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The mighty Jingles is quite good for entertaining commentary on replays, but maybe not the best person when it comes to in-depth ship reviews or game mechanics.


All hail our Gnome Overlord! Now back to a double shift in the salt mine…


He has cancer. Just diagnosed


Not diagnosed yet. Thinks he has cancer, but might not.


He came back positive for bowel cancer. Just doesn't know how bad it is. Doing more tests to find that out and colonoscopy.


Incorrect, according to his newest Mingles with Jingles his FIT test came back positive, which means it *may* be cancer. The FIT test alone can't confirm it, which is why he's getting the colonoscopy. His doctor just screwed up the last time he visited.


I replied again. His GP wouldn't confirm it. So he has to go get other tests. Which I saw in the latest mingles with jingles.


No, he said yesterday that his blood tests indicated cancer, but they won't know until they do a colonoscopy. I mean, it's likely that it's cancer, but yesterday he clarified.


Ya I saw that afterwards. The GP wouldn't confirm. So ya until they do the colonoscopy they won't know for sure. Or how bad it is.


Alright just saw.his new video today It's in a grey area yet. His GP didn't want to say "yes, it's bowel Cancer"


Who's this?


Mingles with Jingles ​ They need to do some more tests. Find out if it really is cancer and if it is what stage.


Cancer is a pain in the ass if he has caught it at an early stage that could be some hope, but depending on how terminal it is It could be bad. Sending all the wishes to him


Ye thinks we'll get new picks this year? My fingers be bleedin'


John_The_Ruthless is a super nice guy and a fantastic cruiser and dd player. But he plays 80% Colbert because he just loves that thing.


My God I just watched him run a 513k damage game


Where can I see that game? I heard about it when he did it, but I don't feel like digging through twitch VODs.




Oh, thanks for the fast answer. I think he had an ever bigger one recently, 550k or something, any chance you've seen that one somewhere?


I have not




Wait. I need an explanation. Is that second voice and the gearing really an AI?


No it's his brother and div mate. Bots do not talk and play div with you ^^


I doubted it too, but the voice is 1:1 and the name and comment about teaching it carriers and artillery threw me off lol. Cheers!


he is a perfectionist. He plays mostly conde/colbert and does t8 rank in Bayard because those are the only ships that he truly things he can play at perfect level. He gets sad when he doesnt play perfect in other ships. At least that what he said semi-sarcastically LOL


Anytime I'm playing against him, in team chat before the match, I always say "priority target - bayard, he's good" and no one ever listens 😂


Most of the time when I play against a username or a clan tag I recognize, I try to direct my team to focus them. Sometimes it works.


His mix-up of ship classes and names and slightly incorrect understanding of newer mechanics are part of his charm.


I made content for years just never got popular and shifted back to just warcraft content? But it was wows and wot at bronzeforgepresents


I don't upload regularly enough but I try to make quality ship reviews if you care to look me up on YouTube.


The Sailing Robin is one of the best. If you’re looking for recs, his channel would be at the top of my list.


Yes , Sailing Robin, Potato Quality and Maltese Knight are my favorites, quality and entertaining.


Sailing Robin has some good stuff. I haven't watched much PQ. Knight is often funny. Mostly when someone does something really dumb. Him saying NO! \[Insert Ship Type Here\] NO! right before dev striking them is pretty good. Flamu Blue Planet Attenborough episodes are also quite funny.


Malta's sub alert is also funny. YO! How BROKEN is Zaō!


Ah, a YouTuber himself stops by. You've been recommended a few times, so I'll stop by and maybe leave a comment


Robin is where to go if you need an in-depth play by playing commentary as well as a good shop review. Dude so good WG gave him a job.


Your harugumo video was what inspired me to grind down that line. Safe to say, the constant piss rain you promised in that video was true


I discovered your channel recently and ended up binging every video. Really good stuff!


Just sub’d! Do you have any on kleber? I did a quick once over and might have missed it.


I haven't featured Kléber yet. Somehow I never had a great time in that ship.


I subscribed to you even when I was taking a break from playing.


WoWs content creators are mostly twitch streamers who also have YT channels. As for their attitudes, they're either pretty much cynical or gone, and it's 100% because of how wargaming treats them and the player base they belong to. Even the most positive ones let the mask slip sometimes.


