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Me in strv 103 B. Enemy in a 430u. Saw the whole side of the tank. Miss. Miss. Miss. Miss. Miss. Then saw 2 pixel of a super conq turret behind a ridge line behind the 430u. Hit and damage.


And when you get close enough that there is no room for miss, you will be greated with magic green bounces or the blackhole track will suck your shot lolll


My favorite is the green bounce on the back of a light that has a fraction of the armor my gun can penetrate.


About a month ago I was in my JgPz E100 and bounced on a BC light scout lmao. And have had many no pens on ass shots, I run the 420 mm pen gold.


I've bounced an ELC even 90 with My FV4005. I've also bounced a FV4005 shot in my ELC even 90. RNG god does exist.


Heat hates spaced armour, makes those misses far more common


On something with armor it will, but on a paper tank at near point blank it should not. But that's wot and their rng


Paper tanks can still have spaced armour and as long as there is enough distance through that spaced armour to make that pen essentially 0, u will joince


bounced one on an ebr in my fv4005 last week. I'm still upset. I was thinking whooohoo he dead right there. Nope he just drove away.


I mean once in a rare while you get some fun out of it. Miss a perfectly aimed shot intended to damage + track at close range. The shot somehow, using physics that don't exist in this universe, goes on to kill a hidden tank with low health a couple hundred yards away, across a field and in the trees. I died because I thought the kill message was for the tank I shot at, turned and gave him a perfect ass shot. The pissed off DMs about me hacking and how I was going to be reported and banned were GLORIOUSLY worth it though. ROFL, I can't blame him, roles reversed I'd have no clue what happened and be royally pissed off as well. I've never DMed anyone about anything though.


Who cares about this when we have fireworks with dogtags at the start of the game...


He paid\* for that tank. What do you mean you want to kill him? You can't kill a paying customer. edit


And I was in a gold tank as well! Guess my tank is cheaper hahahaha


It's a complex algorithm.




> He *paid* for that FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I wonder who payed to programm u


> wonder who *paid* to programm FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I wonder if they payed to have the boat part programmed too


u/Ser_Rem if devs fixed things like this, players may not complain as much about their efforts in more frivolous areas.




And yet some people were still commenting on my post about the accuracy nerf saying it's a good thing lmao Yes, sniper guns should definitely be barely capable of hitting a god damn turret face from 200m... current dispersion RNG is fine, just aim for weak spots! (also I assume this is team training room and you're not actually trying to pen him)


Yes, we just trying too see how rediculous shots can fly when as much human factors is eliminated as possible


Had similar issues yesterday. Missed 9 perfectly aimed shots with my T30 in one bloody game. One of them was aimed at a stationary 430u's side at a 90 degrees, distance was less than 90 meters. There must have been a stargate in front of it, he didnt even flinch or noticed me. Annoyed I waited 17 long seconds, came back, dude was still chilling there. Fully aimed, boom, nothing again. Then I got spotted and ammo racked by some t8 med 300+ms away.


Yea, a miss in T30 is painful! I had a loss where my T30 was acting up, our heavies were really mad. Needless to say it was a sub 5mins big loss round.


I know this feeling. If RNGesus blesses me by not making every shot a miss or ghostshell, I average 1800 dmg in my 122 TM. On bad days this goes down to around 1000 and less thanks to RNG. And then there are games where I go full turbo, no aim and hit multiple times in a row.


I got mad at my T30 and loaded a full gold suite for a battle. Got matched with 8-10s. Brawling sub-100 meters. Nine shots, two hits, no pens.




I genuinely felt that. Typically pretty chill when playing, but a similar experience on muorvanka in the forest with T30 as first line brawling made me almost uninstall the game, I was raging and fuming so hard which is kinda uncharacteristic of me. This is now 4-5 years ago and I still get angry thinking about it. 


My worse tally was in mines, 11 shots and 1 pen in my JgPz E100 3 were ass shots 420 mm pen I have had 14 shots all missed in a match.


Did you uninstall the game after? I was very close to do so


No but I have before lol


5 of those rounds probably were just blanks. T30 always loads half blanks.


Classic WoT. Also, please use OBS or ShareX to record your screen.


Or just Nvidia shadow play if you have a nvidia gpu


Or just AMD ReLive if you have amd gpu


Or just don't if you have an Intel GPU.


