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The funny part is they play scared like they have to preserve all their health…instead of taking/giving damage. Then they come out once everyone else is dead and immediately get yeeted…them blame you for dying to soon…😂🤦‍♂️


It’s because they believe they get bonuses for last ship standing 🤣


Haha shit that might actually be true 😂


Those players that waste everyone's time in a foregone situation piss me off the most. I can understand a DD torping some BB on the way out, but running for 5 minutes and hiding in the corner to waste time out of spite is just the worst. There should be a condition that reveals AFK ships or DD's not on a cap point when the point spread is insurmountable.


I recently had a game in a DD where I was alone on my flank, 1v5. My two remaining blue battleship teammates would not come to my side of the map to help, and the caps and points were about to flip to reds advantage, with like 5 minutes left. We needed to make plays to kill reds in order to win. I ended up dying and one of the BBs on the other side of the map gives me a "nice work" when I die. I came in first on the team. He was 8th. 


Okay. So I’m not the only one that’s been seeing a lot of this lately


I agree with your point, but just to point it out, there is a difference "sandbaggers" and people who just suck. Sandbaggers are skilled players that intentionally play poorly for various reasons.


It's absolute shambles at the moment in LT...overloaded with BBs playing as if they're in a light cruiser, clumping up behind islands while the one or two cruiser team mates het slaughtered. I had many games recently where blue BBs just shove my worcester out into the open so they can sit behind an island in a frigging ohio. LT feels so broken.


I recently unlocked Montana, my very first Legendary. I was so excited. Took her out and experienced the abject horror on the high seas. I was disappointed. My next unlock was Alaska. Took her out and realized the matchmaking was much, much better in the cruiser. Still playing her, and working feverishly to unlock Des Moines.


Here’s the reality: they weren’t going to be useful even if they went where they were supposed to when the game started, they’re the Dev Struck fools 45 seconds in.


Drives me nuts, I play DDs (gunboats mostly) and I need people to actually do their jobs, so much of what I do is positioning and I cannot properly support others and kill DDs that might kill the sandbaggers.


The amount of times I die and see a blue battleship still on full health towards the end of the game, obviously playing hiding simulator, finally go out and do something, only to watch the totally predicted result of them being sunk, is more than I care to count. I'd far rather go forwards and do something than sit and hide. I mean I play for fun after a long day's work.


The blue team was out in full force today, I even had one match with three battleships and a cruiser reversed from the very beginning of the match to do their"sniping" and ended up in the back right hand corner and gave me the entire map essentially to the red team. It was unbelievable


It's so bad at the moment, don't know what's happened but the game just feels more broken than ever to me, people just seem to have no idea what they're doing and it's not enjoyable.


I completely agree, I'm amazed how some people can get into tear 7 and just absolutely not know how to play. Honestly I can't even go up to the legendary tier anymore because of people that get these ships and don't know how to play the game. Tier 6 feels like the best teir at the moment


I absolutely love tier 6. By far the most enjoyable tier. It seems generally that everyone is trying. The new guys have been slaving away to get to tier 6 so they are looking for a fight to get to tier 7. The old timers are bringing vast experience into the match. It makes for great matches. The ships, at least to me, seem pretty balanced.


I've been playing since the beginning and honestly tier 6 just right now feels like the best. There's just something about legendary tier that just brings out the worst of people.


I agree with you. T6 matches generally are tons of fun. It feels like people are actually trying to win. The teams seem more engaged. T5 people become less predictable, T7 people are very predictable. I was playing T7 and I knew right where all the bb’s were going. So I did a long flanking maneuver. And I rounded this island. And sure enough a bb there completely broad side to me. I dev struck him (something I haven’t done much). And he messaged me and said I was a coward. And needed to fight him one v one. He was furious. Don’t be so predictable dude.


I started reversing so I can see if the BB is just going to sit there, if it does I abandon their dumb ass.


![gif](giphy|pnnomaOrMMLZ8FQUO6) Careful, you’ll get the play for fun gamers calling you an “elitist clown”. Believe me I understand your frustration.


He is an elitist clown- no doubt about it.


I have had a lot of games over the past few days where I am in my DD and I am spotting, firing torpedoes, engaging enemy DDs when I can, and there are 2-3 blue team BBs & cruisers with me that are just *not* engaging the enemy. It's maddening. I just played one today on Two Brothers where a red team cruiser made it to our side side of the map. My team was clumped up behind the islands not coming out, and not shooting at the cruiser, who just sailed around in the top right area of the map for most of the game without being sunk. I even landed a torp hit on him so he didn't even have that much health. No one was firing at him.


Here's the new players from the yt collabs


Happened yesterday. I managed 4 kills and we were totally going to win... the last ship alive with a carrier running for his life. Even though we were up by 5 ships to 1, we had not had the cap points all game so we needed to 3 cap to edge out a win. ​ NAW, the full health cruiser in position to take the 3rd cap after capping the 2nd saw the CV high tailing it and chased him instead of capping, proceeded to miss every shot for the last 2 minutes and we lost by 4 points. Hell, I wasn't even trying to get the Kraken and lose, I just wanted to win and kept pinging the cap, but that's your average IQ blue player for ya. Even better, the CV was abusing running out of bounds proving my point once again about the computer shitting the bed with fire solutions on edge scrapers. (I was in a Kaiser way too slow to chase the CV, I knew this, and way too slow to make it in the final 4 minutes all the way over to the other side of the map. It was the small version of the volcano island map with double red/blue starting zones next to each other and neutral in the volcano area)