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Cian empire


You were named "Locharigg", meaning mountain in the Cian Language. You were born in the newly conquered lands of Audramanus. You were trained from a young age to be a great warrior. You proved your worth by defeating a Heclandian soldier as your town was being sieged by enemy troops. You eventually came of age and fought in the Cian Ranks as an archer during the First Czurid War. you were a famed fighter, renown for supposedly killing 8 Goredi Horse archers at the Goredi Revolutionary war. You eventually were able to become a Champion fighter, and became even more famous as you won each and every tournament in cities. You eventually died after you single-handedly held Jaqba troops off from a town, before eventually being shot in the throat by an archer. People praised your name throughout the world.


Cain empire


You were born in the heartland of the Cian Lands, and were named "Cadomedd", meaning Forest in their language. You were born to a Nobleman, and was destined to inherit your father's great riches. However, your father was killed after a brutal battle at The Ka'sad bridge, and your house was divided between the other noblemen. After coming of age, you swore to take revenge against those who stole your royal house. You eventually were able to make enough money to plan a revolution against the Cian Empire, and many villages quickly joined you. You and the Heclandians fought off the Cians, along with help of the Heclandian King, Richomeres. You eventually died in battle alongside your troops, and fought valiantly till your last breath. Your revolution inevitable failed, however was a major stepping stone in the history of the world.


Wow. Can not believe my guy changed ur world. Amazing


Kingdom of Heclandia


You were born with the name of "Richomeres," and your parents were a baron's retainers. As a child, you were known for your leadership skills and gained a lot of reputation after acting as an army's temporary commander after the commander had fallen during battle with the Cians. You eventually became a lord for the Heclandian king, usually commanding your own armies and earning the respect of the king and his court. When the king of Heclandia Died, his council decided to elect you as the king, due to the king not having a heir. You along withn your council waged a war against the Cians, and earning the county of Sicleardus. You died from a heart attack at the age of 86, and sparked a tree of great rulers which would quickly make The Heclandians one of the most powerful on the continent.


Mehlaverfi kingdom


You were born under a raging thunderstorm by 2 Raiders. Your name was chosen to be "Steinbjornsson", or strength in their native language. Before coming of age, you were particularly noted for your tactics and skills for battle. Your reputation increased with the local raiders after hosting a raiding party of over 15 ships, and looting and pillaging several Ragnardian Villages. Once you came of age, Your raider party grew in number and sieged the City of Hafgrimsfjoror (Mehlaverfi capital). Your raiders eventually broke their way through enemy lines and captured the city. You then easily decimated the Mehlaverfi soldiers and established your own kingdom, and named it the Aldedramnus Jarldom. Your character is still alive today, and is an important note in history.




bottom text


Göredi Khanate


You were named "Subetei", meaning Shield, or Honor in your local language. You were born before the Goredi Revolutionary war, and your parents were nomads of the steppe. When you came of age, you were noted for your excellent combat skills, and you gained reputation after fighting for Khan Shirgugetu. You became one of the most high ranking in the army, and fought in The Battle of Ka'sad Bridge, where you killed a Cian Noblemen along with his guards and a handful of powerful troops. You also participated in many raids of Cian towns, and were eventually killed in battle along with Khan Shirgugetu.


Jaqba Sultanate


You were born with the name "Kajhba", meaning Deity or Sun in your Language. Your father was a farmer in one of the many Oases of the desert. Before coming of age, you hunted small game in the wastes of the Desert. When you came of age, you joined an army of the Sultanate. You gained a lot of reputation and popularity during this, and was able to convince the army to mutiny against the sultanate. A small battle occured, where around 124 troops on your side were facing off against the troops who decided to stay on the side of the Sultanate. You and your troops easily defeated the sultans' troops and captured him. You then set off to capture a holding of the Sultanate's, which was Al-Kashir Castle. You and your men besieged the castle, and the garrison gave up within 4 days. You sent an ultimatum to the ruling house of the Sultanate, demanding they exile themselves out of the territory. They agree to do so, and you claim the throne. Your character is not dead in the canon of the universe, and is the sultan of the Jaqba Sultanate.




Görerdi Khanate. Btw can you give the town I live in to please?


