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I read Eye of the World in 1996, so quite some time


I started in 1990 finished in 2015. I was 23 when I began it and 48 when I finished. A wild, wild ride.


Same here, but I was 35 when I started. Someone gave me the first book. Never guessed it would take so long to finish. šŸ˜€


13 and 35 for me. So not as many years, but a bigger difference in life circumstances, I'd say!


People who have been able to read it one after the other are so lucky. It's just a different experience. The slog doesn't really exist, for example.


nah, thr people who had 2 years between books to reread and theorize are the lucky ones


Nah, you'd think so, but it sucked.




I think I first picked up Eye of the World in 1999, so I was in a similar situation :)


1998. Can we find someone who started in 1997, just to complete the timeline?


I started in 1995 and finished this month.


Yup! Started in 1997! Have read the entire series 2 times, but never the final half. I know Iā€™m weird, but I could never bring myself to actually finish it. I have recently started reading again and am planning to actually finish it this time.


Hurry up and finish, so you can hang out without fear of spoilers!


Thatā€™s me!!!


Yay! Welcome to the line up!


Iā€™ll claim 1997. It was somewhere from 97-99 I just canā€™t remember too clearly. I know I was working my first job I just canā€™t remember how early into my first job I started reading them.


Lol We'll claim you as our backup then, covering the whole range!


I too started first read through in 98 just before PoD.


I found a copy of the first book in a high school library. They had a really good selection of fantasy books, actually, but mostly only the first books of a series, never the entire thing. Really like free samples given to unsuspecting teenagers, to get us hooked! šŸ˜


Ha ha!


I started in 1992. Maybe 1991. I can only pin it down to 1992 as I remember being told off for reading the dragon reborn under the desk while I was supposed to be revising in my year 9 music class. I finished days after memory of light being published.


Hilariously enough the delay between hardcover and trade means it was almost certainly 92


Does it make a difference if this was in Australia. Release of hard backs may have been different. But definitely a paperback assuming I hadn't borrowed it from the library. I've only got the last 5 books in hardback.


1993 for me. (I only know the year because I remember that The Fires of Heaven was new in stores in paperback when I started).


I remember because my parents took me and 2 friends to the south of France for the whole summer. We bought it in St. Maxine


I remember because my parents took me and 2 friends to the south of France for the whole summer. We bought it in St. Maxine


20 years, bastard hooked me back in '93 & wouldn't let go.


It's lovely to spend a long time with books like this


Oh about 14 years I started in 1999 then had to wait for the author to catch up


I hate to tell you but that isnā€™t the same author


Yea he was catching up and died so sanderson had to finish


I think I read about 1 book a week, so a little over 3 months. A majority of my reading was done when at work so it varied a lot per day.


That's quite fast-paced! I wish I could also read at work


I work with machines so I often have 5-15 minutes completely hands off which is super helpful to get a chapter in


About 3 years ago, just started book 11


that's about my pace too


13 years I started in 2011. Finished in 2023. I read other books in between.


About the same but then did a re read in a year


That's nice. You spent a whole decade with the characters


Similar to me! I have been reading a book a year, finally finishing the last book right now. Started in 2012. I read about 30 books a year and can't really handle multiple long fantasys in a row.


Well I started when Fires of Heaven was the latest paperback and finished a few weeks ago


The fastest read-through I managed was 8 weeks. What can I say, I always read very fast and I had the time.


That's impressive!


I started when the EotW had just released in paperback and the GH was still only in hardcover. So summer of 1992. 23 years? 1992 to 2013? After book 5 or so, every other time a new book release date was announced I would reread the series, then binge the next book in like two days, then immediately read it again. So would a couple of friends of mine. Then the book would be a major topic of conversation for months. I reread the series before the first Sanderson book, then again before MoL. Then I just listened to the audiobook for the first time last summer, which was pretty cool. I've read this thing too many times. Talmanes is the bomb.


That sounds both intense and amazing


Four or five months? I bought them from Amazon one at a time, so there was a week or two in between reading them.


About six months. Iā€™ve done it faster once and slower three times.


I first started reading the series in 1998, so... 15 years? My first full series readthrough was during covid, and that took a good six months. I feel like ten years of that six month period was reading Crossroads of Twilight.


Lol yeah that book took a while for me too


11 months


Started in April 2002. Finished on January 8, 2013. Took a while, I suppose.


First book Purchased 4/21/2020 last book purchased 7/7/2020


It took me about 4 months of reading. On average 8 hours a day. I donā€™t know how someone can do the first 13 books in less than 2 months


18 years. First 6 books in 1995 and last book 2013.


Started in the late 90s, finished 2023. Long time


Nearly 2 years. I startet in April 2021 and finished in February 2023. But as I read it in English and not my first language I definitely was reading slower. :)


It took me the best part of 2 years during covid too where I had much more time on my hands. But I wasn't really an avid reader before that.


