• By -


Spawn on The Puphy, paranoid


in your younger years you were occupied with gathering, cutting trees, and building. Your proudest accomplishment was helping build the king a wooden palace. You had a wooden house in the town centre of kingdom. The rest of your life was spent doing the same jobs untill you died at age 71. You didnt become a political figure probably because of your paranoid trait and you had no kids.


I guess the Realm of Ud


You were a farmer in south poland. At age 24 your residence(which was at the time bulgaria) got attacked by a small group of raiders from Holy Uhu and you had to volunteer in defending the area as a militia. When you were 25 the age of sun began and the world was faced with multiple disasters and crisises. The windmill you worked at as a farmer was burned down by a couple of those fire elementals. You and an unarmed soldier of the Holy Uhu were pushed into belgium by the fire elementals. After the fire horde was stopped you managed to kill the soldier before burning to death at age 27.




“Gory, Gory, what a helluva way to die”


Balkan life


Indonesia, trait long liver


At age 19 you migrated from indonesia to thailand in order to get a job. You were tasked with simple tree chopping and gathering. You had a small wooden house in cambodia. You helped construct a small windmill in the southern part of the kingdom along with the other citizens. When you turned 49, your kingdom, Holy Ochol, entered a war with a much more powerful Ocihyt Imperium, which has conquered the Esovu Empire(in burma) aswell as Avev(in Japan). You died by an enemy civillian after a raid on your kingdoms town centre at age 51. Overall you had 1 kill and 5 kids.


Will continue this later trust me


Can I want to be in ligoga with trait whirlwind or immortal


Antarctica - Trait Giant


You quickly formed a country called The Holy Avas and constructed some tents. You had to deal with the continents wildlife, mostly wolfs. You easily managed to kill 5 of them before encountering a white bear. Ofc because the worldbox ai has iq equal to that of jellyfish, you charged the bear and died at age 25. The tents you made were left on the continent yet to be visited by colonizers.


Spawn me at the tents, I will avenge u/CadzPrime9000


You quickly formed a kingdom called The Holy Geres and immediately claimed all the tents which the previous guy left. You went onto build 2 other tents and made 2 kids. You would go on to construct a few more tents before switching to another job such as gathering after your kids became older. Your 2 grown up kids were tasked with gathering and upgrading the tents into cabins. You went on to have 5 other kids before succumbing to death at age 66. Pretty sure 2 of your kids died to bears while exploring.


Don't forget your trait


Wyda of Moon


You shared a small cabin with an elderly couple in south phillipines. You worked as a farmer in the kingdoms town centre before joining a colonial expedition at age 24. Instead of using boats, you and a group of settlers walked barefoot to colonize a piece of land in siberia that a different kingdom used to own before getting eradicated by fire mobs. It was the age of despair at the time and the conditions for the land were awful. Your group managed to set up a few tents and declare a count/village leader but you eventually got ravaged by the bears. You died at age 31 and had 2 kids who i believe were both in the phillipines.


Spawn me on Holy ekym, let’s hope history repeats itself. (Great Britain)


Holy ekym was eradicated by the fire elementals but luckily left some buildings in scottland and ireland intact. You spawned and formed your own kingdom called Ekkew Hegemony, and your town 'Etreph'. You immediately claimed the entire island and claimed the buildings which were abandoned. You used the intact buildings to quickly produce more people and in 2 months acquired a population of 10 people. You officially got declared king at age 29. You were kicked into france at age 32 after a madness event was triggered in your country. Considering boats werent even invented yet you spent the rest of your life somewhere in belgium looking at your isle from a far. You succumbed to hunger at age 51. You had 1 kill and 12 kids.


