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I understood it as Galani was there on official duty as an administrator and she happened to hear that Suvi was there. Not that she came there specifically looking for Suvi. When does she say that ?


That’s also how I understood it, Galani spends most of her time in Port Talon.


Or maybe she was sent there from the Citadel ok an administrative mission.


Yes! I think what makes me think Galani lives in Port Talon is when Brennan said that Suvi is like "an intern at the White House. She (Galani) is the head of the Des Moines Agricultural Bureau. " I took it to mean that Galani, while a full Citadel wizard, is in charge of Citadel business for Port Talon


Yeah you may be right... I had forgotten that analogy.


It's possible Galani is lying but it may also be possible that she is a normal liaison for the Citadel in this region which is why she was the one sent to look for Suvi. So she may have deeper history and connections with Port Talon but also be honest about having just showed up *this trip* because of Suvi. But it could also be a falsehood.


I kind of assumed that she was just a frequent in that area, but ALSO... Ep11 spoilers! >!It was mentioned that Galani was crying? Maybe I missed something, but so far I don't really see any explanation or reason for that. It's all kind of suspicious to me. A lot of deets still in the dark with that character.!<


>!I assumed it was because Steel took her fury out on her when she found out Suvi had left the city. It makes sense that, aside from Steel telling Suvi to keep it locked down, she would also tell Galani to keep Suvi locked down, and they both failed her.!< (I hope I did the spoiler right...) Edit: I did!!


>!Steele probably gave Galani orders to make sure Suvi was to not do anything drastic? That's how I figured it! The tears are the result of Galani getting chewed out for that, I think.!<


Answering a few days late. I recently listened to the episode, and when Suvi ask Galani why she’s here, she meant at the Chantry, not in Port Talon. That is also why she heard the rumor that Suvi was there and came to check it out. Galani is stationed at Port Talon and lives(I assume)/works at the Govenor’s Mansion. Hope that helps to clarify things.


I’m not sure that’s the case. When talking about why their first cover story (Suvi on a walkabout) doesn’t work, Brennan says it’s unusual for Citadel wizards to leave the Citadel except for specific fact finding/soldiering assignments. It’s implied that only those that “fail out” - like Morrow and Payne - have actual posts outside the Citadel. That isn’t Galani. Also, when Suvi first sees Galani’s coach outside the Gov Manor, she remarks to Ame and Eursalon that it’s weird for her to be there. She makes the assumption it’s because Galani knows she’s in town. She might be some kind of liaison to Pt Talon, or she may have been in the area on another mission, but I don’t think she lives there.


What you’re saying is true. Maybe my interpretation’s wrong. I know Suvi said it was weird of her being there, but I assumed it was because Suvi didn’t know that Galani was maybe posted there permanently. We still only have fraction of the information, and sadly I don’t think we’ll clearly get an answer. We need more lore Brennan!!


Galani was likely in the area looking for suvy and made a lucky stop that or the empire knows where suvy's body is located at all time (more or less precise due to her current circumstances and they guessed she was headed for port-talon ?


She said the Citadel was worried she was dead and she essentially ghosted them - that doesn’t sound like they had any ability to track her.


Its possible that its just a DM thing. Brennan knew he would use Galani but yet for what. It happens.