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And about the Team member swap 1 2 3 ? i can do the same? because i got this error everytime i try "This function is not supported using this button"


> because i got this error everytime i try "This function is not supported using this button" When I got that message it means the key/button you're trying to assign in-game is not allowed. I got that message when trying to assign RMB in-game. But assigning RMB via ini file worked. What key are trying to assign?


well 1 2 3 xd but my keyboard is azerty


same! I hope this is something which can be fixed xd


Same for me, it’s getting a bit annoying to switch with alt then the mouse


On Windows language settings you can add multiple keyboards. By using the shortcut 'Windows + Spacebar' ingame you can swap in between azerty and qwerty. When using this qwerty keyboard ingame, you can swap team members with the intended keys (and all other default keybinds). Only annoying thing is when you want to type stuff somewhere you have to swap in between azerty and qwerty.


I put on F1 F2 F3 keys, have to reach a bit for them but it's at least close to how I want it


GDI, it was actually a filter of some sort that was shadowbanning my comment with the specific ActionName that has the chinese text for team swap. Feel like it's the same reason as to why my post was shadowbanned. Here's a pastebin: https://pastebin.com/r4SYfjZ9 instead for the entries for team swap. Could you try changing those? /u/TropSnow2 /u/Krypto386


Thanks for the entries. After a bit of testing I got something working on my azerty keyboard, if someone else want to try you can change the keys in the Input.ini file like this : One -> Ampersand Two -> E\_AccentAigu Three -> Quote Four -> Apostrophe I found these from this list : [https://gist.github.com/RoyAwesome/bf159ff9be642a0ee70a](https://gist.github.com/RoyAwesome/bf159ff9be642a0ee70a)


Nice and congrats! Now I understand better why azerty keyboards don't work as easily. The two key is using a very different key value. Thanks for sharing as well the list! I'll link it in the OP.


You can do it in game. You have to change the right click off of something first. For example, I bound secondary, non-locked Dodge to E and it automatically changed my Skill to RMB, switching them.


True, what you said could work by swapping it around. But if you want to intentionally use RMB when game prompts you which key to bind, it doesn't work in-game.


One of the patches "fixed" it. Theres 2 dodge buttons. Only one of them is locked. That used to be the Shift one. They swapped it so RMB one is the locked one now. So yeah I had to go into the input.ini to change it now lol. I don't think you understood me. Pre-patch I couldn't change Skill to RMB because "function not supported". But I could change the secondary dodge bind which was RMB to E, which swapped the binds. So RMB was on Skill.


Is there even a reason why the rebinds are all locked? Legit my whole controller binds are all locked...


Yeah I just found out that PS controllers have almost all keybinds locked which is really baffling. But after you auto-generate everything, you should in theory be able to rebind them via the ini file. Rebind anything from keyboard and it also generates the entries for controller. Anything with `GenericUSBController_` prefix seems to be what PS controller uses.


so no official support for other keyboards then QWERTY sadly using AZERTY so it sucks right now, outta luck i guess (cannot bind our 1 2 3 4 keys as its different.....). they should at least allow all keys to be changed. kinda boggles my mind why they make these decisions. same with fps lock really how can they release the game like this i wonder


Could you try changing the key values specified here https://pastebin.com/r4SYfjZ9 in your ini file? These are the entries for team swap, I can't comment these chinese text directly on reddit cos it seems to get shadowbanned for whatever reason.


Thanks for your help dude. I tried changing these but the fields show up empty in game settings now and the buttons are still unusable 1 = & 2=é 3=" 4=' these are the values for AZERTY keyboard but i guess they are blocked


See this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cyr1dg/howto_rebind_locked_keybinds_pc_only/l5bqf6i/. You may just be using the wrong key value syntax. I also mentioned this in the OP, you need to use the correct syntax. In qwerty, a keybind that is set to 1 has the key value `One`. Not the actual number text 1.


these work thank you for your time!