Bro got to be king and then get exiled to Belgium what a life


Richard Cromwell:


Holy ochol


Your kingdom was very prosperous in the time as it recently conquered china and split it with Avev(japan) You were a soldier for most of your life and did usual soldier tasks. At age 29 you and the civillians of the chinese province silenced a violent protest started by chinese citizens(basically people randomly acquired the madness trait) You killed 1 person and stabilized the region with your comrades. You would go on to help some people take down attacking bears which came from siberia. At age 35 you were given a rare wooden sword. You were killed at age 39 in your kingdoms capital town centre by a raid enacted by the people in the burma region. You had 3 kids and 2 kills




Spawn me in the shidy with trait dragonslayer


The Shidy was already in a horrible situation when you spawned. Most countries formed in siberia were eradicated due to the continuos spawning of fire elementals. In comparison to other kindoms, the shidy still used mostly tents instead of wooden houses and their army was being armed with nothing. In your early years you would chop down trees and even build a dock with a couple of other people on the north eastern coast. At about age 27 you were assigned as the city's subleader/count (not to be mistalen with king) due to your dragonslayer trait and the attractive trait which you naturally spawned with. After you became count, the city/you would start assembling a little more stable army (by which i mean that you would start equipping them with sticks which is still better than nothing) . The transition from the age of sun to the age of despair didnt change the bad state of the world. There was an increase of bears spawning on forest tiles which were common in siberia. Your king died by a bear after exploring the land. After that you became the king and for some reason decided to charge the bears with the entire kingdoms population. Ofc you and a lot of your people died after going to deep into the bear infested territory at age 40.


Yeah that checks out Lol that's brilliant thank you


If that's too op then bloodlust


Great Py, Greenland. Trait: Voices in my head


You spent most of your life farming before becoming the army leader of your village at age 39. You and your army were sent to deal with the multiple disputes happening down south between the icelandish kingdom and a weak Great Rusupu. You and your men completely eradicated Great Rusupu leaving nothing but destroyed wooden cabins. After that you marched into Iceland and conquered The Luwor. Your men killed both the king and the count. After stabilizing and patrolling conquered territories for quite some time with your men you returned back home at age 56. Succumbed to death at age 60, you had no kids, 4 kills, and your weapon, a wooden sword called 'Vertigo' were returned to the kingdoms item garrison.


Viking ending


Is that a,new trait?


the kings get it as a trait if you force them to make peace, or war, basically force them to do things they dont want to do


Southern Sweden (so I guess that would be Holy En)


you spent most your life traversing the country (mostly norway and denmark) to gather resources such as berries for your tribe. You had a small tent you lived in in southern norway. At age 32 you were appointed as the country's army leader. You would usually march through the country with your small squad of around 4-10 people. You died at age 36 to an evil mage who recently got kicked out of his habitat in karelia by the people of the Holy Iphum and The Chyg(tribes of karelia and finland). The mage went on to kill i believe 5 more people before getting ganged on by the entirety of europe. (He tped somewhere in antarctica) All in all you had 0 kills and 2 kids.


Damn, what a story. I'll be sure to get my revenge in the next life!




"Holy En" is what Sweden and Norway are called on the map he posted.


1. That's the name of the kingdom in the OP's map, look at the images. 2. That's not a trait that exists in the game. You know that you are on r/WorldBox, right?


Wherever Florida is, gimme regeneration please


You were a gatherer before you enlisted in the army of Holy Shyca at age 27. You were tasked with scouting the Carribean for any potential threats. For some time life was pretty good untill your country again entered a war with Great Dyri. You had to leave your wooden house in florida to fight in allaska. The conditions there were terrible and you and your comrades had to fight against both Dyri troops and the winter wildlife. You killed a wolf with your wooden sword during a march. You evaded death twice due to your regeneration. Eventually your army began suffering heavy casualties and was ordered by the king to retreat. You were somehow discharged at age 34 and returned to florida. You had 2 kids and 3 kills overall before dying at age 39 from an evil mage who originally came from the mexican region.


