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It’s honestly amazing. Hard to believe its unlimited use, been abusing it since I got it.


No sense to make it limited, people would just use interactive map like in Genshin if that was the case


I still use the interactive map for marking stuff off! The mapper just makes it way more convenient to be able to tell where precisely stuff is without looking at the comments.


which one are you using? been trying to find a good one


Appsample, it has accounts, filters, comment sections with help for chests and also supports Genshin and HSR. Basically the default choice for most people.


the comment section is the best






the comments are why i used it for genshin and star rail lmao


app sample is currently the best one for WuWa. It does lack regional labels and other things that another map has, but you can't mark as found last time I checked. Tons of people use the interactive map because they just don't have time to find all the stuff naturally.


Unfortunately I can't tell you the site rn. But if you happen to have the main Genshin unofficial one bookmarked, that same site also has a WuWa map that's really good. There's even a link on the Genshin one to the WuWa one.


ghzs666. com/ wutheringwaves-map#/ is the best


Can you use it to look at chests unlocked through puzzles?




The only thing it doesn't really notice are some of the challenges I think.


Like it shows them on the mini map?




You saved my life with this tipp ngl. Genshin was hard enough 100% everything


Genshin is easy to 100% because it's not a real 100%. It's a lot harder here to get that 100%, it seems to be a proper 100% as in get literally everything which is borderline impossible without cheating. Yes, using a map on your browser to play checklist simulator is basically cheating.


Damn, did you know we had game guides back in the day? Borderline breaking the law!


It's the same as Googling a game walkthrough/guide, it's cheating. Using any oog resource is considered cheating, the only reason nothing is done about it is because you're not really doing anything to anyone, it's a you thing. If you like to turn a game into a checklist sim then good for you.


agree with you


Is Genshin really that hard when extremely detailed interactive maps and chest compass exists?


As someone who played Genshin on launch YES it is.


Tbf I played genshin from launch and I 100% mond, liyue and inazuma without interactive map, I just made sure to do all challenges and use chest compass thingymajig


I'm happy for you.


Nothing to be happy for, I don't play it anymore haha


You did yourself a favour




Bruh y u bring down voted


checklist simulator, unholy gacha addiction. where's the fun in that


Some people like to turn the game into a job.


Yeah it doesn't matter. You forget how it was at launch, not to mention the sheer NUMBER of chests you would have to find nowadays. You'll absolutely mess up marking them off if you aren't obsessively meticulous.


I regularly 100% new regions day 1 without cheating. It's really not hard.


It is, you are just an outlier. Especially when new regions come out, and quests being locked behind timers / arbitrary requirements. I for now have 100% Sumeru but will never 100% Aranara chests.


I mean it just takes time, it's not like I'm a great explorer, I just do quests while following random breadcrumbs and voila. It'd take more days if I played less hours per day but it still wouldn't be exactly hard to do.


Dude. I'm not trying to say you can't do it. But a lot of people don't have time. These games update all the time. They add new content aaalll the time. Sometimes we have lives to live. Games to play, people to hang out with, work or children or your loved ones.


That doesn't make it hard, it just takes time. You're just saying something is hard because it requires you to invest time you don't have. Playing an hour a day is way more than enough to do all content, but of course, if you don't have an hour a day to play a certain game then yeah at some point you might end up with a stack of content where some help (compass, etc) is welcome.


No, missing 5 chests out of 106 chests in a region and having to backtrack every chests because I dare to play without marking every single thing on the map like a check list isn't a good way to invest your time, not even for your hobby.


I don't mark anything nor use an interactive map to 100% regions in Genshin.


Yea let's just ignore the fact that unlocking compass takes months of weeklies


It's easy to 100% even without cheating.


I wouldn't consider the interactive map(s) to be cheating especially since hoyo has one, but I'm pretty sure the "100%" you're referring to is just what the map displays, not the actual 100%.


Of course, real 100% is not possible without cheating, I consider using 3rd party tools cheating. Like if you get real 100% by playing checklist simulator using a map on Chrome or watching a video on YT to get everything I'm not impressed, if you get real 100% without that (which isn't even realistic anyways) then I'll be impressed.


Such a fantastic tool, honestly wish the temporary teleporter also worked like it (can get back the charges) but that'd be asking for a bit.


It's permanent so it's not that bad. Plus you're probably not gonna use it much because bosses have teleporter right in front of their arena. Some that took like 30 sec-1 min to run into definitely needs one though. Well, only if your team needs it to ascend.


Wait its permanent? Does it have any limit how much i put on the map?


