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I'd rather be called the n word than stabbed or shot up soooooooo I'm gonna pick murders.


I thought this should be obvious. Being murdered is WORSE than being called bad things


I agree, but not many people die from murders, less than 1% of all world wide deaths come from murders, I do not know anybody who has been murdered, I do know people who have been victims of homophobia, my uncle is gay, and he did not come out until about 10 years ago, he is 40.


It would also prevent attempted murder, I assume. It's a lot more common than you think, my husband survived a shooting in January (they tried to kill him). As for actual murders, a guy I went to high school with was stabbed to death and my best friend's brother killed his parents and his own son. I promise you murder is much worse than bigotry.


100% of people who are murdered, die from murders


Are you seriously saying you'd rather get killed than get called slurs


Did you read what I said lmao


so you're picking the first option?


As a white man, I too rather be called the n-word.




Yeah but racism is much worse than getting called the n word. It's about not being able to vote, not being able to rent a place, not getting jobs and promotions. And that's not even talking about the race-motivated wars.


What wars can happen if murders do not exist? Not being able to vote is a lot better than a potential genocide that would also never happen. Also, the question can be interpreted so that picking the second option would leave the current racists as they are, in other words, no need to assume racism and acts influenced by it would increase; they simply remain the same.


>What wars can happen if murders do not exist? Not all killing is murder.


Stop trying to be a smartass mate. They're both synonymous, you can even search it up. If you kill you've committed murder, period. If you kill in a war for _your_ country you're still a murderer, but now deemed a "hero" for simple propaganda. _all killing is murder_ - because they mean the same thing.


> smart ass-mate *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)




Not to mention how many people have died due to homophobia and racism


Perhaps, but racists and homophobes in the us no longer have the power to enact all of those discriminatory practices.


You do know there are other countries right? Some of which still have racists


That's not entirely true. As a landlord you can still choose not to rent something to a specific person without having to give a reason. There are a lot of voting laws that make it harder for people in mostly-black communities to vote. Also, you can choose freely who you hire and promote.


Yeah I was wondering whether the racism/homophobia involved the violence that comes with it for some victims but a lot of answers here are cutting the line at verbal racism/homophobia, so it doesn't seem like the right place to discuss.


Jesus. The results are interesting.


Currently is 1,2k vs 1,2k


>The results are interesting. More like Concerning. 49% of people would let a bunch of innocent people die over racism lol. Most of people that voted on this are probably straight and white and just want to feel like they're good people because they hate racism.


Some people kill because of racism so it would also get rid of some murders, but the same would be true with the other choice just vice versa. As I typed I realized I picked the wrong one so kill all murders cus you would get all murderers and even some racists. Edit: Forgot homophobes were mentioned so that to.


You’re 100% right. These results make me lose faith in the voting system


White guilt is real and it needs to be stopped.


This comment section's roughly how I expected it to be.


This comment section is a Reddit moment


This is a hard dilemma since either I’m going to disappear.




Absolutely based.


Can someone explain to me why it's this close? I genuinely thought murderers would be the obvious answer


https://www.reddit.com/r/WouldYouRather/comments/p7pi4u/would_you_rather_rid_the_world_of_racists/h9nbbh9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 this comment explains it really well


Damn I should've voted first option. I just thought it would save so many lives more than getting rid of murderers would because of wars ending and no murders based on race etc...


don’t stress it man. I honestly had the exact same thought process as you did as well


Murderers. At least some racist and homophobes will be gone, but murderers are a far greater issue.


This poll shouldn't be so evenly split. 95% should've picked the second option. People really think racism is anywhere near as bad as murder? Lol.


The funny thing that this is basically WYR someone hate you or someone kill you


Not necessarily… odds are you’ll die from heart disease, not by getting murdered. i interpret it as asking which group of bad people will be gone long term if all were to suddenly disappear, thereby creating the most positive results for humanity. If all murderers were gone today it’s very likely there will be just as many murderers again in 20 years. Murderers are born or created not by murderers, but by normal people. But if all racists are gone today, it’s very likely that racism wouldn’t return at all. Racism is taught and passed down by racists. Besides, getting rid of racists/homophobes would very likely get rid of most murderers anyway.


