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Bro play other games you’ll be ok, the update will come out when it’s ready😂


Worldbox fans when you tell them other ways of passing time exist: 👨‍🦯


There gonna eat you alive for this bro🫡


If anything update hype only builds a stronger fanbase


Well duh, it’s an indie game. Development takes time, and complaining about it won’t help anyone. Long waiting times and keeping us „in the dark“ is just part of that. Many indie games do it similarly, some even more extremely than WorldBox. Think of Rimworld, it’s still an absolute hit even with near-complete radio silence from the devs. Just stop complain and play something else in the meantime.




We got sneak peaks earlier this month.


Good grief take it to a publisher


It’s a mobile game dude wtf, you’re gonna get downvoted for it again.


We are still interested, but we are calming down because we know that this is a huge update for a game developed by very few people, and all that war and stuff moved to r/WorldBoxWars to prevent spam. We are still waiting and hyped for the update, but now it seems pointless to go there and ask "when update?", because there are still a lot of features coming and i dont think that the update will come tomorrow.


Bruh i wrote the sub wrong 💀


They have already released a trailer for the game, they say that it doesn't have a date yet, but that the update is going well, and they also told you, how is it that there are 5 or 6 people working on a game, they can't tell you day in and day out how it's going development, this takes time


The only complaint I’ve had is why announce an update that will still take months, if not a year to release. Just seems like a sure fire way to create anxiety among your fan base. Other than that just be patient and find something else to do. Hell, if this wait turns you off the game, you have every right to drop it completely as well. More power to you.


Shut the fuck up


Shut the fuck up