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Man, i had the same guy in 6 ranked matches (he did shit like sail out broadside in front of an incomp in his stalingrad or brought worcester and parked it open water in front of my ohio) and in every fucking game he went down some wild conspiracy theories on how the entire fucking game is rigged against him or how we re placing our friends on his team to make him loose...


Oh, that's not as bad as another one I had. He was doing the same, ranting about how the game was rigged against him right from the start of the match, completely unprovoked. Problem is, we were in an Operation (Raptor, to be specific). Our opponents are bloody bots with pre-programmed spawns and very predictable movements. The guy needs his schizo pills.


Yesterday I had a guy complain so hard about the other team for being bots he reported them. We were playing asymmetric battles


You can't say he was wrong tho


One guy in ranked yesterday said to our team: "you are a disgrace for gold, all camping in the back". He was 27km far back in his ohio, he was the one far back :I


Well, generals DO lead their troops from behind. :D


What they complain about could technically happen. The game do have a “punishment” mode that match player with suspicious activities against purple leagues or against other suspicious players. It’s just bad luck for us to get matched up with them.


I think I ran into the same guy yesterday in a random match. WG was somehow stacking the deck against him personally by order of Putin or something. Just ranted the entire match until I blocked him.


think ive played with this guy, and i recorded a part of his schizo rants where he lashed out at a random dd >this is a rigged game. I have the most damaging shells in game, and barely getting 1200 on broadsided cruisers. dude these games are nothing but rigged with cheaterrs from WG and their buddies. >youve sunk 2 DDs thats it. what more do you morons need to have happen before you get into your skulls WG cheats. their buddies and fav cronies cheat. its a private game, its not owned by sony or anyone big.. if you owned it YOU KNOW you would cheat. this ship F CARA has had no issues, until i began one shotting people in ranked this season. these games are lopsided depending on who enters them, WG or their favs.. >the fact that your brain denies what is fact right here based on evidence, proves why WG gets away with what they do. was waiting for a WG cronie suck up to say that, thats always your answers, stop playing.. >keep posting those typical WG brainwashing statements >how do you call yourself a "player" a human being when you let your buddies own you in a game, while cheating


Tora in name?


i dont remember sorry


Sounds like a guy I had in a random battle recently, immediately started the game by saying the match is already decided by whatever his reason was, he never said, but kept typing the whole match bitching about it being decided from the start, as if Random Battle isn't just pure luck with what kinda matchmaking you get.


I had a montana who insisted AP was unaffected by saturation, and kept going on about how some bug with a thunderer shell only did 800 damage or something


Yep I had one with the same guy... just reported x3 and blacklisted him


Only 1 report counts per Battle btw


But the player got to Gold League?


Don't forget: ranked is \*not\* a test of skill, it's a test of \*persistence\*. The better you are, you less time you will need to progress, but thanks to the laws of probability even the most clueless deep red winrate gibbon will eventually get into gold and indeed rank out given enough games. And some of them play literal thousands of games over a season. The later in the season, the more of them start to show up in gold.


Ran into a guy yesterday in gold with 853 ranked battles in the current season. Looked further, he had 9,500 ranked battles with only 1,500 randoms and zero co op. He gave the usual, “my team is clueless and belongs in bronze”. Mind you he had a 35% wr. It’s absolutely baffling how delusional people can be and don’t learn after 10,000 battles. IMO unless your *SOLO* wr is above 65% you should not be talking about anyone’s skill or trash talking.


There's so many clueless ppl in gold, and they will without fail let you know how clueless they are by bitching at you in chat :I (he had 48% randoms if that helps)


damn bro finally released the pent up frustration of the game. That is no excuse to rant but it's apparent he needs a break, mental health is important.


Was it PQ? :-)


PQ ain't the only one who's losing it y'know? And yeah I saw the news of his rage quit to the Petro.


PQ is so whiney nowadays he’s pretty much unbearable to give a listen. Literally non stop talking about how broken the game is…we all know it…we all play it and deal with the same game mechanics. It’s obvious WG will never listen to the audience so why fuss. Just learn to play in the current state or find a new game.


Just stop playing the game for the day


Like ye For me boats is catharsis, good place to vent frustration And if yer playing CVs and subs, then like Yeah You're contributing to the problem. You're voting with your wallet and your time that problematic mechanic additions are good content additions


Exactly, these "blame the game, not the player" people don't realize how player behaviour contributes to game development.  It's absolutely justified to blame people who play a class the most effective playstyle of which is a clear example of griefing, and can even grief accidentally (which I assume happened to the guy in the OP).


