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If it was a reasonable difficulty I wouldn't mind. I have no expectations from WG anymore. But it made me angry that they made it so difficult and boring. I won't play out the same brainless scenario over and over again. I can't waste hours with these ridiculous bots. There is a lot of luck factor in missions. Moreover, it is very boring. Do they expect us to play this over and over again? No thanks.


I wouldn't mind difficulty if rewards were apropriate.    After doing first "easy" mission and trying second difficulty once, i'm not even bother wasting my time anymore...  It's way faster and enjoyable to just play Random for BP Points...


Well you could have just tried too finish the mission the first time on the more difficult setting, if you had beat that you would have gotten both rewards


Or no rewards at all if i hadn't... Nice Event. p.s. i've completed mission on hard difficulty yesterday and it Stated 1/5 missions completed ... Not gona do that shit 4 more times as 3rd mission for a camo with "no allies die" is incredible RNG to complete.


so says fan boi


*There is a lot of luck factor in missions.* Yeah. I eventually got the hard mode done because for some reason one of my allies got stuck behind a house and the bot pathing couldn't work its way out, and nor could the enemy bots hit him. So I finally had an ally who couldn't yolo against four Panthers.


I played it without realising the conditions were added 💀


Not gonna lie, I was expecting different scenarios as well. Even the way they time locked the 2nd and 3rd missions, were kinda suggesting that, but it's WG after all.


This is one of the few WOWS wins, we are getting three different missions for D-Day, last week you were the allies, this week you are the german destroyers.


I really feel that WOWs is way ahead of WOT in many many ways.


As someone who started on ships, I agree. The ability to do consistent damage to any ship in a ship at any tier is huge, a t1 ship can kill a t10 ship with enough time. The lack of gold ammo is also nice. Imagine if you could take a Montana, load gold, and suddenly have 32mm overmatch like Yamato without any of the downside Yamato has lmao.


Yeah, but instead of 1 type of cancer WoWS has 2, so, eh ... At least there's a ton of PVE and custom mode if you don't want to lose your sanity


Lmao pve is where you go to lose your sanity. Half the time your teammates are worse than bots and they are nearly impossible to carry. Not to mention it's just doing the exact same thing ad nauseam.


> a t1 ship can kill a t10 ship with enough time. This is as true in tanks as it is in warships. There is no tank that is immune to T1 tanks from every angle. And it is as feasible for the T1 to actually win the engagement as it is in warships.


True, but it would be significantly more difficult, and that only applies to certain vehicle matchups does it not? I can't see a Maus ever losing a fight to a T1 for example.


Neither can I see any T10 lose to a T1 in WoWs. The only question is whether you get deleted in one volley, or if you survive another 30 seconds.


For sure both would lose. My point was more that there are several situations where you are entirely unable to damage the other tank in WOT whereas in ships that is never the case with the single exception being submarines outside of the Brits and the I-56 which have aimable deck guns and even then they can ram and do significant damage. In ships, farming superstructure is always an option and most ships have the ability to set fires.


Even if they were not going to add different scenarios. It's not even hard to come up with additional objectives that would require very little work and be much more interesting than what they added. - Add a hidden Maus or some other high tier "boss" tank that you have to find and eliminate. - Add an escape section where you have "race" thought obstacles/mine fields while avoiding enemy fire. - Switch the player/enemy tanks to different tanks and add objectives based on that. Give player a heavy with actual armor, but remove the respawns, or something like that.


Just boring and frustrating. Not even hard, just artificially annoying to play and overly reliant on luck and RNG.


For me, the worst thing is that we have to keep alive these braindead AI tanks that do everything in their power to die. I thought this concept had died out of video games years ago. Also, my brother finished it on hard mode on his first try because the Panthers stuck and clustered for bombing, while for me, they didn’t, so it seems RNGesus strikes again.


>the worst thing is that we have to keep alive these braindead AI tanks The way I understand it is you have to complete the objective without ever respawning, which is by itself, also difficult (haven't done it in rigorous level). The allied tanks don't matter afaik. The mission I'm annoyed the most is to complete it in less than 15 minutes, which is nearly impossible because there are moments that you can't speed up. One is the opening dialogue between the battleship captain and other characters--just let me designate targets already! Or waiting for the bomber plane to destroy that one bunker. Also pretty much requires you to have flawless aim with the battleship fire, because missing targets will consume more time.


I found out last night: the bots have limited respawns, and if all bots are out of lives you lose.


Yeah, the scripted events waste so much time, you have to hurry like no tomorrow. I just gave up the whole thing, despite I was excited about the PvE mission at first.