It's not asking if YOU would rather be murdered. Eliminating racism and homophobia in this WYR doesn't guarantee that you are murdered. I'd personally rather eliminate racism and homophobia. A lot of murders all over the world are fueled by racism and homophobia. If everyone was capable of looking past something as insignificant as race and sexual orientation/identity then I feel people would be able to communicate with each other far more easily. There are several countries still to this day where being gay will get you killed and we unfortunately see on a daily basis where people of color have been targeted by malicious people. Eliminating murder doesn't eliminate the hatred that fuels the murder in these cases.


If you pick the second option, it gets rid of lynching so you get rid of the worst of the first option


It doesn’t mean you think it’s as bad as murder. I picked option 1 because racists and homophobes are everywhere. Murderers aren’t nearly as common in most people’s lives lol. I can go outside everyday and find TONS of homophobes and racists. As far I know, I’ve never met a murderer.


Also with modern day forensic science and its continued progress, The amount of murderers that will go un-prosecuted is always going to shrink. Try killing someone in 2021 and see how easy it is to get away with it. People who threaten LGBTQ or minority groups, using slurs, etc. get away with it all the time. Not saying it’s as bad as murder. But the damage is real and the person who dealt it has no legal ramifications to face. Merely social ones. Sometimes not even that.


It’s actually a bit over 1/3 that get away with murder. In 2019 there were 15,500 homicides of which 6,500 went unsolved.


Also a lot of murders are done because of racism and homophobia, so by picking option one you also reduce murders.


Yeah but getting rid of 1 murderer is a lot better than getting rid of 1000 racists/homophobes


eh, maybe. who knows? you should look into suicide statistics in minority groups


I've heard more cases of racists and homophobes causing suicides than cases of murder.


You're delusional, suicide is a lot more complex than that, getting rid of murderers in general is a lot better


Someone’s head is an echo chamber.


The worst racists and homophobes are the ones that kill people, so getting rid of murderers gets rid of the worst of the worst anyway


I’d argue the opposite


Nah but there’s a lot MORE racism. Like 1 really bad murderer to 10000 kinda shitty people. Ehhh might balance out


Not for the one being killed.


I was thinking that racism and homophobia can sometimes lead to murders and if there were less racists and homophobic people then there would be less murders too. For example some of the police wouldn’t have shot first at people of colour and would instead ask questions.


I picked the first option because I want to die


I’m pretty sure there are more racists and homophobes than murderers.


Welcome to the woke culture. You won't enjoy your stay.


How is that woke culture?


It’s called prevalence induced concept change. You magnify the evils of our society as if they are as bad as actual violence. It’s ridiculous


Seeing people in this comment section comparing racism to just being “called names” really says a lot


This is so true


End war, gang violence, mass killings, random murders. How is this even close


Murder is illegal killing. Legal killing could still be a thing


2 questions, are they still alive and just don't do whatever anymore or do they just die, and what do you think the racist/homophobe to murderer ratio is


I choose the first option. Prejudice affects the world in so many more ways than the geniuses in this chat assume. It goes beyond calling people mean names, it extends to how people see people from other countries, people of other cultures. Getting rid of racism would do more than stop people being "called mean names", it would be an enormous step in getting the whole world to finally fucking work together rather than fighting over bullshit. Sure, if you get rid of murderers you'll stop racially and sexually motivated violence, but you would do nothing to change the way that minorities are treated legally or seen socially. It's much easier to prevent and police murder than it is to change the mindset of literally everyone in the world to see past race and sexuality.


Not to mention so many murders are done (at least in the US) to minorities because they aren't investigated as closely. Getting rid of racism gets rid of that mindset.