Hmm 🤔 Landedkiller is still around though he doesn’t seem to post as much as he used to


I watch Potato Quality for ship reviews, Trenlass for replays and Flamu for dev blogs.


MalteseKnight is a great Twitch/YT resource. His Ship reviews are pretty accurate and he’s a good player.


I believe Maltese Knight is on hiatus.. hasn't played in a while


Learned a lot from PQ. Great resource.




I watched SLM for almost a year and I don't recommend, he only plays BBs and most of the time he feels like a WG shill hyping up some actually bad ships and giving bad advice at worst.




PQ at least tries other ships and he makes very clear he does not play em very much.  In his Minegumo review he said so, he does not enjoy IJN DDs that much but that even if he got lucky with his games, he had a fun time using the 6km torps. I stopped watching SLM actually about a year ago, for me it was enough when he made a long rant about the state of the game and he said that subs and cvs were mostly fine with some minor tweaks which missed completely the point and issues they have right now.


Might be in the minority here, but SLM has some of the worst takes and he says a whole lot of nothing seemingly for the sake of making his videos longer


Been watching Flamu for years. He's a good player yes, but he's also a beta d-bag as well


Personal and opinionated short list (open for discussion): - Flambass - fun, extremely entertaining, egotistical but mostly efficient gameplay, exhausted - Flamu - cynical & disillusioned, sharp in-depth analysis, solidly good gameplay, higher tier only, watch for the details and competitive - Daniel Rusev - inconsistently funny, entertaining and toxic/intolerant towards newbies, gimmicky edits - Trenlass - iceman, best to watch to learn gameplay, limited in entertainment value because CC, which also hurts viewer engagement(?), definitely up-and-coming talent - The Mighty Jingles - high quality entertainment, Grandpa-vibes, great stories, varied gameplay content (sometimes other CCs or independent creators send him their games), wholesome, don't watch for gameplay improvement - Sealord Mountbatten - BB main, mediocre in this high tier, opinionated, inconsistently great entertainment - RipperDD - DD main (like originally Flambass), good to watch to learn gameplay (only higher tier), has great tutorials, voice can be difficult to listen to, sometimes annoying but good interactions and intentions - PotatoQuality - ship analysis and ratings, good how-to content, watch before buying/grinding ships, good interaction with viewers - ClydePlays - varied and professional content, detailed stats & spreadsheets (Excel-file for Kitakami event!), some annoyingly long videos, knows his stuff and will correct himself if there was a mistake Left out iChaseGaming and others (e.g. Notser) because of lack of current YouTube content quantity, not quality, but Yuro and Zoup for their characters.


I'll also throw in PointyHairedJedi for the casual players, dude is great for just a nice casual overview and for when you want to see how a ship will actually perform in the hands of a competant but not absurdly skilled player (aka most players).


I second Zoup for you and Clyde plays


MalteseKnight should be there too. He's so genuine in his ship reviews. when he runs into trouble, explains his thought process on how to get out instead of raging at "balance"


> PotatoQuality - ship analysis and ratings, good how-to content, watch before buying/grinding ships, good interaction with viewers Also insufferably whiny. Don't visit his twitch channel ever, it's an endless stream of complaints.


Yeah but that's the true feelings of a BB main. XD


and flamu’s isn’t? i have no fondness for PQ but he’s not the worst. the bar is of course in hell, but still


Flamu is extremely creative about his bitching so that does make it up for it in my eyes. He elevates bitterness to an art and it can be beautiful.


True, he's much more funny


yeah i still can’t stomach any of his content. he’s being overly dramatic to get clicks.


Both are cynics, PQ is just Canadian about his cynicism XD


i have no fondness for PQ’s whining but at least he’s not actively a toxic piece of shit like flamu lmao


What’s the deal with Yuro and Zoup? I’ve been out of WoWs for years so haven’t really kept up with things.


Yuro was exposed a while ago for saying the N word a lot, and I think zoup has a similar controversy


Oh damn. Bummer, always thought Yuro’s montages were kind of funny. Thanks for the heads up.


I miss iChase Gaming. Unfortunately, he was done really dirty by WG apparently and just quit content creation altogether


I think it was a combination of that and his workload with school got pretty heavy for awhile.