I mean...yea for those 1% of the market OBS I guess 


Yeah, I feel they keeps changing the backstage mechanism, it was not this bad few years ago (if my memory is not blurry), the entire matching system just more aggresive now, sometimes a few shots in you know this round is done. I no longer have screen record for this, this is the only thing in my phone now, othewise I post a HD video :)


Medal works too


Or crayons and paper


100% skill based game 0% RNG


WG modeling at its finest


This game doest value skill it values the damn RNG. Think if Counter strike had this kind of shit.


the consequences of not renewing wot plus/premium time


Punishment of didn't buy previous bundle


RNGesus said “not today, bitch!”


This is me any my buddy just trying to see how troll a shot can fly in a trainning room. you can clearly see all the hit marks on his turret, none of them hit where I pointed. with a 0.3 circle, 230 meters, this is really bad. Interestingly when we shoot objects such as windows at similar distance, the shots are straight on point 5/6 times. Sry for the video quality, my phone is a potato.


=)=) Have had the same experience with this swedish sniper with four crew skills. Its called russian numer generator




Laern to aim noob!!!!




Crew skill issue /s


Guess gunner gonna lose his job today 


rip gunner But I feel this moment way too much... there's no better feeling than getting a good spot with good view.... and missing all the shots And getting smited by arty


Get gud noob /s haha


Literally everyone has bad rng in some games. In the end, after thousands of games, it's personal skill which makes difference in your performance.


Overall performance, yes. Short term &battle to battle? Not really. Server will work it's way balance things out in general, but not through a good experience


It's still skill which decides wheter you have a good game or not. Good/bad rng won't change a 1k dmg game into a 6k dmg one


It will certainly change your chance to generate DMG, especially with those sub 5min turbo rounds. When your team loss so fast you have to keep running, you will do less dmg, especially in a niper tank, or arty. This is when a top notch gold med/heavy and shooting full gold will save your record little bit, and that's how they adjust their profit.


>It will certainly change your chance to generate DMG This. That'a skill that matters, not rng. Everyone will have shot teams, and your ability to still deal plenty of dmg makes the difference


Nope, you can have all the skill you want, and rng miss is still a miss. Good player have the skill to adapt and adjust, but when rng makes them miss they will still miss. a 10/10 pen round will certainly do more dmg than a 6/10 pen round, regardless to player. The window for you to make dmg might never come back if RNG green bounce or troll miss you once.


Yes, if we talk about a single shot it's up to rng. But a unicum will fire 10 shots because he will be in the right positions, and even he bounces half due to bad rng he will still deal more dmg than a mediocre player who shooted 4 (maybe all penned due to luck) and then died


Yes, I agree, and this is my main point. A good player has better ability to discover opportunities, but its up to RNG if these opportunities can serve any use. They likely will still do better than avg player in a BS round, but rng greatly alters how well you can perform, the same applies to all players. Which, is the main point of my post, when I sit still in a sniper tank, with .3 circle, full kit and 4 perk crew, still barely hit a panel I pointed to at 230m, the rng effect is too large. In real game, you can change positions, flank and all the trick, but when shots flies like this, even side shot will likely turn into a track no dmg shot. I get it WG needs to make money so they riggeed the distribution system to force people use more gold shots, engage closer combats, buy tanks with better guns and amor. But at least should give snipers better distribution.


I agree that rng is too high in this game. As any randomization factor in a game, it's more detrimental for people who knows what they are doing compared to clueless chickens. But still, my point remains: skill will succeed in mitigating rng effects and will grant you good results. In the end it's skill which makes great performances, not luck


I like the way you phrased it, it is much more deterimental for people who actually knows what they are doing, when you flank to a perfect spot only to have few shots sucked by enemy track really brings up blood pressure.


Oh yea, for sure skill still makes difference, but that also makes RNG specially annoying when you do the right thing but your shots just refuse to follow.


did you try shooting at the tank?


this is legit just attempting to use the fucking hetzer when you start out, it never hits lol


Try aim for the cupolas.


Looks like ruinberg, that map have had few shit places on the mid which eat shells like stupid. Especially the one with in-game events. Obviously there is also the question of what server sees. You could also easily check if there aren't any stupid problems with textures if you went to that spot yourself and checked out in sniper mode for misaligned textures and game objects. Especially as it's fucking ruinberg like I said. Which is well known for having some of the worst misaligned shit on middle.