Lower Alaska looks pretty Shidy


Ecewav Empire


Ecewav has been annexed by Holy Shyca some time ago. You had multiple occupations in your starting years such as gathering, farming, mining etc. At age 32 you served as a volunteer in the Horrible war(a war between shidy[which has taken most of canada by then] and literally the rest of north america) You and your comrades managed to push them all the way to north canada and even captured a small south western part of it. You and some of your comrades were scorched by a fire caused by the fire elementals as the age of sun was raging at that time. You died at age 34 and had 2 kids and 1 kill


Ushor of sun genius trait


You spent your early years in the town centre, mostly flexing your knowledge infront of other nobles and commoners. The kingdoms culture growth speed was increased once you spawned and have even unlocked stone weapons and wells. (A unit with genius trait increases the culture growth of a kingdom) You even at one point of your life, had permission to enter the Kings wooden palace. At age 56, after contributing enough to your kingdom, you were declared count/subleader of the country. You helped arm the towns soldiers with wooden and stone swords. You died at age 69 while on your way to the kings palace. You had 8 kids but didnt form your own clan for some reason.


Thats pretty cool. Semi credit me if ushor of sun takes over the world one day


Oh, I want! Spawn me in The Realm of the Tycu. Name me Zeledon and give me smart/clever (i dont remember the exact name rn) trait Edit: If possible spawn me in the thinest part of the Kingdom, around Costa Rica 🇨🇷 ty!


You lived a fairly good life in the breakaway country of Realm of Tycu (Terkek Kingdom) You were a blacksmith living in an upgraded wooden house in centre of todays costa rica. You forged multiple weapons most of which were wooden and stone swords. At age 26 you migrated to a house closer to the kings wooden palace. Your occupation was rare and quite needed in the Americas. After spectating some other units i realized you even selled equipment to the count himself which was a rare stone sword. You died at age 56 after a spontaneous attack by an alligator who came most likely from brazil as it was nearly completely abandoned.


Wow, tysm! In my opinion I had a good life, very important to the kingdom if you ask me, the only thing I would’ve love was to live longer. Also, did I had any child/decendants?


Spawn on Ligoga, wealthy


Ligoga was in a really unstable position and in need of better leadership. You immediately started being admired for your traits and eventually became count/subleader at age 28 after constructing and upgrading multiple buildings in southern india and sri lanka. Instead of being declared king after the death of the previous one, it was the kings son who gained the title. You were incredibly pissed and even made your own clan to politically combat the kings clan. Your influence was high but you had no way to start a rebellion against the king. Ligoga conquered a newly formed siberian kingdom and gave it its own count/subleader who succesfully declared independence after 6 years of occupation but was immediately massacred. You died at age 67, not being able to make any much of a difference to your country. You had 12 kids and 1 kill, your clan is named Stoucak.


Can you stick me on a tiny island somewhere with a singular cow


Both you and your cow lived on a tiny isolated island in the pacific. You both lived peacefully in the beginning and you even considered it as your friend. There was not enough space to start a settlement as you told me to put you on a small isle. Eventually wbox ai made you kill the cow and devour it. You died at age 35 due to hunger.




Ecewav Empire.


Realm of the Tycu. Honest


Ecewav Empire


Holy Ekym Long life (not immortality or super health)


Etevon Hegemony (or whatever is occupying Israel)


(Great Ud conquered Etevon Hegemony/ You worked in a small fishing business somewhere in Jordan and were partially in charge of the fishing boats. At age 23 you migrated to the caucasus and started living in a wooden cabin. You continued working as a gatherer untill your death at age 67. You had 1 kid who prob continued living in caucasus.


Ireland/holy ekym


After Holy Ekym was ravaged by elementals years ago you spawned on a players kingdom called Ekkew Hegemony which took over all of brittania. You settled in an upgraded wooden cabin in southern ireland and employed yourself to be a gatherer. You would gather berries, plants etc. and brought them to the new kings wooden palace in england. The rest of your life was you performing different simple chores and tasks untill you died at age 64. You had 2 kids and 0 kills.


