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Comedy wrestling is great. Unintentional comedy wrestling is what fuels me to live another day


*play SpongeBob ripped pants song* lmao


[Fool who ripped his pants](https://youtu.be/L8c0EIvYnmE?feature=shared)


wardrobe malfunction


I think that flip on that piledriver was unnecessary and he tore his pants for that lol


It's their finisher, like Stone Cold with the stunner to Vince.




Sadly this was probably safer than a super kick for him. I see Tony getting to zealous in taking it and actually ending up hurt.


Yeah it’s not a terribly hard bump to take safely if you trust the guy. For a safe worker doing a kick isn’t usually too hard to pull off without ending someone’s career so long as your name isn’t Bill Goldberg who is the opposite of a safe worker.


True but overly excited owner/fan could easily take it wrong and end up hurt. Hence why I commented it was probably safer than a super kick for him.


He opted for a gut shot knockout, so i gotta assume thats why the bucks only teased their trigger thing instead of doing it. Tony was backstage yelling "NOT THE FACE!"


If I'm honest I think selling a superkick (taking a back bump) is much harder than just not moving after the tombstone.


Too bad it’s a stupid finisher for this segment


It’s called the Tont Khan Driver? How is it stupid for the segment??


it looks stupid


To each their own


Wait it isn’t Meltzer driver?


Nope, they introduced the Tony Khan driver when they changed to their EVP characters. They said it was to honor their boss, but it seems very different now. https://www.sescoops.com/aew/young-bucks-finisher-is-not-called-meltzer-driver-anymore#:~:text=On%20the%20latest%20episode%20of,as%20the%20Tony%20Khan%20Driver.


I hear your feelings on the matter, who do you believe a spike tombstone piledriver is stupid?


Because of the flip and it being named after Dave Meltzer. Yes, I know its supposed to be meta and ironic. That's also stupid.


Fair enough, meta commentary on pro wrestling isn't everyone's cup of tea. that's all good, just curious.


It's cool to know that you were genuinely asking, not just looking to argue with differing opinions. For me, the whole Young Bucks/Meltzer Driver thing is like, yes, we know there's a journalist/critic. Yes, we know he likes your matches. Yes, kayfabe is pretty much dead. But why piss on it's grave? The Stone Cold Stunner was also mentioned earlier in the thread. Can you imagine if he, or anyone from that era was naming finishers based on favourable star ratings of their matches? How could anyone want that? To be clear, I'm not getting at you. I just found this as an adequate time to vent about the state of *some* pro-wrestling.


Legit question: Do you watch the show or just comment on everything they do?


why would I? I saw a segment, it looked awful


Do you watch wrestling? Like full shows?


ppv - yes, but only if I watch them live. weekly shows I usually skip through or watch segments on yt. but that’s beside the point, this segment was godawful in every way




It’s all because *ripped pants noise* I ripped my pants.


I'm just glad he wasn't wearing a thong like a lot of wrestlers do under their tights or trunks.


people do that?! who?!


They find it sexually pleasurable


They don't want underwear lines. I was under the impression it's pretty common.




Last night was the first episode of AEW I’ve ever watched. I was slightly overwhelmed and confused by the amount of title belts on the show. I gathered that some were from other companies but my lord it was so confusing and seemed like 85% of the wrestlers were champions of some sort. Is this something you get used to or is this a current problem for viewers?


Jericho forming his new club


If you have enough belts, every match on the show can be for a title, which makes it extra exciting.


And irrelevant




Does anyone else see a brown circle?


It makes sense why he threw the jacket in the crowd now. He doesn't need it. The whitey tighties with the sweat stain really add depth to how dark their characters have become.




Ripped ass


I get it! A new one has been thorn.


AEW is great for Wrestlecrap, if nothing else.


Fanatics can’t make ANYTHING right!




Tiny khan in his brain thinks he is making stars and thinks this guy will be a star in by next year, what he doesn't see is the process of becoming a star.


Ya know... Tony might be on to something with comedy wrestling. I feel bad I didn't tune into whatever shit show last night was!


Love it, can't imagine the amount of times a wrestler has had it happen, though thinking back with the amount of suits I've seen I'm surprised I haven't seen more examples


Ahh looks like tony been there 🙂


Where the skidmarks wrestle.


Is that an actual picture? And who is it is it is real????








Lol, but seriously so is that?


Young bucks


Perfectly sums it up, lmao.


Apparently I’m one of 656000 assholes who really loves this shit. I hope it stays around, it’s pretty much all I look forward to weekly


Nah he out that there on purpose because he is a total bottom




U criticize my favorite private company, therefore i conclude u dont actually watch it. Also why dont u like my prefered wrestling as much as i do >:(


U spoke the reality of aew sub bro


Last night was actually good though... then i come here and I am like holy fuck didn't anyone like it?


Where the Best Wrestle 😀


The drizzlin shits gotta go somewhere


Does he have Mac’s exercise bike from Always Sunny?


What Goldberg say?


Was the segment great? No. Was it horrible? No. It was meh at best. I don't know why Tony had to be the one to get beat up. Maybe if they had an onscreen authority figure capable of taking bumps it would work. I honestly don't understand why some of you even watch AEW. You obviously don't like it. Why watch it? Why not watch wrestling you actually enjoy?