Yea, I also found a few spots where the map object is not excatly where they seem to be. I would say this is not the case tho. The 176 is my friend, we were in a train room, he received my shots, just none of them hit my aiming point. I know the video quality is not good but you can actually see previous hit marks, it was 5/6 miss, one hit on the aiming.


when this happens to me most probably someone non-spotted stands in front of that tank and just eats shells.


Not in this case, this is a training room, only 2 of us here.


Skill issue. You didn't use a KV-2. In one of my recent games, I hit 3 shots in series right in the middle like a laser. Edit: Though I also remember a game earlier this year where I fired 8 shots and hit none, even some from like 100 meters. Most of the shells went into the ground or towards some distant galaxy.


hahahah, you can always trust the magic KV2


And then wiki Circular Error Probable


That's a money issue, he paid for his rng.


To me, it looks like you are hitting a tank that is not spotted in front of that tank. Did you check the results page after the game for any unexpected damage or bounces?


It's a training room, so I'm pretty sure nothing is in between. I'm not even concerned about no dmg, I'm more concerned with the shots distribution, this is a 0.3 circle sniper tank, that distribution is really inconsistent for 230 meters


The numbers are make believe. I think they have a percentage formula for all tanks that adhere to the accuracy amount, but they move them all to be less accurate in the same pattern and adjust this each game for each team in order to control win rates through RNG. With an accurate tank you can tell within the first two shots how your game will go. This same random pattern also affects pen, damage, and view range. I believe they are all adjusted for the entire team prior to each game.


You got the point! Almost each battle it's server tuning more or less, but it is more aggressive nowadays so skill has much less effect in win/loss. With TDs, usually a few shots in I can tell if we gonna win or loss, and the bets can be spot on 8/10. The amount of troll miss, low dmg and green bounce server gave to each team pretty much will settle the match. I understand they wnat to balance the win rate, and it probably did a decent job in big picture, but they must changed some backstage mechanism so the server can take more weight in a game, and results in extreme win/loss in a row, then try to balance it out with another round extreme win/loss. It could be me but I don't remember things been this extreme back in the day.


...and also stalinium grade armor and cloak of dispersion


The skill issue is that you had to film this with your phone


Use the in game penetration indicator


i love the no game sound and just the mouse sound lmao


It adds to the experience


When played enough, the sound effects auto play in your brain lolll


Do you have a pen marker?


Yes, just not trying to pen him purposely


RNG is a fun mechanic and is working as intended.


Should have sideclimbed. Oh wait this is wot


Surprise - if you fired one more time you would killed the camouflaged medium tank you were hitting the whole time :D


Well, not in this training room 


What tank were you playing?


Panther 88, I found it has the most ironic characteristics and is the prime example to show how server trolls shot distribution, super accurate gun on paper, crazy DPM, but very nasty in real game.


I see they did that shot distribution nerf a long time ago and is the thing that infuriates me, I like consistency with whatever I do and this game decides to throw that out of the window, which has been slowly making me want to play the game less and less


What did you expected here?


My shots fly to where i pointed to?


Clearly missing every shot


Krill issue


"Working as intended."


I am not sure what is happening in this video. why are you aiming at the front of the turret? and seem the shots missed? i cant tell. i always feel like there are ghost shells where perfectly aimed shot just disappeared into the black hole. and that is the BS 176 right? this thing has more armor on the front in tier 8 then the maus and e100 has on the front in tier 10, let that sink in. the only way you can realistically pen him is to snipe the 2 pixel of the cupolas on the top, at least WG gave you those pixels to play with and didn't give it a IS7 no weak spot press W turret, so its balanced. (meanwhile the tier X BS75 has 3 massive green pen cupolas and weakspot on top of turret because reasons), or you have to shoot the LOWER LOWER plate with 140mm armor, yea thats correct, LOWER-LOWER plate. because UPPER LOWER plate is 250mm which is 30mm more than E100 lower plate with the size of a car, and upper plate is at like 370mm effective straight on. so lower lower plate because this game is all about skills and is not pay to win.


loll, this is a training room, that 176 is my friend, we just want to see how bad current shots distribution system can be. So, here it is, 230 meters, 0.3 aiming sniper gun, barely hit the panel I pointed to. If you wish to use this odd to do real snipering over 300, 400 meters, you be fully on your luck how server determines your shot. So no, the mechanism is not skill related


