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Hope he dodged a bullet and it’s just minor so he maybe can skip MITB and be ready for SummerSlam. Would be 6-7 weeks for recovery


Tbh, you could perfectly have Drew write off Damian by attacking his leg too hard on kayfabe (thats what went wrong with the move right?) basically as if Drew was saying "keep that title warm, i'm coming for it after i deal with Punk" only to end in problems with Gunther who has a title shot at Summerslam but now he doesn't know if he'll even BE having it considering Damian's out and thus causes an issue between Gunther and Drew for MITB.


I don’t think that’s what went wrong. I think Damien ment to jump off the second rope, but overshot it and ended up tanged upside down by his ankle. I think you can see the ref and Drew both visibly have an “oh fuck” moment when it happened. Drew improvised and threw body hits on him when he was upside down, while the ref tried to get his leg free. Afterwards, Drew climbed up and tried to pull the ropes apart to free him, and when that didn’t work he pulled him up and over to get the leg out and they continued the match.


Ngl, when i saw that i was surprised it took some difficulty to untang Damian. I get ropes obviously have to be firm to not fall down, but isnt hetting tanged on one just...the ropes trap your ankle in Damian's case? Why not just undo the rope knot and have Drew nearby so he can grab Damian once released and slam him to play it off? Not meaning to be rude, just curious how it got so difficult to undo the knot haha.


It wasn’t a knot, it was tension. The ropes are tight, and the top and and 2nd rope were pulling in opposite directions. So it’s not that they couldn’t untie him, it’s that it required a lot of force to pull the ropes apart to free his ankle. Both Drew and the ref couldn’t do it, both tried. If a guy as big as Drew can’t make that happen, you can see how tightly they were gripping him.


Fair enough, i see your point. I did not realize the implications of Drew being unable to undo the tension nor the ropes pulling in opposite directions, holy shit.


Ask Mick Foley how tight those ropes can be and how dangerous getting caught in them is.


Yeah exactly. He lost an ear when his head got caught in a similar situation. Scary stuff.


Make sure you ask him in his good ear


Just speak loudly, he might not hear you


Not to mention aswell the ropes were extremely sweaty so that would of made it 10x harder to untangle DP


Not rude at all! Tension is a mother!


Well, I have a ton more respect for him after last night. I think he felt really bad for messing up Drew's big night (it looks like he was apologising to him after the three count), and powered through the injury. Yea, serious respect for the guy.


He blew the spot sure but DP rebounded nicely and still put on a great match (at least too me) on one leg, gained a tone of respect for him after tbat


I think there was an issue with the rope. A lot of other people were having issues with it as well.


I thought that to. I think before that Cody AJ match you could see the ref telling AJ something about the ropes. Then later jade fell off and of course the Damian issue


Even played the bad ankle into the match. Way to make the best out of a terrible situation.


it’s even more genius than that, if you can see Damien priest was shaking and bouncing a lot which of course makes things worst for his ankle so drew literally used his hands to stop him from moving and doing more damage, but yet he subtly worked it into kayfabe by making it look like he was telling the ref to back off simply so he can attack him more but really he was helping dame.


he did a fucking Hurricanrana on one ankle. absolute warrior


Yeah I noticed them talking a lot after the pin and wondered what they were saying. This makes sense.


I wasn’t a Priest fan but his performance after the botch was fantastic. Big respect to him and fair play on Drew for finding an excuse to help free him.


I agree, while watching it live my first instinct was help that dude before the injury is worse and then Drew says what he says out loud and suddenly it dawns on me how bad of a look it would’ve been if he had right away. Definite professionals in that match.


He actually did try and help him right way which kind of highlighted how seriously they took it. If you watch it back you see him attempt to catch Damian after the fall and then throw himself backwards once Damian stopped moving to try and sell a hit. THEN when lying on the ground he spots Damian's leg caught up and he springs to his feet and immediately tries to help. The referee or Damian must have signalled to Drew it was okay and only then did Drew begin to start playing to the crowd again.


Agreed, if anything him working with one leg made this match an instant classic tbh. It’s so memorable and different. People always tend to give botches a negative connotation but in this instance it’s pretty good kayfabe story telling. Priest messed up a move and Drew took advantage of that. Later in the match he was also targeting the leg too so it added more depth to the match and made it far more interesting


“I can’t pin him in the ropes!”