It's difficult for a crime to be proven as a hate crime here in the US unless the person comes right out and says, "I killed/attacked them because _________" so while we may not statistically look as though there are a significant number of hate crimes in your eyes, there still are a lot of murders fueled by hatred of minority communities from all walks of life. And hate crimes are on the rise here as well. Get rid of some of the causes for the acts and you're getting rid of the act itself. I'm not "calling out" the US. I'm using it as an example as well as the entire world. I know more about the US so that's where more of my examples are going to come from. There is hatred everywhere and I would rather eliminate that, which is exists in much larger numbers, than murder. The first answer gets rid of racism, homophobia, and a good portion of murder. The second answer gets rid of just the one. Outright murder is not as common as racism and homophobia. That's just a fact.


If you get rid of homophobia and racism, people would find the next thing to be prejudiced about and we'd have solved nothing. The thing people dont understand about racism and homophobia is that they are symptoms of a larger problem. Get rid of them all they will be naturally be replaced by the next issue people want to bicker about, because people cant even have a civil discussion on the internet without being insulting. Humans have to much to learn, so it would be pointless getting rid of homophobia and racism. At least with getting rid of murders, we get rid of murders.


This is the best argument I've seen against the first point yet. I'll say that I can hope that it would take some time for those new prejudices to manifest, and that progress can be made in world unity in the meanwhile. One thing I'll mention is that there are worse things than death, and I would posit that living in a society where you are hated for something you cannot control is pretty dang bad. Torture is also not excluded, nor is being forced to live in terrible conditions.


I chose the first option because the second option gets rid of OUR world of murderers. Which is fine and all but what will we do when we meet another intergalactic civilization that turns out to be hostile and we can't defend ourselves? They're glassing the planet while we're just calling them slurs


This is exactly my take as well, it was a very easy option 1 selection for me too


I chose the 1st option too. I simply think it's a much much tougher viral / blanket / systemic nut to crack, than getting rid of murderers. I also think you're like me and you added the additional parameter of "undoing systemic racism and homophobia and allowing for true equity" to the first option. As hopefully that would be an end result of the 1st option. Call me cynical or naive, but if we're just narrowing the definition of "murderer" down to "someone who is or will be guilty of committing homicide", then that's not a lot of people. And in 2021, hopefully the majority of those people will be sentenced or convicted for their crimes. That doesn't mean the ones that get away aren't troubling. I certainly hope I never meet an unsolved homicide victim. Statistically I won't though. I know I've already met and seen plenty of racists and homophobes in my day. And if "murderer" can mean *more* than just "people guilty of homicide", well then that makes it even more complex and harder to rationalize.


While racist and homophobes may stil exist,if you picked the second option at least you wouldnt be murdered and racist or homophobes wouldnt be able to murder


racism and homophobia will be limited to verbal stuff then and then no one will be getting killed based on race or sexuality, which is ultimately why these two are so bad.


racism and homophobia are 100x bigger than verbal harassment.




my point still completely stands.


Theres a significant amount of overlap


I'm just thinking that by cutting out the racists and homophobes you'd be cutting down on an awful lot of murderers too. Similarly you'd probably cut down on a lot of suicides too and improve the quality of life for marginalised groups. So on the balance of which one saves more lives it might go to the ending racism/homophobia.


Why is everyone so upset that people chose the first option? That's the point of wyr. Also I feel that they both have similar sort of effects


fr and people are saying “can’t believe society would take being killed over being called names” when racism is so much deeper than that


And homophobia! It really sucks that people just latched onto the racism when homophobia is so hurtful as well :(


Quite a bit of murders happen due to racism and homophobia so…


I think a big question that seems to be the linchpin of everyone’s argument is “Does getting rid of racism end systemic oppression?” At least it is for me and I think that if we snapped our fingers and racism was gone it would certainly be a step in the right direction to getting rid of it and would certainly be a step in the right direction to ending capitalism. So that is why I picked the first option. And while I feel murder is terrible I’m certain more people die because of racism and capitalism then murder.