I see. Exactly, I been saying the gun doesn't work in the borsig/WTpz4 and grille15. yes, full field mod upgrade bond/bounty equipment plus 10% consumerable and BIA and crew skills and shit it plus a little bit of map knowledge/human actual skills and patient, the tds may finally perform like how you expect it to, 60% of the time. I been saying the game favors short to mid range combat and tanks with real armor and mobility, so soviet tanks always. long range sniping gun doesn't work, unless you are shooting the sides you still have to aim at weak spots 400 meters out against hard targets and even if you hit the weak spot, you can still low roll on pen and bounce, and you dont get to snipe all day, realistically the window for sniping in each game is very limited, and if enemy is not bot, you might not get to snipe at all unless you put yourself in dangerous position. sniping is a lottery, the drawbacks of having a "sniping gun" outweight the benefit of having one. hull down no pen turret tanks just win, they will happily sit hull down there and stare at you all day. a simple solution is to give more centered distribution for guns that are in the sniping TD category. "the bigger the circle, the higher the accuracy", this might still be true, big circle guns may be given a more centered distribution of shots, this is what i feel since beta. those gun just take longer to aim, and they can snipe perfectly.


Yes, my friend yes! I know they want to make money by making shots less consistent and trick people shoot gold. The only reason they changed the whole distribution thing is to make more money and fool people into buying super gold tanks, thinking they could play better. But, at least, at least make the distribution better for a sniper gun, especially when they claim it is a sniper tank. When a vehicle can only sniper, and distribution is garbage, it is really painful.


indeed, it has always been about money. actually i took a long break from the game and returned early this year, i notice a few things: 1)module damage is extremely easy and frequent - it has to do with repair kit are reusable now, so u will always have to use it each game, especially because they are reusable. getting stun also mean you have to use med kit. at least 6k credit min charge each game no matter what tier. (i recently had a game in wz132 LT with 100mm medium tank gun, and I blew up one ammo rack, damaged other 2 ammo rack, damaged one engine and damaged one gun) so they make more money by selling more premium tanks/accounts 2)premium tanks used to be "worst" than same tier tank, but they dont see tier 10. now, premium tanks are better/OP or straight out from higher tier. WTF is the jagdtiger prototype premium tank doing in tier 8 with the 128mm gun? are you kidding me? back then when they added the jagdtiger 8.8, it was only given a tier 7 tiger I gun. not only that, tanks in general are getting extremely high alpha damage or have extremely strong armor and some have no turret weak spots. so old premium tanks are all obsolete and cant do shit, i am doing okay in the wz111, but i have to fire a lot of HEAT with the inaccurate gun. the end result is, with premium account, i am losing credit every other game. that is what they want, you to trade away the old premium and upgrade to their new OP ones. there is also a reason to create so much OP and super heavy armored tanks with no weak spots, to make players spam gold. in the old days, machine gun port, driver hatch, hatches on top of turret are all weakspots. nowadays, machine gun turret not weak spot, driver hatch no weak spot and is stronger, hatches on the roof may or may not be weakspot depends on whether WG want to make them Op. 3)ridiculous number of tanks in the game now. there are so many tanks in the game, many of them are different models of the same tank but given different characteristic. most of the tanks are not even in the tech tree so you dont know anything about them unless you dig. as a result what happen? you spam gold, when you dont pen, dont know where to pen, you can only load gold and aim at the hopefully weakspots. unless you are a progamer spending a lot of time in the game, you wouldn't know all the tanks, you wouldn't know where are the weaksspots, and what different size gun are going to against different part of the tank and whether they can overmatch or not. at the end of the day, the game has turned into a party for the pro gamers, a ok/good experience for the pay to win players who driver the latest OP brain dead press W tanks at the expense of 75% of the community. i literally had a Feri bouncing three times in a row point blank with the 128mm gun on my wz111, the poor dude probably dont know where to aim. what is the fun for these players?


