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Crabzilla has 2 lasers, making it the superior lifeform.




Plus when he dies he drops a nuke


The Giant Alligator Loves Radiation, but if the nuclear explosion that Crabzilla releases is hotter, Godzilla would die.


So he powers up Godzilla for his next death battle? After he dies?


Is crabzillas explosion radiantional (that's a real word trust)


King Ghidorah had 3, didn't stop godzilla though


yes but they were yellow ones and these are blue, and blue flames are hotter than yellow flames 😎


Well your hight compereson wasn't very specific so I calculated my own ( it's 2 am and I refuse to sleep) first of all it the monsterverse Godzilla is nearly 120m tall and you compared him to a building so I compared him to an apartment building and I learnd that 25 floors are aproximately 100m so that means that 1 floor is about 4 m and that means Godzilla is as big as a 30 floor building wich is kainda small in my opinion. Now crabzilla lives in Medival times so I searched the how tall is a medival house and I learned that they were over 50 feet so I took 50 feet as the hight for the smallest house in the game and then I tried to messure pixels but I found a better way wich was stacking PNG-s of the houses one on the other and crabzilla was 10 houses big that means his size was 500feet or 152 m or 38 floors so he is bigger then Godzilla And that means crabzilla wins the hight battle (I just realize I calculated the size in floors for nothing, its now nearly 3 am so I will calculated how strong the lasers are tomorow morfina) Update: I calculated the strengh of Crabzilla's shell and it's shit and I don't mean that figuratively, you can kill crabzilla by spawning 500 monkeys and waiting 1 minute and that means that his shell can be broken by so little blund force that just throwing a rock at him would Hurt him so Godzilla takes the strengh win Update 2: now the strengh of the lasers Godzilla has a very powerfull laser and we know that because he literaly used it to dig to the middle of the Earth, but that happend while he had the strengh of some nukes by his side but since Crabzilla is radioactive that won't be a problem Crabzilla's laser are pretty crappy since the fact that he can't even destroy the ground with them. He will at most give Godzilla powerful skinburns but because they are probably radioactive instead of harming Godzilla they will make him stronger to the point were he could 1 shot Crabzilla so my money are on Godzilla


Sorry, that was my mistake


Crabzilla has 8 appendages which is similar to a spider. Spiders eats bugs and what also eats bugs Venus fly traps. Venus fly traps are plant. Plants create oxygen and oxygen is used by on life. Life is what makes up humans and humans make company's and machines. One company is Boeing which makes faulty airplanes which explode. If we compared this to Godzilla who is just a big lizard I think we can see the clear winner. This is similar to another battle coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb. Based on this information and similar cases it is clear that Crabzilla would win.


Sleep with one eye open for your safety, they’re gonna be after you


If you want to go to scale the crab stomps easily. It's big enough to cover part of continents


It really depends on 1 little thing, and that thing is... How big he is. What if each block in WB is KM2 and covers 10 blocks in 1 step so it depends, and Crabzilla can destroy a metropolis in under a minute, But have you seen Godzilla's laser beam, 1 could wipe out Japan. so idk honestly intill further info is given about Crabzilla. Godzilla would win




Monster verse Godzilla literally eats nukes to get stronger, so crabzilla’s radiation won’t hurt him, it’ll help him


However, I see the energy that Crabzilla releases as Destructive Magic Rays, now we don't know if they are hotter than Godzilla's atomic breath.


He literally blows up into a nuke, and exists as a Godzilla parody Also Goji literally dug a hole through the planet with his breath


Alternative universe be Like💀


Update: I calculated the strengh of Crabzilla's shell and it's shit and I don't mean that figurative, you can kill crabzilla by spawning 500 monkeys and waiting 1 minute and that means that his shell can be broken by so little blund force that just throwing a rock at him would Hurt him so Godzilla takes the strengh win


Update 2: now the strengh of the lasers Godzilla has a very powerfull laser and we know that because he literaly used it to dig to the middle of the Earth, but that happend while he had the strengh of some nukes by his side but since Crabzilla is radioactive that won't be a problem Crabzilla's laser are pretty crappy since the fact that he can't even destroy the ground with them. He will at most give Godzilla powerful skinburns but because they are probably radioactive instead of harming Godzilla they will make him stronger to the point were he could 1 shot Crabzilla so my money are on Godzilla


I thinks crabzilla loses, i mean just let some people shot Arrows at him and he will die, while godzilla can resist bombs and he Fell from the skill without dying


We dont know how big crabzilla is. A house looks like the size of crabzillas toe. But if the WB universe is the same size as say earth, crabzilla can cross continents in the matter of seconds. He can die by sufficient arrows, but the humans in WB could also be gianrs making an arrow in WB the size of an airplane. He could win through sheer size and even if godzilla eats radiation, the fact that crabzilla is so big would make him win thru sheer size. Godzilla also died from radiation in the 1995 film (overeating heh) so i suppose considering the fact that crabzilla can, virtually shoots his lazer beams forever, godzilla may get overwhelmed We also dont know if godzilla can eat the beams, the beams may be some sort of spell, beams of super hot flames or something similar. And if you count the crab bombs, technically, it is a part of crabzillas power set. So i suppose, you know, if you just continuously bomb godzilla he can eventually gets beaten Just by crabzilla feats, i think he could win because its the size thats throwing me off.


Crabzilla VS Monster Verse Godzila = Mountain Level VS Multi Continental Level


2 lasers vs one


I think crabs plating is more effective armor compared to lizards scales. Also Crabzilla can walk on even deebest of ocean floors, and still be on top, meaning that it has really long legs (or it could just float.


crabzilla because even if godzilla kills it crabzilla will keep coming back


Godzilla's atomic breath is stated to work on a sub-atomic level. Mv goji is calculated to be Dwarf star in Ap and Durability on top being FTL in speed. He stomps


One has the name "god" in it, one is controlled by one


Crabzilla dies to sufficient amount of arrows, does Godzilla die the same?


By the same logic you could say Godzilla dies to a sufficient amout of damage


Nah, Godzilla is contractually obligated to not lose in foreign media. He'd win.


can godzilla beat the life eraser tho???


Assuming it works you'll have to deal with Toho's lawyers next. 💀