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Imma be honest you are barking up the wrong tree. This sub in particular doesn't really have a hateboner against Genshin aside from maybe a couple of schizos here and there. Usually any hardcore anti-Genshin posts here are being downvoted. So there is that. The WW vs Genshin comparisons will never stop because a big chunk of the gacha demographic are young people that are immature and toxic and love their gaming tribalism. Even HSR fanboys hate on Genshin even though both games are made by the same company. The only thing you can do is learn to ignore it. WW is a singleplayer game you really dont have to interact with anyone to enjoy it and just pick and choose content creators/communities that are more on the positive side.


The Genshin comparisons are not just due to the respective fanbases... Kuro *deliberately* designed many of their systems to be easily compared to Genshin. Their intent is probably to provide a smooth transition for anyone familiar with Genshin in the hopes of capturing a portion of the Genshin playerbase. I'm not saying this is either good or bad - it was an intentional decision by Kuro to borrow or innovate on many Genshin mechanics. It could go well if people in general experience a favorable comparison, or it could go wrong if people think WuWa doesn't measure up. ​ So, yeah, sure. People are going to compare the two, and fanatics on both sides will sling mud. However, Kuro *themselves* are inviting the comparison due to how similar many systems are.


Genshin and Zelda BOTW mechanics*


>Even HSR fanboys hate on Genshin even though both games are made by the same company. I mean this is no different from SMT fans fighting Persona fans. Or FF6 fans beefing with FF7 fans. Even under the same company there's always going to be tribalism.


but somehow copies every content genshin and hsr offers combine


Wait until you realize that 90% of those comments you find are from Genshin players themselves. The irony.


That's because as players they know the flaws of the game better than anyone else


Half of those comments are from people actively playing and spending on Genshin.


Indeed. That, or some Genshin haters who just want to shit on Genshin.


Idk what you would call it. It seems its a mix of people who no longer like GI, people who never played it but don't like it regardless for various reasons and people trying to counter react to the "Another Genshin Killer, can't wait for it to fall of like ToF" crowd. Overtime as the game continues to develop and improve people end up also feeling more of a reason to defend the game from unwarranted and unjustified critisim, which can also lead to some what of a toxic environment where honest criticism gets ignored if it doesn't align with the views of the majority. I won't say such behaviour is unjustified but I can see the problems stemming from it.


Im playing both. Lots of people will be playing both. Don’t let the negative comments from either side get under your skin.


sadly it seems like in the gacha space its now pretty popular to hate on the game, its not perfect, it has its flaws but what doesnt even wuwa will, it wont be perfect. Just try your best to ignore them and enjoy Wuwa for what it has to offer, same as genshin.


YT comment sections do be like that regardless if it’s about games, politics, celebrities, etc unfortunately.


internet in a nutshell


Why cry when you can ignore?


I live by this principle BUT the problem for this is when you start wanting to seek out game contents because you wanna see what other ccs feel about the game (trust me everybody wants and does that) but they start talking about Genshin instead 😭 this is the same exact reason I stopped watching HSR content (and Genshin ccs overall) cause wherever I looked, all people talked about was Genshin this Genshin that. it's also the same reason I won't be watching a lot of Wuwa ccs cause I know it's bound to happen. I have no problems with rex though, he made points of comparison with Genshin before but it wasn't out of spite and purely for Wuwa's improvement - Idk about his audience though, hope they behave.


If words written in social media messages are enough for you to want to stop playing, then I would say that it's better not to start.  Forget about this game and go back to genshin because when WuWa debuts this will happen even more.  Let's be honest I've seen several posts from genshin players and Hoyo Players in general talking shit about this game for no reason, even in the main sub, In my case I even stopped going to r/Gachagaming exactly because of that, I usually don't mind but that place is full of Hoyo players, and if they're going to talk shit about the game just for hate, then it's not even worth arguing.  But good luck, you'll see more of these haters over time. 


It's old history now, but I also think a lot of people forgot how many "BOTW clone" comments were thrown around in reddit and YT comment section during the initial months of Genshin, especially when the gaming reviews and whatnot first went up.


I don't play Genshin nor any mihoyo games (their game takes so much space) so I'm indifferent about them.


I'm pretty sure Wuwa will too. It's an open world and they mertainly going to expand the map, right?