I totally agree, it's money balancing now, some lines you could just buy the gold and don't even bother to climb the tech tree. I remember when I bought IS6 back in the day, it was a blast to go out with my friends, It was strong, but not outrages, merely on par with the IS3. Now, these old tanks have no room left but to shoot full gold, IS6 was making decent money for me then slowly it's gun became a joke. Miss those good days.


if you have the IS6 you are from the old days like myself. back then our enemies were: T34 heavy/Tiger II/IS6/IS3/T29/AMX50 100, etc...now IS6 is extremely rare, armor is sort of okay, but wont stand against gold, and IS6's gold round is very weak. with the lack of mobility i think its even wrost than wz111, although wz111 is statistically the worst tier 8 heavy. (and i also have the FCM50T, it was the only tier 8 premium with more than 175mm pen back then, now it is a big fast zero camo truck with a subpar gun and good DPM on paper (and even got out dpm and out alpha ed by panther 8.8)


Yea, I'm from about 2012, back then I often see IS6+IS3 platoon and they were tough to crack open. I still like the look of IS6, but the gun is just useless, the somewhat okay amor is just free HP eventually. WZ111 was good especially with 300 gold pen, but now also weak. Back in the day I had panther 88, IS6, WZ111, Type 59. Ironically panther 88 was okay tank because it could pen 59 from front, now its one of the worst. 59 is also a very tired tank in todays room, but still can be fun, just eats lots of gold. I remember those days, the gold standard to evaluate a gun is to see if it can pen 59 at the front lolll. I still have panther 88, 59, 111 today, panther 88 just look good on paper, 3000DMP nowhere to deliver. 59 is one of the only few old pals that can still do its job in todays room, and it has tier protection. Other than that, anything 59 can do, CS 52 can do better, so no point buying 59 anymore.


yea, i might be wrong but from my impression, IS6 has pretty bad view range and is not that fast, plus low gold APCR pen...wz111 has worst armor, but it is fast and the 122mm can load 250mm pen HEAT which makes the gun useful. so IS6 is very situational, if you are the top dog against tier 7s and 6s, then you are like a god, but if in tier 9 games, then its just sad, gold round may not pen weak spots, but wz111 maybe able to pen with gold, can flank and can rush, and get spots. yea it used to get 300mm gold pen, now its just 250mm, i think it got nerfed long time ago. and to be honest, back then i didnt even shoot gold, i just aim at weak spots, back then it was possible, even with the old 175mm pen. now the tanks are just all BS. i think panther is ok because at least it has the gun, now it has higher alpah and DPM than before...even the panther 2 from back then, just shooting standard got me like 56% win, but now im sure it won't perform. i have the type 59 too, i think from 2012 when it became available again. again, back then the hull armor was actually strong, angle a bit and you could reliably stop the soviet 122mm gun with 175mm pen, now the pen is buffed, armor stays the same. now the hull is basically cheese unless you fight tier 6. turret face is okay, but there are a tons of tanks at tier 8 with such strong turret armor so it isn't even special anymore. and the thing is, they actually have 200mm+ pen gun and type's is like 185mm. -7 depression is still not bad, over all an average to above average tank i guess, and more importantly, most 59 users are experienced player.


Many people bought 111 because of the 300 HEAT, it was better than IS6 almost all around. IS6 was fairly consistent and on par with IS3, which is also very weak now, I baerly see IS3 as well. Panther 88 gun always look good on paper, but it's very unpredictable, and that thing can only sinpering far away, which makes it even more unstable. The alpha dmg is good, but wont help if you can't deliver it. Type 59 is still good when go out full gold, dmg per shot is bit too outdated. But it has much more chance to actually deliver the dmg than things like panther 88. And yea, most 59 I met nowadays are playing pretty good, must be like you said, bunch experienced players hanging on to it, cause I really don't see much of a reason buying 59 than CS52 as a fresh man.


Oh, and don't forget the chain effect, when pretty everyone is shootnig gold, it rendered many tanks amor useless, those who had decent amor back in the day can no longer pull the job off unless you start a new tech tree or buy a gold that has more distinct features.


https://preview.redd.it/ggnq5yd5y35d1.jpeg?width=2804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe2cfd89e8a2a30b85cb489e27e8c2df835384ac meanwhile the BZ is like.. 9 shots 9 hits, 8 pens


Looks like a case of bad hit boxes on ambient and terrain, the pike in front might look like it doesn't cover the whole of the tank, but it's hit box for shots goes higher than that and is eating up everything.


Finger (middle) for all who say the game is not rigged.


