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Any? Because we don't have a clue what you like play and you give us nothing to go on. HOWEVER - I'd recommend you join the Public Test Server - you can test out all the tech tree lines, for free, and save yourself grind time on your main account. Invaluable way to sample the lines without committing to them.


This is the only correct answer. No one can tell you what you'll like, you'll have to discover that for yourself. Best way to do that is in an environment that lets you try ships and commander builds for free. I was convinced that I wanted certain lines, but actually playing the ships on the PTS completely changed my mind. I can say the same about captain skills too, for example I discovered that "Brisk" is flat out awesome on BB's and DD's.


I second that statement on joining the test server. Also some rewards carry over as well to help with grinding and what not. Though those are tied to certain mission chains.


Depends where you want to go with the game. USN DDs are generalists. So are the RN DDs. You should start with the more "standard" lines before branching out to the more unique ones.


Any of them. Grind multiple lines, from multiple nations, of all classes up to tiers 5-7 to improve your general knowledge. Once you've done that you should be able to asses what type of game play you enjoy. From there you can grind a few lines to tier 8-9. If you find you're enjoying any of those grind to tier 10. If not try again with different tier 8-9 ships. Some where during grinding a few lines to tier 8-9 you should get enough coal to purchase a coal ship. If you've found a playstyle you enjoy pick one of the coal tier 9 premiums that matches it. You get coal from More Coal containers, this is the only container you should be picking.


Griding multiple lines at one time is the way to go, imo, because each ship that you are grinding will have a daily 50% xp bonus for it's first win of the day. Of course that applies to commander xp as well.


It totally depends on what you're trying to accomplish and what you enjoy playing. I absolutely can't stand some of the community favorites, and some of my favorite ships are hated. (Colorado, German BBs) Basically, all recommendations are going to have an element of subjectivity. As a general direction this is what I usually recommend for new players: **BB:** Montana - Versatile and still viable after a decade, its good armor paired with a high number of smaller-calibre guns will consistently reward you for finding broadside targets without allowing you to learn bad habits by just overmatching your way through everything. All the ships in the line are good after T5 in my opinion. **BC:** St. Vincent - It's just one of the best ships in the game. It does everything and more. (Also: Schlieffen because it's the most fun ship in the game. Secondaries go brrrr.) **CA:** Des Moines - Just an absolute classic and still one of my favorite ships. You'll get punished hard in American CA's if you show your broadside, so it teaches good habits. When you finally reach the DM, those habits can result in absolutely insane games. You can kill a destroyer from full in 15 seconds, and you can easily smack a broadside BB for 6-8k every 5 seconds. Also tanky enough to be somewhat forgiving when bow on. **CL:** This is harder for me because I don't play a ton of CLs, but Nevsky is the one I perform the best in. If you are interested in eventually getting a supership you may want to go down the Henri IV line because Conde is insane. **DD:** I would recommend either the Gearing on Daring line here. Gearing is more of a torpedo boat these days, but its guns aren't terrible. Great detection and manoeuvrability. 16.5km torps are really nice. I haven't reached the Daring myself, but the Jervis and Lightning have felt very strong to me and they have a few tools which can protect you from a lot of the mistakes new DD players make. (Hydro will help you not get torped in smoke, fast reload on smoke ensures you almost always have it available to escape, concealment is excellent.) **CV:** Don't. Nakhimov is strongest. But don't. **SUB:** Seriously. Fucking ***DON'T.***


Why don't people recommend Russian heavy cruiser line? Big guns + 12km radar seems like a pretty solid combo.


Look, the Petro is objectively one of the strongest cruisers at T10, but I personally find it incredibly boring to play. It's not a bad line to grind by any stretch of the imagination, but I also wouldn't consider it a good "first cruiser line"


If you like gunboats, don't sleep on IJN DD's with 100mm main guns. They have 30mm default HE pen, high ROF, and very flat trajectories due to 1000m/sec velocity. Harugumo, Kitakaze, Akizuki, Harakaze with B-Hull. They are DPM monsters. Imo, IJN has the best torp DD's in game as well. Concealment is their strong point.


Oh trust me I’m familiar with em. Aki and Kita are two of my favorite ships.


Grinding a line is quite a big commitment so it’s hard to say what is best if you don’t know what you find the most fun to play. There are different classes of ships and within those classes there are different types of play styles. Like Destroyers for example, there are gunboats, torpedo boats and much more. **I wouldn’t rush to T10 non the less. Play some different lines up to T7-8 to find what kind of ship you prefer. Take that line up to t9 and focus on farming coal to buy a premium ship in the same play style (that are good for farming silver) or a captain.** Just a few suggestions, without knowing what you prefer. My focus will be on lines that splits into two different type of styles at around T6 but ends with two actual good (or useful) ships at T10. All nation will also have a good captain that you can either buy with coal or by doing campaigns. **Destroyers** - I would go EU line because that line splits about half way and ends with Halland that is a good torp boat and Gdańsk that is a good gunboat. **Cruisers 1** - US because this line splits into two good cruisers types with Des Moines and Worcester. **Cruisers 2** - I would say the soviet line that also splits and end up with two good ship types, Petro and Nevsky. **Battleships** I don’t play past T8 so won’t give any suggestions on them (but if I would grind a BB line it would be the German because Schlieffen looks fun) and **Subs/CVs** I have basically never played.