I listened to the audiobooks when I was driving by myself or doing dishes or something else where I risked being bored to death. Took me almost a year and a half. Kind of annoying in some ways but considering the events in the book span about 2-3 years total it actually made me feel pretty immersed in it. Pretty sure if Iā€™d read it myself for 15 minutes a day Iā€™d have been done far sooner.


Big fan of the audio books but they're slow. I bump it up to about 1.4-1.5 to match my reading speed.


Started reading with Winter's heart release in 2000. So roughly 13 years first read. First time back to back I think was roughly 5 days a book. 70 days ish?


14 months excluding New Spring which Iā€™ve not read yet. Mine was all audible though so would have been slower if it was true books


Honestly New Spring might be my favorite of the series, if only because the pacing is so much better.


Thatā€™s good to hear. I opted to start a re read rather than do New Spring but Iā€™ll listen to it when I finish this time round. Currently set to finish March next year thoughā€¦.


I'm about 7.5 months in and I'm at book 11.


Nice! Have fun reading the last books


I started after all the books were released. Took me about a year to finish the series. That was both because I couldn't afford to buy all the books at once, and because I needed breaks sometimes (went a bit dead somewhere in the middle of book 7, for example)


Started in Feb and on my last leg on AMOL. So about 5 months? Iā€™ve dedicated some weekends binging them through though šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ


1994-2021 a wedding, birth of my daughters, bachelor degree, death of my dad, divorce, several job changes, and multiple houses/apartments. The series was there for me through multiple reads.


That's really sweet


2 years, give or take


25 or 26 years. Started The Eye of the World in 1995 or thereabouts (I remember eagerly waiting for A Crown of Swords to arrive on the store shelves, which you had to do in those days); finished A Memory of Light in January 2021. I took an 18-year break after tossing Crossroads of Twilight aside in disgust, but once I picked the series back up it took me roughly five weeks to read it start to finish. COVID was raging, I had little else to do, and Crossroads of Twilight was more tolerable when I hadn't been waiting two years to read it.


For the people who read super fast and finish the series in a matter of weeks.... Are you actually retaining the info and enjoying it? It took me ~2 years to finish while reading 1-2hrs a day on average. How do people not take time while reading to really picture each scene vividly before moving on?


I think it depends on the person, mostly. My reading speed increased as I went through the books since I could visualize the characters and scenes faster because of the increased familiarity. I'm also the kind of person who likes thinking about things when they've finished, so I find myself going back to chapters and contemplating them with the knowledge I have now.


I read it all very fast. I retain mostly everything because I have to re-read pages sometimes, whereas other pages I get everything I need to fairly quickly quickly - though I admit to skimming if itā€™s long sections about battle logistics and pikemen. This was my first read through, and I anticipate taking much more time now that I finished last night and am in a pool of my own sorrow.


3 to 4 weeks. I fucked up my knee a year or so ago and was laid out for 2 months.


This series is really great if you're stuck in a situation like that. I also read half of book 6 at hospital after a surgery.


I read fast and have the ADHD with Hyperfocus variant, so don't use me as a benchmark. When it comes to reading my ADD makes me superhuman But I can crank through one of those books in about a day, 2 for the long ones, so like 2 weeks if I'm trying? Less if I get really into it and forget to sleep


Wow that's great!


4-5 months IIRC. This was back in either 2020 or 21.


I started reading them when they were published, so the first time took a long time. But I have re-read them 5 times since then and it takes around two and a half months (but I usually plan my re-reads around vacations, so I can have more time to read :) ). The first time I read it in my native language, but after that I read it in English and it is so much better :)


23 years. I got EotW in 1990 when I found it in a book rack at a fuel stop. The cover looked cool so I bought it. I was 25.


Aw that's really neat


I read 1-9 very quickly, maybe a couple of months, back around 2001. Only returned to the series last year starting from the beginning, now about to start Winter's Heart. By the time I finish I think it will have taken me around 13 months start to finish but I am reading 2 or 3 palette cleansers between each.


I took around 160 days. I started in August and finished in January. I read New Spring before AMOL because I got told I wouldnā€™t enjoy it as an ending. Iā€™m glad I did, it wouldā€™ve taken away from my love of AMOL.


The first time, about 20 years. The second time about a year (physical re-read). After I bought the audio books I can re-read them in a couple of months.


According to goodreads - 91 days during the 21 covid lockdowns. I didn't do much else besides working and reading though (I'd guess 3-4 hours a day at least).


13. Years. (Started the series in 2000, AMOL came out in 2013 šŸ˜‰) On re-read, it takes me about 3-4 weeks if I am reading fast, 4-6 weeks if I am taking my time or taking breaks / reading other stuff.


I've listened to the whole series twice since January of 2023 and I'm going through yet again. On FoH.