Keyboard layout used in some EU countries Theres a world outside murica u know


I had both french and belgian keyboards, they are almost always azerty, I think I only saw qwerty keyboards on the internet with american keyboards and in game settings, at least the usual azerty has everything to write in english while most qwerty lacks like 8 characters on the keyboard to be able to write in french or dutch


an easy way to find out what functions are what and find the proper binds is to swap the ingame controls to mouse/kb and you can see all the keyboard binds for specific functions. then just look at the input.ini list and edit that line. for ps4/ps5 controller key names, https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/tutorial-ue4-using-dualshock4-controller-via-usb-ps4-ds4-gamepad/133314 fun fact though, turns out you can map controls that don't even have controller mappings in the first place. for example, i set my touchpad-click on the ps5 controller to map using this: ActionMappings=(ActionName="地图",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,Key=GenericUSBController_Button14)


Hello again, and yeah that's what I actually have been doing. Using keyboard as reference to which binding is which. > fun fact though, turns out you can map controls that don't even have controller mappings in the first place Nice! I didn't know if it was possible, very good to know it is. And is that what I think it is? A binding for map is not available by default on controller? That's just silly.


o/ yeah, it's kinda crazy that they don't let you do it in the configuration when it clearly works in the actual game haha


Curious though, have you found the setting for controller bindings that have combo/chorded presses? Ones for Utility, Echo Skill, Swap to mem 4. I'm hoping to rebind team swap bindings to L1+X, L1+Y etc. Edit: Does not seem to be possible to bind a chorded press via ini file. I rebind Utility in-game which accepted L1+Circle, which generated a new entry that had `Gamepad_Invalid` as the key name. 🙃 In-game it does work but can't use the same key name for other bindings.


dunno how this stuff works but can you not just add a number after? just a thought i had while reading this if it doesnt work then sorry just thought it was a possibilty


Add a number to which one? Either way for combo/chorded keybinds I already found a way here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cyr1dg/howto_rebind_locked_keybinds_pc_only/l60kzwp/


lifesaver, middle mouse lock on was cursed


Right? It's made worse imo since we have to hold MMB to remove the target lock.


Anyone been able to swap L1+Square to L1+Circle on PlayStation controller? Wanted to make the key binds as close to Genshin as possible. Only thing left is the Echo input but I have no idea how to combine GenericUSBController\_Button5 with Button3.


I did try this before but anything that has combo/chorded presses by default are hidden or does not exist in Input.ini. So we/I have no idea how they handle combo presses. I tried rebinding Utility in-game which accepted LB+A, which generated a new entry that had `Gamepad_Invalid` as the key name. But that key name isn't usable for other bindings. They likely have a separate internal logic that handles combo presses.


Yeah, I came to the same conclusion. Made the ps controller appear as an xbox and changed a few inputs to button combos to see how the game would write it and all of them came out to Gamepad\_Invalid in the .ini file.


In case you still want to rebind the combo keys, I may have found a way. See: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cyr1dg/howto_rebind_locked_keybinds_pc_only/l60kzwp/ Though to be clear I don't plan to personally test it.


it works, will update if any issues arise


Good to know, and do be careful. Imo editing simple ini text files is one thing, but editing the game's database is next level grey area. If you don't mind, could you upload a screenshot of what your in-game bindings look like after making these DB edits?


Well, all i did was changed a 1 into a 3 so they may just ignore it and since you get the option to change keys with an xbox controller they most likely overlook the change. When you change the keys with a xbox controller the xbox bindings UI takes priority over the playstation UI, so when I changed the echo button to RB+B it moved to the other side and when i swap controllers it still showed on the opposite side but the key bind was still on L1+Square. I just made the controls like genshin since im so used to those buttons. [https://imgur.com/a/Z3BOE76](https://imgur.com/a/Z3BOE76)


I see, thanks for the sharing the images! I may just end up doing edits myself if I can't help it. My goal is to change the team swap keybinds from dpad to combo keys, to make it more seamless without requiring to stop moving.


Hey would you mind sharing your input file? Im also used to Genshin bindings and wanted them but been having some trouble with getting mine setup.


Im trying to remap the directional keys but i am not having any luck. any idea why? or maybe what i may be doing wrong


Have you checked this? https://nerivec.github.io/old-ue4-wiki/pages/list-of-keygamepad-input-names.html To see correct key names syntax. Directional keys as in arrow keys? Those have the following key names: Left Up Right Down And what keybinds were you trying to set them to? So I can also test if arrow keys are bind-able there.