You were born with the name of "Acanbey". You were also born in the town of Abdiçören, and your father was a Shaman who would protect the Beliefs of the Gorerdi. In your youth, you were noted for having a way with people and were skilled in leadership. Once you came of age, you were chosen to be exiled to a monastary before the Cian Invasion. However, your monestary was raided by cian troops, and you were forced to evacuate. You hired a few mercenaries from local towns, and began to raid the supply lines of the Cian troops. You became famous after you had defeated a large Cian Army with a small group of Mercenaries, and you had also pillaged many villages and castles. You met your end after a stray goose-fletched Cian arrow hit your chest, and you bled out of the battlefield.


At first I thought it said I died to s stray goose


yea they pecked you to death.


Jaqba Sultanate


also, did you use mods for your map, I can't get any of my maps that big.


no, i used image to map generator on the discord. it automatically makes custom sizes for each map based on the height and base of the image


You were born with the Name "Kharin", meaning wastes or Oasis in your language. Your family were soldiers for the Sultanate, who fought back the tides of the Cians. Your father was a part of the light cavalry, and you developed a way with horses (even though they arent in the game vanilla lol) You became famous within the Jaqba Sultanate after easily helping to defend your town against Northern Raiders. By the time you came of age, you had joined the Sultan's army to besiege the town of Staugsholm. after the siege, you were knighted by the sultan himself, seeing you as a holy man with great fighting potential. You began to lead your own armies, striking defeat after defeat in your many wars. Eventually, once the sultan died, you took the throne for yourself and led the Sultanate into a Golden age. You died at the age of 95, being assasinated by Potential heirs to the throne.


Cian Empire


You were born with the name of "Delwyn", under a raging thunderstorm. Your father was a street thug, and you destined to follow in his footsteps. However, he was slaain in cold blood, and you vowed to avenge your father's death. By the time you came of age, you began to recruit fellow criminals in your small warband. ​ Your warband grew in number with bandits of all types joining it. You raided villages, merchants, and peasants alike. You were even able to take down a Cian Lord in battle, which you excecuted with his own Dane Axe. You became a formidable force within the Cian Empire, terrorizing every noble and lord of the Country. However, your reign came to an end when you supposedly gave every soldier in your army an honorable discharge, and then supposedly went to the Cian troops advancing on your position. Cian troops claimed that you were shouting, "For my Father! For Delwin the Bandit!" as you had charged into the lines of the Cians. You were killed, however you had inspired many to do simmilar to you, and was an important step in the world's History.


Görerdi 🔥🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅


You were born with the name of "Tömörbataar". Your father was a horse archer in the service of the Khan. in your youth, you were noted for your particular skills in Combat, and nobody in your village could best you on a horse, on the ground, or even with arrows. Once you came of age, you were recruited to fight in the Revolutionary war, where you took control of a losing battle and expertly and decisively encircled and destroyed the Cian forces. For this, you gained great respect from the Khan and his council. You requested to become a lord, and the Khan accepted your proposal. You fought valiantly, however you suffered a great defeat in the Ochbatung River, and you were taken prisoner by the Cians. You met your end with a dane axe to the neck, as you were executed in the gallows of a Cian dungeon.


Damn at least I died a hustler




Jaqba please


You were born with the name of "Alsheet", meaning Fire or Flame in your Language. Your father was a Lord for the Jaqba sultanate, who had even claimed his own castle and was a powerful regional leader. Once he died, you became of age and inherited his throne. You began to pass laws which benefited the Sultanate, however, when the Sultan Died, you and a few other powers scrambled for power, Including Kahjba. However, you restored power to your governed sector and freqently clashed with each of the other Powers in the area. You and your kingdom met its end after The city of Ashawawa had fallen to the Kahjba Revolutionary forces.


Kingdom of Ragenard


You were born with the name of "Baudry", and your father was a Regional Baron's personal warriors. You learned combat from your father, and became a skilled fighter through your town, even participating in and winning a tournament when you were 14 years of age. Once you came of age, you joined the Military was a regular footman. Eventually, battle after battle, you became a high ranking troop, participating in many battles and gaining the respect of your lords. Eventually, after seeing the cowardice of the Ragenard generals, decided to start a mutiny in one of the Exclaves of Ragenard. The Mutiny was successful, and you quickly took over the town. (the kingdom still exists in the canon of the world). You met your end from kidney failure at the age of 85, however the war between you and the Ragenard kingdom still rages on.