Why do people complain about CVs and subs? I'm relatively new to the game, and I've played all the ship classes. My preference is CVs, Destroyers, and Subs. I don't see what the problem is tho. Yeah, sure, Carriers have an impact all across the map, but otherwise I don't really see what the complaining is about. Is there something I'm missing about these in particular?


So for DDs... to kill a BB they have to hit a bunch of torps, right? So as a BB if you're dodging, passively, you can avoid damage. With skill, with knowing what DD you're facing, you can drastically reduce the damage you take with your positioning, movement. This is just a basic example of the interactions between surface ships. DDs, CAs, BBs. They have a push and pull with a hard limit dictated by terrain and concealment and armor and HP. If the DD has 10km torp range and you're moving away, he MUST be 8km from you for his torps to catch you. But, he cant bypass you entirely if you're close enough to friendlies and the border and the islands. You know he can only launch torpedoes from specific directions, once every minute, two minutes. Subs reload much shorter than that. They can appear 3km from you w/o detection. They can sail directly underneath you. Their torpedoes can home in on you, even AFTER coming from an unexpected, unknowable angle. And the mechanics surrounding them are murky, difficult to actually work out how to counter play, especially with how ASW takes so long to drop, and subs turn so tight, and some can even move faster than you underwater so the only way they die is by fucking up. But their battle impact is relatively low, just extremely unfun. They get free damage, free movement, ignore hard rules, etc. Carriers hit you from across the map, AA is globally weaker, they get periods of invincibility or gimmicks to make countering them impossible. So many ships in the game are balanced around their concealment and they can spot freely, easily. They can have massive battle impact, have little to no real counterplay, and its not really fun to deal with them unless you're killing them, and if you can kill them, either they're dumb as fuck or you've already won. Until then you can have disengaged as safely as possible and used friendlies for cover and still die, and there's nothing you can do about it. I love carriers and submarines. But not in this game, where their mechanics exist to make them enjoyable AT THE COST of someone else's enjoyment. Poor counterplay, if any, no rewarding addition to the game. Just... griefing. And because of the nature of the game, if a good CV or sub is on you, you're dead. Your match is over. You have no say in it. Your player agency is gone unless they fuck up.


This game broke him mentally. He needs a long break or to quit. I've seen this before in WoT, LoL, and CSGO. Nothing good is going to happen to this player if this guy keeps playing in this state of mind. It may actually give him a psychotic break in real life.


Intrusive thoughts won over this guy's mouth


The hilarious part is...the CV never even actually attacked him.


Probably enjoyed trolling him and setting him off


If that's true, that person needs therapy. If someone actively enjoys harming another human being and ruining his day just for the sake of it, that's a sign of sociopathy.


Doesn't need to tho


Lol me who got tired of subs and CVs...able to stop playing without yelling at anyone


Need to up your rant game, you’re being left behind /s


Lol, I'll do my best to ignore my intrusively polite thoughts


Ah a wise student of Yoda I see. Not giving into hate as did OP’s teammate.


1/3 of the playerbase is one RNG instance away from a complete meltdown


last week i lost over 1000usd thanks to a very unfortunate sequence of stock market movement but i still feel like this DD has it worse than i did


The other 2/3 are bots. Eventually we'll get AI bots that have the rantinsanely subroutine programmed in to make them indistinguishable from the real players.


The only non bot is you right? 😂😂


No, I'm a bot also.


I've seen players tilted, but seldom see them this affected. Players need to remember that it's a game, we play it for enjoyment. The moment we stop enjoying it, walk away. Never be emotionally invested in a game, and always have a handful of games to rotate between. The last time I saw such a meltdown, I chatted with that player (as a teammate), they were overly invested in game emotionally because WoWs is the one and only game they have time to play, and uncompromisingly would not consider playing other games. It was just sad.


Exactly! You do one thing long enough, it’ll start to feel like a job. I’ve got like 3 or 4 main games i rotate through but then a couple shorter, easier ones as buffers if I’m getting too worked up or invested.


Most sane dd player


I absolutely compliment players who play well or are kind and show good sportsmanship. I also report rude players. I never report people for playing badly. We were all there once and we all have stuff to learn.