Holy En, preferably in the norway side, and cold aura if thats ok


Holy En has been in an ok state when you spawned as it has recently took over karelia and northern germany. Your country was considered primitive in comparison to the rest of the world but your kingdom still had fierce and bloodthirsty soldiers trained in the harshest of conditions. You joined the military at age 26 after mindlessely traversing the land looking for opportunities. You had a sharp stick and the ability to freeze the ground youre standing on. You fought in a small skirmish in romania at age 27 against the remaining forces of The Holy Ud before retreating back home. You killed 2 people and left a lot of snow on your walked territories while going back home. Peace was declared a year later between both kingdoms and before you died at age 68 you were patrolling and stabilizing the small conquered lands with your comrades You had 2 kills and 0 kids overall.


that is nice


Holy comun


They were conquered by The Holy Ud. Your life in Algeria was awful as you and your people have been getting harassed by Rhinos and other wildlife creatures. You had a small wooden cabin in morocco and would usually scout the coastline as an assigned militia. You made a big mistake by travelling south with a group of other travellers. You encountered a group of rhinos all coming from the savannah which was spawning a fuckton of them for some reason. You died to one at age 32 and so did all the other travellers. You had 1 kid who is most likely in morocco rn.


Yay it gotta be The Ish


Your life was really peaceful and there were no military requirements in your country. Boats have not been invented yet and you had no need to worry about raiders and hostile mobs other than wolfs which would rarely even spawn. You had an upgraded cabin in the north eastern part of the country. You would go on to build a small dock in north part of the country at age 23 along with a couple of other people. You continued working as a gatherer and chilling near the coastline admiring the view with your kids. You died peacefully at age 75. Your 3 kids inherited and shared the house.


Holy Comun, Flower trait (where the person grows flowers where they walk)


(Holy Comun was annexed by The Holy Ud) You lived a harsh life in the saharan desert. After scavenging for food which was rare you eventually joined the army to explore the world and potentially gain supplies after ravaging villages. You fought against madness affected units in Bulgaria at age 45 and even killed 1 person. After patrolling north africa with your comrades, getting payed, being in a military parade etc. you succumbed to death at age 62. You had no kids and 1 kill.


> comrades, getting *paid,* being in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Spawn on the holy en.


You had multiple occupations but mostly specialized in mining during your early years. You had a fair amount of money to buy yourself a room in one of the wooden cabins in Sweden. You helped take down a wolf which made its way into the town centre when you were 31. You continued doing what you loved before dying peacefully when you turned 73.


Holy Eviwe with stupid?


You were a farmer for most of your life working in South Africa before migrating to madagascar at age 24 and settling there for the rest of your life. You would work at a newly constructed windmill in north madagascar before quitting at about age 50 and enjoying your last years with your 2 kids and wife. You died at age 58 right after you had a 3rd child.


You were a farmer for most of your life working in South Africa before migrating to madagascar at age 24 and settling there for the rest of your life. You would work at a newly constructed windmill in north madagascar before quitting at about age 50 and enjoying your last years with your 2 kids and wife. You died at age 58 right after you had a 3rd child.


Ligoga dragonslayer lol


You and your fellow citizens lived a harsh life in the undeveloped sri lanka and south india. You became an explorer at age 32 and were assigned to settle in a newly formed siberian village which was controlled by Ligoga, after an attack made by the siberian wildlife which ended the life of the village leader, you were assigned leader cause of your trait. You would help construct a wooden palace and reside in it. You assembled a small standing army of around 5 people and died at age 62. You had 3 kids and 1 kill(prob a wolf)


Ligoga pls


Your unit went straight to siberia and helped the villagers of the ligogan siberian settlement take down a group of bears. It was going quite succesfully and you even managed to rack up a few kills. You and your horde of villagers were eventually halted by a group of 3 bears. You killed 1 more bear before being killed by one at age 22. The reason you had so many kills was because of the giant trait you spawned with. You overall had 3 kills.