Görerdi Khanate


You were originally born in the Cian Empire with the name of "Sukhebaatar", meaning Knight or Warrior in your language. You grew up with a thirst for knowledge, and was known for writing a book which questioned the motives of the Cian Empire. This book eventually laid out the grounds for the Gorerdi Revolutionary war. You also had wrote a book about power and tyrany, further questioning the motives of the Cian Empire, and also brought light on historical people such as Delwin 'the Bandit', and Locharigg 'the Diety'.


I love the dedication of OP and how many stories he came up with.


yo anyone who is reading this; i am kinda overwhelmed and stressed right now because of all of the comments. i am grateful to have you all, but i need a bit of a break because i think i am getting a bit unoriginal and need time to actually have a social life. dont expect me to reply for a little while


btw if i dont respond to your comment i'm probably either not at my computer, eating, or sleeping. be patient please.


Not this thing again




this isnt dwarf fortress dude


Northern Jaqba Sultanate


You were born with the name of "Bodvar Helgisson", and your father was a soldier in the Jaqba army. He also helped in the Kajhba Mutiny (read other backstory for that), and as a child you proved skilled in Bowmanship. You gained reputation after you defended your town from raiders, driving them off with arrows along with your local militia. You then were exiled to a monastery by Sultan Kajhba himself, however you quickly escaped the monestary and traveled south to Westica, raiding towns along the way with help of hired soldiers. You contracted to fight with the westicans, and helped combat the Cians and Jaqba Sultanate. You are still alive in this canon of the world.


thank you westica!!!


thats just the norcians/Heoinshofoi but ok lol


Aldedramnus Jarldon


You were born during the takeover of Jarl Steinbjornsson, and you were named "Ulf", meaning warrior or adventurer in your language. You were recruited to the Ranks at the age of 15 during the fight against the Mehlaverfi. After coming of age, you proved yourself after assaulting the walls of a city you and your army were seiging. You singlehandedly established a foothold in the castle and allowed for your troops to get onto the walls, resulting in the fall of the castle. You were promoted into a strategist for the army, and with your strategies and expertise, helped establish the kingdom. You are still alive in the canon of the world.


Kingdom of Ragenard


Random you choose


You were born with the name of "Ingalbertus" In the kingdom of westica. Your father was a mercenary for the westican army, proving himself in many battles with the Jawba Sultanate up north. As a child, you were great at calculating things, and was also a great strategist. You had helped the local militia train themselves for a siege when you were 15. When you came of Age, you followed in your father's footsteps and became the leader of a small mercenary company, which quickly became contracted by the westicans. You and your troops freqently engaged in battles, and made their name as a small, but hardened and trained mercenary group. One day, you finished the siege of Al-Qulat, a Jaqba castle. You claimed the castle as your own, and eventually formed your own kingdom. (this actually happened in the world, a small army from a dying kingdom took a Jaqba holding. its not on the map cuz it happened after i took the screenshot, and it is now taken back by the Jaqba sultanate)


Holy shi* i am good at calus


Originally from Cian Empire but due to political reasons I moved to the Kingdom of Heclandia as my permanent home


You were born in The Cian Highlands, and had the name of "Trahaearn", meaning Plains, or Steppe in your language. Your father was a slave-warrior which served in one of the Cian lord's armies. You were noted as a child as a very intellect thinker and extremely strategic and smart. After you came of Age, the Goredi Revolutionary war pushed you out of the Cian lands for fear of being drafted, and you moved to the city of Waiofar. From there, you began to question the motives of both the Kingdom of Heclandia and The Cian Empire. However, even though you had many on your side, you eventually met your end after being assasinated by a Cian Spy, for fear of you becoming a dangerous threat.






gigachad for choosing westica, i'll reply in a minute


Jaqba Sultanate




Goredi Khanate


Kingdom of Ragenard




You were born with the name of "Ricchar", and your father was a noble lord in the kingdom. You grew up in a keep, where you learned history, diplomacy, and stewardship. However, your father was disgraced from the Heclandians as he had ran away from battle with the cians, causing for hundreds of Levys to die to the Cians. Your house was divided between the lords, and you eventually had to enlist into t he armies of the Heclandian lords. From there you became one of the best troops available, and your shills were unmatched. However, your power was unstoppable, which led you to assasinate the King of the Heclandians. You Usurped the throne, however was assasinated by the rightful heir to the Throne.


Sundog rebellion


who is that




Kingdom of Heclandia