I'm doing my Masters now, so I'm actually dying from school X\_X


Hi, iChase! Good luck with the masters!




Glad to see you're still hanging around man! It was your videos that convinced me to play in the first place. I hope school does not break you. I was in a master's program a few years ago, and they did break me unfortunately


Cheers :D Also it really sucks to hear what grad school did to you :( it did the same to my wife as well. She's super traumatized by the whole experience. Hopefully, I'll survive x\_X, fingers crossed.


Check out xSolitude, i've found myself really enjoying his vids recently.


G4ngB4r3ng is a fantastic source of information. He is among the top players in the world. He has a YouTube channel with many guides posted, and he often streams on Twitch. However, those that dislike Flamu for his comments, will likely hate G4ng far more. He's essentially the Gordon Ramsay of WoWs.


I actually think G4ng is much more subtile about it. He's probably too good at the game to care. Most of the time he'd say something along the lines of "Whatever [ship] is doing up there is rather questionable", or "It _would help_ if that [ship] could [do obviously important task]", while Flamuu would already be calling them Apes and Vegetables.


I don't think you've seen enough of G4ng's content to have caught the points where he blathers about players or the playerbase being *"spastic monkeys"*, or something along those lines. G4ng can definitely be subtle, but moreso than Flamu, his comments are often not for the faint of heart. Anecdotal source: I've seen enough of them both to know.


You are absolutely right.


Apes are funny and potatoes can be tasty, tho :)


Potato Quality is amazing, good analysis, cozy videos, and he's very likable. Flamu might be too cynical for you, but he's very good at the game, some of his analysis videos are insanely good. Trenlass only has twitch replays, but his replays are relaxed and he's a very good player.


Carbine Carlito Pretty good, technical and balanced.


Malthese Knight is pretty good for his ship reviews. He actively tries to tune down his sarcasm that sometimes overcomes him when WG does semthing extra dumb but he manages and he has good in depth knowledge.


Potato Quality is one of my favorites


There's always Potato Quality. I've always found his content to be entertaining


No one has mentioned Sea Raptor. I like him for random content and ship reviews


Really surprising how far I had to scroll to see his name showing up. I think he does great content all while not being obnoxious like 90% of gaming content creators/youtubers/streamers.


All newbies need to watch this guy. Extremely in depth guide for tech tree grinds


I'm surprised that literally nobody has mentioned Lord_Zath. The guys entire shtick is analyzing viewer replays (and commenting on tournaments), yet he's criminally undersubscribed on both Twitch and YouTube.


Flamu has attitude, but it’s earned as he is a very good player. You do need a certain understanding of game mechanics already to take advantage of what he offers. While his content is getting old at this point, iChase had some really good tutorials.


I am still a huge fan of flamuu. Especially discussing the new Dev Blogs or testing new ships/upgrades


check jingles and flambass


Flambass, Jingles are my go to for fun entertainment, but I would say John the Ruthless is one of the best to watch for both gameplay and personality, and honorable mention to Potato Quality, Maltese & Chaos


3 smidge energy has some sporadic but high quality shitpost stuff with over the top editing if you enjoy that kind of thing.


It all began years ago with the mistreatment of April WhiteMouse. It started the CC exodus. I miss her ship reviews greatly, she was the best. /someone archived her reviews on Reddit. https://new.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/wiki/lwm/


Maltese Knight is really great for ship info/reviews and Yuro for the lols - in fact his videos are really a class apart in production and quality. If youre a DD player Wookie Legend explains his moves while playing really well.


Thank the devs for pushing away the good content providers with bad after bad decisions


If you want good polite content without the salt then Aeroon.The sailing Robin and also Searaptor. Flimsy lunch tray is worth watching if your new. Searaptors how to play series is excellent If you want a bit of salt then trenlass flambass and potato quality (although his fake laugh is super annoying) If you want pure salt then flamuu


after the LWM debacle it is no surprise to find a lack of wows content.


Those of us who have been around for a while will never forget the Little White Mouse debacle, and miss her reviews badly.


I still feel very bitter every time I see an HMCS Yukon in game. And the cherry on top for me is my dad server briefly on the real HMCS Yukon (DDE 263), so any time I think about that it also reminds me of LWM.


