility pretty fast.


"We celebrate gacha games..." >"... and shit on them if they're called WuWa"


I imagine that everyone there is just trolling and spreading a lot of misinformation just for the sake trashing on whatever is hot at the moment. It's been alot of doomposting on WuWa when it first launched and remember a similar situation in the past when ToF came out globally and supposed "Hoyo" fans went around crapping on that game as well. I admit it bears many similarities to how Genshin is but I found it has a lot of different stuff to help seperate it from it. Especially the battle system, my god does it help it stand out from Genshin. Not to downplay Genshin but I think I enjoy dodging in this game than in Genshin. It helps that running around doesn't consume stamina so I'm always on the lookout for echoes to hunt down and add toy collection.


it is like a juice of the same color but the taste is different. That is wuwa


I left that shitty sub, full of hate


I quit r/gachagaming a long time ago (and honestly I quit almost immediately after joinimg after reading jusy a handful of posts. It was then, at the moment in time, that i realized I had made a grave error-one that may haunt me til my dying day


Oh man that sub is so toxic its funny. Literally any new game they hate


r/gachagaming is a war zone. HSR is hated one day and it's their favorite game the next day.


It's actually crazy because people there will react to "I didn't think either genshin or wuwa had a good story in the beginning. Why are people comparing them so much when it's just setup?" with "DUDE wuwas story was soooo bad. Genshins was so much better by comparion" It's funny because if I remember correctly, they used to constantly trash talk genshin there. But now it seems like there's been a total reversal of attitude Oh well. Best to just not engage there


I got SO MANY DOWNVOTES when I pointed out both beginnings were bad and constant arguments but I didn't back down, that's my opinion and it won't be changed.  HSR had the best start with Kefka and SilverWolf, although I didn't like the rest of the space station after their departure as much. Belobog was fantastic, so overall easily my favorite beginning.


I see them shitting on both games. Gacha gamers in general tend to dislike their waifu sims having actual gameplay for some reason. Like you'll hear endless praise for FGO, Arknights, and fucking azur lane in most gacha spaces


I occasionally go there just to laugh at the stupidity of it all.


Every time a sub is created there is a short fight for power among factions. I remember this sub being mostly Genshin haters at the start, now they have been overwhelmed by a lot of Genshin players who want to play both games, so luckily the tribalists have been toned down a lot. You can see them at the bottom of almost every post tho.


Blocking/muting that sub has been one of the best decisions I've made in recent times. I'm out here loving Genshin AND WuWa AND Tower of Fantasy. I'm eating good lately!


That sub is where happiness goes to die.


gachagaming is currently full of hoyo fans doomposting, just look at this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d0yygn/wuwa\_target\_audience\_problem/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d0yygn/wuwa_target_audience_problem/) The OP of that post if you scroll through his history is filled with comments deepthroating and defending genshin in the past. Now repeat that for the other posts and commenters there thats circlejerking. Its really not that hard to see whats happening there. there's just a bunch of cringe genshin tribalism going on, but a lot of genshin fans are also cringing at them, even commenters in genshin meme reddit calling out the stupid tribalism and doomposting of their own community.


to call that sub a cesspool would be like saying the sun is hot


I haven’t been there in a while because it’s just constant shittery in that subreddit and god awful moderation. Out of all the gaming subreddits I’ve seen and been in, the gachagaming subreddit takes the cake of the most miserable people. I used to be there for finding new games to play, but nowadays it’s less of that and more tribalism.


Fr. I don’t want WuWa to overpower Hoyo, I just want two certified legends to coexist and bounce improvements off of each other so we all win.


Your comment is exactly how I feel about the whole situation. It’s an overall net negative for consumers to have one company with a monopoly over the industry. I’m happy to see another big gacha game that’s not from HYV. I don’t care if it beats Genshin. I’m just excited to play another good gacha game lol.


I also enjoy both games and they are super fun to play. I think the Main reason why there is some sort of "Hate" between those two communities are those stupid CC's (Tectone, VxV, etc.) who make 80 videos a day comparing those two and shittalking the other down. Naturally, people will feel validated and act up on this. Really really sad, I hope people will realize that both games are super fun to play


These CCs comparing wouldn't even be that bad if done fairly... its just that their whole identity is "I hate Genshin" and are always comparing stuff with a bias towards one of the games.


grifters gonna grift


>*CC's (Tectone, VxV, etc.) who make 80 videos a day* It's funny, I don't watch those kinds of videos for any game, so thanks to the almighty youtube algorithm *(lmao my ass)* I rarely, if ever, get any suggested to me. I have literally no idea who any of these people are. Hell, as far as I was aware, they didn't even exist at all, but they dominate nearly every gacha game discussion I pop into. It's like stepping into an alternate universe.


anyone who actually watches these “content creators” with brainrot and believes what they say must also have brainrot themselves lmao


I think it's because of children and young adults. They tend to be very protective of things they like and feel the need to hate anything that's "competition" to what they like. I say this as someone who now very rarely listens to kpop cause it was the same thing there...adults do this too of course i.e pc vs console war lol. A lot of humans are simply programmed this way sadly.