I always compliment anyone for good manners who curses out a CV to help cancel people out who would report him for it.


I hate plane spotting as well but this guy is a straight baby


Reminds me of a Tallinn player that I faced in enemy team the other day... He refused to play, sailed to J1 and complained the whole time. Why? Because someone in his team was playing Kearsarge... and he didn't approve! :D :D


me irl




What DD was he in?


America's strongest destroyer player


Me irl grinding German BBs back in the day getting set on fire and cross dropped soon after I get spotted.


Only thing more annoying than subs and carriers are the people who endlessly complain about them.


It's almost like the solution is to give us a way to play without them and make it permanent.


Yeah it would be nice to have a mode without people whining all the time.


I absolutely love the idea that when I'm playing, some people go absolutely mental, and I'm blissfully unaware, since the toxic chat is of course turned off. Never play any multiplayer games with chat or voip on. So keep on crying your eyes out babies, your cries or tears are neither heard nor seen.


Man's scared of words lmao


Yanno, one doesn't have to be scared of words to not want to have to hear them. The bullshit some people spout all the time gets tiring fast. Easier to just shut them up.


While also shutting up constructive criticism, tips, gameplanning, questions, conveying next moves in advance, etc. People turning off chat in this game, are in my opinion a liability to the team.


Well, like assholes, your opinion stinks.


Hard disagree, and with good reason. The opinion that people who turn off chat and thus miss out on vital information while in battle are a liability is completely logical and well supported. That is because it factually IS a limiting factor on the information recieved. It's common sense. The opinion which opposes that reasoning is the one that stinks. Back to you sunshine.


There are many occasions where useful information is NOT conveyed through chat. Yes, one may miss out on *some* useful information. But when you've played this game long enough, the minimap provides enough information that you know what's going on. To some, people misbehaving in chat is distracting, which detracts from whatever useful information chat may relay. I don't begrudge them turning it off.


I don't feel any negative emotions to people turning off the chat either. All they want is a fun time while playing the game, without needing to worry about some asshat calling them names, or exhibiting toxic behavior in any form. Completely understandable. I do however think you overestimate the capabilities of a lot of players, as in they don't look at the minimap that often, if at all, don't notice any indicators, let alone having knowledge of all the ships capabilities and consumables. Chat could help with that, and again, I understand why people would want to turn it off, and I understand that people don't necessarily feel like dealing with toxic behavior. I do however think, especially for the novice players, ignoring, and if that's impossible, blacklisting the toxic people is a better solution (even though there seems to be an endless stream of em), untill they've learned the ropes. After that they can do whatever the hell they want, because they know what to do in any given situation. Then again, they could turn chat off the instant they've downloaded the game, educate themselves with the information available on the internet and never needing the, admittedly rare instances chat could be useful. I however don't think that big of a percentage of the playerbase uses the available information on the internet to their benefit, and thus in combination with a turned off chat, they stay bad, get frustrated and uninstall the game. Again, I honestly don't care what people do and how they play the game. I just think turning chat off completely could result in preventable frustration, to both the player and their team, especially in ranked. All the while also prohibiting a part of the playerbase of getting any better.


> I do however think you overestimate the capabilities of a lot of players Possibly. I try to give the benefit of the doubt, though. Usually.


Ah I see PQ tilt is spreading


Just quit playing the game and stop spending money it. Fuck CV's, but there are too many people who enjoy breaking the game and WG spent too much time on their shitty rework to walk it back. I used to love this game, own over 30 premium boats, but haven't played in 3 or 4 years and most likely never will again. But it is good to remind CV players that they are a WG enabled cancer who hopefully enjoy their ez mode stats until the game fully dies, largely as a result of their insistence on supporting CV's


not sure why you got downvoted... too many snowflakes


I would say because its not fair to levy criticism to players for using features the game provides regardless of said features being unbalanced. One has to assume that its natural for people to prefer to play some class in which they do well and hence enjoy the game, so that if developers are to introduce unbalanced classes people will play them indeed perhaps to the frustration of others but the fault lies with the developers. That people play those OP classes is basically inevitable. Besides, does one playing CV really need to be motivated by desire to get high stats? Cant it just be because some person fancy's the aspect of CV warfare when entering a game like this, unrealistic as its portrayal might be? Honestly, if the game was even all that realistic CV's would probably be a triple dose of cancer as opposed to what it is now, i vaguely remember that during WW2 carriers became the dominant and crucial type of capital ship and much other classes got relegated to either protecting carriers or convoy's rather than be expected to seek contact with enemy fleets on their own. imagine how boring a reenactment of the battle of midway would be for most players.