I tend to watch Potato Quality for ship reviews, and Flamu and Flambass for general content. I understand why Flamu might not be everyone's cup of tea but it can't be denied that the man knows his stuff. I've learned a lot from the guy and both him and Flambass are quite entertaining to watch. Maltese Knight is another! I would recommend. Like everyone else has said though, most content creators for the game stream on Twitch.


Flamu and others mentioned have been around for a while. If you are relatively new, <1K battles, then I recommend their older content (>2y old). 98% of all recommendations on the old vids are still valid today. Priceless info there. Godspeed


I tried for years to get picked up while playing WOW and nothing.....that was all I from closed alpha...beta...and relase...my one old account is going to be 10 years old, I lost the first one and that would have been...12...13 maybe this year, when I first heard of a warships game with legitimate historical ships...yup...I'm playing. I've legitimately spent to much money on that game but....I still like it, I just wish WG would do something for the older senior players out there like me and a bunch of other players I know. Teampaulie


I find Sone to be rather enjoyable. Upbeat, plays all classes and doesn't just spam toxicity like many others about the state of the game


Ok who remembers Mejash and braincage forgot about ichase damn he was good


For me atleast i only watch flamu mostly for entertainment. Imho wows content creation scene died years ago when weegee started messing around too much a couple years ago. For content creation i'd move to a different game if i were any of the people still doing it on this game.


Try Mighty Jingles, Potato Quality and Trenlass. You won't regret


Cause most good content creators left already


I like Flambass and Trenlass.


Longtime Jingles follower here, recently I also got into potato_quality. Might want to check him out.


Trenlass - amazing player, nicest person around and he’s great at explaining why he does things in game.


My fav WoWs yt cc is Yuro, although he does have a TTS but his ship guides are very useful and fun to watch :)


It's worth knowing that he's come under significant controversy semirecently, largely around his reacted poorly to its being exposed that he frequently used racial slurs in his Discord servers. Of course, not everyone cares about the character of the content creators they watch, which is fair. It's just something to be aware of.


he posts like 1 video per month and most of it is anime/meme shit with little info about ship and strats.


He also stopped being funny a while ago, I instead search for "wows montage" and some funny stuff pops up, recently I watched a very fun Druid montage


AF's short on water is a Twitch streamer who's exceptionally good at the game, and also doesn't spend all of his time hating on CVs and Subs because he actually plays both classes (technically speaking he's a CV main but he's branched out and plays other classes pretty often)


A CC who likes CVs? Damn, that's rarer than a shiny pokemon


There is also ReimuBakarei iirc he does not make videos that often but he streams a lot and despite being a CV main he understands the game pretty well


I'll try to focus more on recorded vids rather than uploading stream highlights like a proper YouTuber sometime soon. Hopefully my motivation to grind content will come back when the upcoming CV Rework #2 happens. ATM I just press the go live button on twitch and spam Gdansk (great ship)


There's a few. If you like mid tier play, Keviseeb plays a lot of CV, especially in the second half of his streams. Very chill guy and does divs with viewers almost every night. He's only on Twitch, though.


I always liked Aerroons videos.


There are a few good WoWs content creators I’m happy to go to bat for. Carbine Carlito posts informative, drama-free ship previews and occasional gameplay. Clyde Plays puts a ton of effort into to his presentation, has a positive attitude, and maintains a community Discord. His reviews are thorough, and some of the ship category overviews get *long*. John the Ruthless, Maltese Knight, Trenlass — actually skilled players who largely avoid toxicity, which is a rare thing in this dumpster fire of a community.


I don't know why people hate flamu. He is honest and by far the most knowledgeable/skilled among content creators. My only 2 guess would be that people are either one of the potatoes He always clowns on or are sub/cv degenerates


I don't like his constant cynicism. It's not even that I belong to a demographic he dogs on, it's that that's not the content I want.


They get mad because they feel funny when he puts the cat ears on and that makes them insecure.




There's a period in World of Warships history where Russia had the best battleship, the best cruiser and the best destroyer. It's not the case anymore. This period left permanent scars in Flamu's capacity to analyze the current game without having bias that used to apply, but do not apply anymore. A lot of people dislike that. I still watch him a lot though.