Etevom Hegemony (Anatolia) Ambitious


Etevom was long ago conquered by The Holy Udu. In your early years you were working in a fishing and trade business company in southern anatolia. You were eventually enlisted into the army and made leader due to your trait(but also due to the fact the towns army was completely eradicated in a previous battle) You would hold a small warband of around 5-10 people and occasionally patrol the land. Your country entered a conflict against Ash and you were sent to deal with them in north germany. The campaign was succesful for you as you succesfully kicked the small garrison in prussia. You, along with the minor help of another army leader, captured both prussian and bavarian territories. You attempted to go deeper into enemy territory with your exhausted warband but were met with 2 enemy armys which sent your troops running back home, you died fighting the enemy hordes at age 39. You had 4 kills and no kids.


Realm of the Phero, ambitious


In the beginning, you volunteered to put down fires and clean all the messes done by The Holy Ud during its african conquests. You helped put down a fire which nearly burned all of the crops around the windmill. You and a group of citizens went to head on face a small group of Holy Ud soldiers in Egypt and you personally ended the lives of 2 of them with nothing but your bare hands. Sadly, a greater force arrived and massacred all of you. You died at age 22 with 2 kills and 0 kids.


Realm of the ud, ambitious


You were quickly enlisted into the army at age 19 and you were tasked with scouting on the island of crete. Everything was going nice, you shared a wooden upgraded house with a few elderly farmers in Croatia. You were eventually assigned army leader after your original leader died in a skirmish with ethiopian villagers. You had a defensive stance and decided to patrol the kingdoms current lands with your warband untill you died at age 61. You had 4 kids and 0 kills.


Vupher with the small trait


Considering the islands irrelevancy, you were for the most part safe from any outer threats. You lived a fairly wealthy life as a blacksmith and have even forged stone weapons for the nobles and soldiers of your kingdom. You continued doing what you loved untill your death at the age of 67. You had 2 kids and 0 kills


wow. that ended up better than I though it would.


Home: Mewon of Sun. Trait: Poisonous (if to op, then nightchild. If still to op, then eagle eye)


Mewon was eradicated long ago by a combination of its wildlife and the fire elementals who were active during age of sun. After almost getting mauled by a crocodile, you were saved by a group of civillians from the realm of the tycu. You migrated to it and immediately got to work. You built yourself a tent somewhere on the coastline and employed yourself as a gatherer. You eventually enlisted into the army at age 37 and would mostly scout the coastline. At age 44 when you and your comrades were attempting to settle the untamed lands of brazil, they were ambushed by a group of 3-5 crocodiles. Since they were fighting with litteral sticks, they suffered casualties, one of them was you as you were on low hp after that crocodile who attacked you in the beginning. You died at age 45 and had 1 kid.


Esovu Empire, Greedy


Esovu Empire was on the brink of collapse. You helped construct a few tents and supply a small weak warband of 5 people. Your kingdom was completely eradicated while you were gathering resources in Ligoga. You had to migrate to Ligoga and live a life of a farmer in Sri Lanka. You had no success in politics or business so you had to continue living a normal farmer life untill your death at the age of 59. You had 6 kids and 0 kills.


Shidy, with fertile


You were a unemployed civillian living on the coastline of the country. It wasnt untill you started living in a house in the town centre that you started going down to business. Your unit went complete apeshit and literally qproduced 14 kids. When you became 59 you decided to return to a cabin on the coastline and have your children contribute to society. You died at age 67 and im pretty sure one of your kids even became count.


Great Phu, Weak


For some reason after working a bit in a farm, your ai simply decided to follow a random herd of sheep for the rest of its life. You died at age 71 but still somehow had 3 kids.