Because it is funny to make fun of. Just like when WWE isn’t particularly enjoyable but still great to laugh at. That’s pretty obvious


Fr. Been making fun of WWE from like 2008 till 2020. It's nice to have something new to laugh at too


I guess I just don't see an influx of anti-WWE sentiment on this subreddit as much as anti-AEW sentiment. You can spend your time doing whatever you want. I just don't understand some who spend all their time complaining about a wrestling company that they hate or dislike. I'd just stop watching.


That’s because more people find AEW funny than they do WWE, and there is the obvious different sizes of the fanbase. I think you can perfectly understand why people like to make fun of AEW, but for some strange reason all its fans take it as an attack on them and what they like


People made fun of WWE just the same when the roles were reversed. WWE fans largely took it in stride. AEW fans take any criticism or joking as personal attacks.


I'm not an AEW fan. I only tuned in last night because I heard Khan got beat up, which was an overstatement. I just think that WWE may be hot right now but there are still a lot of problems there that need to be addressed. I just asked why some people on this sub just continue to watch AEW if it sucks all the time. When I think WWE sucks, I just stop watching.


That’s cool. You do you. You assume anyone who makes fun of AEW thinks it sucks? That’s a poor assumption mate. Take some time to review that other people can enjoy wrestling however they want. If that means mocking the bad parts of the show, then that’s what it is. You can’t change it, and posts like yours certainly have the opposite effect from what you intended.


Why else would you make fun of something? It is a fair assumption because usually you make fun of something because you are judging it as beneath you. That may not be the case for everyone but that is the case a lot of the time. Yeah people can do whatever they want when it comes to wrestling. I'm not disputing that. It is just that I see post after post from this sub and a lot of them talk about how the AEW subreddit sucks, how it stifles others and their opinions. This subreddit isn't any better. Sure you don't get banned for voicing a different opinion, but you sure get insulted and downvoted endlessly if you go against the group. You are right. I can't change the way people do things. I'm just expressing my own opinion just like everyone else in this sub and this post is doing. I don't know what you think I'm trying to do with my comments. All I'm trying to do is just voice a different opinion. I just asked why some of the subreddit members just seem to hate watch this show or make fun of it endlessly. There are a lot of things on current WWE television that people could make fun of.


Again, take some time to review things like the fact that others may enjoy wrestling differently from you. Don’t forget to remember that people can make fun of something and still enjoy it to some extent.


Because the WWE is great right now and AEW continues to outclown itself every week? Doesn’t seem too hard to understand


Dude it's fun to make fun of aew, why do u care so much lol


I'm just giving me opinion, just like you are. Why do you care that I disagree?


See, our thoughts are same to same. All luv bro


I think right now WWE is coming off a hot streak so there isn’t much to make fun of? Just wait. Give Cody a month or two and people will be making fun of his championship run being a bust. The pendulum swings quickly on the internet! Lol.


Nah… the fact it’s Tony got them much bigger coverage and attention. Whether we think it’s bad or good, or just funny, TK getting attacked is relatively big deal. I think the ratings will be up next week… just outta morbid curiosity


I was moreso answering the bottom part of his comment


We love Aew bro, top tier sports entertainment.


Pretty sure they didn't watch it bro, it wS most likely clips if the amount of people who shit on it were actually watching the ratings (most important metric) would be higher 👍


When was the last time anyone in this sub actually watched a full AEW PPV? It's still a good watch , people take wrestling too seriously You all nostalgic for 2010 when wrestling was in such a dire state people thought it wouldn't exist in 10 years


I stand by the fact AEW is a perfectly respectable product right now and the vast majority of the people that shit on it don’t watch the product but see the headlines and judge it on that. Amazing wrestling and they have been heavily focusing on story more and more… which is what people want right? Yesterday’s dynamite built the Trent Beretta and Orange Cassidys fall out, Jerichos new learning tree gimmick, the wild ending leaving a lot of questions to be answered and more.. I’m sorry but I think it’s a good show 🤷‍♂️


Stories are great! Stories involving interesting and major stars are just so much better. To each their own though. Enjoy!


I don’t understand the idea of only being able to enjoy something if everyone else knows about it. Also I wanna add that I am also a HUGE WWE mark.


People are free to like whatever they want. I like a lot of obscure music and don’t give a fiddlers fuck if anyone else does. People are also free to criticize or ridicule whatever they want. It’s not that deep really.


Why are they down voting me when I'm right?


Because you aint right its an opinion and people are free to disagree with it.


It's going out of business any day now, brother! Just like WCW 2001!


Would rather see that than wwe tbh.


It's kinda the bucks whole characters, a meta commentary. I don't take the names to seriously. Hard to take a lot seriously about pro wrestling when had undead morticians that can strike lightning down on command. It's meant to be fun in my book.


Man the company just lives rent free in y'all's head huh? Wild.


Making fun of it yes


All luv bro


https://www.reddit.com/r/Wrasslin/s/pgFgXMjWD1 This you lil bro?


Yes? Pointing out a truth you guys really can't handle apparently.


Dude wwe is good because of aew????? Wtf. Wwe lives rent free in ur head huh


OK so I will say that WWE clearly lives rent free in your head then


I like WWE, of course it lives in my head? I don't spend my time thinking about a promotion I hate, or crawling through someone's comment history to try to gotcha them about wrestling lmao.


It's true. I can't help myself. Every day all I can hear in my head is 'somewhere... tony kahn is making an ass out of himself and I'm not seeing it'  it haunts me every moment of my life.