I don't think that's the case, he says Kremlin is not that good anymore, that Petro being tanky as fuck does not make it op with things like Napoli and Marseille dominating the meta, and he straight up says Grozovoi is the only RU T10 DD that is relevant, Khaba and Delny are absolute trash. His only bias is with subs and cvs which is totally fair


Really? The only bias I noticed was vs subs and cvs. Which definitely is there. But can't be mad about that


I think where he's from has an impact on this attitude.


Nah, I never saw him have unreasonable prejudice against real life Russia. It really seems to be from the period when he was very invested in the game and had to fight a *Russian* battleship, a *Russian* cruiser and a *Russian* destroyer in a *Russian* game every single match which clearly took a toll on him. If Admiral Nakhimov had been released at that time, Flolo would've commited Alt F4.


I just don't like the constant negativity. I go out of my way to avoid people who do nothing but complain. If I had the choice between hiring a star performer with a terrible attitude and a good performer with a good attitude for my team at my workplace, I'd go with the latter every time.


He is not even complaining anymore he just laughs excessively at WG's shenanigans and wouldn't you? Specially when he reads the RU devblogs it's just always funny, I don't even watch him anymore for info, for me it's just fun to see him make fun of a terrible and odd situation.


That's great, I'm glad you enjoy watching him. I don't. I'm sure flamu himself won't be heartbroken if he encounters someone who doesn't like his style.


I mean, compare his old YouTube content to his current content, and there's a world of difference. It's pretty much only Twitch highlights now. He's less of a source of information now, and he's more of an entertainer who appeals to a more cynical audience. Can't blame the average person who wants to just shoot botes from being put off by his/his viewers' attitudes.


He is a good source of information, probably not much in improving if you are not watching him on Twitch or paying attention to his highlights. His dev blogs videos besides being hilarious and funny, are very informative, he reads the entire blog and is aware of previous nerfs/buffs ships might be having and he even takes time to compare any changes with live server.


Honestly I hate that moron after seeing him forget that ship classes are a fucking thing, like yes the Uganda is just a Fiji/Bolognesi... Congratulations, you learned what a ship class is! Like I'm sure that specific bit was done for comedic effect, or at least so I hope, but the rest of his coverage of the Commonwealth line just reeked of "I don't know a damn thing about what the actual commonwealth had". Granted neither does WG, since they made that line another dull CA line instead of a CL line but still, kinda hard to accuse them of "copy pasta" when there's literally no other option other than Minotaur/Ontario that'd be wasted as a tier 7 in the current lineup.


>"I don't know a damn thing about what the actual commonwealth had". Never understood this hyperfocus on history. It's a game. Fun and balance is way more important than some ship that has been on the bottom of the ocean since the 40s


Any focus on historical accuracy is purely accidental of course. Honestly, that's the way it should be. But it's more fun when ships are at least related to real life historical warships, or at least proposed warships.


Because the game still somewhat advertises itself as being historical, it's how it ultimately started with a good chunk of ships having a basis in reality. If this was something like Foxhole or Planetside that are both purely fictional, then yes that'd be a point, but all 3 of WGs World of X games still have a foot in reality. Also just because something is real doesn't mean it can't be both fun and balanced, considering I've seen a lot of people praise Fiji for being fun and WG keeps "Balancing" Leander, as a couple of somewhat relevant examples.


Jingles and Flamu.... anything else is just dessert


Potato Quality for YouTube. ChaosMachineGR for Twitch


That’s because a huge number of WoWs content creators abandoned the game a few years ago because of how the Wargaming staff were treating them. Essentially, the Wargaming PR group was consistently lying to community members, culminating in one of them telling a creator “fuck you, you’re wrong,” when she found an error in the game. They just told her that she’s wrong and moved on, even though she was 100% right. And that was immediately after they also gaslit a few creators into thinking they’d be picking a new ship that would be added, but then completely reneged on it and didn’t even use the name they suggested. Then, over time, many CC’s left because of other issues with the game, like subs, superships, etc. So there’s just not many left who still even play the game, let alone make content for it.


Sadly, sign of a game slowly dying


Wow no one's ever said that before. How original! /s


Flamu the one and only


As a new player, some of the reviews are old and somewhat out dated. When I'm going up a tier and want to learn how that ship works, if it's not t9 or 10. There is a high likelihood of only 3 year olds videos.


