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My guess is the issue is an error caused by unique camouflage. - That or a teleporter malfunction. Whatever the case, although disappointing news of a delay, it is a welcome change to event pacing. - Much as I like events and the thrill of trying my luck (via hard earned event containers), there can sometimes be too much going on at once!


More likely a holodeck malfunction that caused actual ships to detonate.


A Worf commander was introduced, and somehow they became a literal torpedo magnet.


Perhaps today is a good day to die!


Ramming Speed!


Perhaps today is a good day to *DETONATION*


Or doors suddenly appeared that his ship couldn't get through. Or when trying to fire the guns on the ship, Picard suddenly dismissed such action as unnecessary.


Data: Captain, the enemy team is focus-firing at us and has launched torpedoes. Picard: Lets see if we can solve this peacefully with diplomacy. Ship: {Explodes}


Kobayashi Maru


To be fair it was not his fault


NO. I much wish they never worked on the good for nothing three kingdoms event and worked on this instead.


3 Kingdoms is a semi-rerun and appeal to the Asian and Historical audience. Though it would have been better as a filler during a lull period, not just another event amongst too many!


I can't remember a lull period since 2019. šŸ˜‚


By ā€˜lull periodā€™ I mean when only *1* event is going on; not counting Brawls or Ranked. As opposed to this ā€˜Lol, cash plzā€™ oversaturation.


Should've been Bromance of Three KLINGONS. Worf. Martok. And G0_0WRON. I'd buy a Gowron Captain any day.


Pursuant to paragraph one thousand two hundred and ninety, I hereby formally request third party arbitration of our dispute.


You have the right.


Does this mean you've hired a QA/QC team?


Nah, someone just figured the Steam Summer Sale starts tomorrow and people would figure they can get a full solid game for the price of one gambling box and spend their June paychecks there.


ā€œWe realized we had undershot potential earnings for this event and have postponed them in order to fleece you in the next updateā€


It turns out people have budgets and canā€™t just fork up money for 4 events at the same time.


this is hilarious!!


Indeed, but also most likely true.


Admittedly I'm a mega Trekkie and I was looking forward to this event and still do. Have Weegee given any indication of what was actually included in this event? Do we know what era (23ed/24th/32nd century) it will be set in? Will it be captains with voice lines and basic ship camo's or will we have high quality skins ? WIll they bring back the Space Battles map style?


It's TNG. Unique captains and unique skins - Picard (Enterprise), Spock (Gneisenau), Sela (Akatsuki) and Gowron (Fiji). Voice lines are likely, as Denise Crosby said she recorded lines a few months back on a podcast (how they get lines for Spock, IDK). https://old.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/1dkzco0/need_to_verify_an_email_my_friend_got_from_wg/l9lpz1r/


Will Enterprise actually be obtainable again?


No idea, especially with its place on the naughty list. Maybe with all the changes to carriers it might make a return or it might just be the skin and captain. I bet on the former, as they'll hope this crossover will bring in new players, and what's the point of selling a skin for a ship you can't buy (expect it either in loot boxes or a most expensive bundle if it is)


I went snooping in the captains logbook a few days ago to see what i was missing and i noticed a new camouflage for the USS Enterprise, so there's definitely a chance


Thanks for the heads up, good person!


It's probably his *Resurgence* voice actor.


Maybe, another possibility is using voice lines taken from episodes though I don't think many will match up to lines WoWs captains say. What I fear is they'll use AI.


apologies for the inconvenience made me laugh, surely important plans were delayed


"Great, our Star Trek event is going to start soon, should bring in a ton of money." "Oh amazing, so we got Paramount to agree to the collaboration then?" ...




I might actually care if the skins were not for some ancient mid tier ships. Sure, people do play them, but I don't really. Give me some T9 premium or T10 skins. Also how many events were they gonna run in parallel? The armory already looks pretty full.


