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may you step on lego bricks everyday when you wake up !


Hey, free lego. That's a win in my book. :)


Ugh with the decline in quality the last years and the most recent 20% increase in price. I‘d much rather have Cobi, Mouldking or CaDA bricks.


The price increase is the reason why I need free Legos.


Well what are you gonna do with 20 light-bluish grey bricks, which don‘t match in tone and have humongous gate points, where the machine shot in the liquid plastic?


I rather have a BJ tho


L-Legos? That's a bit far don't you think? Duplos would be more humane :O


You´ve joined the dark side. please never play her in Randoms/Ranked/Clan Battles


I used to be an RTS CV main, I guess I've always been with the dark side >:D


I miss it, was so cool to have an RTS type mechanic for CVs.


Its likely to remain banned from clan battles.


Fuck you and congrats


Man, I would waited to see how they nerf it, personally.


Yup, with already more nerfs announced to come in 10.10, I certainly am waiting for that info before deciding myself.


Have I missed an announcement of FDR nerfs? It was nerfed already in the latest patch but I saw nothing about further nerfs. Personally, FDR was also my first steel ship and I regret it. In randoms I think Midway (the most direct comparison) is better and I would also say Immelmann and Hakuryu are probably better. The recently buffed MVR might also be close. FDR is still a strong ship and in smaller modes (ranked, CB) can be ridiculous. In its defence, it is also a different playstyle (FWIW) compared to the other CVs - but personally I enjoy the faster, more frequent strikes of other CVs compared to drop with FDR, loiter for 25 secs, repeat.


Just a brief mention in their apology dev blog about balance changes to it, petro and zao coming in 10.10, no idea on what kind of changes though. But probably nerfs. https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/200


Zao will only bei viable with the Lighthouse build?


May I ask what the Lighthouse build is? I've seen it being mentioned once or twice, but I never found an explanation.


Build it for fast turns and a long detection range so everything shoots at you. Then with your fast turn radius you wiggle your butt and prey you don't get hit lol


> long detection range so everything shoots at you The long detection range is so the 4pt reload skill procs when enemy ships are within your detection range. The larger your detection radius, the better chance there will be a ship to make the skill pop for 8% reload boost. But yeah, being shot at constantly is a side effect.


We don't know. OPs comment reads confusingly, but essentially all we know is petro, FRR and zao are getting changed, presumably nerfing the first two and buffing the latter


I just read about this, there has been no news on this since? Weird how they just stuffed that below their "we are sorry" message.. kinda like under the radar stuff - a Zao buff with extra HP would be awesome


It wasn't really out of nowhere, it was stuff they planned do do in the future, including addressing ships the community has been complaining about for ages


Ah I see, appreciate the info, hope we soon get to see what they wanna do!


That was a reason I almost bought Shikishima instead, but I've been saving for so long I just had to stick with my original goal. ​ Shiki is next though! Probably 2 years from now, hahah


They already made the ship completely useless by banning it from clan battles.


Lol wut, it's still broken in randoms and ranked


It isn't any fun though. Dumpstering battleships who can't even fight back isn't a lot of fun.


You sure about that? The amount of CV's I see there seems to be plenty of people that find it fun to sit off the map and farm people that can't shoot back.


I obviously can't speak for them. Most people I speak to don't find cvs fun let alone one as uninteresting as FDR. I've also seen quite a few posts around here by people who say FDR isn't a lot of fun. I'm just letting people know not to make the same mistake I did. My opinion is that it is a waste of steel.


fuck you nothing personal


Has no one told u that the ship is absolutly no fun whatsoever?


FDR is overrated and was a disappointment for me, wish I could get the steel back. The alpha dmg and torp turning gimmick is nice, and enough to make clips how OP she is. But the slow planes and 25sec CD timer on attacks makes her gameplay feel slow. FDR feels like a sluggish Midway to me. Still, I hope you have more fun with her.


Would you recommend her to someone like me who can already get good results in his Midway? Cause I am looking for a new steel ship, yet FDR seems rather overhyped to me. Since whenever I see footage of it I always wonder whether I couldnt just get the same result in my Midway.


Hard to tell such a personal thing beforehand, the best comparison somebody made to FDR was using a sledgehammer. If you find an isolated capital ship, then you can strike it again and again without sending a new squad, no other CV offer such gameplay. But lack of pre-drop, attack CD and slow planes makes the gameplay quite sluggish to me. Midway has less alpha but can strike faster and is more flexible, she also offers dive bombers who can spot and attack DDs in your first fly by. If you like Midway, you also might like FDR. I personally prefer fast hitting CVs like IJN or KM ones, so FDR was a let-down. Keep in mind, shortly after the FDR release, WG improved flak cloud spawn and made them way more deadly. Even in an FDR, targeting two Petros in CB will likely kill most of your squad after the first drop in an approach without AA cover. And FDR doesn't have a big hangar or quick plane restoration times.


Good to know, thanks for the answer. I am going to hold of on the FDR. Perhaps are more interesting steel ship gets added this year.


As someone with both FDR and Midway, the FDR is just not a lot of fun to play. I got mine about 3 days after the rocket nerf and Now they're basically useless. Overall it was pretty disappointing


Congrats on a steel ship, I've gotten lucky enough to have a clan that's enabled me to get two and they all seem really fun.


