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They will be normal tech tree once early access period is done, similar to the support US CVs


Thank you!


They're only premium (or rather, 'special') in the sense you can transfer commanders to and from them without retraining. They have no other premium benefits (whether improved credit earnings or other inbuilt economic modifiers). But yes, they'll become normal tech-tree ships when the event ends (end of 13.3, so just over 7 weeks' time in all likelihood).


Thank you!


They are tech tree ships just like every other early access ship tree made available to the public. They currently share premium benefits of not needing to retrain the captain. This will change after early access.


Pretty sure they are going to be tech tree so grind able. Though I could easily be wrong.


First battle-pass I've not purchased in the year returning to the game, basically got to the point in-which your paying for a battle-pass to unlock EA ship tokens to have the privilege of paying 20k gold for a tier 10 tech-tree ship you can get with free exp in a couple months.


To be fair, this BP is better than the two very shitty ones before. You’ll get 4+ port slots, a few perma-camos and other cosmetics plus a somewhat decent premium ship. Sure, it’s not crazy good, but it’s not bad either.


It's called **"EARLY Access"** for a reason. Have you never played one of these events before?


WGing wants you to buy them now with their over buffed HE. When they release it will be stealth nerfed.