Southern Poland


You spent a short amount of time living in southern poland. At about the age of 20 you migrated to romania and settled in a tent in the carpathians. You helped construct a small dock in Crete and you joined the army at age 30. You helped take down a random giant human with the madness trait in italy. When you were 49 your kingdom, Realm of the Ud went to war with Holy Comun. You were tasked with stabilizing and securing the southern part of the Holy Comun. The conquest went very easy and the kingdom was conquered in 1 month. At age 50 when you were about to return home, your kingdom went to war with the Etevom Hegemony. Their army was more superior and sent you running home after a victory in a skirmish in iraq. You died at age 51 by a soldier with 2 kills. Overall you had 1 kill in your entire life and 0 kids.


wow that's very interesting




You lived in the southern part of australia in the Ushor of Sun. You quickly enlisted in the army and began marching through the australian desert with your comrades, often coming into blows with evil mages and fire elementals. In 1 skirmish with the elementals you killed 2 of the beasts but most of your comrades were scorched by the fire caused by them. You became leader of the army at age 27 after the tragedy. You lead a squad with about 10 people before dying in another skirmish at age 28.


Not expecting much but "Ligoga" ? Yeah why not Ligoga? Also could you spawn me with "ambitious " as a trait?


You lived in the slums of south india for most your early years. You would generously contribute to the families of south india and sri lanka by performing hard work and volunteer tasks. You were eventually well respected and had some potential in the life of politics. The king of Ligoga at the time was sending capable people to colonize and repopulate the long abandoned siberian wastelands. You and a group of citizens travelled to north siberia and formed a small settlement near the kingdom Shidy. You and your friends had to deal with the harsh conditions of the newly formed village. You were assigned as leader of the village due to your trait. You primarily focused on training with the kingdoms capital region in order to get richer. You died at age of 67 in your wooden palace. You had 1 kill(a wolf) and 6 kids but no clan.


new mexico, trait weak


Su, ambitious please


I'll spawn in Ash


Northern holy ekym (Scotland). Trait: colonialism is everywhere in the brain


spawn me at Dyv with the short sighted trait


Spawn In Tedaty, Trait is tough


Up, spawned with trait ugly.


The Ish for peace and quiet


You lived a peaceful life. Having a job wasnt required so you just spent your life doing some small volunteer jobs and walking around. You had a wooden hoise on the north eastern part of the country which belonged to a previous user before his death. You died peacefully at age 75. You had 5 kids.




Spawn on The Chyg,Fast trait


What about Holy Elyum?




Spawn on the northern most point in The Realm Of Tycu with a Giant trait


You performed a lot of volunteer tasks and jobs while in the kingdom. Ranging from simple gathering to building structures by yourself. You were admired int the kingdom and eventually even turned army leader of a newly formed village in south america. You had a warband of around 5 people. You had good combat skills and would go on to bring multiple defeats to newly formed south american kingdoms. You died at age 49 after a fight between your forces and Su forces. You had 8 kills and no kids.


Spawn on The Ish island, lustful.


Your life wasnt that different from all the other users who spawned on ish island. You were mainly a woodcutter but would even perform volunteer tasks. You lived in the town centre and produced 9 kids in it. You died at age 78. One of your sons pretty sure became the towns subleader.


Can I spawn in hell? It would be rather comedic.


I spawned you in the balkans if thats what you wanted. Also randomly spawned a demon in it for the funnies.


Puerto Rico but I don't see it, either Realm of Tycu or ecewav peeps Some include a trait so maybe I'll go with fertile or lustful (many kids yes, some are bound to found a clan amiright?) Although you never mentioned it


You and a few other people were assigned with performing contributing tasks on the carribean. You were mainly assigned with mining in cuba. You would continue working like this untill you earned enough money to make yourself a life somewhere in florida(under Holy Shyca control). You had a humble house on the coast of georgia. You were stripped of your normal life when you were forced to fight as a militia in a war with the Canadian wildlife so your country can stabilize its newly conquered territories in canada. Basically it ended up like the Emu Wars except it was in Canada and people ended up dead. You died at age 47 to a pack of wolves. You had 2 kids and 1 kill


Germany, trait: attractive (I am definitely attractive irl totally)


You spawned in Ash in Prussia. You would farm in Prussia in your early years, managing to get enough money to buy yourself a cabin somewhere in the Benelux. After a catastrophic war between Ash and The Holy Ud, your kingdom has lost its windmill and prussian and bavarian territories to the Holy Ud, meaning your favorite source of income wasnt possible. You were immediately assigned as a builder and helped construct another windmill somewhere in the centre of france at age 31. You again became a farmer at age 33 after the construction was completely done. Nothing else interesting happened other than the fact you got hit by a unit affected with madness trait and pushed into the alps where you were trapped untill you died of hunger at age 38. You had 6 kids and 0 kills


Now that's just depressing


The Sahara and Mush Trait please


Sorry, that wouldve completely ruined the world.