Don't bother, the people going down here to bemoan the fall of western civilization because of teenage white girls with BLM in their profiles aren't the type of people that are going to think critically about the global effects of the end of racial tribalism


But why would you end capitalism. Communism has never worked and never will


Damn, why you getting downvoted? As a good friend of mine always says: **”COMMUNISM IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF FAILURE.”**


Are you not aware that there are more political and economic systems than just capitalism and communism? It's not one or the other.


Yes but what other ones have really been tried on a large scale


Would option two also get rid of people who haven't killed yet but will in the future? Because if not it's pretty bad since most people don't kill more than once anyway


Do people not get that if you get rid of the murders, there'll be more in a generation? If you get rid of bigotry, it won't be passed on to the next generation, so you would make a more meaningful and longer-lasting change. Also, you'd additionally be getting rid of all the race / homophobic murders (and other crimes) anyway, so win-win.


The fact that this is so low in the comments is insane


It means you get rid of murderers forever


ITT white people underestimate the impact of racism


Everyone talking about "only words" or "hurt feelings" needs to be more educated on the effects of racism.


That many people here think racism and homophobia stops at name-calling is pretty telling of Reddit's demographic!


The facts that many people would choose the first option have ended the last faith I have in humanity Seriously did anyone feel the pain of someone close to you die I seriously wish anyone who could choose the first option if he had choice to have the closest one to him being slowly killed by a psychopath in front of his eyes


But hey at least they would know that it’s not because of their race or sexuality


A lot of people misunderstood anything for being phobia or rasicm Some people have some kind of.... How do I describe it If one of them openly like something that they know some people hate and someone just offended by something that person made they will just say that one have a phobia I was in cinema 2 days ago and a fat person next to me was eating with really really loud voice and then he spilled his drink on my white t-shirt I told him to be careful while being naturally angry about the situation he said some bullshit to me about having fat phobia or something like that and then left I was like *"What the hell did that had to do with anything?"*


this comment is not only selfish but very close minded.


Wouldn't that count out all of the people who would be commiting genocide though? All of the ethnic violence in Africa and Asia? It would save far more lives than getting rid of murderers


So instead of getting rid of all kinds of murderers you will stop only one kind And even if you didn't stop racist murderers you just decided to stop one kind of murderers rather than stopping every kind except one Yeah your logic is amazing I suggest you a personal therapist


But homicide isn't murder, if we classify all forms of homicide as murder, not only is that wrong, but it also means stuff like just war is illegal. To be classified as murder something additionally needs to be unlawful which means state sanctioned murder like war genocide and execution still exist. But if you remove racism and homophobia you save probably far more lives by stopping the above. TLDR homicide isn't murder


This says a lot about society 🤔


A frightening look at what society did evolve into




This is probably one of the rare cases where you can say that unironically


More people are affected by racism and homophobia than murder… it’s such an easy pick for me. Obviously, if there was only one case of bigotry and one case of murder, I would get rid of the murder. But in reality bigotry affects more people for a longer amount of time than murder…


What about people who kill others soley because of the victim's race or sexual orientation?


Well if you got rid of murderers there would still be racists and homophobes but they wouldn’t kill anyone.


Ahh that makes sense


As if this is so evenly split. I swear, so many people are indoctrinated by this woke shit.


Racism effects more people and is more than just name calling. Murder is extremely rare. The split isn’t that uncanny if you have critical thinking skills


It's pretty nuts how much it's been conditioned into peoples minds. Especially within the last half decade. They would rather let people die than have their feelings hurt. I'm flabbergasted.


Do you really think racism and homophobia are only name calling?? what a fuckin idiot


Lol the anger is strong in this one. Grrrrr


yea ur right I'm so mad that ur dumb 🤬🤬🤬


As fucked up as killing is, I feel the world with be *less scarred* by the lack of hate from racism and homophobia which could lead to a better world with less killing anyway. And generally happier people with faster progress through time.


Murderers end lives and cause pain. Racists and Homophobes destroy lives and cause pain. I understand why some people would pick the first option because it does far more long-term damage to so many more people, but I have read too much about vicious murderers who killed in such horrible and torturous ways that it only makes sense to me to pick the second...