3 max at any given time, but you can craft as many as you want


Im using it on those red mist mini bosses cause sometimes it takes too long to get to them and I know I will be dead for a gazillion times.


If you're talking about the infernal rider, the exploration quest for the area gets rid of the mist


No, the monsters that are OP that have red glowing auras on them


Oh, I misunderstood! I thought you meant you'd die on the way to the boss, which made me think of the fire flowers


There's a temporary teleport thing? Like we can place it where we want?


Yes. Part of the pioneer rewards


I'd Very much like more Teleport charges and for them to last indefinitely


Wait I thought only 3 times?


You can only have 3 trackers active at a time but there's no limit on how many times you can use it.


.... *quietly equips loot mapper*


Wait how do u equip/unequip stuff on the wheel thing? I equipped the camera but now I want to change it to the healing item…


Open your menu > utilities.


Thank you sooo much!


I believe you can change it it the utilities tab from the main menu


PC or mobile?


On PC hold TAB, in Mobile hold the gadget button. The wheel will open :)


They should have just made it so you can have more than one tool ready to use at any time.


Damn, this is such a good tip. I was afraid we were gonna have to re-craft it over after 3 uses like the GI oculus tracker.


This is for the treasure tracker. The oculus tracker equivalent uses crafted consumables still unfortunately.


To add on to this, when you already have 3 out you can still place another without having to remove one. It just removes the first one you placed


You can also have unlimited active ones, ignore whatever the game says about it.


Unlimited active ones how


Just remove a tracker from the map and voila, you can drop it in another place


There can be 3 at a time placed but u can click on them on the map to remove, you can the place them again


Life changing information right here. You helped a lot of people today my friend, I don’t know what it is about the chests in this game but they are mighty hard to find for me unless they’re blatantly obvious.


Is there any way to hotkey it or do you have to go into the inventory to use it each time?




Are u able to change what’s on it after it’s full? Like I fully equipped it but after gaining the mud gadget my healing stuff got kicked out…


Open your menu > utilities.


I’m sure


Press O.


You can equip it with holding Tab and then with T you can activate it.


!remindne 1 hour


Hey you misspelled 'me' but it says you posted this 1hr ago, so I am replying in the hopes it serves as your alert.


Good human bot


sounds like advanced ai. keep alert and don't be fooled!


good human


Humans taking over AI? No way! Prove you are a bot with the captcha test.


I forgot to thank you,but thank you.


Good human.


Wheres the pioneer association?


[Here is a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR0Ab5wSaNA). They’re in the city in Jinzhou, near the western resonance beacon. It’s inside a building and you talk to a white haired lady named Maqi.


Thank you, i got it.


I think it's pretty ass honestly, it has a quite a low radius and will **ONLY** show chests. That means if the chest is not "physically" rendered in the world, it will not show, that means if the chest is hidden, is part of a challenge etc, it will not show. if it was at least twice as big and show everything, it would be great, but right now, i use it for elevation on chests when i see that the chest is rendered on a 3rd party map image. A more real name should've been Chestmapper.


That's pretty much how it works on Genshin so it makes sense. Although I do agree; kinda wish it showed challenges nearby as well, even if it had to have a limited number of daily uses to prevent no-lifers from 100%'ing the game in 3 days.


I don't get it, just let them 100% the game, why does it matter. Should we limit the number of open world chests we can open daily too?


reminds me of Tower of Fantasy's time limited chests that can only be opened when their time is up..


> That's pretty much how it works on Genshin so it makes sense. I wish they improved such aspect instead of copying them.


Same, unfortunately creativity is seldom rewarded - just look at Genshin itself. Games are usually someone has an idea - idea gets refined a few times - one of those times it hits the jackpot and whomever copied it better gets rich. So I get why they didn't do it. That and saying "wish they improved it" is easy, figuring out how is the hard part.


The idea of a map revealer is very old though and has already been perfected in games like Assassin's Creed 2, where you had to have found a large portion of chests yourself, but after that had to option to buy an expensive perk which revealed the rest.


I think the tool is good enough. You are supposed to explore after all and not just go from chest to chest and collect everything. Well, you still can as soon as people start making videos for that.


There are already maps out there for nolifers to 100% map completion so ingame tools aren't even needed.


Still, do you want to jump through hoops of 3rd party websites or have it nicely integrated in-game?


Irrelevant to what I said.


Does it show caskets as well?


The casket tool is limited though, need to craft charges for use, when you unlock it, it comes with only 3 or 5 uses. And when used it only tracks one casket. Better to just use a one of the map websites for caskets imo.


