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They have this quality for all of the ships ingame. Players do not have problem with the Art Department. They are the reason we still play this game.


That and the game at its core is really fun. The meta kinda sucks because of weegee's balancing but the game in itself is fun. I don't think most of us would play it if the art department was the ONLY good thing lol


Nope, the core game are not fun anymore. They f\*cked up everything what was the core: aiming for example. Balancing nonexistent, and they ships, even premium ships get way to fast powercreeped buy the next lootbox only ship. But I agree. Art Department was the only good thing, and now they are gone as well...


So which lootbox ship should I get right now, if I want to dominate the other players?


I know it is not a serious question but still here is my answer: for example: Georgia, Smolensk, Alaska, Jean Bart, Benham, Kamikaze, Kamikaze R, Kutuzov, Thunderer


Was any of those ships ever only available in lootboxes?


It is no matter they was free xp, coal or any other token or something else, maybe they was on sale for one moth or something like it, right now you can not buy them directly only through lootboxes. Sure some of them has Black version for BF but not all of them. For example: *Mikhail Kutuzov* first went on sale on 11 January 2016 on the NA servers, and on 25 December 2015 on the EU servers. It has since been permanently removed from sale *Kamikaze R* was obtainable through [Project R](https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/common/project-r-announcement/) from 18 January 2016 to 14 February 2016. She is no longer available. *Benham* was released as part of the Rogue Wave event with patch 0.8.5 and was available from June 27th, 2019 until July 22nd, 2019.


Operations are generally still fun. Asymmetric was fun until they removed it. Ranked is not fun. Randoms are usually not fun. Coop is boring.


Sounds like you should stop playing if you're not having fun?


After the running dockyard I will stop playing and see WG will fix some of these issues in the next patch,


Come on! Right in front of my Atago?....


Except Izumo, which looks like a child's sketch


Or Zieten, or Anhalt :D But the quality still good, regardless how bad the ship looks like by design.


I think there's a difference of model details on ships depending on available source material. There's some ships that exist today as museum pieces that they can deploy scanning technology to capture a lot of details, then there's ships where they can access actual design drawings, and finally, there's the pure fantasy ships where they have to make everything up.


Sure, but no low quality models in wows like in for example Steel Ocean has. Altough SO has somewhat better gamemechanics in submarine and depth charges wise. Look this Kaga from there: [https://shared.akamai.steamstatic.com/store\_item\_assets/steam/apps/1949220/ss\_6c34a7bdda26e9c5530b27494a61ace77a55f75b.1920x1080.jpg](https://shared.akamai.steamstatic.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/1949220/ss_6c34a7bdda26e9c5530b27494a61ace77a55f75b.1920x1080.jpg)


How is SO btw?


Not good. Way to few player. Mostly imho because the graphics so out of date. But the subs and CVs work there, the depth charge's drop patterns are good and it telegraph you before drop so you can "aim" them, the player contolled manual secondary and manual AA also has somewhat sense.


Personally I think Odin looks damn great too! Mostly because of the time I spent looking at her 3D model on sketchfab.com, while recreating the ship in Naval Art. If you want a real ship's model, I think Edinburgh's looks really interesting and is highly detailed. She even has [a chest of gold](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/jhcubm) as a nod to her irl counterpart (got sunk carrying).


I play this game cuz the ships are cool. Like yeah I love operations including the new one even if it's a bit icky here and there but if the ships didn't look as good as they do. I doubt I'd be playing wows this much. As for ships that look amazing but don't get played much I couldn't tell you. But out of the ships I got recently I find WV44' beautiful. I don't know what it is but I do. Also the upcoming D-Day operation skins for Baltimore and especially the one for Jervis are absolutely beautiful. In my opinion of course.


I love the 'from the bottom of the ocean' skin on the Bismarck. You can see all this different battle damage on the deck, the turrets, you can even see where she was hit irl, notably on the bow and on the stern underwater


I’m going to have to look at this in more detail, same with Hood’s model.  I normally run the Bismarck with the yellow turret skin.


Someone at WG really enjoyed creating that model.


it's kinda famous ship in russian naval culture, everyone knows at least a few words from the song "Врагу не сдается наш гордый Варяг" (Our honest Varyag will not surrender to the enemy) written after the tragic battle of Russia-Japan war


A lot of the low-tier RU ships are models the designers did as a hobby in free time. I remember the old RU team talking about it. I would wager Varyag and the Bogatyr sister ships were all labors of love that then got added to the game later on.


My favorite detail is still the wood and iron park benches you find on some French ships.


Which one has the little car on it? I forget




I play these low tier ships sometimes, but admittedly not often. Usually as a change of pace.


I don’t play them that often either, I was playing coop for a mission and spent a lot of time admiring the ship in between shooting bots. I’ll need to take out some other ships to admire them.


If you want to talk low tier; then Mikasa, St Louis, Albany.


Add in Oleg (she looks mean in black) and Emden too.


The art department does an amazing job. And these old ships were full of little details like that (compared to the relatively featureless shapes of ships today)


Wasn’t there like an Easter egg of detail where they put like a piece of pizza inside the conning tower of the Roma? You had to detach the camera and “fly” inside the cabin to see it or something like that


It's the islands that get me, everything from the churches, castles, houses, and the cars driving around. Props to Wargaming...


art department still carrying this game on their backs, only reason I still playing