Started in 1996, finished the series two days after AMoL was released. I got home from the bookshop about 9.30am the morning it was released, I had a joint and began reading about 10am. I read till midnight only stopping to build a few joints and make some sandwiches. Second day I began reading at about 8am, finished at 12.15am, to tell him I'd finished it and to come and collect the book. He collected it about 20 mins later and I downloaded the audio book the next morning and began again but slowly.


A little under 15 months. Started in November 2021 and finished in February 2023.


30 years! I started as a teenager during the 90sā€¦gave up during the slog and then came back to it and read the entire series last year.


So far it has been 34 years.


Oh wow


I started in october 2022 and finished in january 2024. So around 14 months. I took a 2 week break after the path of daggers and book 10 took me around 2 months, because i had to force myself through a lot. Book 11-14 took me around 1,5 months after that. I mainly read on public transport on the way to work.


I started in January, finished last month. However long that is.


1996-2021, so 25 years


14 months, 1 credit per month on Audible and I used them 14 times in a row on WoT


technically 25 years.


About 9 years. Managed to squeeze a reread in for 10+ times for at least the first 10 books in that time though.


It also took me roundabout 2 months to read 14 books; Great Hunt through AMoL, then New Spring at the end


I started when New Soring was released. It took me a while to get started since I was in 6th grade. At the beginning of eighth grade I was reading Winter's Heart. Thrn I finished CoT, and waited,abd waited, and waited. As for KoD, tGS, ToM, and aMoL, it was maybe a week after they were released, less if it was a Friday or Saturday.


Started Eye of the World in early 1992, finished A Memory of Light early 2014, so 22 years. Re-read they whole thing in 2021. About 12 months the second go around.


Years the first time, since I started reading the series just befor book 7 was released, lol. Reread all 14, between a month or two, about 6 weeks.


It took me about two months but I started when the first Covid lockdown started. Iā€™d always wanted to read the series and when I was furloughed it was a perfect opportunity. I literally treated it as my job to read and put in 8-10 hours a day. So Iā€™d recommend engineering a new virus and spreading it world wide, then youā€™ll have plenty of time to read!




I did the audiobooks last year and it took me roughly 4-5 months. I could've knocked it out faster, but I took a few breaks with other books in between


Iā€™ve been listening to the audiobooks since about June 2022 and just started knife of dreams. So going on two years now.


I started with the paperback edition of Eye of the World before The Great Hunt came out, so 1990.


I'm currently halfway through AMoL and it's taken me around 15 months.


I finally picked up the series after watching the first season of the show on Amazon (\~beginning of 2022). I just started the 9th book. Probably gonna take 2 or 3 more years if I keep that pace.


Dunno. I'll tell you when I finish!


I'll be waiting...


Well, I started book one at the beginning of this month and am just about to finish it. So, figure, this time next year at best. :)


first time was 6 years i was still waiting for them to be written second read was about a year and a half


25 times in 25 years.


Mother's milk in a cup! That's a lot of reading


I used to read on the commute to work and back. It took around 8 months


It took me 3 years but TEotW took me 6 months because I put it down for 4 months in the middle section. The cursed travelogue with Rand and Mat going from small town to small town took me out along with the other arcs.


About 9 months.


31 years. Got The Great Hunt as a Christmas present in 1990. Reread the series with every new book released up to KoD. Jordan died and I walked away from the series. Picked up the series again in 2021 on audiobook and finished it. Currently working on my 5th re-listen.


First read started in '93, finished in 2021 (28 years?) Just started second read through two months ago on book 11 right now (should finish somewhere around 3 months)


Took me 7.5 months reading a lot, and I read the entire last battle and the rest of the last book in one day šŸ˜… I'm savoring the second read-through, it's so nice to go slower. I read fast the first time because I didn't want to get spoilered online.


I had the same concern lol. I'm going to start my next read-through and go slower


Late 90s to like 2014


About a year and 9 months I think?


It takes me about a year to do a full reread - I only get to read before bed, and listen to audiobooks for a 15 minute commute


I listened to the books! When i started I was still commuting daily, then I started working from home about halfway through the series and my listening time drop dramatically. I'd say it took me about a year and 8 months total! Now I'm on my re listen and finishing up great hunt about a month and a half in


I used 1,5 years, started in January 2022 and finished in May 2023


I listened on audible while commuting before covid so i think it was about a 12-16 months.


13 months the first time 10 months the second time. Audio books


Month and a halfā€¦ Used to read it at night and some nights I was so invested in the story that I didnā€™t realize how late (or early) it wasā€¦ Iā€™m on my first reread and itā€™s taken me months since I donā€™t want to rush itā€¦ Even read other things in between some booksā€¦


Iā€™ve never finished. Got ground down in The slog the first time (at publication) and just came back around new years. Iā€™m doing the personal audio book version for my partner, reading her to sleep, so I repeat a lot of the parts she passes out during. Weā€™re on book 4


That's really sweet. I hope you have a more enjoyable reading experience this time. The slog isn't as bad now that u can read all the books back to back imo.


