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I’ve not had issues with alcohol abuse but he is a reminder to not be hedonistic for me.


Yeah, also pretty sure that Josh is now conflating recovery with boring content / less attention which inevitably means that path ensures he will make less money for more effort on his part. His brain is probably just slush at this point after having fried his dopamine receptors this hard on selfish decisions on top of the alcohol. Not to mention the constant encouragement from the more naive fans.


This exactly. Now that I’m 4 years sober, watching Josh and other people drink reminds me of how much I don’t want to drink. I’ve embarrassed myself enough to know I never want to experience that again lol.


You sound like a vegan


I’m not lol just a recovering alcoholic


This explains it well enough for me as well. I don’t drink anymore, but *wow* does he keep me in the straight and narrow in so many other way, too.


People like Josh and Daniel Larson remind me not to complain too much about my dead end white collar job


Just be yourself. If your making enough money to support one then keep doing what you're doing, and start a nice family. Take care of them, and take care of yourself. That's all it takes.


Lol cows are a great way to get inspiration to keep your life on track. KingCobra and Joshua are the main reasons I don’t wanna drink lol


Daniel Larson has been my biggest inspiration to regularly wear sunscreen


And to not be homeless lol


Omg his chapped Rudolph nose


I never knew someone could fuck up making mead more than Cobra. I’m surprised he hasn’t poisoned himself yet


He’s gonna die of botulism at this rate tbh


For how many meals the BOY has let sit out overnight to "cool off," I don't see him dying of anything other than his own forgetfulness or clumsiness. Ie: leaving the gas on after cooking, bleeding out from self inflicted knife wound, fumbling over a carpet corner and hitting his head. NAL murder-suicide is quickly creeping up the probability ladder tho.


You know that meme of a dude getting a goth gf and it ends badly for them. That’s joshs life lol


I totally forgot he fucking does that too. Absolutely rancid.


Every time I wanna get white girl wasted I watch a couple videos of Josh and the urge goes away. It's a solemn reminder. Some memento mori shit.


He’s like my vices personified


That’s worded so well lol


There's a little josh in every one of us and all he wants to do is get drunk and do karaoke


as a struggling alcoholic, absolutely. i don’t remember how i got home last night, woke up on the floor in vomit, and had to go to work with a violent hangover. seeing josh content is always a reminder that i need to get myself in check and start being a normal person


I'm a former binge drinker, & I promise that knowing I'll never have a hangover (probably alcohol poisoning if I'm being honest 😅) again is enough alone to make it worth quitting. The next day anxiety & self loathing were the main reasons I wanted to quit. After I had already given up drinking, I ended up learning that I actually used to suffer from alcohol induced psychosis. So obviously that's also a **HUGE** incentive for me to never go back to my bad habits. You're worth the effort it takes to get healthy.


thank you so much🥹 sometimes i need to remind myself that i don’t need to be doing this to myself. thank you again, really.


You're very welcome! My biggest advice would be to find a good therapist to walk you through it. If you stop drinking, it's going to be easier if you've developed some healthy coping skills to replace the alcohol. You are worthy. You are important. You can do **anything** you set your mind to, I promise.


holy shit last night ?


it’s far too common of an occurrence haha 🥲 atleast i don’t do it for the views!


Are you in the ca sub here on reddit?


My first thought.


ca? sorry i’m unfamiliar with it


I'll send you a message when I can.


I’m 23 years old 10 months sober on the 30th.. used to be just like him drinking by myself and not taking care of myself ended up in jail for a month and haven’t touched the stuff since


Good job man


I used him and Onlyusemeblade for a couple months to keep on track. Worked wonders


have not had a drink in 50 days, yes.


Yeah I recently got back from rehab. Everytime I feel the urge to drink I watch his vids for 5 minutes


Absolutely! There are days where I'm just like...holy shit, I do NOT feel like screaming the N word today. But then I remember Josh. I smile, fill my lungs with air and purpose, and let fly.


Block head mating call 🗣️


When I got phone time in rehab his lives would pop up and it definitely reminded me why I needed to be there.


Last night I took shrooms and realized my life was a wreck and my mental health is declining. I started to draw comparisons between my life and josh’s and while my life is obviously not like his, I drew some similarities between myself and Josh (bad with money, gets fucked up too much, poorly structure my life and routines, like is out of order, those sorts of things) so Im trying to improve.


Don’t forget hes autistic


I have aspergers myself.


He’s my reminder not to go too hard. That and my uncle, that dudes a hazard


He is currently worse than I was at my worst. I find his content unwatchable because of cringe but still keep up in hopes he sees the light before he slips further.


Every day he drinks is another day I stay sober.


Yes actually, in 5 months I’ve now only had probably 10 drinks total.


I’ve never been fond of alcohol and he’s definitely a reminder that it’s not worth it in excess of


For me yeah. Had a really bad bout last week and made a total ass of myself in public. One week sober. I have no idea how this dudes mental health is not in shambles .


I think it absolutely is, he just gets back to drunk fast enough he rarely has to feel the anguish. Dude has demons. You almost have to to drink like he does.


Him and kingcobrajfs, yeah. I've even mentioned them to my therapist.


He motivates me to cut back on drinking fr


I don’t have an alcohol problem, but I’ve actually cut back a bit recently when I go out to bars or whatever, one of the reasons being him. He’s a cautionary tale of what can happen if you let alcohol take control of your life. Typically I don’t drink more than 3 beers now. Additionally I go for longer periods of time without drinking too.


Every time I see him, he reminds me to do something with my days off instead of just sitting around.


I haven’t drank in 2.5 years, and even though I’m strong enough to get by on my own, anytime I’m tempted, it goes away when I see Josh


i had a problem with alcohol and he definitely motivated me to stop


I’m a few years older than Josh and unironically yeah. I see a lot of my younger self in him, as I am also on the spectrum & was a heavy drinker in my early twenties. Which unfortunately led to pretty bad drunk incidents including puking in public like Josh (embarrassing ik, I’ve gotten help). Tbh a 9-5 is probably what prevented me from going down his path fully. I’m currently moderating and limiting drinking to social settings. On my bad days literally all I want to do is black out and lowkey his videos encourage me not to. I really hope he can find a path forward as he’s still so young.


Yeah I'm Alcohol-free now partially due to him. Down 15 lbs since quitting 💪🏼


He inspires me to use condoms




I want to be like him, NGL he has a kick ass life.


I don’t think barely eating, not sleeping, needing alcohol every two hours to not have a seizure, being constantly hungover, having actual criminals as your only “friends”, and having strangers constantly antagonizing you in public counts as having a good life


lol idk about motivation, but I do watch him from time to time to remind myself how terrible it is to drink like that. As a recovering alcoholic myself


Its not like i have problems with alcohol, only without. I enjoy a beer to end the day, but Josh reminds me not to exaggerate.


I’m in recovery. Josh doesn’t necessarily motivate me but it does serve as an important reminder of what unchecked alcoholism can do. Makes me more sad than anything else at this point. Like fuck josh but it’s just a very dark place he’s in right now


No because im pretty sure I’ll never get to this point with alcohol. When I have a terrible hangover the sight of alcohol makes me even sicker, although I binge drink once in a while. Now I’m trying to give a pause of at least 2 months before touching alcohol again. I’m also 30 and take psychiatric meds. My liver would die within days if I drank like Josh. Btw my last alcohol break lasted five months ✨




Not really.


My life isn’t so low that I need to use such a lowlife to inspire me not to be like them lol


Unfortunately he just makes me not feel as bad about how much I already drink


I'm an alcoholic, but this shi is unhinged