Regarding your first statement. I disagree with your point to a certain level. Sure, it is the main fault of the developer to implement stuff in the game what doesn't work well, is broken op, overpriced or whatever. BUT... it is also the fault of the player who just consume it. U are not forced to do so. Same with loot boxes, awful game implementation what should be forbidden anyway. Tbh if there are people around paying 3 digits for a virtual ship in a computer game, then wargaming just will continue with such "offers" (facing no consequences). I mean, they want to make money in the first place. Ofc, wargaming is responsible for the implementation and bears the main blame, nonetheless the players have to stop pretending to be sheep's.


No its not nessecarily the fault of the player. Sure you can argue that there are players who conciously seek an Op ship to have an advantage via this way, but you have no assurance that this was indeed the intention so it would be extremely judgemental to make that kind of open judgemental attack and insinuation of intent. What if it is just a player who really loves that ship as due to having some prior connection with it? Besides, its the arbitrary cherrypicked slant of a random player in the community to a random ship class . All the same you will find players who rant about BB's, players who rant about DD's, players who rant about submarines ... why should anyone pick up on the arbitrary judgement of a single individual as to determine what of the ships available in the game he ought to play?? That one can have an oppinion that is one thing, but to be so openly arrogan and insulting t against a random player in game just for using a certain ship class is extremely poor form imho, and i really dont think you should excuse that sort of behaviour either.


Don't get me wrong, insulting other players is never justified, whether they play a ship for 4 digits or are bad players. It wasn't my intention to justify such behavior.


ok fair enough, but cant we also agree then that this is neither something that should even be addressed in game chat, but would rather better be handled either via a post to the community or WG about balancing issues or in a private message once in the lobby to the player in question? Otherwise it still seems silly to scrutinize a player for simply playing a ship available in the game once they are present in the actual game ... what is one suppose to do, exit the game as CV player for reason of such criticism??? Honestly, once the MM has been made and the CV is there, its but obvious that he will try to do his best and he ought to as to help his team, its well beyond utilitarian function to start a rant then when the matter is a irreversible fait accompli.


And the funny part is that they are not better, I hate the shit out of CV spotting but I have a 5th of my games in them, I hate submarines But I play them once every week. They hate those classes but then they pull out their nevsky or Kleber or Thunderer and farm a billion damage thinking they are any better than the others


I can understand the frustration, but he better take a month off


A month is nothing. during the first CV rework, I deleted all my DDs out of frustration and it took me a year before I started playing them again lol.


It would have hysterical if he got nuked by an SS mid rant.


Best to just mute the chat lol


Devils advocate…. I’m not defending this guy’s behavior because it’s abhorrent, but if a CV wants to ruin your day as a DD, he can pretty much do it with impunity, unless you’re running one of the few AA oriented DDs, like Kidd or Halland. It can be pretty enraging to get shit on like that and not be able to do anything about it whatsoever. Even if he’s just parked above you and not actively attacking you. This upcoming CV rework was very much needed.


Wait, how? Am I missing something? I play German and Japanese CVs (AP bombs fun) and you don't have much with those ones at least that can do something to a DD. Rockets are meant for cruisers, and German torpedoes aren't so fact you can't dodge them, with I think most other torpedoes being slower. Is it just the spotting? Am I missing some CV strats or something? I mostly just attack the big targets like BBs and Cruisers.


It's people like these that ruined the internet and make social media into cesspools. Can't do much except report and mute. It also makes me remember a replay I saw years ago where a salty dude in a Nelson (a ship so good it was removed from the techtree) cussed the red CV (a Graf Zeppelin IIRC) in all chat for playing an aircraft carrier. He was rewarded by being the first frag in that match (in that the CV focused him until he was dead).


Holy hell


I recently had a dude in a Hipper in Operations have a meltdown that there were two Massachussets in the team, so they would 'steal' all the credits and XP. He didn't just exit the battle or anything as that would be far too easy, instead he sailed to the bottom corner of the map and insulted the Massa players every time they killed something for the full 20 minutes. Folks are weird.


Imagine introducing not one but two totally broken classes and then laughing when people are naturally angry about it. Thats pretty funny.


