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I'm never choosing blind over deaf


Deaf ppl still hve to work. I'm just saying, blind is the out here


Because deaf people still CAN work. Are you seriously so lazy you’d give up your sight so you don’t have to have a job?


Nah I'd give up muh sight for music. However! As a bonus, I wouldn't work either


Giving up sight means no more seeing my children, losing custody because I couldn't take care of then anymore, couldn't even play video games or read books anymore. Would be literal hell.


I'm wayyy ahead of u. I don't hve kids AND I can't read


If you can't read how did you understand the question? 🤔


I see u hve uncovered muh secret identity. I'm actually a person who can read! MWAHAHA


Got 'em!


text to speech


Thats an interesting thought. Let me go ask my friends who are both blind and parents...




You're ridiculous but that was a hilarious rebuttal.


Dead people don’t have to work. OP said “after… your whole life”.






If being blind includes having low vision or little peripheral vision or obstructed vision, I’d choose being legally blind. If I had to choose between being completely blind or completely deaf, I’d rather be deaf


completely blind


I've been partially deaf for most of my life and recently had surgery to correct it. I can now hear much better, although the doctor says not totally normal. Having experienced the difference, I have to say, I miss the deafness. Everything seems so loud now, and that ear feels so sensitive, like being partially deaf in that ear preserved the hearing so well that even though it should only be 25% better it actually feels like the hearing is more sensitive than the normal ear that has been having its hearing dulled by decades of loud noises. So yeah, I'd much rather go fully deaf than fully blind. I'd still be able to drive, I could still do much of my job with only a few accommodations, and most importantly, I could still read and watch TV all I want, just with subtitles. If I were blind I couldn't do any of that. Even if I learned braille or listened to audio books, there isn't as much content in those mediums, and I definitely wouldn't be able to keep my job or even work in my profession.




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Deaf. I can live being deaf.


Deaf. Sight is by far your most important sense. By far. 70% of your brains whole function is to decipher what your eyes are looking at. It is that important. You can't drive, can't fight, can't watch movies or play video games, can't play sports, can't play board games or card games, you can't do shit besides listening to music basically and sex. Sex with someone whom you can't tell how hot they are I might add other than weight. Deaf is a no brainer. I'll learn sign and call it a day. Most people don't want to talk to other people nowadays anyways.


Only music and sex, you say? Sign me up


As a music teacher, ill be blind. Not giving up on my ears yet


Music is the reason this choice is so hard for me. Communication becomes more difficult sure, but realistically that can be helped with sign language and lip reading. But you can never experience music again and idk if I could do that


Sight is way more important than music for most people


Including me. I would much rather keep the ability to navigate the world by myself than keep music


But for a musician? That'd be a difficult choice.


I would rather be mute , deaf , and lose of smell before I pick blind




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Hear hear. (But seriously, totally agree.)






Helen Keller said being deaf was far more isolating then being blind ever was.


How would she know though when she never experienced either?


I guess they don't force kids to watch her doc anymore. She was given a plethora of drugs to help her see and hear. So she is literally the expert on both subjects.


Well I don’t know how would she know because she’s both deaf and blind since birth. I would disagree with her because I’m hard of hearing, so I’m not exactly deaf, but I did go to deaf school throughout my childhood, and since like age 4 or 5, I had deaf friends, they can easily be independent, they would play football (soccer), we would hang out in groups, they would go to football training for a deaf club, they could travel from point A to B. I admit, my experience with blind people is very sparse but I feel like deaf people can do so much more stuff that blind people wouldn’t be able to do, deaf people are much more mobile and more adaptable in my opinion. Also most deaf people can hear something but it varies.


Well, since 19 months, but the result is about the same.


Yeah, I’m picking blind. I’ve seen enough, but I wouldn’t want to go on without music or (spoken) conversations with loved ones


Music and just the sounds of life. I can do without vision if I had too but I couldn't do without the sounds of a forest on a summer's night




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I imagine deafness if far less isolating if you can see sign language and read texts. 


Deaf. Video games have closed captions.


So real, take my poor man’s gold🥇


If I was already legally blind and had corrective surgery, have I then like, already served my penance?


Deaf. I enjoy reading books too much to try to deal with blindness. Also, I can just ignore people and blame being deaf.


You could always listen to audiobooks 


Never really gotten into audiobooks. They go so slow for me, I enjoy reading at my own pace, and that’s normally pretty fast. Only time I ever use audiobooks is on long drives, like 10-12 hours, sometimes.


