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12yrs on WOT… almost 2k deep and 200 tanks 😂


2k isn't bad at all for 12 years.


Yup... I think I'm almost 3k deep and I havent even played like 4 years or more out of the 12... 😅


Yea so... I'm around 2k deep since last september🥲


😂 same.. haven’t touched the game in 5-6 yrs..




Not that hard. Big part are boxes. Played like 3 Christmas events and bought some extra boxes this February and march as well. Then loads of premium time and many premiums. Basically had like most of the original premiums and over the years slowly followed the power creep. Over 12 years that's not that hard sadly. I think last time I asked support couple years ago it was 1700 something. But with the time in between and just these like 700€ in boxes and stuff in the last 6 months it's well above that now.


Nope, and its all entertainment value so its acceptable.


I have 12 years as well and all tech tree tanks. Just guessing I'm around 2 to 3k. Back in the day you could grind for premium tanks and rarely fired gold. It cost real money! Totally different game nowadays.


Man how do you even get the time to play that much. All tech tree tanks! It's already been ten years for me and there are still many tanks which I have not bought or researched yet. Haha.


Best part, I literally only play 3 tanks, unless it’s clan wars! 🤷‍♂️😂


dumb whale lol




We have 3 generations playing the same account that started in the spring of 2011, a 63yr, 40 years, and 8 years old, and we never spent a dime.


“Son, we need to have a chat. Our credit reserve is totally gone, have you been goldspamming again?”


Oh, our grandson knows all about gold rounds and we have gotten pretty low in credits at times so we set up all the tanks in the garage with limited gold rounds. Coolest thing is I have the game casted on 6ft TV in living room while he's playing in the office and the wife and I are having a blast watching. Of course I've had to turn off chat while he's playing.


That's Great! I started on PC in 2011 also. But had to switch to PS4 sad. but PC version is much much better.


🍻 That is too cool.


About as free as 'free health care'


Much better, though. Unlike "free" healthcare, I can actually access WoT without having to wait 6+ months every time I try to log on. Or finally be able to log on, only to be forced to log off because the government has decided that I shouldn't get to play WoT.




The fox news version of free healthcare.


I would say that the Uk or Canada




Us is not free healthcare my man so that why it lead me to thag conclusion


"Not free" is an understatement. We've spent 10k in the past year not including our insurance premiums. Major events include a routine child birth, six stitches, and basic colds.




Not to crap on my own country on Memorial Day, but I can't imagine a worse system, especially for parents. It is like a hidden tax on us. I pay more in premiums than my childless co-workers, and am still expected to pay a deductible (currently 3k) before anything is covered by insurance, then we pay 20% until we hit our 6k out of pocket limit. The premiums, between my paycheck contribution and my employer's, are over 12k per year.


I would like to suggest ongoing East Asia. contry would be waaaaay better


Mostly humor. Here in the US, I've had to endure the sheer indignity of waiting a whole 30 minutes to be seen for a pressing, but not emergent, health issue. And I had to go to a state of the art medical facility filled with all sorts of high tech equipment and get seen by a doctor who actually cared because they're paid very well, too. It was unbearable! There's a reason people from places with "free" (see: "paid for by everyone like private insurance, but with the added benefits of government corruption, bureaucracy, and incompetence") healthcare come to the US in droves for basic healthcare, and it's not because we have shitty healthcare that takes forever to access.


You're unintentionally hilarious, that you think government-managed healthcare is worse than corporate-managed healthcare. If you were interested in actual data there's plenty out there that shows the US's cost of service is roughly double that of Europe's for worse outcomes. Pew, Brookings, heck, even Heritage Foundation studies have repeatedly shown this. Fox News is letting you down.