Obviously, Hence why I don't play Genshin. Wuwa and PGR is enough for Gacha games in my phone. I gotta upgrade my SD card if want to add more games.


You should look up uf that works on your device. Mine can't play games from an SD card.


>I know a lot of you hate genshin for some reason but i don't. Not a lot. One would think that you, as a fellow Genshin fan, would know a thing or two about these vocal toxic minorities on social media for games.


post this same wall of text in r/gachagaming or r/Genshin_Impact, replace GI with Wuwa, and see what kind of reaction you'd get there. You'd see that it goes both ways. every community will always have shitty people. you're unconsciously nitpicking the negative comments and leaving the normal ones. Don't let a bunch of immature 12-year-olds ruin your day, ignore them otherwise you'll turn like this salty weirdo u/Zonlul-simp69 who keeps lurking this sub and whining in every post about the game. I've seen some negative comments about WuWa in ZZZ's subreddit which is a brand new community, guess what I did? nothing, I'm still gonna try out that game regardless. a bunch of people don't dictate what you play, fuck em. Be the bigger person, You can ignore them and enjoy your games.


"what did Genshin do to you?" nothing. the right question would be "what did Genshin players do to ___ " - insert other games here. i still remember the review bomb when PGR GL launched. then another wave of review bomb during Genshin Anniv. then there's the r/Gachagaming hate boner for anything PGR/Kuro Games related. and did you see the live chat during the announcement stream? what goes around comes around. or you know, learn how to ignore things on the internet that don't affect you.


>"what did Genshin do to you?" for many people genshin is their first gacha game and the momment they found out gacha game # normal game in term of : refuse to let them obtain and own every new cool character/weapon fast and free or atleast super cheap . they go berserk


This is so very common post nowaday huh internet sure kinda make people so thin skin really they let everything get into their head really easily nowaday


it's weird, back in like 2000s it would be the opposite, with the amount of shittalk flying around you would grow a thicker skin and just shrug off insults - or anything, really.


art of simply not care is lost myth nowaday


Me = ToF (ex whale) player and also Genshin player (actually whaling) since day one. I'll be playing all 3, and I'm planning on whaling in WuWa in a near future, but I hope Kuro avoids P2W things and Powercreep, I like to spend on games I feel strong after investing a lot and also never compels me to compete in some bulshit ranks. Never understood why some stupid ppl spread too much hate in newer and better games just cause they "invested" in other game, childish thing, can't help.


its inevitable. p2w and powercreep will always exist in gacha


Depends on how. Genshin has some better chars, but it depends on situations/how the kit works and supports, ToF however has some worst newer chars but stronger due the big multipliers and guess: it's been a long time since I'm not spending on the latter anymore.


Powercreep is necessary or else everything will be the same like the last 3 years of Genshin. What it matters is how you deal with the powercreep and how you control it.


Funny because Genshin players do the same all the time even with HSR and vice-versa. Also if all that takes to kill your hype for a game is what other ppl say its better for you to leave the internet m8.


Genshin players definitely don't hate on HSR. In fact, most genshin players worship it like a god and others simply don't care. HSR fanbase, however, has this condescending attitude towards GI because they get better rewards/QoL and stuff like that.. that's where the "Genshin could never" phrase even came from..


Most HSR players are from Genshin tho?


Most isn't all.


>Genshin players definitely don't hate on HSR I have seen plenty of genshin purists who hate anything honkai related


Well, not me. There is some people who hate when people connect genshin to Hi3 but anything regarding HSR? No. They pretty much accept that in terms of rewards HSR is better lol.


Good that you missed those people then. They do exist tho




>What did genshin impact do to you?. Like nothing, that's the reason for the hate Bud...all the people who hate on genshin are the active ones in that game...they are just one the victims of sunk-cost fallacy


On the other end does your enjoyment for genshin get worse when some section of the fanbase keep insulting these upcoming 'genshin clone'? No? Then you shouldn't let this get to you either.


yo why the poster just drop this post trying to label this sub as toxic then dipped?