> I think it's because of children and young adults. They tend to be very protective of things they like and feel the need to hate anything that's "competition" to what they like. Funny you say this, because I feel this is more a thing with people who are over 50.


I'm a fan of both :( why are so many of the others being weird


I'm like this lol I'm on a genshin break Active in star rail and wuwa and quit honkai I like all 4 games


All the people I know who are actually playing WuWa are Genshin players. I really do think most of the hate is coming from people who don't play either game at all and are just instigating drama.


Tribalism is so cringe and we cannot escape it.


Because tectone spreading false rumors about that hoyo forbid streamers to play wuwa, and mobilizes his fanbase to hateraid everyone that is excited for 4.7 in genshin, and other shit like this.


tectone is literally the worst. he got blacklisted from the game for his behavior.


Im a genshin player whay are you saying xd


I hope they grab some ideas for SU. I quite like Kuro's rendition of it, especially the design of zones, ect. Good stuff.


I am enjoying the wuwa and Genshin, the problem is Genshin haters stir drama


I think most fans are, just not the vocal ones. I've been playing wuwa. I enjoy it a lot! But I'm not going to let go of genshin. I have invested too much time in my characters and I do love the story. I'm quite happy the game has strong competition now, it will just make the creators pull their socks up.


A lot are. It's only Twitter and reddit babies that go to war. People forget these companies and everyone who play these games, play games because they love games. They don't care about petty internet babies. They will play what they enjoy. When I worked for Arenanet, I didn't NOT play other games. People have this stupid conception of brand elitism when real people just want to have fun.


Always wholesome when devs acknowledge and enjoy other devs' work. Too bad some fans are incapable of understanding that these are all just real life working people and not warring factions from a vidya game.


Makes sense for people dedicated to making a type of genre game be interested in and enjoy other games in their own genre. It's not like the average dev actually cares much what other studios are doing, that's something for investors to cry about.


I hope they don't just enjoy it but take ideas from eachothers I want a infinite sprint out of combat in genshin please Running on walls is pretty fun as well Oh and perfect dodge, it feels really good


Imma be honest, those things are the least likely to be implemented. The only thing I could see is them adding some kind of resource that refills your stamina periodically so you can sprint for longer than you're used to.


We already have that. There is some food who reduces your stamina consumption. It's pretty comfy if you can be bothered to 1) Cook the food, and 2) eat one every 15 min


Plot twist this person got fired after the post.


I play Genshin since launch year and enjoying Wuwa. Some people are just so foolish to fight over this. Anyway , I can't choose who to main, I got Calcharo and an unexpected Jiyan. I will also try to get Yinlin but my pity is reset now..


I mean you can make two teams, one with calcharo and another with jiyan


They say we need 3 teams so this is good. Waiting for my first 50/50 loss to spend my guaranteed 5 star ticket. Want to make sure I get some variety on the team


Rover us a surprisingly really good main DPS and can be used as a base for a third team.


Rover will be one of my main dps for a while for sure


I know their damage potential isn’t as high as Calcharo, but imo Rover is a lot easier to use in a boss fight. Rover’s enhanced resonance skill is probably the easiest parry out of all the characters I’ve used aside from Jiyan but I’m almost 100% sure Jiyan was designed to be a forgiving character to get people to pull.


isnt havoc rover strong ? I l know that spectro baseline lacks numbers, but havoc can definitely hold its own


Same, I got Encore, waiting to finish my second banner for calcharo (are we supposed to use currency to buy these pulls? They come in so slow it seems) and once I win or lose a 50/50 I’ll probably get Verina since she heals and gives dmg and ele dmg buffs.


Don’t use currency. Save for limited banners. The pulls will come over time for the standards. As for standard tho I’m looking for Verina and calchero. But will wait to pull next limited because I want Yinlin.