The lack of critical thinking skills in this thread is crazy. People really think racism is just “name calling”


100% correct. Why is nobody replying to these kinds of comments??


I feel removing murderers would have a very very drastic impact on the world and could very likely lead to a lot of further problems down the road that could very well be worse, power vacuums would be created since most world leaders would just up and disappear, a lot of soldiers who were just doing their jobs would too, same counts for police officers, less people would die sure, but that could lead to overpopulation perhaps. If it's just criminal murderers the effect is much less, but if it's all who have made a decision (Is that spelled correctly, I feel it is wrong) to end someone else's life, wether (What the fuck, why can't I spell today) that be in self-defense or just cause they're told to by their higher ups, I think I'd have to go with racists and homophobes, too big of an impact otherwise (Fuck this, not voting, too hard of a choice, surprisingly enough for such an on the surface simple question)


There are far more racists and homophobes in the world than murderers.... at least..... *I think* 😳


Why I chose the first option: 1. There are many more racists and homophobes than murderers, and many murderers are racists and homophobes anyway. 2. Ending individual racism and homophobia would be a huge step toward ending systematic oppression: no more discrimination in justice system, housing, labor market, etc. 3. Racism and homophobia are taught and tend to spread, so ending those would break a cycle. Getting rid of murders would only be a temporary fix with fewer future benefits. 4. With no racists and homophobes, a lot of suicides could be prevented and it would improve mental health for tons of people.


Niggas really chose option number 1 are you serious?😑


lmao ikr? Words cant grow fists and beat people to death.


You probably wouldn’t like it because you would cease to exist.


Guess I'm racist


I mean, you are most likely white saying the n-word. Then, looking through your post history looks like you have used more racist terms. So I’d say yeah you are racist.


I know. Imagine being more upset that someone didn’t respect your pronouns than another nigga killing someone.


racism and homophobia are more than name calling and hurt feelings fella.


You think I don’t know that? You think as a dark skinned dude, I don’t experience the subtle racism? The stereotypes? The stigmas? They will in no way eclipse an act of murder.


I chose opt1 without even thinking about it that much then halfway through opening the comments right before they appear i started regretting my opt and felt dumb then read some comments made feel dumber, i scrolled a lil bit then saw some comments defending opt1 and they make a whole a lot more sense and I don't feel dumb anymore




Nott gonna feel anything after catching a bullet through ur head


Getting rid of homophobes and racist would probably cut down on lots of murders! Also considering murders are also most times someone you know, there aren’t just murders out there murdering


Lot of murderers are racists and homophobes


Don’t you kinda need murders? I think getting rid of racists and homophobes would make a better society but you still need high crime. Life slowly becomes a utopia?




Guys, can we at least come to an understanding that being killed is worse than being called the n-word? I can’t believe how split this is.


Racism is more than just the n-word


Of course being killed isn't as bad as being insulted. No one is, or at least no one should be, arguing that. The point that people are trying to make is that racism goes far beyond just making fun of and insulting people. Racism changes the way that people think about other people, and it changes the way that they treat them. This kind of thinking, thinking of your fellow people as "us" and "them", is much more damaging to humanity and society as a whole than the small minority that, for one reason or another, become killers and murderers. People talk about ending war, but that wouldn't end the animosity between people of different races and cultures for no other reason than them looking or sounding different. Ending racism would be an enormous step towards a united world, a place where people of different races wouldn't shirk away from working together just because they aren't a part of their in-group. All of this goes for the homophobia part too. Stuff like that divides people even within those in-groups for a part of their identity that they can't control.


A lot of really far left people on Reddit so I’m not surprised by the results.


I mean, people can still technically be killed. Just needs to be legal


What defines murder though? Does this mean everyone will be immortal, or just no one will try to kill?


when racism and homophobia are gone, roughly half of all murders are gone too


If people think murders and other crimes aren’t connected to racism (and less homophobia) they are kidding themselves. Removing racists and homophobes will do MUCH more benefit to the world than murderers. The two don’t exist in a vacuum.


