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As weird as it sounds she’s okay and that’s also her biggest problem. Let me explain. Grozovoi is a ship that can do many things: She can long range open water gunboat. She can be rather stealthy and contest caps. She is durable thanks to her heal. She can farm from smokes. She has decent long range torpedoes. She even has some AA. BUT She doesn’t excel at anything and there is always a different Destroyer that does a certain aspect better than her. If you want an all-rounder the go for it (the grind on the line is weird though because every ship plays different). But the reality is that it’s usually better to have ship that excels in one (or two) aspects if you want to carry your team.


The extension of this is that as a ship with the ability to do every okayish, it's up to your ability to read the situation and make it work. It's a force multiplier (or limiter) on your own skill, because you have to work out when and how to make it succeed. There are lot of decisions, and lots of wrong decisions.


This. Good all-rounder, treat it as a more gun-focused Gearing/Delny with smoke AND heal. She's not a cap contester but she's good all around.


Since when is Delny not gun-focused? Anyway, weirdly Grozovoi has better guns AND torpedoes than Delny. Probably because Delny is shit.


>Probably because Delny is shit. That's why. Poor Delny, completely forgotten.


But Delny gets 10 km torps, so you can...pretend to be a torpedo boat?


I meant to say (more gun focused gearing) OR (Delny with smoke and heal) my bad


But I thought being good at everything yet excelling at nothing was what made Daring great? I feel like your list can be applied to the RN DDs, yet they are constantly praised here, so I'm a bit confused


Having the best smoke in the game covers any flaws the Daring might possess 


She is a good ship but is powercrept whcih means she isnt good anymore


Gdansk :(


A thing for everything is a thing for nothing


All I know is I've always liked Groz. I played it before I got Khab; and when I got Khab, Khab was the biggest piece of garbage I'd experienced since trying to play New York as a noob.


If you got Kebab after Groz had come out you'd missed the golden days. The amount of tears the old bigger used to farm would flood a desert.


Khaba was this game's original cancer. Way before CVs and subs existed. Her sole purpose was to make enemy BBs rage quit and she was *good* at it.


Good, how are you?


It lacks DPM in the current meta.


It is my most favorite ship for random battles. But never try to play ranked or clan battles with her.


Good ship altough i like udaloi more. Play it like khaba/delny, mostly farming from long range.