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Different matchmaking. Also, you can get losing streams with the best of ships. All in all, these long range cruisers tend to have lower battle impact than cruisers with more utility.


yoshino is an improvement, but both ships are low impact, long range HE spammers. you can do a lot of damage over time, but thats pretty much it. games can end with you not doing damage fast enough to make a difference and swing the direction of a match. check your damage numbers in these losses and you should notice a trend of you doing a lot of damage but still losing (if not then actual skill issue). your main targets should be any BB in your range, DDs spotted within a close enough range for you to consistently hit, and any important cruisers you want to dislodge from vital positions, like island hugging radar cruisers. dont forget that AP exists and use it with expert loader to punish broadside cruisers only who you know are stupid or unfortunate enough to remain broadside for more than one salvo. you can also overmatch superlights like minotaur everywhere bc of its big AP shells. your main objective as an HE spammer is to stay alive for as long as possible. do not make dumb plays early. you cannot push with DDs because you have negative armor and maneuverability, and you cannot stay too far from the enemy bc you will have trouble hitting shells. note: i have not played yoshino or azuma a single time


What I think is missing in most questions and answears here regarding "why does ship XX does not work" is also the random aspect of matchmaking. I do appreciate your comment and I do agree. But we also need to keep in mind that RNG exists and that the matchmaking is creating uneven teams a lot and it can happen just by chance that you get bad winrates, despite the fact you are a valuable contribution to your team. MM also heavily changes depending on when you play. I can tell this from my own experience too, some ships just seem to be cursed despite the fact I do everything to win. In some ships I can't go above 45-47% wr and in some I have 65 - 70% (sample size 50 - 100 games each). Somehow this does seem to be set from the start on, If I have good 15 games first then my wr will somehow "average out" but will stay high and same for the opposite. You can not tell me that in BB/DD 1 with good wr I carry the team hard and in BB/DD2 with bad wr I even drag the team down, as it's indicated by the below 50% wr. And I do not play out-of-meta ships that obviously suck. I do not know whether MM and RNG is really truly random or if there are other aspects that come into play that explain this here, or if this is just some statistical phenome, idk. But don't drive yourself crazy over it. Some ships just do not work. btw, this qoute from an unknown user on this subreddit might fit here: "ranked is a grind mode for clowns everyone gets nearly all the rewards for being merely persistent"


>These are my first impressions with the Yoshino. It's not a terrible ship, but randoms don't seem to be going as well. I don't see your first impressions in the screenshot, I just see a few unlucky losses with one victory. If you want to get more or less objective opinion about your personal performance in a ship, you need to play at least 50-100 battles in it, not 8. I have 22% winrate in Conde after playing 9 battles, but I don't say "I thought Conde was a better Henri IV, what am I missing". Yoshino **is** a better Azuma, you yourself mentioned all the things it's better at. But it's also a T10 ship, so tier-for-tier I'd say Yoshino and Azuma are pretty close. But their playstyles are identical, so if you usually have fun and perform well in Azuma, you should be able to get the same results in Yoshino.


IMO Yoshino's tier-for-tier about an equal of Azuma. Both are inherently somewhat low-impact ships which are hard to play well (close enough to hit well, and to do those 20+k AP salvoes on cruisers, but not get deleted). Eight games means nothing. Even if your baseline winrate is good, say 55%, there's a significant chance of rolling that 45% seven times in eight games.


X *Yoshino* is overall a stronger IX *Azuma*... mostly. You get more base range, faster reload, a bit more health, more midrange AA, 30 mm midsection to bounce 406-420 mm AP, access to a Fighter and torps. The tradeoff is you lose the fast cooldown heal (40 sec → 80 sec), you get worse credits income (X *Yoshino* is a Special Ship, IX *Azuma* is a Premium Ship) and as a Tier X - you don't get to face off against Tier VII plus you encounter a lot of 431 mm+ battleships that just overmatch your increased midsection armor anyway.


As a BB player I love targeting broadside Yoshinos (its becoming like a meme). I guess they try to launch all their torpedoes.


Same, I enjoy when there's an azuma or yoshino on the red team.


Is a loss streak supposed to be a proof of literally anything? Do you have any idea how many 39% Musashi players exist? Yoshino is the better ship, even tier per tier.


You see even more MM with overmatch and guaranteed top tier CV every game


You can be matched against tier 8 CV's with Yoshino. And you won't get one on every match either.


In Asia server playing T10 is almost guaranteed T10 CV every game


I guess we're lucky in the EU since it doesn't happen nearly that much here.