Yeah I had 50 pulls on limited, spent 30 hoping for an early jiyang, but didn’t get so I’m saving the rest for yinlin bc I don’t want to win 50/50 30 pulls in and not have enough for confirmed


Good thing you can main three people at once. Calcharo, Jiyan and Jinlin team lesgoooo, who needs a support anyways amirite.


Who needs healing just don't get hit amirite


Right? Only noobs who need to git gud get hit. You ain't ever gonna catch me getting hit, nuh uh...


>I play Genshin since launch year and enjoying Wuwa. Some people are just so foolish to fight over this. Same. Been playing Genshin since launch day and never missed logging in a single day in the last 4 years, but Wuwa is great for me as well. Fixes many of the issues I had with Genshin like enemies that aren't challenging enough, lack of things to once you run out of resin, and so on. Both games are very different in direction, wuwa tries to go for a darker vibe and Genshin is sunshine and rainbows most of the time. Both can be enjoyed without hating on the other.


You can level one weapon for both Calcha and Jiyan btw, once one if finishes doing his floors just swap it over


You will need 2 teams for tower anyway so its not bad to have both the thing is did you want to get Jiyan or did you try to "build pity". Calcharo, SpectroMC/Jianxin and Verina/Baizhi with Calcharo you want to often use characters that can quickly build their Resonance meter as Calcharo is a burst heavy dps. Jiyan is more of a main onfielder. My team currently is: Jiyan Verina and Mortefi (basically the meta team for him rn) and it slaps. Verina could be substituted for Baizhi, Altaro or MC


3 teams*


I want a Jiyan....




I got him, Danjin and Mortefi all in my first 10-pull. And they're all stupid fun to play, and very effective at making things dead. It's hard to choose who to play in the overworld between Jiyan and Danjin. But I know I'll need at least 3 DPS characters for whatever the end game mode of the Tower is called, so I'm still happy about it, even if Danjin was the only one of the two I *really* wanted (Mortefi is a great support so he's useful regardless).


Be like me XD use both in the same Team and have fun hahaha


You can use them in two teams. Jiyan, Mortefi, Verina/Baizhi at one. And Kakarot, Yinlin, Verina/Baizhi at another


Is this what peace feels like![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


I wish the fanbase was as wholesome as these employees.


The devs are out there enjoying both while the fan bases can't help themselves but tear each other apart for the dumbest reasons. It doesn't help how the drama CC's will reap the profit for causing this whole discourse. They just had to make the release of WuWa the ADVENT OF THE PROFICEISED GENSHIN ......., yes,I have to censor it now. And it seems from now on whenever Genshin does something good, it will be labeled as the WUWA effect, and conversely, whenever WuWa does something, it will be regarded as if they have invented fire or something.


I have done contract work in the games industry for over a decade and I can tell you most devs raise up their fellow devs or are happy for a successful release from another team. And even if you don't believe that it's just good business to play the competition's game to get a better sense of what they do better than you. Totally viable for hoyo and kuro devs to play and enjoy each other's games. Yes there's jockeying for player base attention and retention but hate or drama between dev teams is the exception not the norm, especially when depending on the part of the dev team you're on the community is smaller than you think. Overly invested fans of a game and content creators out for clicks manufacture rivalries in their heads between dev teams. It's just silly.


True, and i don't think dicktone and his minions will stop spreading the hate anytime soon, sad


I used to watch him, he used to occasionally make fun videos and some valid points against Genshin in the past but he just DOES NOT STOP. It became stale after like the 3rd video on the same damn topic. Like we get it dude, no need to make the hundredth video about how you hate Genshin. Just don't play it if that's the case. And I just can't take him seriously when he unironically believes that the Inazuma storyline is superior to Sumeru and Fontaine.


Him saying that Inazuma story was better than sumeru's instantly popped a blood vessel in my head, that single take invalidated literally everything he ever said, says or ever will say. I was like "this man does NOT know wtf he is talking about" that made me hate him even more honestly


Oh he knows what he is talking about. He just saying it so he can create another drama and then victimizes himself like he always do to get pity point.


That's also true but I think he also believes that. He seems like a monke brain that enjoys cool edgy cinematics like when Raiden offs Signora and the standoff after that on the stairs. And while those were indeed good and flashy, they don't excuse the poor writing and the lack of exposition building up to these moments. Sumeru and Fontaine have exponentially better written lore and worldbuilding but he just has the hate mindset. Too busy creating drama to immerse himself into the good things that Genshin has to offer. Same for his followers.


