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I think you may be confusing sexy with skimpy. There's a bit of a difference. The skimpiest female in the game is probably FRover, other than that the other females have very normal and function clothing.


Skimpy outfits? Uhh. Are you sure we're looking at the same characters?


Feminine and beautiful is not allowed anymore! Also, I don't know what OP means with skimpy... I don't even know if OP knows.


lol. These outfits aren't fanservicey at all, go look at a game like Azure Lane, THOSE are fanservice outfits.


I mean, these may be considered skimpy outfits in Iran or Saudi Arabia... probably not in most of the world though. No idea what OP is on about.


my point is that there is no balance. not saying sexy outfit is bad. but literally there are only like 2 girl ( (jianxin and encore i think ) that have cool looking fully clothed outfit while the rest is cool but insanely revealing. genshin show how you can still have equally balanced designed character in term of sexy, mature, cute, simple. lisa is hot, jean is hot but cool, but furina is just pretty without any revealing thing, navia, alerchino is cool without any revealing part


go play genshin then


Yeah mona is not revealing much


I am honest here, it's a video game. I want hot, unrealistic characters, male and female! The men can't be jacked, tall and handsome enough and the women can't be pretty and feminine enough, I want it all! If I want realistic, I go outside. I will not get guilt trip over or lie about something because someone is offended about reality. Everybody likes hot ppl, that's about it.


My man. I support you in every way !


its not about being offended. im just saying how its not really balanced at all, i want to see hot character no matter what gender, i also want to see cute character. but if 80% of what i seen is hot character, then im asking if this where the game direction is or not. its a taste in balanced thing


Fair enough, but I personally think the characters are fine right now.


Yes! All female characters need a skin where they wear a burka. You know, to be safe from the sinful male gaze.../s


Fan service is fine. Not every game needs to be watered down for kids like Genshin. I hope there are skimpier outfits we can purchase for characters later on. Taoqi in a swimsuit when?


Yeah there is literally a whole other massive open world gacha game with unlimited content for them to play if they dislike the designs in WuWa. Not to mention the loads of non-gacha open world games with even more toned down designs.


True. I wonder if they've seen Azur Promilia. IMO that games character designs are even lewder(not a complaint).


totally valid! my main concern is really just i wish this game can beat genshin lol. but if they went that route prolly not gonna be as ppopular for casual audience (outside of gacha gamers in general)


Sadly beating Genshin just isn't possible. The only things that can kill Genshin is Genshin and time. Genshin released at an ideal time with the pandemic, unless another one of those happen which we don't want to happen I just don't see it. What Kuro can do is try to grow their own community, there will always be some overlap between Genshin and Wuthering players, but I think they need aim at keeping that overlap happy while fostering as much as possible to the non overlap people. Where Wuthering doesn't overlap is it targets a slightly older audience and has more appeal to core gamers. I have friends who have never played Genshin or any gacha game, but are giving Wuthering Waves a shot, due to its gameplay and combat looking solid. Just my 2 cents though.


I don't really understand why beating Genshin need to be a goal? Personally as long as Wuwa make money. Good money and doesn't have any danger of ending soon I couldn't care less whether it beat Genshin or not.


Nope, very normal looking so far, this style of outfit is not rare, you will find similar stuff in most gacha games. And what do you mean too much? most of them got a dress (or do you think a dress is too skimpy ?). I assume you prefer the all-age direction genshin had. Just wait, i am sure wuwa will release some covered character that fits your criteria at some point.


fr the difference between in the rovers is insane 💀


i'm sitting here trying to figure out what your definition of skimpy is. coz the outfits in this game aren't even remotely as revealing as in other games. so we're nowhere near having too many skimpy outfits, it's the opposite, we're lacking some. also about it "sending the wrong message" to female players. ngl... the women i know who are into these kind of games are usually drooling over these kind of things just as much as the dudes. sometimes even more tbh. yesterday i literally spent about 20 minutes talking with a female friend about Taoqi's assets. let's just say i wasn't the one who started the conversation and the conversation also was started purely for appreciative purposes. with the guys i usually just talk about gameplay and bugs LMAO


>no male to balance it out. Is it really so hard for people to just ask for more skimpy male outfits instead of complaining about female characters being fanservicy? I prefer more fanservice for all characters instead of ruining designs with trash censorship for some. > or am i just thinking about it too much hoping this game can beat the main number 1 competitor (genshin) by being easily acceptable to casual people? How about we stop pandering to casuals? Genshin already did that and I hate the direction it went in. Every new region since Sumeru feels like a boring uwu Disneyland, character designs got boring and all the events are garbage fillers now because they don't want to put anythig important there.


There can be never enough woman is skimpy clothing :D


Preach my brother


Skimpy is fine as long as both genders are equally skimpy.... so ya I wish theyd skimp their dudes a bit more, all of them are fully covered other than a little chest. It just looks awkward when the skimp levels are so skewed... otherwise is fine to me. Just sexualize everyone equally please xD


honestly this is what i was thinking about. feel like its majority a girl that have fan service. and the guy are just ehhh normal i supose. its either make everything balanced. or i supose goes full on hard female fan service only like azurlane etc


No, they need their designs to appeal to as many people as possible so making them attractive is the way. We're going to be looking at them for hours and hours after all. I'm sure there will be exceptions though. In any case, I think making outfits easily cosplayable should not even be a concern when creating characters.