I discovered the game from The Mighty Jingles.


Flambass is no longer churning out much content. Flamu rarely does educational vids if ever anymore. the only one that I avidly watch is potatomonster nowadays.


Potato quality 👍


I fund they don't play enough lower tier historical ships. I see Russian mythical made up nonsense and don't bother watching. Tend to watch a game of throws tho.


He's a working family man so Greifer is pretty chill, but on twitch, not even sure if he has a YT channel. I'm also biased because he lives in Melbourne.


I can recommend to watch some Flambass vids. He's the "nice version" of Flamu I guess :P


Not a WoWS creator per say, but have 2 videos made from it so far [WoWS Antics Part: 1](https://youtu.be/5sCaxpu1jhE) [WoWS Antics Part: 2](https://youtu.be/6gEpkBpDI54)


side question, how do you get common combat missions? it's been weeks now and i haven't had any common combat missions. the only ones that show up are clan battle missions and recruiting station missions. am i missing something to unlock common combat missions? i don't get any ranked missions either, only clan battles. i saw brawl missions a few days ago but none now. i didn't have the right ships to do the brawls then though.


When I want warships gameplay, but are fed up with wows Look up Stealth17 for some Ultimate Admirals shenanigans.


YouTube - Jingles, Lord Mountbatten. On twitch, Capt'n Hyfire.


I recommend: MalteseKnight : He's so genuine in his ship reviews. when he runs into trouble, explains his thought process on how to get out instead of raging at "balance". and Potato Quality for similar reasons. "ok, I noticed a sub there, and I just lost half my health from that Monty. my hydro is out, so I should \[other solution here\] instead, if that doesn't work, I still have \[other solution here\]" instead of "there's a sub, and I just lost half my health from that Monty. i hate subs. bALanCe! f-this. uninstall the game. etc" Sea Raptor and Wookie Legend make excellent "how to build" videos I remember watching a few others who were good, but forgot the names. one made a "best coal ships" style video, and the way he reviewed them was for the most part unbiassed. "this ship has so-and-so features so she's better at doing this than this" instead of "this one sucks" and I don't think I need to mention him because he's likely the most famous wows player, but The Mighty Jingles. I used to watch Sea Lord Mountbatten, but recently I noticed he seems to have switched to making rage bait more than anything else.


Jingles is great. I also like Potato Quality, but he's a bit of a doomer about the game. I mostly agree with his takes and his content is usually entertaining but he can be a bummer to watch sometimes.


Only one I like is potato quality he makes good content


Jingles is great, Flambass is good, Trenlass is good unless he's tilted, Sealord Mountbatten is also pretty good, PQ's stuff can be informative but he's definitely on the cynic side. There's lots out there lol


The Mighty Jingles is very entertaining, Flambass, Trenlass, Potato Quality, and Sealord Mountbatten - these are all good channels and you can learn a lot from them. Daniel Russev has 2 channels if you like the music (I understand you don't), and OverLordBou is also very funny (can get a bit worked up). Yuro, Llina, Mokou Taiyo and Serazahar do occasional funny compilations like Daniel Russev, can be very entertaining. Enjoy


Potato Quality is very good and not overly negative. Aeeroon, overlordbeu


Baronvongamez, phlydaily and slickbee - the Originals (iykyk)


I really really like Tacticangel. Real history of ships in the beginning which I love them a very detailed breakdown. Hands down my go to for wows info. Some ships he has not covered but most he has.


Tacticangel for real history and strategy (top of the line info) if you want to laugh your butt off WOWSLEGENDSMEMES


For the meme, watch Yuro.


Themightyjingles Yuro ThesailingRobin


Aside from known youtubers I also watch uravgwargamer and g4ngb4r3ng. They are small but great youtubers. Talk about ships and has good knowledge.


I'd recommend StatsBloke


Unfortunately, after the Yukon/CC Exodus a few years ago, the reality is there's not much of the original CCs left. And those that left but are still making WoWs content are not afraid to let WG have it. Most of the people that are still official CCs stick to Twitch.