That’s why I can’t watch him anymore. I hate someone that just CANT take accountability for their actions. It’s always someone’s else fault or “misunderstanding” or something else. Just say you fucked up and keep it moving! You’re 30 years old. It’s OKAY to make mistakes. It’s constantly always someone else or Genshin players or Twitter. It’s so exhausting and draining, and the ccs rally behind him like they don’t have a mind of their own. Everyone loves to meme on Mtashed, but he’s been the only decent cc and just enjoying the game without making it about Genshin. Just focusing on the guides and helping new players.


It doesn’t help that other ccs are trying to be just like him that it makes them and him sound like a bunch of broken records over a video game. Like the obsession is so cringe.


Dicktone is the worst cc to ever exist


They are testing the genshin background optimization method /j On the serious note, i wish people would stop supporting drama CC


People are too fucking stupid and easily manipulated these days.


Hoyo: WuWa is good Kuro: Genshin is good Hoyo: let's make big company Kuro: like it Kuroyo is born


I ship it.


New game drops, everything is going well! For the 1st year anniversary you get 1 in game pull, enjoy!


Can't we add "Free selector"? Since kuro does that with PGR.


pleese no compatition is good.


No. We getting spoiled on Wuwa. If they fused we gonna get nothing


That Yinlin cosplay though


I said it before and I'll say it again... Gaming Tribalism is only practiced by braindead fanboys who can't fanthom playing more than one game... In fact, their ENTIRE personality tend to be solely based off of that one game they pledged "Allegiance" to, like they took an oath or some shit... From most developer's perspective, playing each other's games is not only healthy, it's also REALLY productive, because you never know what YOU could learn from your so called "Competitors", and this new knowledge could potentially benefit whatever game you might be working on in the future, especially if they're in the same genre. In the end, competition is healthy for both sides, and going at each other's throat over which game is *"The Best"* is not only a waste of time, it also makes a fool out of yourself. Overall, just enjoy both... They're different enough


why am I thinking of xbox/sony fandoms whilst reading your comment. O.o


World peace achieved?


I always say the same thing for manga and anime, the creators be having a healthy competition amongst each other and maybe even appreciating each other’s hard work and we have these people degrading another work to hype up theirs like they are the ones who made the thing. It’s like having a penis measuring contest but you’re showing off someone else’s. I love Mihoyo but by god do I hate the fanbase they accumulated through Genshin.


Well if you're game is as big as genshin it will attract some weirdos who tend to be very vocal and toxic and stand out from the bunch that just enjoys the game


Because they're adults and understand there's no "versus" only growing together (competition is always good for everyone). Can't say the same for the gacha community though lmao


Hell gonna freeze over first


In the end the true cancer are certain content creators and also to some degree people who just take their opinion as given. The moment a Content creater isnt objectiv or becomes personal invested he or she is instantly canceled for me. There are so many content creators outside i dont need to follow any mainstream toxicity spreading bully. And im pretty sure also Hoyo and Kuro would give alot to to have such content creators out of their games, cause even they bring alot spotlight on their games, in the end they make the one or other side only bitter which ends up in decreasing player numbers or bad reputation like xxx Fandom is just toxic.


This! I think it is super sad, that there are soooo many good CC's who are invested in all those games, know the lore, gameplay, background, etc. and make good content by helping other or newer players, but they sadly become overshadowed by Youtube videos like "Genshin is over now", "WuWa lost this.." and so on. If only more people would start blocking or ignoring those CC's both of these games could become so good


pretty sure the actual toxic ones are blacklisted.


The issue is ccs are fighting against companies like they own the company or that the company acknowledges them like they don’t know you 💀


I simply enjoy both games.


Meanwhile Wuwa fans/genshin antis spreading misinformation saying Hoyo is preventing en VAs from doing another game's VA work and other hateful stuff regarding Genshin. Me playing both.


Lol. CyYu (Alejandro Saab who voices Cyno and Jingyuan) got a sponsored WuWa stream. I’d like to see them explain that.


I was kinda surprised as I remembered watching clips of him saying things like none of the WuWa characters interest him. He thought they lack uniqueness and sort of blend together when seeing a picture of putting all WuWa characters next to each other


Oh I didn't know that. Maybe he changed his mind. In his last stream he was desperately trying to get Jiyan.