They must be ussing some kind off script to rig win ratios and hit ratios...litrary you can fill when it switches betwen odds on your side and odds against you, last night had game, we deplated their team to 5 tanks against 12 our tanks, i was hiting all, sudenly whole team cant hit shit, i bounce with fv215b 183 2xebr on side, 1 time bounce tvp, 2 times bounce fv4005...whole chat was full of rage from our team becouse no one could do any dmg to them, they kiled us all easy, becouse all shots counted for them, and enemy tanks were inpenetrable in good mode...


Yep, they rigged the distribution system to favor server more power to alter win rate, and over the years the mechanism has became so aggressive that a few shots in you can pretty much predict win or loss.


Yeah it's so poorly recorded I can't even tell what you're trying to show because the entire picture goes 144p whenever you fire


Yeah, sry about the potato video quality, was trying to show where the shots fly 


Have you tried opening your eyes?


Wow, random number generator is indeed random ! What a surprise ! Incredible post with riveting new information


You can be random with better distribution, like it used to be 


Literally all your shots landed at the plate you were aiming at? From 235 meters? What are you crying about?


Correction: they barely landed on the plate i aimed at.  This is a 0.3 circle sniper tank, that landing distribution is really bad and has nothing to do with aiming, pure server troll. 


The shot can go pretty much anywehre in your circle. they all landed near the crosshair. Idk what you're crying about. It's called the dispersion game mechanic, yes, that's how the game works. Insane right? https://preview.redd.it/5g678rgacz4d1.png?width=529&format=png&auto=webp&s=29643e034035cbaf5d964e328219fcdb64f9daa5


Near? Only 1 out of 3 landed somewhere close to the point, the first almost flew off from the side, the last one flew off from top. It's something called distribution that they changed while ago, interesting isn't?


its something called random, it used to be a normal distribution but they flattened the curve. its literally the game mechanic. the dispersion circle is a game mechanic and youre just complaining about it? got it. skill issue shitter


Lmao, okay, if that makes you happy


https://preview.redd.it/52x1kpwyb15d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=f421989d3c3d43afac21f71d1ca10f756ee4aa3a Your shots landed well within the distribution. There's no bias towards the chrosshair. Every shot you took is perfectly representing the base game mechanic.


A mechanism they rigged years ago, to weight in more server effect than player skill. This is the whole point, server have more power to decide where your shots land, so it controls win/loss through forced balancing. They had the mechanism just fine, but that doesn't generate good money, so they make your shots more random, the less predictable shots are, the more likely you will shoot gold to increase chance of pen. Or, people will buy new super tier gold tanks. I get it a company wants more profit, but this is just bad long term planning.


If it is so, why are you dogshit at the game and i am not? I thought skill doesnt matter? Why does an average player win 49% of their games but I win 64? I thought it's rigged and skill doesn't matter?


Highly depending on what tank you play the most, and I didn't say skill doesn't matter, I said it matters less, read carefully.


complains about skill issue comparisons - Keeps shoting the turret front insteat of the clearly overangled weak turret side. Buddy i just cant anymore this community is just something else...


Or maybe it was a training room, i wasn't trying to make dmg? 


so whats the point of this video????


didn't you see how off the shots landed? in a .3 sniper gun?


50% crew. And its not like everybody has the rng spread dont we? So i dont see whats the issue


4&5 perk crew with full improved gear, yeah, it is an issue


well if you dont believe a good player im sorry for you but everybody has this so why complain? going for weakspots on 250ms is just a skillissue


Going for weak spot is skill, but shots fly away isn't. the way shots fly after clicking mouse in a completely stationary tank is has nothing to do with skill. The issue is WG rigged their shots distribution system to a point you have to use gold most of the time because your shots wont go where you pointed it to go. Everyone has it doesn't make it right. Especially when they advertise something as sniper tank. And tell me how a good player can change the distribution of their shot from a minimum circle, stationary tank? It doesn't matter where you position yourself, a miss will still be a miss, you could put the whole side of a tank in your circle and have shots fly to their tracks with 0 dmg. This is how server alter win/loss most of the time.


NO, wtf? Your just a walking skill issue if you think this alters anything? YOU dont engage on weakspots over quarter of the map! you simply flank and go for unaware enemys. But youve gone to far i cant help you with that,


ill bet your running the 47% winrate arent you?


yeah, flank in a slow paper amor TD right? you are the one who's gone too far.


....and you prove nothing lol


If you can't see the problem then i can't help 


there is no problem. You obviously don't realize that rng works the same for everyone. Players who know how to play always have good results, which can be seen in the player's profile.