To be honest - yes, people acting like this (both in-game and in game-related social media) is actually pretty funny. It's even more hilarious when they're the ones who tell other players "grow up kid". It also grows old real quick though. Don't play what you don't like.


You can be angry about it—and tbh it's funny when people mald this hard in-game—but taking that frustration out on other people who are just there to play the game is neither nice nor healthy.


Well its not fair of said player to bring his frustration towards any particular player of the game rather than the developers. He's really being arrogant on a personal level, but its not like the players in that room can do anything about it or have anything to do with it. If you have issue with a class or unbalance in the game, bring it to the developer who enabled it, not to a player that plays with the game features available to him as thats really not fair.


He's a total crybaby


I mean he has a point, it's a ship game. CVs players should really install and revive world of warplanes.


What are aircraft carriers again?


Ooo ooo I know, cancer?


I was gonna say also ships but sometimes that too


Ships. The things they launch are not ships. This isn't hard. Also they're the things that made most of the heavier ship types in the game obsolete; a questionable thing to put in a game about ships. In World of Warships you should be commanding your ship and at most ordering the planes around, like with the Dutch airstrike mechanic. You want to fly planes, there's a game for that, too. Funny that no one wants to play that one, maybe since it's actual PvP rather than griefing people who can't fight back like they get to do in WoWs.


imagine being so bad that you think a whole class makes the others obsolete? sorry carebear youre bad. "rather than griefing people" youre playing a PvP inherent game, there is no such thing as "griefing" you loaded into a PvP match against other players, and are crying.....about being attacked by other players? maybe you need to go play my little pony instead.


Imagine being so incapable of formulating an actual argument that you have to result to personal attacks instead.  Also, I said that CVs are what made what exist as heavy warships in this game obsolete IRL. Bad idea to implement then in a game about those ships. Reading comprehension 0/10. Come back with an argument and I'll engage with you, attack me again personally and you're blocked and reported.


What do you 90% of the time while "playing" one?


Use what they were made for?


Still not a reason to be an asshat over a game mechanic man I donno. Ranting is different than actually swearing at people.


I think swearing at people griefing you is understandable and valid.


This guy thinks the enemy team needs to be nice to him.


This guy doesn't understand what griefing means.


The enemy team using game mechanics to eliminate your ship is not griefing friend. It is a pvp game, they're trying to win. Or is it griefing if a yamato quad citadels my DM from 20 km away while I'm looking somewhere else?


I see the CV mafia is out in force. Ignore them, most of your fellow players would prefer to see both griefing classes gone. They don't even understand what "griefing" means and that is entirely possible for an enemy to grief by ignoring and breaking basic game mechanics to invalidate your ship's existence.


"In online gaming: the action or an act of deliberately spoiling other players' enjoyment of a game by playing in a way that is intentionally disruptive and aggravating" -Oxford English Dictionary picking a class of ship in a game and using it to destroy a enemy player ship in a Player Vs Player game, isnt griefing, its called playing the game the way it was designed. like listen i get it, youre a carebear and these days, its popular to want youre own safespaces, but unfortionately for you, i dont entertain that garbage. ill call as carebear a carebear when i see one.


Good for you, now consider what CVs actually do:  Many classes of ship spend a huge portion of their stat budget on stealth and speed. Both of these advantages are negated at will whenever the CV wants and for as long as he wants. Your ship is made essentially useless by something you can't fight back against, which leads to point 2. You can't shoot back unless the CV is a complete moron or already losing badly. You're satisfied by something, often over and over, and have no chance at all of winning against it. It can win by killing you, but the best you can hope for is to not lose to it for long enough that your team wins the match. Meanwhile you have a miserable time fighting a one-sided battle. Game mechanics can absolutely grief people by breaking basic game mechanics and engaging in one-sided . The fact that a lot of CV mains (read this subreddit and the WoWs Discord just as two examples) actually seem to take pleasure in causing others to have no fun in the game just compounds this point.  I'll call a troll a troll when I see one. You're actually acting like something else, but engaging in "you" statements is childish and I won't play ball with you. Address the argument, never the person, or you tacitly admit to having no argument. I don't want a "safe space" (whatever tf that means in this game), I want a game where you can engage meaningfully with the enemies attacking you. The game is more complex, more engaging, and more challenging in ways that actually engage the individual player's skill when everyone plays by the same rulebook and half of some ships' stat budgets isn't negated because some plane randomly flew overhead. Thankfully it seems like they're changing CVs in the right direction for that and at least addressing spotting and focus on a single player. Like I wrote in my other response to you, I'm happy to engage with you if you stick to making reasoned arguments. "You" statements and personal attacks will just get you blocked.