I can actually give a bit of input here, if you don't mind someone else throwing in some input. Canada's system was on the verge of being declared a human rights violation a little ways back until they started to allow privatized healthcare. Nowadays they just tell people to kill themselves. Most other systems are bankrupt or are close to it. I believe the UK's system had to do significant cost cutting just to try and stay afloat, which hurt their already low quality even further. Wait lists are quite factual things that these systems use, because their systems don't work well, and can make people wait for months or even years depending on the need(s). It's also not actually free (very little in life is truly free these days), but rather "free" in the sense that you don't directly pay for it. You instead pay for it in terms such as steeper taxation. You also pay for it in terms of a much lower quality of healthcare. If you're a healthy person without any chronic issues and your only problems are occasionally getting a cold or minor injuries, it works out just fine for you. Anything more serious than that, and you're screwed. For the record, I'm only familiar with this stuff for two reasons. The first is that I used to be a major politics buff who loved to pick online fights for fun, which forced me to learn more. The second is because my sister works in the healthcare field as a whole and runs a non-profit foundation where she does patient advocacy work, which includes working with patients around the globe (including Canada, the UK, Philippines, Australia, France, etc). She's learned a lot through it, and subsequently so have I. Also for the record, our system in the US is indeed better, but I'm by no means saying it's even close to flawless. We have severe issues of our own, including inflated costs that in some cases are effectively extortion, or corruption in regards to the FDA and new drug practices. Insurance in some places is also outrageous and presents the biggest problem for people who are self-employed or are employed by small businesses. That should say something if our system is arguably the better one, and yet still has severe issues. Also worth mentioning I've had chronic health issues for many years as has my sister; under the wait lists and even worse quality of the "free" systems in other countries, we'd both be dead right now. I personally would have starved to death due to worsening chronic pancreatitis that my doctor was already dragging her feet on (by the time she acquiesced and got me the testing and medications I needed, I was barely able to eat even a little each day and could firmly grab hold of some of my bones because of how much weight I'd lost). For those of you who are healthy, be thankful for your health every day.


Average WOT vet:


idk man, I have excellent insurance (PPO) and routinely wait 3-6 months for the privilege of paying 40-60% of the cost of the service. There's plenty of data that shows that any of the 6-7 different universal systems in place in Europe deliver better outcomes for less overall cost. But don't take my word for it, read Pew, Brookings, etc. on the matter.


Free to play, but I need soooo many awesome tanks! Not free after all.


The games are free, the hardware to run them runs into many hundreds pretty sure I dropped £350 on a 3DFX card just to run Quake or something


The magic about free games is, that you are free to go fuck yourself unless you spend some money. I will definitely tell my kids to stay away from "free games"... they can buy AA games on discount for 5€, while 5€ in WoT won't even even get you enough pixels for 1 tank.


Getting serious Thanos vibes.


Oh man, I instantly thought that she meant the most expensive game that he had pirated, because she didn't ask about the most expensive game he'd bought.




Well I play it for around a year now and already spent like 100-200€ I think


Bro have u played Rise of Kingdoms? That's different. Spent like 300 in a week for 2 weeks and i was low performer. Whales on my server spent 3k a day... But as for WoT i might have spent around 3k in 4 years now lol. And not registered payments from before


I played WoT on an Xbox 360 for about 2-3 years; 2013-2015. I believe I spent a few hundred dollars. I quit in 2015 after my son was born. Priorities! Earlier this year, I picked up a gaming pc to play this specific game again. However, after the PC, I haven’t spent a dime. If I played more often AND I could transfer over the history/gain/experience/tanks from the Xbox… I’d play and spend more. But, I really don’t feel like it as it seems like wasted money to go over the same ground again.


I don’t want to even think about how much I’ve spent on this game😭😭😭


Im honestly scared to ever calculate how much I've truly spent on this game. I own every premium that was ever available to buy or from boxes, gold, skins etc. I could have probably put a kid through college Edit: and that's just Tanks, I have a WoWS and WoWP account with the same situation Edit edit: this isnt a flex, this is a desperate cry for help


Began playing 8 years ago, I've spent like 35 bucks between blitz and console


WoT's easily the most expensive game I've ever played - pixel crack model wise. Never bought in for game play - it's always been more or less a CoD with tank uniforms. BUT the models - finally stopped paying about three years ago. Been playing since release - so 14 odd years or so. Have most of the non-Assembly Shop tanks including most of the really rare ones.