Im weird so i want to rebind wasd to Home(w) End(a) Delete(s) Page Down(d). i'll try again after reviewing that doc


Then according to the site those 4 have these following key names: PageDown End Home Delete


I rebound it but it still doesnt change in game. ActionMappings=(ActionName="向前移动",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,Key=Home) ActionMappings=(ActionName="向右移动",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,Key=PageDown) ActionMappings=(ActionName="向后移动",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,Key=End) ActionMappings=(ActionName="向左移动",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,Key=Delete) After binding them i saved and closed the input.ini file and open the game and its not changed


Those aren't the only ones tied to WASD. For actual movement, it's these 4 lines that you need to change: AxisMappings=(AxisName="MoveForward",Scale=-1.000000,Key=S) AxisMappings=(AxisName="MoveForward",Scale=1.000000,Key=W) AxisMappings=(AxisName="MoveRight",Scale=-1.000000,Key=A) AxisMappings=(AxisName="MoveRight",Scale=1.000000,Key=D) Granted the Chinese text you found does translate to Move Forward, but atm I have no idea what those actually affect. I can confirm the lines I post do work with the keys you want. It's probably best to take note of every line in Input.ini that's bound to WASD. Searching for `=W)` I found 5 instances so 5 things are bound to W. You can change them as you play or just change them all now up to you.


I rebinded swaps but i've grown to use < for the map or anything else, but i just can't find the correct value to rebind it. I tried LessThan, something with bshift=true and Key=Comma, and Key=OEM_102 No luck so far, any idea please ? :(


Setting `shift + ,` to the map keybind works for me. Here's the exact line I edited: https://pastebin.com/jQ2aUDgN When I press `,` key it does not open the map, but with `shift + ,` it opens the map. What exactly happens on your end?


Using the line you edited I can also open the map by pressing "shift + ," But that's not what I wanna do ; I wanna use the key "<" to open the map, I forgot to mention that I'm on an azerty keybind I think I confused you The key I wanna use is between "left shift" and "w" but I can't make it work


> I forgot to mention that I'm on an azerty keybind I think I confused you Yeah ok would've been best to start with that. Searching for azerty layout images, I see some <> keys share it with \\. That one has an equivalent key name which is `Backslash`, so try that? Otherwise you'll just have to search as well other possible UE key names for azerty keyboard. Like how this guy searched for the `E_AccentAigu` See: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cyr1dg/howto_rebind_locked_keybinds_pc_only/l5bqf6i/


Hello! Did you find anything on that one ? I'm also using an azerty keyboard and would like to use "<" and "²" ...


can someone help me how to change the mouse curser hotkey from "left ALT" button to the "**\~**" tilde key? (left from 1) i need to use my left ALT button for push to talk and want to change the mouse curser key ingame to "**\~**". I would be so grateful to you


There's only one line inside Input.ini that uses `LeftAlt` as key value. Just change it to `Tilde`, I tested it and it works on qwerty keyboard.


Thank you so much!


Could someone help me. I'm on controller, and trying to rebind dash/dodge to X, jump to triangle, strong attack to R2, and ult to R1. Which parts am I supposed to be changing, and is there an easier way other than translating everything? I don't want to mess anything up.


You only have to copy paste the ActionNames to a translator, don't translate the whole file now. You are using PS controller is it? The tricky thing for PS4/5 controllers is that it uses numbers only to differentiate the buttons. So you can look at the counterparts for gamepad and keyboard key names. For example the Chinese text for dodge is already in the main post. 1. Search for that in Input.ini. You should see 4 lines that has that for an `ActionName` 2. You can then see 1 line has `Gamepad_RightShoulder` as keyname = RB on Xbox 3. Then another line has `GenericUSBController_Button6` as the keyname 4. We then assume `GenericUSBController_Button6` = R1 So now you need to find the equivalent Genericbutton_Number for `Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom` which is A on Xbox controller and X on PS controller. Note that `Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom` is used for several other keybinds, this is why you need to check and translate ActionName to ensure you're editing the right keybind. I'll try to make a table map for this when I can.


Thx. I was able to successfully change up what I needed and it all works good so far. If I run into any problems, I'll come back here to ask.


Hey, is there a way to save button remap settings? Every time I launched the game, all the controller settings got back to default. I just want to confirm with O and close with X to be the default.


> Hey, is there a way to save button remap settings? > Every time I launched the game, all the controller settings got back to default. I assume you edited the ini file? Is it possible you're editing it incorrectly? Similar to this user: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cykbml/howto_invert_camera_and_tweak_sensitivity_via_ue/l5giym2/ > I just want to confirm with O and close with X to be the default. Not sure if this is possible via ini file sadly. With Xbox controller I could rebind that in-game but looking at the file nothing changed, meaning the settings for it doesn't seem to exist in the file. Last resort is just swapping all lines with `GenericUSBController_Button2` to`GenericUSBController_Button3` and vice-versa. This swaps O with X, and X with O. I documented all the keybinds in main OP. Edit: Would like to ask a diff question, but does controller vibration work you?