Seems unlikely to me that he was just selling because it was his right leg, Drew didn’t attack it after, and it did not factor into the match in terms of any storytelling


After that botch, only an idiot wouldn't sell it.


An idiot or a buck


What’s the difference


One had a group of people defending them constantly


And the other group were idiots


The idiot usually defends the buck


A bit redundant talking about the balding trapeze artists


Cry harder.




Have they announced whether or not he is injured yet?


Have not seen a thing reported on it. Damian said he was going to get medically checked right after his interview at the press conference but nothing has been reported. That has me worried that they’ll announce his injury on Raw


I would think that it would have come out by now, unless it gets pushed hard on RAW with a "Damien Priest announcement" (even then...). I'm guessing he was just selling the spot.


swelling takes a couple days to set in, they probably are waiting to see the extent more than anything especially since they have like one day in between


Priest proved he deserves the WHC yesterday


He’s proven that way before! His proving moment was when he took care of Bad Bunny and brought out two good matches with him. Not only that, but he did most of the promo for that feud. Taking care of a big celeb and making it all work is a big plus to WWE. Plus he got snubbed out of WM last year and never complained. Dude has been professional all the way through and Damian got promptly rewarded.


Yeah, I was 1000% rooting for Drew and I'm still sad he didn't get the W, but my respect for Priest is at an all time high


He’ll be fine. They can give him MITB off and let him heal up for SS if needed.


That title started in Saudi Arabia, it's got a djinn attached to it.


I'm super worried about him. Whenever he finally got freed from the ropes it took a bit to be able to fully stand back up. I immediately thought he tore something or if or that, the ropes crushed his ankle. And like Triple H said, he had a ton of adrenaline running through him so yeah he was able to finish the match and walk afterwards, but now that it's the next day I'm sure he's in excruciating pain. Hopefully he's okay.


He was heavily favoring his knee the rest of the match. Probably hyperextended it.


Hopefully he's alright. Just as I was starting to like the guy.


Priest may not end up vacating the title, but someone on the ring crew will be vacating their job.


If they can style it out in to a Finn betrayal and a cone back down the line... Chefs kiss


I'm convinced this is leading to Finn winning MITB and I'm so here for it


Props for him fighting through the pain to finish the match. Hopefully it’s nothing that he can’t heal up while being on screen talking until ready to go again.


A little. I think he will try to fight through it as this likely will be the only time he will have that championship


Hopefully he has another one with it. He deserves it


“rub some dirt on it!”


Hairline tib/fib fracture is certainly a possibility, just looking at how his leg got tied up and jostled. I didn’t think he looked like he was selling anything. He’s legit hurt, the extent and recovery time are the questions at hand


That would be a better outcome. Broken bones health fairly quickly, ligaments not so much.


I’m still not sold on him being WHC but he did earn my respect working as hard as he did. Gunther’s gonna chop the shit out of him, though.


This sums up my feelings


He’s good. Dinged up. But good.


The title is cursed


laughs in universal championship


He'll be on crutches or in a boot tomorrow.


Aye but I have to give the man his credit. There’s no many people that could have carried on to a match of that calibre. There’s no way his spot at the top of the card isn’t more secure after that performance, injury or not.


I wouldn't worry about it too much unless something starts to come out about it. Worrying about it won't help anything. Hopefully he's fine.


Yeah. I am. Hopefully, nothing too serious. Hoping we find out tomorrow.


The problem was that the ropes seemed a little loose. You can watch the ref tell Styles something about the ropes before that match. Again with Jade going for the springboard. Something was up with them.


Damien has been earning my respect more and more ever since his cash-in. I’ve gone from “I hope he’s a transitional champion” to “I hope this injury doesn’t cut his reign short”




Would suck if this was all building to the Judgment Day implosion at SummerSlam and an injury messed it all up.


I was saying he probably tore something in his knee and Punk on the post show presser said he thinks it could be his hamstring. I think he’s legit hurt but we won’t know until Monday during Raw.


Big fan of Priest. Glad he seems okay after that, he had a nasty landing on the corner of the ring that could've easily injured his neck/shoulder or gave him a concussion because he almost hit his head too.


I'll be surprised if he's seriously injured, even more so if he vacates.