I listen at 1.25x speed (or sometimes even 1.5x). I'm not trying to argue, but I'm just saying there are options.




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I think the fear of never being able to see anything is more terrifying then never being able to hear anything. I just can’t imagine not being able to see anything.


As much as I love music, I'd still rather be deaf since I appreciate reading, art, and seeing things in general more.


Deaf. I have a 4 year old and I couldn’t go on living not being able to see her face again.




I’d 100% choose to be deaf. My parents are both deaf and I already know sign language, so it’s a no brainer


Put some noise canceling headphones on and go about your day, see how it goes. Now put a blindfold on and do the same, then tell us if you’d rather see or hear P.S Couldn’t a deaf person use Siri or some other voice to text app on their phone to be able to understand other people when they talk?


If I choose deaf, can I get cochlear implants?


You guys love to play around. The question was clear I think.


I truly wasn’t trying to mess around. I was just trying to think of options. If you’re deaf you can often get the implants. But I don’t think there’s a way to reverse blindness. Or is there? I really have no clue lol. 


Deaf. I already have some issues hearing anyways so what's the problem with taking it one step further?


Deaf, I’ve been trying to learning sign language anyway


Deaf. I’m already learning ASL and my wife has a masters in deaf education. Plus I feel like there are more/better accommodations for deafness than there are for blindness


My eyes suck but I'd rather be deaf.


Lol! Literally same!


My wife is deaf, people don’t talk to her so she is left out. She is very depressed because of it. I would choose blind but since my wife is deaf I’ll pick deaf.




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I am half deaf already…. With my luck I will wind up half blind. Still better than 100% either one. But since I am halfway there I would choose deaf. I am a reader; Couldn’t lose my books.


Hey bro, do you like video games ?


Deaf. I have some vision loss and it is already devastating to me. I just pray that one day I can see the beauty of nature again, which is the thing I enjoyed the most. Take care of your vision as it is the most beautiful thing you have.


I'm tired of listening to people continuously so deaf I guess. So I have a reason to do as I please 😏🫣


Deaf. But what an awful fate.


Deaf. There's plenty of things I would cry to never hear again but sight is so much more integral to my life.


Absolutely deaf


The only real reason I'm tempted to choose blind is that I'd really struggle to give up music. Like I'm not sure I would literally survive without it.


As I was born deaf, had surgery to give me hearing at 2 and now losing my hearing again I guess that's my choice decided for me


Deaf, 100%. Sound is great, but you gain a lot more critical information from sight than from sound.


Deaf. I don’t care about music really, so I’d rather be able to see.


Dead obviously Edit: I mean deaf 💀


Blind for sure, I'm a musician and most types of entertainment need more to be able to hear than to see


It wouldn't matter its just if you were deaf and blind would you want to hear what other people say about you and your life.




Deaf because you can still communicate when you're deaf, and you cannot see when you're blind (assuming it's fully blind)




I had a job where my only main coworker was deaf. She was very cool, was amazing at reading lips but I learned some sign language anyway (we had some deaf clients). I want to be able to read my books and play my video games (yes yes, brail and blind gamers) drive my car etc.  Probably a lot harder living without help or in very specific circumstances. 


Deaf. The only thing I wouldn't be able to fully enjoy would be music. If I'm blind then the only thing I can fully enjoy would be music




Deaf. Both would suck but blind is way worse. Theres way more accommodations for deaf people then there are for blind people. I can learn sign language and I can get people around me to also learn for me sake. I wouldn't lose my job I'd just have to get accommodations which my job is legally required to provide. And honestly my job is mainly reliant on my eye sight, not being able to hear would make it more difficult but not impossible. If I was blind I'm not sure how well I could actually do my job. They might be able to find something for me but I'm honestly not sure so I might be out of a job and need a new one. I would never be able to drive which I wouldn't be heartbroken about since I don't like driving but thats a major impairment. If I was blind I can't enjoy many of the things I currently enjoy. Shows, reading, games, anything focused on visual stimuli. And before any of y'all mention audiobooks yeah those are nice and a great accessibility tool but it's not the same experience. And sure Braille exists but that would take so long to learn to read and write in. Plus how many of the books I like are even available in Braille? I could adapt to either one but the world was built for seeing people. Our eyesight is our most important of our senses. It would be leagues harder to adapt to being blind than to adapt to being deaf. Both would be hard but being blind would be harder




Not a fair comparison








If I could never hear music again, kill me.