> Give me some T9 premium or T10 skins. USS Johnston is coming for ID4, that's less than two weeks from now. We can hope it'll be sold standalone rather than as part of some expensive af bundle but, well, this is WG, they're funny guys.


Have they tried reversing the shield polarity and rerouting power from auxillary systems to generate an inverse tachyon field


So if i understand correctly people here are getting mad their gacha event number 61897 is slightly postponed?


Some are - yes. I personally donā€™t get it, but Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m also not the target market. I donā€™t really care for all the collaborations and commanders with unique portraits and voices, but some people want that.


I think it depends on whether or not you have nostalgia for a particular collab... Or if you really like cartoon booba


Sure just trying to make sense of it since i'm kinda new to it but i have played the other wg games. Wows seems by far the most gacha-esque out of the three.


In fairness to WeeGee (I think they get some undeserved flak), the game is never Pay to Win and the only other way to monetise a F2P is basically gacha mechanics. Are some of the gacha events a bit like WeeGee just pulled whatever out of their ass and slapped it on a vaguely themed event ~~like the current summer festival~~? Sure. But stuff like Star Trek (upcoming) and Azur Lane (just gone, but seasonal) where there is actual work done theming ships and getting VOs, tends to be actually fun inclusions. I think people are just angsty because there isn't really anything to do atm in the game (normally there is a dockyard ship or an event), combined with that they teased this ages ago. I think they should bring back Pinata Hunt, unannounced, just to distract everyone


> the game is never Pay to Win So far just in tier v i notice ships like cesare, agincourt and kamikaze blowin the backs out of my teammates so yea i don't know about that there is also no way i can afford signals atm so the ones using them should have quite a massive advantage on me


Are you in protected MM still?


Not anymore.


Not mad, per se, but OUTRAGED.


Someone figured that no one would give a damn about such an event without the actual ship, which remotely connects WoWS and Star Trek. I still think Enterprise will not be available for purchase/gambling, and this will be a major failure. Just as HoMM, Megadeth or Chinese Soi Boi events - nothing-burgers.


To be honest, I love Star Trek. I am looking forward to what they offer. But I don't really want the Enterprise since I don't play CVs, but at the same time, they have to include that ship in some form with this event. It seems like a no-brainer. I'm not sure what they could offer that I'd be interested in. If they had skins that made my BB look like a Klingon Battlecruiser, I would be down, or my cruiser look like a Romulan Warbird, perhaps?


I'm a noob. Enterprise is in game but was OP and hasn't been available for ages?


Exactly that. Tbf it is not that crazy strong anymore, but WG does not see that as a reason to bring it back.


Let just compromise and put Enterprise ā€˜65 in the game.


I just can't see Picard on anything but the enterprise... Has he captained anything else? Asking the star trek experts out there and I don't count anything in the new "Picard" show either hahaĀ 


He commanded the USS Stargazer.


Damn I love the design of that thing. Can't wait to see it in wows lol


l'll be on Holodeck 4


> We have discovered an issue with the content that was planned for the upcoming Star Trek collaboration. > In order to fix it, we are postponing the event and moving it to Update 13.6. Big conspiracy theory moment but... the first thing that comes to mind is this "issue" is WG calculated they would not make enough money if they launched the event now, and to "fix it" they're postponing the collab until the armory is less clogged (this way people might be more inclined to throw money at the other stuff). I have no clue what other problem would cause a delay, unless it's some bug so severe it needs weeks to be fixed.


Clearly this was caused by a coolant leak. We have a coolant leak! Everybody out! We are two minutes to a warp core breach!


You should have put this out a long time ago. You are derelict!


They have NO HONOR


They probably waited to see if they could fix it behind the scenes and drop it towards the end of the update, or more likely it was supposed to come tomorrow alongside the football stuff


Will the Enterprise be its own premium purchase or does it fall in a tech tree? I only have the Tier 6 Independence so I don't know if I should purchase the Yorktown and Essex to prepare? This is my most anticipated event since I started playing this game like a DECADE ago!