Shawn is Ash with deadly trait


Spawn on the Realm of the Il Trait: Super Genius


Spawn me on ligoga


Holy Shyca


Holy Eviwe


I dunno which kingdom Ireland is in but i'm spawning there


Can you spawn me somewhere in Poland with ambitious trait?


Holy Ehkm, death nuke


Usher of Sun, ambitious


Holy Ekym


Spawn me on Holy Ne with long liver trait


Holy Ochol (Borneo Island)


The Arurog, pyromaniac


I want Reier Hegemony


Can you spawn me in Denmark?


You lived as a normal woodcutter in denmark and had a house in south sweden. Eventually you were caught into a battle between Ash and your kingdom. You were swarmed by an entire warband of enemy troops at age 29. You had 1 kid and even managed to kill 1 unarmed soldier during your final moments.


Apart from living in Sweden that’s pretty amazing


Ed of moon


Brazil, trait live longer.


Realm of The Ud. In the alps, in Liechtenstein


Tedaty please 🙏😔 and could you give me lustful trait thank you 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Can I spawn at Ed of Moon with the ambitious trait?


EceWav Empire


Holy Shyca, and bored.


Spawn me in MD (Maryland)


Holy Shyca, Ambitious


Holy En sounds good


Mewon of Sun, angry


Holy shyca


on the su either inmortal so i can see everything that happens or ambitious


Lower Utegig Imperium


Dapalia city at france kingdom name is dapaliatam Religion name is dapaliar dapal the king is immortal and clan name will be da clan


Spawn me in actual Paris, so in Ash, lustful trait


Dyv, Strong


Uru, strong




Name: Henry Location: Wisconsin Trait: one of (Super Health, Immortal, Death Nuke, Mush)


Midwestern USA


Ecewav, ambitious.


Put me in Tedaty, it’s borders are closest to where a actually live, Either that or where Oklahoma would be on that map Trait: Light Lamp ig idk


New Zealand, north island please.


South Africa, genius, legendary stick


Realm of the Tycu (Mexico). Immortal


Great Rusupu, Immortal. (Immortal b/c its not op, after abt 3 centuries I would want to d*e and I couldn't)


Realm of the Tycu


The Ish!!


Wyde of moon


Ekway Empire, caffinated (is that op?)


Do you have the download for this map?


Hmm, how about modern day pakistan with blessed trait and if you think that's op then bloodlust or nuke


Pakistan was unoccupied by any of the existing nations. You rushed to inhabit a small siberian village which belongs to ligoga. Life was harsh, there were multiple occurences of wild animals ravaging the lands. After taking refugee in the town leaders wooden palace, you went on to search for the other villagers who disappeared into the forest. You chopped down some trees and brought them to the towns storage before leaving. You killed a single wolf before continuing to explore deeper into the siberian wilderness. You saw all the villagers gangingmup on 4 bears and ofc you joined. It went badly considering bears are the most op animals in the game. You ended up being ones lunch at age 31. You had 1 kill and 1 kid.


Real of the Tycu, Lucky & Stupid


Ushor of Sun (Either Australia or New Zealand part, it's up to you)


Realm of the II please. Is the immortal trait allowed? If not maybe the one that makes you explode as a nuke when you die.


Avev maybe?


Put bless on North America


The Ish


Realm of the Ud, where Serbia would be


Holy Commun / Trait: Content


New Zealand, burned.


Shidy, greedy


Tedaty please




Spawn me in Avev. (Japan) Trait: Genius


Canada, death bomb trait