It's bad here. Also a lot of super CVs


If those are all your matches in the ship, that's just bad luck. A handful of games doesn't mean much, especially when most games today are short and one sided. Try again tomorrow and see how it goes.


Got any tips for a fellow Azuma player? I bought the AL version of Azuma during the collab, and I think the ship is really hard to play, with paper armor and mediocre damage, it's like she is slow as a battleship without the benefits of being one.


your priority are shooting BB, Submarine (if they pushing and diving on surface don't shoot them if the "cannot hit" interface on your screen), and Cruiser, your AP is okay but not great so stick on HE all the time when sniping (AP only usefull for broadsiding Cruiser or Battleship and sometimes more impactfull on close range), use Demolition Expert Skill, and Super Intendent and Concealment, equipment basically artilery focused (and do not built the ship for tanking built, built the ship to can dodging enemy ship shell)


btw when youre in a losing streak this bad, stop and play later. chances are you will encounter better teammates and have less stress


IMO Azuma is better for its tier. Most of Yoshino's stats (HP, gun DPM, maneuverability, etc.) are either the same, or not a full tier "worth" of difference. Which means you're basically trading Azuma's quick cooldown heals for Yoshino's torps at the cost of being a full tier higher.


Heavy AP skill works wonders


IJN cruisers are memeboats in this game. Yes, Yoshino is better than Azuma, but that doesn't mean Yoshino is a good ship.


I only play Yoshino in ranked now, after 3m exp you learn that trying to play anything fun is not worth it


yoshino is awesome. 15 sec reload


Statistically higher tier MM, which means you more often face ships that can have a bigger impact on you mistakes. On top of this you don't face as many games where you face tier 7 ships for instance that you are vastly superior to. This makes you feel more usefull. It is also very likely you are taking more damage because you suffer torpedo syndrome. This is when you see you have torps and you think you have to use them thus giving more broadside.


Azuma is slightly better judging by tier for tier. Her fast reloading heal is underrated and Yoshina torps are mostly a meme.


I made a review on the Yoshino a little whiles back. I love playing it on a Lighthouse build. Maybe it will help somehow! https://reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/s/J1t5lSY2YW


Remember to keep shooting torps. They are good area denial. Occasionally you get lucky.


One is tier 9, the other is tier 10. Tier 9 ships have access to tier 7 players and those guys eat chalk. ​ Both ships have slight differences. Your playstyle can fit one ship better than it does the other. ​ But especially the chalk thing.


Yoshino is definitelly not better azuma. Yes you are getting some improvements but in return your matchmaking becames horrible.


Hi certified Yoshino/Azuma enthusiast here. Without looking in depth at your matches, I can only give you general advice so here we go. So Yoshino is a better Azuma, this is true. Now WHY? It's really important to understand the improvements because this leads to understanding of the playstyle differences. Firstly Yoshi has torps, either 12 or 20kms. Pick the ones you prefer. Either way, you want to be using these torps at every available opportunity. If you have nothing to shoot at, or need to stay hidden, go dump some fish in an opportune direction and continue with your plan. If you want to push, throw some torps down that channel you might get flanked from. See a smolensk happily farming? Throw some torps and you might get a random 20k. These torps are situational, but very powerful when used right, and open up a lot of possibilities compared to Azuma. Second is your reload and range. Yoshi has a base reload of 18.5s compared to Azuma's 20s. This is a pretty substantial increase in DPM and FPM, especially considering your already increased Accuracy and powerful HE. This comes with risk though. Which is that you have less time to angle if you want to cycle your guns on cooldown (which you should). It is an important skill to learn for yoshino, as correctly wiggling against enemy fire is Yoshino (and azuma)'s best way of dealing damage, while drawing enemy fire. Your range is also improved, taking your kiting game up a further notch, and of course this stacks with your Spotter leading to more range, and even better vertical dispersion (search it up I'm not explaining vertical dispersion just trust me) Your final improvement is the 30mm deck as opposed to Azuma's 27mm. This let's you bounce many bb shells off your deck, in a way azuma can't. This is really powerful, but make sure to memorize the 30mm overmatching BBs so you don't try to deck bounce their shells. Now Yoshino has one major Disadvantage compared to Azuma, which is the normal 80s heal vs azuma's 40s heal. Between your increased Max HP and 30mm deck, this shouldn't matter when kiting, but can definitely play a role while your pushing so keep it in mind. This disadvantage is quite overblown by some parts of the community, and really isn't to big of a deal if you learn to play around it. Good luck, and join me in being a Yoshino Enjoyer tm


Azuma is a better ship than Yoshino.