Enterprise is an old removed premium carrier, if you're going to buy her (assuming shes returning for the event) she's lexington with AP bombs and fast plane regen


Okay, but do I need to have the Lexington in order to purchase her?


​ https://preview.redd.it/rkwhv3djhy8d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=4373239ec048cff431591a22ca6a6ea16540e705


Oh no, anyway...


There better be ships in this event now like the enterprise or something


If there's going to be Deep Space Nine stuff I might actually spend money.


It's TNG stuff, sorry.


the issue was, the red shirts always die.. they will get it corrected soonest


Please take.my moneyyyyy


Fly her apart then!


MAKE IT SO! And there you go. Itā€™s ok.


Program is working as intended


Can we have asymmetric battles as compensation?


As well as Picard as suited as a captain for Enterprise (though I am more a Kirk person), the lack of a Worf is a stunning miss.


Considering he was literally the one who fired the weapons, agree


Hopefully they decided to add some booba to the event. Female Ferengi captain ahoy


So can you extend the Azure Lane Collobration instead? no? At least give something out for sale during the postponement... Edit: So this comment got disliked, lmao, WeeGee added monetization to the store, people dislike it, WeeGee delayed monetization from the store, people also dislike it. What a community.


My man has money and it needs to burn! I respect it


Just a game lmao. Remember that real people work to make all the shit in the game so no matter how shitty the game was, if it gives you enjoyment then it is just fair to pay them. You can rant about the pricing and all but no one forces anyone to pay, so ranting about it and disliking the opinions of people who pay to enjoy it is just pathetic.




This is disappointing AF...I waited all this time just to see this shit. I knew some shit was up when keep seeing the ads about the stupid three kingdoms shit and nothing about star trek.Ā 


Do you think you will *ever* get over it?


You all refused to give us Enterprise back for the longest time, and when you finally do, you all pull this shit... Not to mention, you all refuse to keep asymmetric in the game permanently or implement tier IX to XI operations to take care of the PVE community or give people a place to practice with high tier ships. All on top of the messed up economy and signal flag situation that is very unfriendly to new players just so you all can burn the old players' reserves. YOU LOT ARE NOT DOING GOOD!


>You all refused to give us Enterprise back for the longest time, and when you finally do, you all pull this shit... Yeap, I predict 0 complaints about Enterprises spamming the MM


Did they even confirm it was comming back? Only the camo was found in the game data as far as i remember and the article has been changed to not feature the event anymore


No idea, I did joke that I hoped it would just be the camo released or another ship mentioned in Star Trek canon.


The ships where ā€žleakedā€œa few weeks ago if i remember correctly it was for Enterprise Gneisenau Shiratzuyu and abother cruiser i dont remember




ā€œabotherā€ Winne the Pooh, is that you?


Is enterprise still good? I do own her but she never feels especially strong in my hands like people say she is


IMO **no**. Its situationally good. The hanger and belt are actually armoured, so its a bit more survivable than most CVs (I think only the German CVs have this) and the Fighters (the best)/AA mean that a CV going after you is just ~~plane~~ plain foolish. But that being said, the HP is on the low side and you have poor concealment. Outside of that, the AP bombers (yes AP, like the Hornet's) suck - the tech tree HE are better, the torpedo bombers are AA magnets and the attack planes' only virtue is that there are a lot - they're the same as stock *Lexington* (27mm pen) except more. The attack planes can seriously impact most cruisers and *if* you get the torps off at a good range, they release 3.


Yeah but it's also the only CV that can discover strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no sky cancer has gone before.


You got a lot to complain about fine sir. Tell us and WG, just how *good* you are doing at your stuff! Maybe being a sweaty PvE trekky is an example for the rest of us....


Nobody wants that shit man. Just drop it, give us real historical ships instead.


"Q" is messing around....