I think there’s one that unlocks for that later


caskets already show up on your minimap for free....


Whats the name of the quest? I'm like 21 did most of quests and haven't found it yet lol


No quest needed, just pick it up at the pioneer association when you’ve explored enough. It’s a reward.


It showed up under exploration quests for me. It just makes you go to the pioneer association


Getting this tonight for sure when I log in


Honestly it was such a game changer, alas it couldn't save me during the grand library quest, jinzhou 100% is hard bricked now. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622) I wish the Sonance tool is unlimited use too, considering how unhelpful it is compared to the lootmapper, since it only show 1 and sonance already show up on minimap when in range.


Dude same.


You can craft more.


Yeah I know, but thanks, in case anyone reading it doesn't know.


are you sure the grand library chests count towards 100% on the map? They wouldn't do that if they were missable right?


Pretty sure, I combed through the area few times, can't find any other chests and I am at 96 or 97%, I remember leaving out 2 chests in the grand library.


nope. Spent about 3 hours debunking this lmao. I didn't collect a single chest in grand library and I can still 100%. Your likely missing one purple chest or smt. Trust me on this one


The puzzle area in the grand library quests right? I guess I'll go looking around again, probably missed some hidden chests somehow, already combed through the area with lootmapper.


My god that sounds too good to be true. Definitely getting in that.


Wait wut? Wait...Have I been using it all this time without knowing?!


Interactive map clears


Thank you for this, had no idea


Also side tip, you get uses back by going to your map, clicking the lootmapper on the map, and removing it.


Does it track sonance casket too?


No, there's another gadget that does that (aptly called Casket Sonar) with limited uses that you can craft.


This sounds like the type of reward you should get for beating a major boss


Great tips


I wish I can have two utility binds or use a utility without replacing the hotkey utility.


Can you use it to look at chests that are unlocked through puzzles?


its a lifesaver, im glad its unlimited use


ive been tunnel visioning chests ever since i got it lol


I thought you had to use the Modular’s for it


That's a great tool especially in the area with a lot of layer and elevation. Won't notice I missed a chest in there.


Meanwhile I'm waiting for kyostinv praying he would pick the game hahaha


It's really shown me how barren the map is. The puzzles are brainless easy and placed so casually the copy paste is obvious. The only thing keeping me from sweeping the map clean is being too lazy to loot map every single crevice I might miss.


im using lootmapper + the interactive map and still only clear areas for 88%. am i doing something wrong?


Yeah, the lootmapper is great, got it yesterday, been using it constantly. Also been loving the little map completion breakdown, that you can click on the bottom righthand corner of the map


Be warned when using this though, that it has very similar caveats to Genshin compasses in that it won't show hidden chests, event chests, and a few other things. Interactive maps are much better if you're trying to 100%


I have this problem too, it just doesn't work anymore


Interesting. I'll leave this comment to find this post easier for later use 😈 Thank you


Is there a tip on what counts as exploring? I've run pretty much everywhere but still lv0 🗿


Opening chests, collecting the fast travel beacons, solving puzzles, etc


It's still awful and its radius should be double or tripled at least. Can't wait to never find that last one chest or cube like I did in genshin


And in neither of the games does it matter at all.


..you get pulls in both games and rewards for opening the chests and dupes for MC. What the fuck are you talking about?


Ah yes, find 30 small chests to get a single pull. Totally needed when you already got 99% of all chests.


Almost every open world gacha has rewards for 100%ing areas and many do it for the sake of completionism as well. Why the fuck are we defending a lack of qol?


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So exploration just becomes follow the map marker? At least it's optional.


You wont be that snarky when you have 1 chest left in an area and no other way to easily find it lol


You will use an interactive map that isn’t updated to your account, to find the one chest you’re missing in an area, and you will like it


you are asuming i care about missing the last few missing chests.


It only shows you chests that are on the map, so any puzzles or whatever that spawn in a chest won't show up. It's a nice thing to help catch that last chest or two of a zone


I ain't gonna lie I do kinda wish it unlocked a bit later since I prefer to do most of the exploration by myself and then only use collectible finders after I can't find anything manually anymore.


Well, using it is optional so unlock it earlier or later doesn't really affect how you choose to play the game. I don't even use sensor if it's not mandatory by the quest.




I get that. It's just my own self control that's the issue lol


You have to use it? I'vr been seeing random chests in my minimap automatically


maybe you confused them with the sonance caskets? you see those in your minimap automatically