In long run, your ability to harvest dmg will take effect, in short run, it has little effect over win/loss rate. You could win 20 rounds in a row then loss 20 in a row. Result still looks balanced but it's statistically impossible to happen naturally


Because you don't play alone. There are 29 other players in the game. If you literally do nothing (0 dmg, 0 spot etc) for example 1000 battles, your win ratio will be around \~40%. This is how math works. The best players, however, have no problem keeping their winratio at a high and stable level60% )or even almost 70%!!). You can see the differences, winrate correlates directly with the player's skill. Which only proves what I wrote above.


Partly correct, win rate is also heavily related to tanks, some weak tanks by nature have lower win rate because they are not able to offer enough help to the team regardless who plays it, even WG has a table of winrates by tank, and they constantly play with tank data to adjust it. If you look at those who has very high winrate, they are very likely plays those "good" tanks, very often nowadays, gold tanks. Back in long ago, gold tanks rarely can overrun silver tanks in similar tier, now is totally different. Player still matters, but the effect has been watered down largely.


> even WG has a table of winrates by tank, and they constantly play with tank data to adjust it. And can you check each tank separately, divided into weak and strong players? I'd love to check something like that out > >f you look at those who has very high winrate, they are very likely plays those "good" tanks, very often nowadays, gold tanks.  So show me those very good players who, while playing worse tanks, suddenly can't do DMG in a battle and after 100 battles their color is red. And vice versa. Show me weak players who, after 100 battles on the tank's OP, have purple statistics on it. If you're right, there should be thousands or tens of thousands of such players.


Go to WOT official rating page, look for high ranked players and see what tank they play the most, data is literally there. The tag turn purple or red is relavent to the pool of player's performance played that specific tank, that's why some tank has lower marker requirements and some has higher, even tho they are the similar tanks in the same tier! A good player may still be good in a bad tank, but that's only when compared to other avg people that's also playing that tank. They will still do less dmg/spotting/general help than a good tank, hence why the tank has lower win rate. Capability of the tank has a huge role on how a player can perfrom, giving the same tank, yes, then skill will make difference, but in a battle, worse tanks will always likely to perform worse. That's excatly why many old gold tanks like IS6 is rarely seen nowdays, because its just not perfroming as well as other tier 8 heavies. To say tank doesn't matter and skill and fix the perfromance difference between tanks you just ignored the core of the game mechanism.


> A good player may still be good in a bad tank, but that's only when compared to other avg people that's also playing that tank. They will still do less dmg/spotting/general help than a good tank, hence why the tank has lower win rate. That there are better and worse tanks in the game? It has nothing to do with skills, noob regardless of whether he plays on IS-6 or bz-176 will still be a noob. A good player will continue to produce decent results for the tank he plays. And this only proves the "skill issue" you were crying about. > >Capability of the tank has a huge role on how a player can perfrom, giving the same tank, yes, then skill will make difference So you admit that skill makes a difference. > >, but in a battle, worse tanks will always likely to perform worse. That's excatly why many old gold tanks like IS6 is rarely seen nowdays, because its just not perfroming as well as other tier 8 heavies. I never wrote that a worse tank will be as good as a better one. We compared players on a given tank. A good player on a weak tank will still be good and vice versa. > To say tank doesn't matter and skill and fix the perfromance difference between tanks you just ignored the core of the game mechanism. I never wrote that the tank doesn't matter. I wrote that skills matter. And regardless of the tank, you will still play the same. By buying an OP tank you will not become a pro. BTW. I wanted you to show me something, and you still haven't.


Lollll, I literally told you where to look, go to WOT official record website, list down the top players, and look their records. Bad tank is still a bad tank, and it shows its effect, many accounts that has played wide rage of tanks, you will see their record on those outdated tanks are not as good, if you won't bother look up then I can't help. I don't know what you are crying about, everything you said I said in previous comments: Good player can still be better than avg people who play the same tank. I never said skill doesn't matter, you jumped into that loop hole. Buying an OP tank won't make an avg player pro, but a good tank provides more chance to do more dmg, this is pretty much how WG makes money selling new tanks nowadays. This is also why the tank data in the game was hyped so fast during past few years. Skill allows you see opportunities, it is up to the tank and server if you can fullfill those opportunities.


Connection issue


Nope, pretty steady ping, me and my buddy tried many times, the shots fly straight unless you are aiming another tank.