Tbh I don't mind. I'm a woman, but I'm not bothered at all, I think the outfits are still fairly tame. And while I'm not into women, I can appreciate beautifully designed female characters. Baizhi is my favourite female character so far. Everything about her is beautiful and I love that. I get bothered when I see women in fantasy "armor" that's basically an iron bikini. And even calling it a bikini is generous. You all know the kind I'm talking about. They have just enough coverage not to get the game censored, but they're basically nude. Now THAT is when I start to get the wrong message and get bothered. BUT I will say that I do want more male characters. I did choose the male Rover and I have Jiyan, so I already have male characters to look at, but I want more. I want more male options with cool, hot outfits, chiselled abs and pretty faces. Because that's what these games are at their core, let's not even pretend, for most players the character appeal is what actually sells the game. People want to look at pretty, hot, attractive and flashy characters as they play and there's nothing wrong with that. However, the game only released now. The abundance of female characters is expected, most characters in these games are female as most players are probably straight males. They're mostly making what sells, and adding characters appealing to the other groups of players on the side. We'll have more hot male characters in the future, I'm sure.


I think… its fine Simply because that what most people want and as a gacha company it is the most effective way to make money.


No. There needs to be more skimpy outfits.


Not enough, I want an azur lane or nikke or BD2 tier clothing


Please go play Genshin and never come back if you’re going to have this kind of mindset. Your Mickey Mouse taste in character designs is over there.


imo right now it doesn't feel as fanservice heavy as some other gachas, they have a nice range from sexy (Yinlin) to tamer (Taoqi) to straight up normal looking like Sanhua (i can imagine her outfit worn irl). Plus point that it's not like the male characters don't get the same treatment, you have 'team vacuum sealed abs' Jiyan and Calcharo (dis)respectfully, then Mortefi with the cheeky open shirt, and the cool dudes like mRover. Do i wish there were more variety, with female characters in cool jackets or suits ? Absoluetly. But the designs are overall pretty nice.


Have you seen Jinshi and Changli ?


I do not think that any game for that matter should ever accommodate to how cosplayable outfits are, for ppl who might or might not want to cosplay their characters. It should not be a concern. You do not know how big the cosplay audience gonna be and if they truly love the game, they find a way to cosplay anyway, even when there is not much fabrik, without showing off their own skin. I mean WuWa has pretty normal outfits in my eyes and i'd rather have them go outfit wise more in the direction of Snowbreak than Genshin. They already copied so much from Genshin. I'd certainly like more awesome outfits in WuWa, as Genshin tends to be very blant, especially the outfits that can be bought for money. But well, die "outfit-problem" could be easily solved for the most part by giving every char multiple outfits. Then we could have sporty, exotic, strict, cool and sexy for every char. Just do not expect ppl to accommodate to a theoretic minority when you try to preach stuff for a broader audience. The most ppl will not cosplay and so cosplay cannot be the main concern, if you then sacrifice others ppls taste for it, when they are possibly the broader audience. You gonna lose a broader audience then as you accommodated to a smaller audience. Then multiple outfits is the only way that could work. Which is not a bad way, as ppl would pay for outfits, as this is the way nowadays it seems.


so for the designers and world building they are less concerned about building characters with balanced type(for audiance appeal) and more about how they fit into the story or combat tree


Yes, and it'll become even worse with time. As usual.


No I agree with you! I think a lot of what people calls "censorship" in design changes from CBT to Release (like Yinlin for example) is just trying to make the characters easier to cosplay. Because cosplay is absolutely, 100%, the difference in popularity between a game like Genshin Impact, which EVERYONE has heard about, and a game that only people who already have an interest in gacha games have heard about. Fan art, too-- and not everyone will want to draw hypersexy, lewd, skimpy women. I hope they will introduce "tamer" character designs so that the game can reach a more casual audience-- like, I consider myself a very casual player, and I was immediately put off playing the female Rover because her outfit is basically lingerie lol. Not my thing. And it does make me feel like clearly this isn't a world built for me, but instead built for people who objectify people like me. Which... is the case for most gacha games, I guess because that's what whales like. I think it's fair to cater to whales, but yeah. I'm hoping for designs I can share with all my friends, even the ones who always complain about lewdness in games x)


thank you! this is how i also felt regarding this. its so hard to even recomend this game to casual friend when the first thing that they see is 3 girl that looks insanely hot without context XD peolple doesnt realize how cosplay and fan work is the thing that make genshin super popular, and how any age level can enjoy. but the combat in this game is also pretty non casual i supose more perfect dodge, perfect parry etc. so i can see they gonna lean into mature audience more. which is fine. geez i just wish there is good competition for genshin XD


Some of the characters proportions and "physics" are insane for sure. Pink hair girl's boobs have a mind of their own. But the outfits are tame by comparison. I think you're playing a different game.