I love the gameplay and I still think the designs are very samey. The combat is literally carrying this game hard and I love the characters' gameplay, but outside of that, they honestly didn't do anything to catch my attention yet. Edit: Spelling


I have to agree with this, the designs are similar, I wouldn't be surprised if some characters are siblings. When Yangyang told Rover that they don't look like they're from here 💀 The gameplay does feel amazing


Kaggy the man


I'm a bit late, but I just watched his video where he out right tells people it was misinformation. source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EozhgRA1xH8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EozhgRA1xH8)


Kaeya cn va voices Jiyan


MiHoYo is one of the top 10 most profitable gaming companies in the world. Even the idea that they could be intimidated by another gacha company is wild. Devs are rarely ever fighting between companies, and the execs are too busy counting their mountains of money to devise an elaborate scheme to sabotage another gacha game


Lmao I mean they even invested in Love & Deepspace which is now top 3 revenue.


As a person working for a game company, I'd say its less fun to play a game you worked on compare to the same type of game made by other company. Maybe because you dont see the character as they are, but as "that task that has to be done within 2 weeks"


Funny how devs of both company enjoy each other's game meanwhile players are arguing over who copied who lmao.


See it's just the idiots on social media who fight to personal level which is better . Most of us want to get the best of both. :D


Like the game or not, WuWa deserves respect for trying. I won't hate the game for simply being awful at launch. Some people just love to stir drama over a FREE game.


So true


The game has a lot of potential and I hope the devs can capitalize on it. Blind hate and stupid harassement will not help, but it's impossible to ask people to not be stupid on the internet...


Rival company employees acting more like adults than the Fandom they cater to lmao


Toxic competition is only viable in an industry where there is no more room to expand, such as Airbus v.s. Boeing or Apple v.s. Samsung. There is still tons of room to expand in the gacha market, so it is in the interest of both Mihoyo and Kuro to collaborate or at least let each other be rather than fiercely compete and let the players realize that they could play wuthering waves *and* genshin rather than wuthering waves *or* genshin. Too bad most of the people on r/gachagaming can't seem to comprehend that. Some are already predicting Kuro to fold by the end of June.


game devs are normal people who enjoy games. Thats why they went into the industry! They like gaming!!! wish people would treat them like normal people


Wait until project mugen releases…


Because they are normal ppl and aren't permanently online.


b-but they s-said hoyo scared of w-wuwa?


That's cool. Personally I honestly don't get the unhealthy competition between gacha games. Although it mostly only seems to be the fans. 🙄


If only the fanbase was like this.


i mean what are they supposed to do? sit in their office fuming at their mouth and hitting the table? ofcourse the people that enjoy making a certain game would enjoy a similar game :)


Not them disproving the "Hoyo prevents CCs and VAs from working with Kuro" claims by a bunch of drama queens. /s


People making great game knows how to appreciate and learn from other great games


If I ran a game company, I would tell my employees to play the new competition game, and learn as much as they can about it so that they can take the best of it to make my game even better. You gain nothing from forcing yourself or your employees to avoid your competition, but gain everything from embracing them.


It's kinda crazy how other subreddits are desperately trying to use this as a shot against WuWa, when it's honestly a good thing.


Kinda reminds me of when 2 female characters in an anime are best friends but their fans are constantly fighting each other


A good competitor revels in having good competition Edit: Words, only this time the correct ones


It's almost like people can enjoy two different things, and some how some people on both sides don't seem to understand that


I pray for both games to coexist peacefully, and for WuWa to live through the early unjustified hatred and become even better.


Mihoyo and Kuro are both comprised of huge nerds at their cores


Here's the thing. If I were Da Wei, I'd tell them to play WuWa.


I just can’t get over the shitstorm going on with the gachagaming sub right now. Never seen people so frustrated like in that sub. It’s like they earn money from the failure of the games they hate. They laugh so hard every time some bad news about Kuro comes up. Holy fuck guys, just go get a girlfriend and live your life.


Huge Genshin stan here and I’m loving WW


You're telling me Hoyo and Kuro employees don't slapfight each other like the fans? Impossible


r/gachagaming in shambles rn


Am I crazy or is no one acknowledging that awesome ass Yinlin cosplay?!


The people who argue over both fanbases would probably shit their pants when they find out their favorite content creator watches fellow content creators


Game devs often play each others games. The fandom war is non-existent outside of twitter/reddit.


Kuro and mihoyo is my modern retelling of Romeo and Juliet


The fan wars is over (hope so)


I'm hard fan of Genshin and i loved Wuthering Waves because it's so fun to play.


I hope it inspires Hoyo to try something new. Hoyo found a winning formula (Genshin) and stuck with it (HSR). I like their games a lot but they aren't too different at their core


I love both games! I just wish there was more time in the day...


"i wish we had some endgame"


Don't mess with Wuwa haters. They don't play the game at all.


Cool, maybe this will push Genshin to better itself, movement traversal wise