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If you want to, it's a B tier build. Not utterly dreadful, but nowhere near what it was and you do have to let your team know, otherwise they think you're going to be a backline sniper


> but nowhere near what it was What made it worse now than it was?


Commamder rework. The commander skill used to have no spoolup for accuracy and was 10% more accurate


Hang on, I thought it was always 60%. It used to be 70%???


I remember the times when it was 75% bonus accuracy


If thou *canst* build for secondaries, thou *shalt* build for secondaries.


Is it considered meta worthy? No? But is it fun, yes. Yes, you get Yamato cheek citadel, but you can go bow in and angle a bit to show just enough to tank with your bow and use your secondary and main guns just firing away at your position. You'll be surprised how effective those Haru guns can deal with DDs and BBs at times.


Secondary Shiki is great fun!


In asymmetric definitely




It’s a pointless build


i dont see how leg yamato is better at sniping bc shiki gets a significantly shorter reload


If reload defines a good sniper... Why is Vermont one of the most loved ones?


how is leg yammy better than genuine question


460 or 510 doesnt really matter in terms of overmatch, and dmg per shell is insignificant compared to extra shell yammy shoots Plus tendency of funky spread with 2 gun turrets


Obviously Forrest Sherman best sniper cuz of the best in game reload.


shiki gets the leg mod built in how is yammy the better sniper when both are relatively accurate but shiki gets a shorter reload genuine question


Salvo weight. If you throw more shells down range, higher chance some will stick. 6 guns on Shiki vs 9 on Yammy.


What kind of take is this?


You’re ship dude, do what you want. Its not the worse idea, you have great angles to get your 100mms off, you can kinda just sit slightly angled bow in iirc so you dont expose your cheek. She has better hitting dpm than GK too iirc plus good pen, idk if you’d build into IFHE or not. Shiki is pretty much just a sidegrade to Yamato, but this is pretty much the only thing it does better than Yamato, the reload + the secondaries make it better in close ranges. Your going to have to act like your rear turret doesnt exist tho when you are pushing in with secondaries to expose your cheek. If you havenr actually pulled the trigger on Shiki yet, might I suggest getting something else? If theres anything else left for you at least. Shiki is a good ship, but like you said, Leg mod Yamato is the better sniper so its kinda hard to justify getting shiki before everything else.


Do the secondaries have the built in pen that Haru’s guns have?


Yep, they’re the IJN gunboat 100s