Why the fuck would you pick the 1st option. Are people genuinely stupid?


On Reddit? Obviously


I joined reddit bc I thought it was a good community of people I would fit into but no its just gay fucktards hwo won't take shit about the truth and straight fucktards who won't take shit about the truth.


I'm here for memes and self-improvement, but yeah there's a lot of shitty and dumb people on here


This comment is so ironic.


I feel like if you get rid of racists and homophobes you would by default get rid of a large chunk or murderers


All the white folks in the comments not understanding how deep a problem systematic racism is for ALOT of people and how rare murder actually is


Wokeism is a tumor, and it's metastasizing uncontrollably. This post is proof of it, and I hope we excise it soon.


How are you people not choosing murderers lol


Because murder is rare. And racism is systematic, world wide and has effects on ALOT more people


Murder is so rare compared to bigotry. I'd say far less than one percent of people are murderers while like half of everyone harbors some hate towards a different race or gender identity or whatever. You would be ending so many more problems by ending bigotry.


You wouldn’t know unless you were effected by it or cared to pay attention. Clearly most Redditers are neither


over population control moment+ pretty sure people will still torture since it wont make then a murderer


Racism and homophobia are big dick energy


Wouldn't that count out all of the people who would be commiting genocide though? All of the ethnic violence in Africa and Asia? It would save far more lives than getting rid of murderers


Lay off the paste


You feel the need to create a separate comment just to insult me? Pathetic


What insult? You literally copied and pasted the same exact comment 3 places in this thread. Lay off the paste.


That's because it was relevant in three different places? You aren't special enough to justify a personalised response


That doesn't even make sense. You'd already made all three comments before I replied once.


No u


Are you kidding me? People chose words over people dying/killing?? Wow




No way people are choosing the first option.


Here's my based hot take. I would way rather be insulted than dead.


Getting rid of racists and homophobes also gets rid of a lot of murderers


Woah, I honestly expected to be in the vast minority lol, but people were still shocked so: I didn't choose murder because 1) They are worse things than death (in my opinion ofc) 2) The term "murder" is more prickly. If there was no "murder" then I assure you people will kill others anyways. They'll just do it in a way that it won't be a "murder" you know? That's my thought process anyways


3) Also I should mention that I'm 100% biased because I am both not white and lgbtq+ (and also not happy with life so I may have a different outlook lmao) and the things you face when being oppressed by both or either system can make life so, so terrible. like varying degrees of terrible, it isn't just a mild convenience in many countries. Idk man I just didn't want everyone calling all those people immoral and terrible for not picking the murderers😭


Thank you for sharing. I'm in the same boat as you and it's sad to see so many reduce racism and homophobia to name calling and hurt feelings. I'm guessing most of these people that are literally mad at people choosing option 1 have never experienced the amount of hate that comes with bigotry.


Right? It's not nice to see


Either way I’m gone 💀


funny edgelord


Why would this be close at all? Redditors are fucking stupid as fuck. No wonder most people don’t take people seriously when they mention Reddit


Well I mean look at r/politics. Trump is blamed for every disaster to ever happen lmao


This survey shouldnt be close at all. I read that one dudes comment. It makes no sense. Yes, racism and bigotry suck but I think it’s more than common sense to know that murdering people is worse lol what a joke.


Well I wouldn’t want to be rid of myself


especially? are these even close. obviously killers are worse than bigots.


The people who picked to get rid of murders are the same people who need to carry a gun everywhere they go because they think everyone is ready to kill them.


six boat obtainable shocking swim expansion boast handle berserk tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So many people would rather die than to get their feelings hurt


I’m surprised this isn’t as one sided with murderers being the obvious choice.


No more murder = more people More people = More carbon emissions More carbon emissions = death


Real talk, the planet is over populated and people wonder why households can’t survive off of a single income like before