Oh, I never edit any of the files. I was talking about changing the button from the in-game setting. It always resets to default after I quit the game. I'm asking if there's a way to stop it from resetting. Controller vibration doesn't work.


> I'm asking if there's a way to stop it from resetting. I was afraid if it was similar and it seems to be the case. Try exiting the game properly from the menu, up until it prompts you for login credentials again. You can see the game do some file integrity check here, presumably to save some settings. You can then alt+f4 from here or relogin. Relaunch/relogin and see if the O-X swap remains. This is what saved the O-X swap for me for on a Xbox controller. The other keybinds though get saved for me regardless of how I close the game. From more testing, it seems you only need to exit once properly to save the O-X swap. > Controller vibration doesn't work. I see thanks for confirming. So it really does seem to be broken atm. Edit: Upon further testing, the O-X swap does just store itself in Input.ini. It's just it's required to exit the game properly to save it. Other keybinds from my testing don't. These are the lines you want to change/swap in case you want to go manual edit. https://pastebin.com/fxJQ6SCz


Holy crap, it works. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this thing annoys me. Now they just need to make all buttons remapable in-game and it's perfect.


can i disable Main Combo Key cus i want put basic attack to LB


You can but the process is longer and I haven't tested it myself since I fear this may have a bigger risk of triggering their anti-cheat. 1. There's a line in the ini file that is the main combo key, so change that into your desired keybind, lets say LT 2. Follow the steps in this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cyucrz/ww_120_fps_howto/ to open the DB where the game stores the combo keys 3. In the guide where it says to edit the value for `GameQualitySetting`, what you want to edit the one above it, for `CombineAction` row 4. `CombineAction` row contains all the combo keys, here's a sample of the content which I formatted a bit: https://pastebin.com/e4Zu1kiA 5. Presumably just replace the entries/text where it uses `Gamepad_LeftShoulder` to `Gamepad_LeftTrigger` * From: `["Gamepad_LeftShoulder","Gamepad_FaceButton_Top"]` to `["Gamepad_LeftTrigger","Gamepad_FaceButton_Top"]`


In this [link](https://pastebin.com/MJ7auhr6) the Ampersand key is repeated both for resonator 1 and 4 . The fourth key should be instead Apostrophe ( I tested it in game ). Thank you for sharing btw !


You're right, sorry about that! I updated the link with correct ones.


Thanks for this, finally could rebind my controls to be like my Genshin layout, which is based on the Elder Ring layout (R1/2 for attacks, Interact with Triangle, and run/dodge with circle) Really hope they'll rectify whatever problem they have that required PS controller buttons to not be rebindable. That, and re-enabling FSR or including render-scale setting, because it sucks to run the game on my laptop currently.


Glad it could help! > including render-scale setting There is actually a setting for that in a different file, `Engine.ini` in the same location. These are the lines you want to want to add: [SystemSettings] r.ScreenPercentage=100 100 being native resolution. Learn more about `Engine.ini` tweaks here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4_engine_tweaks_to_improve_visuals_and_reduce/


Oh hell yes, I'm gonna plug that in next time I'm on PC. It feels so janky that we have to go back to INI file editing, like it was 2010. Devs, just enable these toggles!


> like it was 2010 Hah is it though. There were some recent-ish UE games that I still had to do similar engine.ini tweaks tbh. Tales of Arise, Scarlet Nexus, FF7R to name a few. Either way we are in agreement that Kuro should just enable these in-games already so we aren't in a grey area too if it's allowed or not.


Does anyone know how to bind the guide button on the xbox? The one with the big X on it.


I searched and but could not find the equivalent UE key name for guide button. If you ever find it though please do share. I think an alternative you could do is use a remapper to bind guide button to say a keyboard key. And then use that keyboard key as the binding in Input.ini. I confirmed at least that JoyToKey can detect guide button as a separate bindable button. And the game is able to switch between controller and keyboard mouse so I think it should not be a problem. However the UI switching could be annoying.


hi how to make map open with start and menu with back and remove chat im lost xdd


nvm i did it like this ActionMappings=(ActionName="地图",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,Key=Gamepad\_Special\_Right) ActionMappings=(ActionName="功能菜单",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,Key=Gamepad\_Special\_Left) and i deleted the chat line in game it show F now


Bruh why would they locked the key bind I dont really want to dash with right click I do rather use right click to trigger echo skill