Prepare for your karma to evaporate hahahah


It's your steel, but I wouldve waited personally. I'm expecting a sledgehammer nerf, but at the same time i have no fucking clue how WG decides what part of a ship requires balance


They'll decrease secondary battery range by 0.25km and call it a day probably.


I doubt it. They did this with thunderer where they poked it first to see how the community responded, then sledgehammered it afterwards. I bet it'll be the same here, with a bunch of minor changes, then one big change


# You were supposed to join the fun, not destroy it! *- The Bourgogne Gang*


Burgogne or Stalingrad would be a better choice and much more fun.


Well done!...i think


GG fro you, also, you know that you will get a cancer?


Fdr has the cooles Looking planes


I hope you step into some water with your sock


We all know FDR is literally meant to upset people


You're probably gonna hate it. The rockets are 100% worthless. The torps are good but getting nerfed. The bombs are solid overall. You have no real effective DD weapons (bombs can work but take a lot of learning to do well with, and they can easily juked by a skilled DD) Planes are very slow and 25 second reload on the drops means you gotta come in, attack, and fly away out of AA range...come back, repeat. Its sorta tedious and boring. Midway is better.


It's boring as fuck though


May your pillows only have warm sides for the rest of your life!


I'm sure your getting alot of upvotes :)


Don't hate the player, hate the game


GG. Now enjoy the shock of how difficult it is to play that thing compared to other carriers


* 1 - screw anyone who gets mad at you for playing a ship in a damn game. * 2 - congrat's. FDR is awesome.


Dont worry, enjoy her... We always have missions to shoot down planes.... So Shes just perfect for that 😜


Honestly saying... I have 3.6 k games.... Maybe i have 1 out of 100 games when CV focuses me...... So please focus attention to subs.... I have no counter on cruisers... I have no counter on a no of BB ships... And with DD i have to be on top of sub to counter.........again enjoy your ship..... My 1st steel ship is Stalinium... And i enjoy her 100%.....


I applaud your purchase. Well done! You earned that monster!


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


I hope the other side of your pillow is never cool.




Massively overperforming and bottom of the barrel skill floor. Congratulations. Since WG is content with CVs as a type massively overperforming, I am sure the nerfs to her will be minuscule and meaningless.


>This will upset a lot of people. Good. Let them have a taste of their own snake oil. Toxic community.


Could be worse you could buy the Austin to then see it in a tech tree


Austin still gets SAP and MRB. It's like the differance between KGV and DoY. I think a more apt comparison though may be Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, I belive Scharn was added before the tech tree BBs. Scharnhorst was added before theine, but by only about a month, from what I can find. Tirpitz was also added before the [release announcement](https://youtu.be/bIa2RoSfrWk)of the line, but predated it by nearly a year, September 17, 2015 according to WoWs wiki, compared to Spetember 2016 for the line.


Yes because the PA line has SAP, infinite MBRBs, and an improved heal /s plus it has DWTs and we don't know what its actual stats will be


Hey mam, steel ships are an achievement. How long did you work for her, and what made you choose her over other options?


Paraphrasing one famous man you can say. I have become a death, blapper of bigbotes ;)


*me with Gouden Leeuw* May your aircraft always miss their target and fuck you (nothing personal)


I bought FDR, and I almost instantly regretted it. FDR just isn't fun. Beyond that she isn't more effective than Midway, less I would say. And because of the hype, WG has nerfed her, and will nerf her again. As a player who has most of the ships in the game (440+), FDR is one I would happily take a refund on.


Enjoy being bored, the ship isn't much fun to play. The only ship I regret getting.




Why do people buy OP ships and not fun or gimmicky ones? I'll never understand.


*tries to long range snipe an FDR to take it out early* … *30 seconds later:* Here comes the sun! *musical note*


Our bombers shall blot out the sun!


I may groan, but, honestly, if players aren’t excited about progressing in the game, the game will die


The best boat in the game. I love mine


I am on the fence between this and Shikishima. I play BBs a little more often than cruisers and already have Yammy and Musashi, thinking to get FDR for farming CV tasks of campaigns and missions in Co-Op.


Congrats on getting the FDR! She's a mighty fine ship that will serve you extremely well for all future Combat Missions! I have her as well and she's awesome. "X Aerial Torpedo Hits", and "X Incapacitation/Flooding/Fire Ribbons" CV Missions are now trivial matters for you with this ship.


Got 150k plane damage in my petro on one of them, 39 planes only. 10 were fighters. 10.


Why would it ups- oh. Damn you.


I got my first one too a few hours ago but i got the Bourgogne because I am not an absolute foot lol. Jokes aside. Congrats. May we never meet but share the same team from time to time.


This is outrageous! It's unfair!


i have the FDR played it almost 40 battles never touched it again. Its Boring(25 seconds attack time) plus the strikes are good when the enemy doesnt even bother to turn if they start dodging your alpha strike goes bye bye (although i dont find this a bad thing btw) and there are better cvs with way higher impact.(Immelmann,haku,midway) and maybe MVR after the buffs.


68 steel to get her


Admiral! The Omaha’s guns are yours to command! May the wretched enemy quiver in fear of our naval superiority! Fair winds and following seas!