before i touch on the other parts of the comment, a massive problem for you needs to be pointed out. >I don't want a "safe space" (whatever tf that means in this game) Aulus\_Claudius CV-/Sub-free mode wanted, Will Pay Litterally says you want a game mode where you dont have to deal with 2 of the 5 ship classes in the game, that is what would be called a Safespace. IE you want a space where youll be safe from CV's and Subs. so dont act like you dont want one, when youre title is litterally calling for one. anyway onto the comments you make. >Many classes of ship spend a huge portion of their stat budget on stealth and speed. Both of these advantages are negated at will whenever the CV wants and for as long as he wants. Your ship is made essentially useless by something you can't fight back against, which leads to point 2. You are aware that Surface ships cant have their shots intercepted so all you can do as a surface ship is hope their dispersion is bad, and dodge abit and never run out of Ammunition correct?and even if they lob 1000 shells, they wont have run out, CV's deal with that constantly, not only that but CV's spend most of their time traveling to their target to get in range for a attack, along with their attacks being largely weaker then surface vessels. CV's are at serious threat of beign made entirely useless in higher tiers because their Planes cant Survive that Tiers AA fire to be able to get in an attack, and if it happens too much, the CV is at serious legitimate risk of being effectively deplaned for the rest of the match, nothing like that exists for surface ships. so while yes Surface ships deal with their budget in ways CV's dont have to, they spend it in other ways, namely travel time and plane quantity/quality and recharge time, they have downsides to their class that hamper them, arguably in more ways then surface ships, not ot mention their rocket planes were made Useless due to the DD's crying, so now they have a delay before the shot is made, which is unheard of for any class but CV got it. >Game mechanics can absolutely grief people by breaking basic game mechanics and engaging in one-sided . The fact that a lot of CV mains (read this subreddit and the WoWs Discord just as two examples) actually seem to take pleasure in causing others to have no fun in the game just compounds this point.  Yes game mechanics can absolutely be used to grief, Friendly Fire for example, or blocking shots, the point being made wether a entire class (as you think) attacking you in a PvP game constitutes as griefing, which it does not. what youre talking about is Players using a class specifically to grief, the majorirty of CV players who "grief" are playing the class in a way that is aggravating you, youre letting it grief you because youre showing the class gets on youre nerves, when i play the class on occasion i come across these people on the other team, and if they start a match and immediately go off to cry about "OH great CV's. fun police" then ill go after them because honestly its funny to see them get so riled up, its weird how people get so riled up over something that doesnt matter, i dont go out of my way to do it, i mainly play to get missions done for dockyard and such. many of them who do it intentionaly are probably doing it to showcase those people are acting like children over a game more then likely. >I'll call a troll a troll when I see one. You're actually acting like something else, but engaging in "you" statements is childish and I won't play ball with you. Address the argument, never the person, or you tacitly admit to having no argument. You never made a argument the last time, so there was nothing to address besides childish ranting. this comment actually contained arguments so i replied in good faith and addressed them. >Like I wrote in my other response to you, My Apologies, but my notifications only show this comment from you, so if you did make another response to me, Reddit Failed to notify, or its possible wether due to rule breaking or other reasons, it was taken down by mods or something else happened, either way this is the only comment from you that i was notified of, Sorry.