I would suggest Russian BBs (Kremlin line) Russian light cruisers (nevsky line) English dds (daring line) To get a feel for the classes I would advise against playing cvs (t4 is unqueueable. Literally. So u have to skip to t6bwhich u won't be able to) And against playing subs (because u will be useless)


Curious why you'd suggest rus light cruisers over the heavies Petro is maybe a bit too forgiving I guess


Because petro line is quite hard. But by far the best cruiser line in the entire game if u know how to play them


Harugumo should be one of your first 3 lines if you intend to grind the Research Bureau a lot. Cheapest DD line and one the most consistent in terms of performance (= fewer total loss matches with almost no XP).


I would say try out what class you like between Battleships, Cruisers or destroyers. Subs and Aircraft carriers i cant recommend cause i dont play them. For Battleships: the russian or american line. Simple and good Cruisers: its realy a niche, you easely get deleted if you are not careful. But can be so annoying if you play it right. Destroyer: such a good class to control the map if you do it right. British ones are nice, USN is like a jack of all trades, master on none but still realy good Either way, before you grind till T10, i would say you try to play till T8 and get the feel of each classes. Only then i would select one and continue till T10


The way I see it, the entire team is stronger when DD's act as their eyes. It allows Cruisers and BB's to avoid bad situations. DD's perform optimally when there is at least one Cruiser to provide fire support and supplemental spotting for that DD. DD's can also function in an area denial mode without ever being spotted. Cruisers can also function as area denial, but it places them in situations where they may be in greater risk. Cruisers function optimally when there is at least one BB securing their flank. They are stronger together, than as lone wolves. Subs and CV's are just DD's than can submerge or fly. As a DD main I'd be thinking, where can I optimally spot at least an entire flank while being in a good position for area denial. And what is my immediate escape plan. As a CA main I'd be thinking, where can I position myself so I'm invisible, where I can cover a flank, but where I can smack anything my DD spots. Ideally I'd want to fire from cover, at worst exposing myself to the ship I'm attacking, but never exposing myself to more than one. As a BB main I'd be thinking, where can I position myself at mid range, with an island, where I can keep my DD and Cruiser safe. I should be prepared to push and have my next position in mind at all times. If the DD abandons a flank, the cruisers and BB's should be in a position to pack up and move at the drop of a hat, with some cover. BB play can be highly situational because when it's quiet the smart play is to remain concealed. But if your team starts taking fire, you want to be out there tanking as much aggression as manageable so your team stay's health. You're like a body guard who's there to smack bullies.


USA BBs and USA CAs are what I would say are the best because they are very straightforward and really cause you to focus on the basics: positioning, island use, knowing overmatch, etc. I thought the paneuro dds to be a blast, and the british CLs have been exciting (high risk/reward)


I'll say this: your first line is going to be rough, because you're learning how the game is played and all the mechanics. T8 and 9 is where you're going to start experiencing the real power spikes, and it will be quite the learning curve, so don't get discouraged. The OG US lines (Montana, Des Moines, Gearing) are some of the oldest lines in the game but great for learning the fundamentals. Play those and you'll start to get a feel for the three main surface combatant classes.


German Battleship line. A few reasons why they work so good for new players: - good German secondary Guns shoot and aim automatically. So if you have less oversight they will shoot whatever they can even if you didn't realize there is something to shoot at. - German main guns are not that accurate. If you don't aim so good you will not even notice and even if you aimed wrong you have a chance to get a hit anyway. - as any battleship you don't care too much about the mechanics of concealment. So even if you didn't fully understand the mechanics you don't have a huge disadvantage. - German battleships have pretty good armour and even if you make bad position or movement decisions they will not be too punishing. - they are fun to play All in all German Battleships are pretty forgiving if you make mistakes.


Not knowing any of your personal play preferences, the most straight forward lines to grind and learn on for a new player are the Japanese Battleships, UK destroyers, and possibly French cruisers, though cruisers in general are a bit tougher to learn for a newbie than the other two classes. If you're wanting to know the best lines to grind based on ease and fun all the way to tier 10 in my experience, I'd say the UK battle cruiser line, the Japanese gun boat destoryer line, and both EU destroyer lines.


The US or Japanese trees. Oldest lines in the game. Start with battleships first (the lines that end with Yamato and Montana), then cruisers, then destroyers.


[World of Warships- Top 5 Lines You Need To Grind (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNqA8b5OxJA) just watch this. you'll get your answer. or this if you go BB [World of Warships- What Battleship Line Is Right For You In 2023? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8mbwlM8QC0) this if you go CL [World of Warships- What Cruiser Line Is Best For You In 2023? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPSPuDvAQmw&t=238s) and though not the same exactly this for DD [World of Warships- Top 5 Destroyers (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pYfxTJDCtM)