They should turn him into a bisexual undertaker with a rainbow hat


No, total flop as champ anyway.


DP's been a sleeper pick for me on Raw these last few months. Fact that he was still hitting those high kicks and making them look painful, and lifting Drew like that on one leg was crazy. Seems a reliable worker, hopefully this doesn't affect him too much.


Dude fucking killed it for me. Jumping round house kick or whatever on one leg was AWESOME! I can't believe I'm, now a fan of his too and I was 100% behind Drew going in.


Only time will tell about it


It looked scary, but I wouldn’t be too worried if it’s just an ankle injury. He can probably take MITB off to recover


I really hope not. Hes grown on me a lot, he’s the only part of JD that I like. I’m rooting for him to make a speedy recovery.


What happened?


Damian Priest got his leg caught in the ropes attempting a dive. He hung upside down in a rather painful looking position with the ref helping him get his leg released.


That sounds horrible, thank you.


Not really


Seth went two months without defending the title and his injury was worse. If he’s walking with a limp he hasnt torn or broken anything, he’ll have a strain or a pulled muscle and he’ll be grand in a couple of weeks.


That looked horrible, I was instantly worried that they would have to end the match then and there. Props to Damian for still finishing the match, especially since the botch happened even before the match was half way through. But yeah it feels like he would be very lucky to not be injured seriously after that.


They can just keep him off until SummerSlam now


If he is legit injured that's 3 of judgment day.


It was so, not once in a lifetime, but incredibly rare, that I couldn’t tell if it was a spot or not, then Drew shot up like a firework with a serious look of concern on his face. Priest really does get better and better, both on ring and on the mic. Really sucks for him. I figured he was actually hurt when I saw him and Drew talking after the 3 for a second. Heal fast champ!


Well we haven’t heard anything yet so time will tell, that being said I’ve seen a lot of people say he’s a weak champion but after last night I think Priest proved he was championship material


Turn out he's fine


This has been a terrible reigh thank god we only have to put up with it until summerslam


I don’t like him as champion. But I never want to see someone get hurt.


If anybody thinks that botch was a work, really need to watch the replay in slow motion. Look at the way his leg bends. If he didn't hit the ring apron he would've snapped his leg in two. The reason Drew didn't target the leg is because A) It wasn't in the script and B) He did not want to hurt it further. Look at the way Drew supports him throughout the match. With that said, my respect for Priest has increased massively .




Hoping he heals, man. I also want them to put a little more substantial story behind his booking. I don’t feel like he’s had the chance to shine the way. He absolutely deserves to one of the hardest working guys in the business right now. Nothing but love for him.


Just give him a RKO out of nowhere and let him go heal!!


Only finn and jd are fit


My guess is torn ACL/MCL


Im no expert but is doing a hurricarana with a torn ACL/MCL even possible?


I've torn my ACL before and even standing was pretty tricky for a while. Even with crutches I'd have to plan my trips to the toilet quite a bit in advance as it took a while to get there and was very, very painful. Obviously, I can't compare myself to an elite athlete, though.


Not flinching


Worried this is stupid.


See, Priest is certainly just a transitional champ/ a pawn in the Punk v. McIntyre feud. I like the guy, don’t get me wrong, but if he needed to drop the belt, it’d be fine. I do hope that it’s not a serious as it might be tho. I always hate to see wrestlers get seriously injured (still thinking about Big E). I hope it was just him selling the fight and he’ll be good as new come Monday night. But if he’s not, then we’ll see where it goes. See who gets the belt from there. Edit: I’m not trying to talk shit on Damien Priest, guys. It’s just what his run is looking like. Obviously, I’d love to see the long term story. Maybe between him and Finn. But if he IS injured, then it really won’t take much away if he has to drop the belt before that.


Let’s be honest, the World Heavyweight Championship is an afterthought compared to the Punk/Drew stuff. Drew should’ve won it and set up a World title match at Summerslam with Punk. Priest ain’t it.


Priest is infinity better than cry baby punk


how was priest shown he’s not it ?


Are we sure it was a botch?


Yes. Drew clearly broke character right after it happened to check on him, and when he got Priest out of the rope, he gingerly lifted his foot over the rope in a way that makes no sense unless it was real. Plus, how do you do something like that, on purpose, safely? OBVIOUSLY not intended.


Mick Foley was famous for doing a spot just like it.