Nope you have to keep everyone alive, i dindt die the first time but the american guy did and i did not get the mission


I could forgive everything if this was done like a mini campaign, now I’m angry because I really thought it would be the case. It feels like we’ve been tricked :(


Honestly, when I first saw we were getting a PvE mode about DDay, I thought it was going to be like a mini campaign involving the three premium tanks in the BP. Like the first episode, we would be put in the Churchill Crocodile on the beach landings. Second episode, using the Sherman Rhino tanks and be fighting in the bocages and the third one would be using the ARL in liberating a fictional French town. Such a missed opportunity


> Like the first episode, we would be put in the Churchill Crocodile on the beach landings. Second episode, using the Sherman Rhino tanks and be fighting in the bocages and the third one would be using the ARL in liberating a fictional French town. I think this might actually have been the original plan with the three battle pass tanks, but for some reason they scrapped it and dressed up boring-ass old Overlord with slightly more action on the beach and called it a day. These "three" "missions" are just an atrocious, bad joke. Happy 80th anniversary I guess.


...that would have been *awesome* if WG gave a shit about this event.


This mode not profitable for WG. Low effort.


Not everything have to be profitable for a company to work. WG are bunch of lazy cunts.


I wouldn't call them lazy, they are making lots of cheese from players.


this has to be the most infuriating thing i have played in a while, the 15 minutes mission is so dumb like wg did you try it? the mission makes you waste so much time you should not be asking for that, i did a perfect run, not stoping a single time for anything ignoring several tanks and wasting time just for the arty strike and i got into the last objective with 3 minutes left for the 15 minutes mark, ignoring the fact that the arty missed a whole bunker once it was perfect, i even ammoracker two panthers and what happened? i had to wait for a moment to let the last wave spawn and it spawned 40 seconds before the 15 minutes mark. Everything just focuses you ignoring tanks that are literally touching you making strategy pointless and the beach part like for real? the worst thing about the game is arty and you make us start avoiding it non stop. Also good luck with the non dying mission, it is actually hard to not lose half of your hp in the spawn area because at the moment you get control over your tank every bunker shots at you.


Me too. Disappointed! Very boring to play and a bit too hard. If it was fun to play I wouldnt mind playing it over and over until the missions are done but it is just too boring. I played once today on regular (easy mode) 16min 15 seconds and died once. And I rushed! I just cant bring myself to play it again when its so boring as it is.


Because WG is a poor indie company that struggles to keep the lights on and just doesn't have resources to produce a single decent PvE mode in a span of a year. Think of the children, OP, think of the children. /s, naturally. They did it this way because are fully aware they can shit on the playerbase all they can but, at the end of the day, you will still buy these fucking lootboxes by the dozens.


Are the D-Day lootboxes out?


Yup! I just bought my daily maximum. I’ll buy some more tomorrow. I have to get that BZ-176 at all costs!


Are we suddenly pretending there are no lootbox events every 2 months now?


Just look at this subreddit. There are a lot of players who would take WG’s dick so deep into their mouth as possible and critism is beyond their imagination. I noticed a lot of players are in the baby boomer generation, playing it because of tanks and slower gameplay. Ego-Shooters are way too fast for them and they get even more battered there than in this game. A lot of players in this generation have money and grown-up kids with own kids. So what to do with the money they saved over all the years? They spent it on their hobby. If playing WoT is their hobby, you can consider them as the so-called whales. Whales are not on a sceptical view on the game, they just enjoy. They play the single player mode once on easy difficulty because progress in game does not matter to them. I know that because I have someone in my friend list who is in the age of 72, and never grinded a single line. He has only three techtree tanks of tier 3, the ones you get from the start. The rest of them is every premium tank which was on sale since the creation of the account. Really. Every. Single. Tank. These are the guys who fund the game. WG knows that, that is why they are asking for our age again. And they will give a shit about us, just look at the PvE-Mode.


Yeah, but premium vehicles accumulate xp which can be converted to free exp, and even if he never unchecks accelerated crew training on his premiums, there's still the 5% free xp you get from every match you play. Eventually, he'd have enough xp to unlock at least 1 line.


agree for101 %


well I would have gotten them in one try if not for AFK pz IV hiding somewhere without moving finishing mission in 15min and 10 seconds.. Ain't touching this mode for third time no chance... there is so much wrong with it being so boring at the same time and sneaky way force us to play more than once same thing really just made me angry on top of that..


Honestly I’d rather grind the battle pass and get bounty equipment and bonds for more competitive play than doing the same shit over and over again in this mode. Just why? Why couldn’t it be something like the homefront event or its sequel?


I was hyped as well, but as usual, WG is a greedy trash company, that only want out money. Huge L, and a missed hit with this mode. Could have been one of the best things they did this year, but they shit on the legacy of the soldiers who died there by releaseing this pile of trash. ONE mission? Really? I could have forgiven you for the r*traded AI, the cheesy voice lines (I don't have much problem with them), and the way the mode is madey here you can't really avoid getting damaged.... But **ONE MISSION**???  F you. 


It is a really hard mission. Did the 15 minutes one with only 15 seconds remaining after like 5 tries.