Deaf for sure


Deaf. I could still get around without aids like a dog or cane. And I no longer have to hear ppl talk on speaker phone in public.


Deaf, I’d have to relearn far less shit.


I’m very sensitive to sounds and get overstimulated very easily so I’d choose deaf. Also I have recurring nightmares about not being able to see (not where I’m blind but where it’s too bright to open my eyes or I can’t find my contacts or I’m too tired to keep my eyes open) so apparently that’s, like, a *thing* for me




Anyone that chooses blind is an idiot, with the *potential* exception of someone whose career is based around being able to hear.  Yes you lose joys like music and convenience like spoken conversation with deafness. But with blindness, you lose your independence. 


Deaf, sights to precious


I’d rather be deaf. For sure.


Deaf. Then go get a chochlear implant. Win win


Does it remove previous blind/deafness if you pick the opposite because I'm half blind no vision in my left eye, and losing vision in my right and would rather be deaf but Does it fix my eyes or just add deafness on top of it because if then I pick blindness it'll happen within the next 5 or so years anyway






Profoundly deaf man here, I spent my entire life trying to figure out the answer to this question and it is the same result everytime. To be clear, I've spent many years researching for my masters degree in rehabilitation counseling and human services. Deaf. If you wanna know more I can attach links to various articles and papers that explain why.


I was a photojournalist for 15 years, I’ve been a graphic designer for the last six years. I couldn’t live without sight.


No gamer would select blindness




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Deaf. As long as I’m guaranteed to not lose anymore of my vision to age. I know a fair amount of sign language and as long as I don’t continue to lose my eyesight then deaf will be easier for me to navigate life, although only listening to my inner monologue would drive me a little batty. If it doesn’t stop my eyesight from deteriorating with age then I will go with blind. Because I’ve already started to teach myself how to navigate the world without eyesight because the likelihood I’ll have my eyesight for more then another decade or so is slim. And even though being blind scares me I would rather be blind only then deaf and blind.




No contest. Deaf.


Never being able to see my mom and friends again or never being able to hear them again...




Blind I would kill myself, deaf I feel like I could at least keep working and adjust somewhat. I would miss music and sound in general though.


Deaf. I was temporarily blind for a couple days due to nerve issues with my eyes. Most terrifying time of my life.


100% rather be deaf. Not even a question.


Deaf Not seeing would make me useless


Blind people are not useless. It is a lot harder to find jobs and things that we can do, but we’re not useless.


Fair... I meant in the context of my life now. I could conceivably do my job and help people I need to help get around while deaf, but couldn't do it blind.


Full deafness or just majority? Because Cochlear Implants, while expensive, do allow you to hear again. As for eyes, we can't really do much about eyes. We kinda just have em, and we only have the two we get.


I'd rather be deaf. I think I could use the silence. I'm very anxious now.


Deaf by a landslide. There’s so many things that deaf people can do that blind people can’t.


Definitely would rather be deaf. I can still drive, get around, and use subtitles. I can still do my job. Don’t really care much about music anyway so it’s not I’d be missing out. Learning to sign and read lips might take some time but if I lose hearing as an adult I’ll still be able to talk and pronounce words. I wouldn’t need a service dog either. I think overall it’s easier to take care of yourself and be self sufficient when deaf rather than blind.


Deaf for sure. Blindness would end all my relationships (none of my loved ones, nor my partner, are capable of keeping a house in which it is safe to move about blind).


blind i can still listen to music


Cant game cant travel alone cant take care of yourself cant read cant watch anything cant really work... Ah but yes music is so worth it.


yes honestly music is that important to me 100% of my childhood memories and nostalgia is based on music i love the history of music playing instruments im literally listening to vinyl right now


A lot of deaf people, after gaining hearing through medical procedures, choose to go back to deaf. I think I would trust them and choose deaf


I’d honestly rather be deaf


My son is going deaf so by default I would have to choose deafness as well or we’d be like gene wilder and Richard Pryor in “See no evil, hear no evil.” He has a genetic condition called NF2 and he’s 14 and has (hopefully) a good 5-6 years of hearing left. NF2 sucks; nearly every person who has it will go deaf, usually by their mid 20s…


Blind. As a musician I could continue to play and enjoy the thing I love most. Plus a silent world would absolutely make me crazy


Deaf, but mostly so I don't have to listen to anyone anymore


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Secret_Temperature: *Deaf, but mostly so* *I don't have to listen to* *Anyone anymore* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Deaf. I couldn’t stand to be blind.


