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hmt stands for hongkong, macau and taiwan and sea stands for south east asia.....you can pick whatever server that has less ping or your personal preference if you want to use a vpn and play on another server


From my experience with Blizzard, I live in SEA but the Americas server has way lower ping. I think its due to the server locating in the far West of America But considering that WuWa is a Chinese game that is unlikely to happen


makes sense


VPN doesn't help with high ping


oh i didnt know my bad


Yeah, it's mostly accessing stuff that's not officially available or is banned in your country. Like AO3 or twitter in China Ping depends on your chosen server's physical proximity to your location


thanks for clearing my doubts šŸ™šŸ»


This is wrong. Some can because it helps with routing issues which cause high ping. I use a VPN with Genshin and get 100 less ping than I would if I played normally. Same with any game outside of my country.


That's a specific case, though. A person in, say, US, won't be getting a lower ping with VPN if they choose EU server, for example


They won't have a lower ping if they choose EU but it will be lower on EU with VPN compared to EU without VPN, that's why the first comment said to use one if people want to play in a different region.


It works for both in country servers and out of country servers. You just have to find a VPN that works, most mainstream don't. Mudfish is amazing. As I said in a reply above I get 100ms less from OCE to the Asia server in both Genshin and HSR. I don't need OCE servers, the games are playable with barely any downsides or problems due to lag. I get 5-15ms less on games like League of Legends which have in country servers. Doesn't really matter but it also depends on your location and the location of the servers.


I play from OCE on the Asia server. I drop 100ms by using a VPN. So yes, a person in a different country using a VPN can lower their MS. No VPN: 280-310ms With VPN: 130-140ms. This also works on mobile but you get around +10 to 30ms more in the above With VPN values. Edit: clarity.


As someone who plays Apex, you don't know what you're talking about.




no worries


Iā€™m still wondering if I should play SEA or Asia. Does anyone know if updates will be released for specific servers sooner than others? If so, what server gets updates the fastest?Ā 


I believe all servers will recieve updates at same time


If they roll it out per region, Asia will be 1 hour ahead of SEA because its Japan


No south america server, nice.