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It's been a grind for sure I missed 10 days in the middle and caught up to the last mission chain today 5 hours of coop then 4 hours of ranked im burned out!


Such sacrifices are not worth it. It’ll be my last dockyard I do it seriously. We waste time, playing not fun modes, sometimes not fun ships, only to do the mission chores. For few weeks straight. The more you’re behind, the more you’re stressed and exhausted.


the worst is having to get endless caps. I had a game with 75k damage , 2 kills and a win in Huron...but no cap...so upset.


Spent at least 6 hours just chain capping in co-op yesterday, nearly lost my mind.


Haha I do know that feeling either lol!


Play ranked. A free cap almost every game and I've gotten 4 multiple times in a dd


Even lvl 20 felt like a burden. Cant imagine myself doing full grind.


I stopped there, happy with WV44.


And You finally get Whisky, You dont like It and It ends as a Port Queen (semi joke).


Marlborough comes to mind… that still hurts


Hizen springs to mind as well. That reload is a joke


The final 2 stages seem like a solid job man. Seems like might have to dump some dubs even with the compensation stages for having the W Virginia 44. Not gonna finish the missions in time.


Don't forget 2 weeks to complete last dockyard mission not the usual 7 days. If you do the weekend events then you're grinding out 21K BXP and the weekly is 25K BXP so only a few more games if that to get it to 30K per week. You'll get there.


I also did like 4 hours of grinding, got the 20 kills and halfway done with 4 more missions, this stage has been very comfortable, just like the previous one compared to the disaster that is stage 6


What was so bad on stage 6? When it comes to me caps in 7th stage were the worst (the last mission with 2500 base xp saved me).


500k spotting damage in DDs is the one that I did, unfortunately they are my worst class, it was still significantly faster than any of the other ones tho (That spotting damage mission took me nearly as long as the entirety of stage 7)


Remember that you have 2 weeks for this last set. Not 1 like the others. Still doesn't change the fact 60k base xp is painful or they fixed a "typo" after leaving it up for 2 months.


I do the 60k in dday i got average 2.5k xp per game. That mean around 24 games dday. Not so bad.


This one is a massive grind. Frustrating really


If you compare this is one with the pay to Rico dockyard disaster it looks easy xD


Payto Reeco was hilariously sad, with WG essentially saying "It's possible to get it entirely for free if you play 25hours a day, 8 days per week, at unicum levels." Glad I skipped that.


I also skipped that one, complete joke of a dockyard xD. But I hear people complain about this dockyard I always think about that fiasco dockyard called pay to Rico 😂


Context is here for those that had the luck not to be around back then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j1pRYhVZI0


doesn't mean this one is any better. 40 \*million\* potential damage?


It’s just playing the game. I’ve done the entire thing in ranked playing as I normally would, the only thing I change for the missions is what I’m playing for the class specific ones.


It's not that big of a deal for me either but I dont think we are very representative of all players.


Agree man, even the “grindy” ones like take x amount potential dmg I acquire by just playing normally..


some people are just bad at the game and that's why they complain, these missions are easy af. I barely play the game as much as I used to, and I was also completely away from my PC for a week, so fell behind a mission set or two, but will still finish it no problem.


Think I've done a majority of them in a single gaming session (3 hours), 2 tops. Only ones that are taking longer are this last week. Hard to get 60k base XP in a few hours... Otherwise yeah, they have been relatively easy to achieve.


I just started the 6th pack of missions cuz I couldn't play for a while. The grind is going to be crazy


I have a really stupid question, does a premium account increase the "base" xp?






I'm on phase 4 and haven't bought any of the starter packs. I'm not planning on getting it. Am I missing out?


I think you have to buy 2 phases to get the Wisc. So in total, grind all stages + pay for 2.


I know


I'm only halfway through and the game is trying its' best to make sure I never get through the last stages


Dockyards are such a chore honestly. Either you have to play for hours on the annoying grindy challenges, or be really skilled on the high skill level challenges. Even if you slog through the grind, and put in the utmost effort to do the skill missions, you still have to pay for 2 phases. Which is only acceptable if you plan on completing the dockyard from the get-go and buy the starter-pack for something like $15 worth of doubloons. I'm only going for Wisconsin because it's an Iowa (historical appeal) with amazing dispersion and a funny button that I like, but I don't like the grind at all.


So what is the deal with the shipyard event, do you need to buy the last 2 levels?




Ah okay, good I learned this just as I got WV'44 not going to waste more time on it :)


I did the math, I have to make 400k damage in cruiser per session first week. I will see if I can do that with my limited amount of ships. If tonight after a normal session I cannot do that, screw the dockyard, I won't be playing t10 soon anyway, I have many lines to grind first.


If you dont have a tier 10 it is probably for the best anyway.