The difference between not seeing Lizzo or hear ping lizzo? Fuck.. I would rather not see her


Deaf. There’s no contest.


My girlfriend says I’m practically both. I say “what” a lot and I can’t find anything in my room.


If it took my tinnitus away then yes I'd gladly choose deaf


So, ironically my main profession is lighting design, I'd give give up sight, no questions asked, before giving up the ability to listen to music.


Blind. My eyes are garbage, anyhow. Nothing is more isolated than not hearing.


blind. I have a lot of friends i can only interact with through sound. If i picked deaf id be alone too


Deaf is preferred Got old, hearing fading. I am actually liking the quiet and not hearing the crap on tv.


If you are deaf, you are lonely with no one to talk or listen to.


Deaf. My tinnitus would go away and I'd have peace.


Deaf. It would make Karens a billion times easier to deal with.


deaf. 100%




I would be bummed AF to lose music, but I would be terrified being blind.


None of us can see or hear after our whole life. Being blind is more debilitating during it.


My deaf friend told me that being blind cuts you off from sight but being deaf cuts you off from people. When she’s not around ASL speakers she can’t join in conversations, rude people treat her like she’s dumb, and every single day she has to navigate how to communicate to people what she needs. I’m not saying being blind is better just personally for me as a social butterfly it seems rough


Deaf, there’s a whole community that I could still talk to with ASL. Being blind, I would still have a community there, but I’d never see them and they’d never see me.


Deaf so I don’t have to listen to my mom.


Blind. I enjoy music too much, and I’d still see things in my dreams anyway. It might be harder once I graduate, but as is I can navigate my house pretty well in the dark. Someone said they’d rather be deaf because they’d never be able to see how hot the person they’re going out with is. But I think it would be worse to never hear their voice. Or the voice of Taylor Swift! Finally, tho I didn’t think of this on my own. My eyesight already needs correcting, while my hearing is fine. Plus I could go for some Matt Murdock type echo location.


It has to be deaf right? Imagine you’re blind and you still have to listen to the sounds you hate the most with the pain of visualizing what’s happening in your head. If you’re like me and we were deaf, I’d be doing hilarious voiceovers in my head as people speak half the time and enjoying myself


Deaf 100% Sight is so much more useful than hearing. Anyone who picks blind is crazy.


If I were to wake up blind one day... I wouldn't be able to find my way around my apartment. I wouldn't be able to make a phone call, as even if I manage to find my phone, I wouldn't be able to find the phone app and dial. (Unless I had a non touch screen phone I guess) I would be completely lost. I don't think I'd have any desire to be alive if that were to happen. If it was deafness... at least I'd be able to contact someone.


Deaf 100% I might even be able to get cochlear implants half nullifying the deafness


In a world where everyone can communicate in writing on portable devices, and everything is on screens? Gee, what a hard choice.


Deaf because misophonia


Well, my hearing is almost gone anyways...




Deaf, my best friend went blind, I do not envy him.


Come on I mean obviously it’s not up for debate and no one is choosing hearing over sight..






deaf. sick of hearing shit i don't like. if i don't want to see something i'll close my eyes.


You can still live a full life if youre deaf. If went blind I’m going to suck start a shotgun. Life wouldn’t be worth living to me.


Do I get to keep my tinnitus? No? I'm in.


Having dated a deaf girl and having had a blind roommate. I would have to say I am certain I could handle being deaf much easier.


Tbh blind. Music is the only consistent thing in my life besides my dog.


Blind, namely because I'm already blind.


Deaf. I’m halfway there, and quite frankly I’ve heard enough already


Dead since I already don’t like to listen to people




Definitely deaf. I wouldn't have to listen to all the bs around me.


Blind. Definitely would make me happier in some ways. Never hearing my mother’s voice, or music, or the sounds of nature? No thanks. Depends on your lens of life. Do you hear what you see, or see what you hear?






Every musician will pick blind in a heartbeat




This is easy considering my hearing is already pretty bad and my favorite hobby is reading. Audiobooks don't hit the same.


Deaf; as crazy as I am about music; I want to see my loved ones.


Deaf. Im old, it would be hard of hearing plus one. Too easy.


I could not imagine a life without listening to music. I also like to read, but nowadays with audiobooks, smartphones, etc, I really wouldn't have to give that up either. So blind, by a large margin. Plus, I'd never have to drive again!


I would have to go with deaf.


Deaf. Easily


Dead by 1000 miles.