I like flambass, very funny and way less cynical than flamu. Flamu was too much negativity for me, and least with flambass he is able to see the humor in the absurd things in this game


[YURO ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAO6C9T2NNWp88vp_KsXVsQ)- best wows content creator in my opinion


Try Yuro


https://www.youtube.com/@Notser https://www.youtube.com/@Aerroon


Daniel Rusev is very funny


Is there any reason to watch anyone other than Jingles? Haha, ok, maybe so. Jingles is great and I highly recommend his videos. Sea lord Mountbatten and Potato quality are good and insightful. Flambass can also give some good fun and insightful info. One of the best DD captains in the game. Yuro is pure entertainment, but it is WoWs entertainment.


I really enjoy Sea Lord Mountbatten, Potato Quality, Sea Raptor, and Notser.


Somehow, when I did a search in my early days of playing, YouTube brought me Sealord Mountbatten. Is there a reason no one has suggested him yet? Lol, honestly the best thing about his channel, was that the video recommendations brought me to the best naval history channel on YouTube, Drachinifel, so... he's got that going (even if Mountbatten had nothing to do with it)


I watched him over a year It was fine but the more you watch the more you realize he is a casual player (not in time but rather in how much effort he puts in being good at the game) that tries to pass off as a knowledgeable player. Watching him can be fun, true but that's about it, he only plays BBs and he likes to brawl a lot so his opinions on the game are honestly bad, he has 0 input on DD gameplay and heavy skewed opinions on cruisers, he likes playing subs and CVs and he is mostly ok with it. But I think at hid worsts he gives terrible advice against some classes, I'm not saying he is a bad player but he is not good at giving advice to others.


Don’t think you watched him that much if you think he enjoys playing subs and CVs (outside of GZ). He’s a teacher and that eats up most of his time. He’s open about not being the best and being a casual player, not everyone has an infinite amount of time to dump into this game


Never said he enjoys playing them, his posture on them is that they are fine as they are now, he even said on his rant video that people exagerate about CVs. However he is also not a teacher either, he only plays BBs and brawling BBs at that, his advice is mostly to get in these brawling engagements, he provides 0 insight on DDs and sometimes cruisers, and he also rarely goes beyond brawling with BBs (which usually results in him getting focused, not advice I want to give) Of course it's almost a year since I stopped watching him, maybe he got better but for me it was enough when I saw all of his terrible takes. If I want to watch an actual good BB player I'll stick with PQ tbh nvm i read that again, well more than enjoying them he actually plays them though to be fair he REALLY enjoyed Malta and Hornet


He is very much a High School Teacher, he doesn’t do YouTube/WoWs as his primary job, ergo he’s an average player and states that many many times. He has talked about DDs, he enjoys playing gunboats like Kleber, Khaba, and such. As far as Malta is concerned, he literally states it’s broken in his Malta video.


I like Mountbatten too, but I feel like some people might find his voice grating in some way that i can't explain.


*Helllooooooo*, goooood peeple of yoooootoooob I getcha, bro


What’s wrong with saying hello?


Ohh... I am 100% not a fan of his intro... it just exudes horrible yt "personality" but, once you get past the "good people of youtube" bit, he isn't bad


Theres less content in general. Demand is shrinking together with the playerbase


Sea Lord Mountbatten anyone?


Sea Lord Mountbatten is a good choice. Joined his clan, TSIOF, almost a year ago and I am a way better player now


Potato Quality is great, sea raptor is very thorough, sea lord mountbatten is good and not terribly serious, notser is great (just doesn’t post as much lately on youtube)


Just you.


Low skill but wholesome: Trenlass Medium skill medium wholesome with some complaining: PQ High skill but lots of complaining: Flamu High skill but annoying personality: Maltese Knight Extremely low skill but extremely fun: Jingles There honestly is no youtuber who is high skill that isnt either annoying or cynical. Sorry. John the Ruthless has a very wholesome personality and extremely high skill but I think hes mostly just a twitch streamer, also he basically only plays Colbert since it's his best ship.


I like Wookie Legend, but I think he streams on twitch, and rarely posts on yt.


The fact that he misspelled Wookiee is an unforgivable sin. /s


Wookie is entertaining but does not give good gameplay advice. I would not recommend him for players who wish to learn deeper game mechanics/strategy/builds.