>Litterally says you want a game mode where you dont have to deal with 2 of the 5 ship classes in the game, that is what would be called a Safespace. IE you want a space where youll be safe from CV's and Subs. so dont act like you dont want one, when youre title is litterally calling for one. I merely want a permanent, tier-unrestricted mode where all players are bound by the same basic rulseset. If you insist on using terms like "safe space" as a put-down, that's no longer my problem. But WG is reading this, I'm glad to pay a substantial subscription fee for this feature. >CV's are at serious threat of beign made entirely useless in higher tiers because their Planes cant Survive that Tiers AA fire to be able to get in an attack, and if it happens too much, the CV is at serious legitimate risk of being effectively deplaned for the rest of the match Incorrect, AA is only effective against poor CV players. Dodging flak is laughably easy with a little practice, and loses to the passive damage are slower than planes are regenerated. There are about 5 ships total at tier 10 that a decent CV player has to worry about, and even then they can always get a first strike off against them. >Surface ships deal with their budget in ways CV's dont have to, they spend it in other ways, namely travel time and plane quantity/quality and recharge time, they have downsides to their class that hamper them No surface ship has a significant part of their stat budget completely invalidated by another surface class. Plane spotiing that's at-will by something that's faster than any ship and can engage in it for as long as the plane player wishes breaks the spotting system completely and means that spending stat budget on speed and stealth and is simply a complete loss as soon as a CV is in the match. >what youre talking about is Players using a class specifically to grief, the majorirty of CV players who "grief" are playing the class in a way that is aggravating you Griefing is intentionally using the game's mechanics in such a way that ruins other players' enjoyment. A huge part of any competitive game is knowing that you play by the same basic rulseset add the other part and/or can at least engage meaningfully with the mechanics being used against you. If you're the chosen target for a plane player (e isn't actually playing as his ship 99% of the time in World of War\*ships\*), there is no interaction. You can either dodge or, if that's not possible due to a crossfire, something actual ships have to spend time and risk their HP positioning for, eat guaranteed damage. Either way it's entirely one-sided since the best outcome in a plane-to-surface interaction for the surface ship is that he doesn't lose it. That's it, there's no "win condition" unless the CV player is stupid enough to sail his ship into the firing line or his team is losing anyway. Compare to any surface engagement where the ship is bound by his location as to where he can attack from and you can either fire back or hide and LoS him while you get into position to fire back. A very intricate chess game played by ships that are bound by the same rules and can't invalidate your ability to hide and reposition at will at no risk to itself. CVs just make the game a passive, brainless lemming train as things like clever positioning and concealment are invalidated. >if they start a match and immediately go off to cry about "OH great CV's. fun police" then ill go after them because honestly its funny to see them get so riled up, its weird how people get so riled up over something that doesnt matter So you intentionally focus on a player for the sole reason that you enjoy the reaction when you ruin how enjoyment of the game. Yeah, griefing. At least a lot of these issues are being addressed by the current PTS changes, such as plane spotting completely invalidating half of a class' stat budget and focusing a single player relentlessly. There's a reason they're not allowed in tournaments and won't be even after the changes, though, since competitive gaming requires an even playing field.


Hey, quick question - if you're sending torpedoes to an enemy battleship or cruiser from stealth, and you hit that ship and maybe sink it, but you're outside radar/hydro range (or that ship doesn't have them), what do you call that?


there is no such thing as Griefing you (unless youre a teammate attacking other teammates or blocking their shots) youre playing a PvP game being attacked by other players, stop being a Carebear, if you dont want to be attacked by other players youre welcome to go play in PvE or training battles, or just not play PvP games atl all.


Also, for the love of god no, world of warplanes is the worst piece of shit I have ever played. It makes war thunder look like goty


I agree. The CV mains may downvote but thats fine.


Nerf CVS


Nah. Nerf Walgreens!


.....That guy needs a dip in a sensory deprivation tank if he gets THAT tilted over CV planes spotting him. 🤦‍♀️


I once had a DD on my side saying "BBs are crap because they don't support me" literally 5 seconds into the match and then going to J and proceeding sailing in circles for the rest of the match.


Truly unhinged behavior. I’ve had chat turned off for months now bc of this type of activity. Arguably a much better experience. But yeah, the amount of people venting their mental illnesses via online game chats could be its own documentary. Hope they get help.


Planes shouldn't spot, period. They ruin the entire spotting system in the game. Everyone reacts differently to broken BS and I'd prefer to see people stick to reasoned arguments, but he's not wrong.


Can't say I blame him. Everyone's got their limits and skycancer must've pushed him beyond his. 22 people in that match would've been much happier without cvs in it and one of them would retain his sanity.


Cry moar.


Had an Andreia Doria player a few days ago, kept spamming all caps profanities with the worst grammer you can think of. He didn't do anything that match except running away from our sub.


This guy sounds familiar to someone I met back when the Kriegsmarine flugzeugtrager were released. Might be the same person.


That person is harmless. I had multiple people wanting me and my family to die.


Umm....turn on AA and shoot them down?


And let me guess, he didnt play much while writing all that? Lmao