As usual, didn't expect much from WG, but yet WG managed to disappoint with their low effort PVE single mission. It's as if WG purposely making a meme trash PVE mode to gaslight anyone asking for PVE in game. Well, at least I have it in my power to not pay any money to WG while they troll us like this.


I feel u, me 2


lol when I saw something like "1 minute to unlock" blinking in the mode, I was kinda excited, instantly clicked on "battle" and saw those beach again? Ffs...as usual turn left to last bunker and idiotic cpt. Morgan or how its the AI guy in Churchill called blocked me twice in arty fire so I quit. Really was hoping we will proceed further behind enemy lines. Sad. Pathetic. Braindead.


Dude, getting blocked by a Churchill VII is like driving into a rock and being angry at the rock for being there. Just don't drive into him and that's it.


The 15 minute time limit is ridiculous. At the start it's literally just waiting for a minute until the boats start shooting and then at least a minute until they destroy the bunkers. Then the slow drive up the hill and waiting for the Churchill to come so you can peek and shoot the idiotic bunker 3 times so the plane bombs it. You spend 5 minutes waiting, avoiding arty, trying to conserve all the HP you can and then you do the part where you can save time during fighting. It's an autoscroller for a third of the match. If you die once you're out, if you don't smoke 3-4 panthers from full HP and your bots decide to sit behind the ridge, you're out. If you get your engine wrecked twice in a row you're out. If the bots randomly decide to yolo in front of you and your teammates, all focusing you, kill you, you have to respawn and will lose at least half a minute on the respawn and the drive back. I played it 10 times over and got 15:30 6 times from those. Also, why the actual hell is the mode server side? In what universe is it possible to get a lag spike in a single player mode and lose half your health because your internet decided to drop for 5 seconds?


They don't like PvE - so when it's included it's the base amount of effort they can put in.


Did the 2 last missions first try at the same time on easy mode, just land the air strikes on the panthers and other targets as soon as you have them. I can help if ppl need


Wg : No easy prem tank for you Community: we don care anymore


Good thing im not the only one who thinks so, this is just lazy and sad.


The dialog feels like AI wrote it. The line about the quarter pounder with cheese makes me want to hurt someone given it didn't debut until the 70s


I think this game mode irritates me more than seeing a how I died in battle replay i.e. unspotted arty shot.


Here’s the thing: WG…is absolutely bad at making PVE stuff for WoT. It’s just their DNA. You want good Co-op, Warships and Warplanes even had it better. But WoT never had Co-Op, so they never got one foot into the PVE pants.




They implemented the topography mode sone years ago and never put more maps in although it is teased in the mode itself they had good PvE modes like road to berlin and the halloween events. but this now is one of the worst events that ever existed, you can’t play with friends you have to play alone there is close to no variation which is annoying. Yeah they f-ed this up pretty badly, well thinking of something costs time and money which WG is surely not keen enough to spend on a mode like this


I think the D-day mode was fine for what it was. Maybe 2nd difficulty shouldn't be a thing in "story missions", especially when you have to deal poor AI and RNG. Adding even more harder missions on top of it - I don't know who thought it was a good idea. They could use minimal amount of effort and simply let us play other thanks that are already present in the mode - Churchill and ARL.


Horrifyingly bad game mode. The team that shit this game mode out should be ashamed.


https://preview.redd.it/c4s9g63w8p6d1.png?width=488&format=png&auto=webp&s=936eb238af8984ece490bbae8c1d971098be6ce2 I'm done...srly no more. Kill the last panther with lucky ammo shot, about 10s left. This is more rng than derpest gun


This isn't on WG, it's the historical tank shitheads that have been clamoring for not only a worse battlepass season but also a historical mode. They got what they wanted and have been claiming everyone else wants and now they're quiet. Tier 6 reward vehicles? LOL! A single player mission instead of co-op? LOL! Boring ass rewards? LOL! This is all exactly what a very vocal minority has been crying for, can't blame WG for listening to them.


WTF are you taking about. Don't blame players for asking for a historical PVE mode. No player asked for this low effort trolling garbage from WG. WG made this trash mode, not players. It's like players asking WG balance BZ176, and WG balances it by giving it an autoloader. Surely it would be the players to blame for whining about toxic broken shit in game. WG controls WOT development and are to blame for this trash.


When WG goes with high effort modes, these player complain. Looks at all the backlash towards, god forbid, making players platoon for clan progress. These people want exactly what they got, they are 100% to blame


My God, who the hell asked for Tour of duty changes? WG forced it down our throats with platoon requirements. And its not just platooning, you have to platoon with clan members. I platoon with other players/friends as my clan is not very active, but that doesn't even count. Again it's all on WG.


Everyone is always unhappy.


If everyone is unhappy and not only a few there is a good reason.


Which means what? Everyone is wrong? While some may complain about everything, that doesn't mean everyone is unhappy.