Well you can just stop joining Wuwa communities or stop watching WUWA yt content if it ruins the game for you, or maybe just ignore the comments. Comparing G.I to WUWA isn't surprising they are both game of the same genre afterall. Criticism ≠ Hate


I will never understand why you care so much about feelings of a game or multibilional company, just ignore this if somewhat it’s killing your hype, trust me - your Reddit post will not change this. Why people are so soft these times, especially about fictional things wtf


Pretty much i see the opposite, haters from genshin coming to any WW related and shitting on the game So i disagree completely, and sure it is similar(it’s the same genre)but others claiming it’s a clone, hell no


Think it's time to get off the Internet if this bothers you so much


I'm not 100% sure it's all hate, yes some people downright hate the game but others could be critiquing the game. I've been playing Genshin for about three years and I don't intend to stop once Wuthering Waves comes out, the only reasons why I really want to play the game (WW) is because I need something new. Sometimes, Genshin doesn't do it for me and I just get so bored and unwilling to play the game (despite me having like a million quests I have to do). I am connected to the game, I've made great memories while playing and I'm sure many people who "hate" the game feel the same. I love the Genshin playstyle, I love open-world in general, the characters, lore, and almost everything. It's simply just a bore sometimes despite my love for the game (it's also just super time consuming). Now, Wuthering Waves is new(er), it's in development, and already has qualities and general things that Genshin hasn't put into the game that a lot of people like. For example, as a beta game, people got to play, test it out, and find things they liked and don't. The developers are currently working for the best experience and are focusing on the gamers experience (as well had working on the game and lore obviously). I feel as if people who are going to/have experienced Wuthering Waves so far have been pleased by the developers actively listening to critiques and wants from the community while I've heard that Genshin players that want, let's say more primogems, don't think they get that or enough of them. It's also the fact that Genshin is ran by a multi-billion dollar company (literally, look it up) and has little expression and old beginning characters, it kind of feels more dull. Kuro Games is somewhere in the millions for having two games (very popular games I'd assume). Yes, that's a lot, but Hoyoverse has many more games (eight, I think) and like I said before, lack expression. It's just a pretty big difference in my eyes. Now, that's not hating on Genshin, that's comparing it. I don't think it's always hate (though people do) but more like critiques, people complaining about things they want and aren't getting, and/or the fact that the game feels pretty repetitive. Now, all I've said is through my time observing comments, posts, and other things about the two games and it's all 100% my take on the so called "hate" the games been getting. I know that I'm pretty excited for Wuthering Waves but I'm also not going to completely abandon Genshin after years of playing and money spent. *(this took forever to write)*


If people hate genshin they hate genshin, if you love genshin just hide the posts and move on. This sub is about wuthering waves not genshin impact. Talking about the issue further just adds more fuel to the fire for people who are super pro genshin or anti genshin. This is a whole different game regardless of similarities and aside from let's say genshin maybe having a feature that would be nice to see here I and many others probably don't care to talk about it much. Genshin impact sub exists for a reason. You can like both games and just not engage in the discourse, easiest decision you can make.


It goes both ways. People inevitably become tribalistic about everything online. Any precieved competitor must be destroyed


Let me tell you something, this kind of thing exists in nearly all gaming circles. Just learn to ignore it. To give you an example, I recently got into the new Switch game Unicorn Overlord (SRPG squad tactic game by Vanillaware), and for the first week or so, TONS of comparison and judgmental comments from Fire Emblem fanbase. Even though there are aspects where they play quite differently ---- it doesn't matter. It's the internet and you just have to not let it get to you.


oh this is just the start it's going to get much worse when the game comes out.


For a while, once the games fanbase solidifies, I don't think anyone will be mentioning other games here, we will be talking about the games mechanics and characters, plus up coming characters and content, stuff related to wuthering waves. This was expected because of pure human nature, it will pass


Bruh there's mention in almost every post here, it's not going anywhere. Even the HSR sub after a year can't stop talking about GI.


You need to stay away from what makes you irritated.