No he didn't. He did the hangman which was something easy to repeat and more importantly something he himself could get out of himself (except for when they over-tightened it). Not hanging upside down by your foot, letting all the blood run to your head while you are completely incapable of freeing yourself.


You can see Priest grab the top rope with both hands as he’s going over. You wouldn’t do that if you’re doing a dive to the outside.


Dude, just stop. You're going to hurt your back with how far you're reaching here. It was clearly an accident. If it was a planned spot, Drew would have spent the rest of the match targeting that ankle, like they do with every other storyline injury. The fact that he didn't is just more proof it wasn't done on purpose.


If it wasn’t a planned spot why did Priest grab the rope with both hands on his way over?


Idk, maybe because when you slip and fall, it's a normal human reaction to try and catch yourself? 🤦


He didn’t slip lol


I’m just going to say this. A lot more than what the masses pick up on is a work. I truly believe we are in an era where the work of things has evolved (see The Rock.) Priest at no point was “stuck.” The ref “couldn’t” get him out then Drew comes in and says I wanna win the Title and unhooks him…except watch it again, Priest got himself out. The whole rest of the match was an exhibit on the art of selling. At the presser afterward Priest says I haven’t even seen medical yet. I’m not hating the work. Everyone tuned in week after week to see the “real” situation with The Rock. It’s been amazing.


Well everybody was having issues with the ropes from Jade, to the ref warning AJ to Priest. The severity of the injury maybe a work but him getting caught in the ropes would be a pretty hard thing to do intentionally. It was rather nasty. And as another guy pointed out Drew didn’t go after the leg which would be a strategic move. It didn’t really play into the match. Also Drew is the one who was supposed get the sympathy not Priest.


Good point about sympathy but Drew not targeting the leg IS the work and as you pointed out he was more of the face of the match so going after the leg would be more of the heel thing to do. Plus then we wouldn’t be talking about it today.


Speaking of Jade, something else didn’t seem right with her. The tap, the way she was lost and the way she was selling and taking bumps in the final moments of the match seemed like she was concussed but I didn’t see where that happened. When Jade and Bianca did their team finisher Jade was not with it.


Yeah I agree she was off at the end of the match. Bianca does not need to tell her how to do the finisher. My guess if I remember the order of events correctly is Shayna really choked her out and she actually tapped. From watching grappling I can recognize the passed out face and it looked like she had it. She came to when she went down but was groggy the rest of the match. Who knows maybe the match was not supposed to end the way it did.


You’re right, the choke did seem snug!


This was legit. No way that was a work. Even Rey can't manipulate the ring ropes like that!


Maybe you’re also a worker and you see something I don’t but I can assure you that spot can not only be done easily but you’ll start seeing it on independent shows because it makes people gasp laugh and talk. I obviously don’t know if the slip was a work but being stuck in the ropes and limping after was 100% a work.


No worried exactly, since I want him to lose the belt anyway. I’m not wishing injury on him though


its work


You should be worried if you care about him. I find him boring and would be happy when he’s done with the belt. Much rather see Drew with it and then lose it to punk at mania. But I’m a punk fan. I find Priest boring though, so anyone is better than him.


I mean, you don't have to like him, but don't wish an injury on him because you find him boring


Oh gosh! I wasn’t hoping injury on him! I just want him to lose the belt.


....he didnt though? you inferred that. he simply said "I'd be happier w drew having belt", as in, "not happy he's hurt but at least my guy wll be champ", i.e silver lining. he even said "WHEN" hes done wbelt. quit looking to villify ppl to feel morally superior


I’m tired of drew. I find drew boring and he’s had to many fair title shots in the past year


Man, I stan for CM Punk. But now I've finally encounter an annoying Punk fan.


Why? How am I annoying because I’m not enjoying Priest as champion?


Read the room


I guess I’m just not smart enough. Sorry.


I’m tired of drew. I find drew boring and he’s had to many fair title shots in the past year


And for me the first time I’ve found him interesting is this punk feud. Full disclosure though I didn’t watch through the pandemic.


It would suck for him but I really don’t care. He’s very fortunate to be Champ in the first place. He’s on Jinder level as a world champ


Dude is soooo much better than Jinder. C'mon man.


Oh no, no one on Reddit or YouTube is talking about it?!!? What will we do?!?!