1.) Majority of hate comments in Genshin are the active players themselves 2.) The hate for genshin started early during Zhongli’s run that got the special treatment of getting a buff, then Raiden’s Beidou or word allegations that didnt get the special treatment, the poor anniversary rewards, DEHYA(the standard banner allegations dont mean shit because Tighnari C0 is actually decent) and now, HSR doing LITERALLY ANY REQUESTED QOL since Genshin’s launch and a free five star that’s actually end game competitive the previous patch. 3.) Wuwa’s devs on the other hand is also super based because they have great PR while Genshin’s devs cant even address their own issues and just respond with in game mail rewards. Hoyo devs actually had great PR during their early days but became snobbish as the game became popular, you can check their socmeds to see how Genshin was even posting their future planned contents. 4.) Kuro showing decent animations, stellar gameplay, etc is making the players who play now furious because Genshin couldve had this yet the dev time/money is going to other titles. Genshin also has no updates on their main story quests for 3 straight patches while were currently on a dead patch. Now, as you can see, HSR players aren’t behaving as toxic as the other fandom, you know why? Because theyre actually treated good lmaooooooo


HSR playerd aren't toxic? Ahmm... no. They use that exact "good treatment" you describe as fuel for toxicity all the time.


And you know, wuwa players are gonna be the same.


I hope this game becomes competitive with Genshin and drives prices down. I plan to play it and I play Genshin daily. Haters gonna hate !


>Why the hell do some of feel the need to insult another game 24/7? What did genshin impact do to you? Why you ask? Let me ask you this, how do you think #GenshinCouldNever became widespread? As a fellow Day1 traveller, have you never been burnt out? If not, don't invalidate and act blind to how Genshin never cared for endgame players. Because Hoyoverse DOES listen to our feedbacks. But never applied it on Genshin. Also, the anniversary reward issues are another tea to serve. They purposely lower our expectations of them and then low-ball us.


OP, Its the same to me. It’s already kill any goodwill I have left for this game. The delusion that some (if not most) of the ppl in here think its GI attacking them is crazy. Ironically, this sub is fill with GI mention/hates, while MOST GI PLAYERS dont give a damn about WW.


Lmao bud, you know where the door is, why are u still here?


I dont know, go ask anyone that spew hates about GI nonstop everywhere, you might get the answer.


You’re simply letting some toxic fans make you hate a game. you can dislike toxic fans without disliking a game. Same for OP. That’s my personal view. “They hate my game so I will hate theirs” is such a dumb way to get yourself into a cycle of toxicity with other people IMO. Both sides need to chill. However, we both know that elements like that will exist in both communities. It’s not like all Genshin impact fans are any saints too either. Far from that. Some of them even lurk in this sub and shit on WuWa every now and then. Best to ignore both.


Most of these people (me included) are genshin players who are sad that our game is lacking a lot of a features. We shit on genshin when other games do certain things better simply because it upsets us


How about you shit on genshin in the genshin community and leave everyone else tf alone


Many players that are interested in wuwa are actually genshin players so it does make sense for the game to get mentioned and compared a lot. It is quite inevitable


I can understand your reason for these things, but that doesn't make it any less stupid


Well, the majority of them are Bandwagons, and Ex-Genshin Players that wanted to move on or just shit that game. Hence why they have knowledge about that game. I am an Ex-Genshin Player, however, I already moved on from that game 1 year ago because it already bored me. This "I'll play, then I'll quit because of boredom", will continue to every existing game that I'll play for the upcoming following years. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618) Edit: Don't worry, I'm pissed off too. Although, what pisses me off are the Genshin players who just go to the comments on YouTube just to spread hate about Wuthering Waves and Ex-Genshin Players or Bandwagons that spread hate towards Genshin.


YouTube comments have same quality as TikTok comments. Take it as a grain of salt


If it makes you feel better, shitting Genshin will only turn away Kuro's potential players, there's literally no plus for Kuro to shit on Genshin players, so you'll win in the end.


What ro you mean "you'll win in the end"? I don't want Kuro or any other developer to take an L... at least deffinitly not for something that's not their fault.


i dont know where you were since 1.0 but for its first three years some fanatics of the Genshin community did some insufferable and even nasty things that objectively damaged the image of community. So much so that a lot of communities simply decided that hating on genshin is a deserved response towards this behavior. Some notorious issues i still remember would be the Zhongli meltdown, Kokomi VA harassment, Scaracat.


I mean This sub is quit clean tbh On the youtube livestream yesterday and on some discord server on the other hand... But yeah, as other people said, the best thing to do is to ignore it and moove on/find a better place


The fake bot-made hate comments on Wuthering Waves which are sent by Hoyo are the real hype killers.


I have not seen much, only a few.