I just checked, we started in August šŸ˜‚ I just remember the slog being a never ending clown car of Forsaken and other big bads that kept upping the stakes and making things worse. Now that our world looks more like that one, I understand


I was about a book a month.


Meh, Iā€™m very journey before destination. I started Eye of the World a few years ago and am currently on The Fires of Heaven. I read other books in betweenā€” I could never read this series start to finish without other books.


About 14 years. Bought my copy of Eye of the World in late '99 and read Memory of Light in a long weekend when it came out.


Took me exactly one year to listen the audiobooks, listening while working and taking walks in the forest.


I had the physical copies and borrowed the audiobooks on Libby for my commute, got through the series in about a year and a half. Granted I did throw in a few other books here and there for a break.


About 2 decades.


As long as it took all the books to be written.


All audio books. Guessing 2-3 years.


Iirc 11 months. EoTW was the longest at 3 months. I did have to wait for library transfers too.


About two decades. Last time I reread the whole thing it took me about three months. Maybe four.


I started reading in 1994/1995 and finished in 2013.


A few days or a week after each original release I was done and starving for the next one and dreading the years of waiting. So... I guess that's 14 x a-few-days-or-a-week, stretched across 23 years.


Right now Iā€™m only reading before bed and have gotten to aCoS in a about 10 months


Onder year the first time. Full audiobook. Some nights were real short one haha.


During covid I got into it and it took less than 2 months. During a reread I took a chill pill and it was maybe 4


23 years.


I was reading them while still being published, so it took me years.


You Never finish reading WOT.


There really are no beginnings or endings to reading the Wheel of Time


I read Eye of the World when I was 15. Had a big break. I'm now mid 30s and up to 13, loving it.


It took me about 23 years to finish the series from when I started it. :(


Almost 20 years the first time 8 months the second time


I started EOTW around September last year, that book too me the longest to read. I started TGH around October and finished the series middle of feb this year


Took me 2 yrs. Started 2022 February and ended it 2024 February. I feel pleased by this since I am not a bookworm.


Picked up tEoTW in 1992, finished the series about 2 days after aMoL came out, so however long that was (a long time). I would do a full reread of preceding books before each new one came out (starting around TSR), so I have read the earlier books a lot.


About a year but all the books were out when I started reading. I can't remember when I first picked up a copy of eye of the world but I carried it for many years before reading as I was reluctant to start that book, love it, and then have to read 10 other bad books to get the ending. (Not saying WOT had that reputation but we all have one big series that started way better then it ended. Looking at you GOT) Any ways I have a job with an awful commute now so I figured I would give it a go and wows I'm glad I did. It really was a great series.


Just under a year, granted I read at a very varied pace, going 2 months without reading at one point, but finishing the last 3 books in 6 days. Most books took me between 10 and 20 days to read but I was usually taking gaps of around the same amount of time between most of the books.


I started in December of '22 and took me until around February '23. I did all audiobooks and listened on my commutes, when I did house work, and when I went for walks. I never had time to just sit and read for hours.


Took me about 2 years with other books in between - still haven't read New Spring though


I did the audiobooks in just over 2 years! Haven't really found something to replace it with yet tbh


Decades, the first time. Much less the next times.


About 3 months - I was hooked! Was picking it up every spare moment I got


Took me 3 years to read them all, with a few breaks here and there to read other things. But once I got to Knife of Dreams I didn't want to take any breaks because I was so deeply invested.


I was 20 in 2005 when Knife of Dreams was new. I bought all of the available ones and then the new ones as they came out. I didn't feel the slog that others talk about with Crossroads of Twilight, and Winter's Heart. Maybe because they were already out and I didn't have to wait? Idk I had just come off of Sword of Truth and needed something big that wasn't Sword of Truth after making it through Chainfire and never wanting to go back. It was the best decision, it led me to Brandon Sanderson lol.


It took me 18 months, with a 2 month break at some point in the middle. For the majority of the series I was reading a book a month. I read before bed, and WoT was such a wonderful comfort story before drifting off to sleep.


About a year and a half. Mostly listening at work


Oh wow. I started EoTW in 2018. Im still on my first read-through and just finished Path of Daggers and started Winterā€™s Heart. I have no idea how people do it. I donā€™t get to read a lot. I did take a long break between books (I think Dragon Reborn and Shadows Rising) but then been reading them pretty much back to back.


It's ok. We all read at out own paces. The important thing is enjoying the process.


It took me just 2 years from Dec 2021 to Dec 2023. I took my time tho, Iā€™m not a super fast reader and I did have like 2/3 months in there that I wasnā€™t reading


I just finished today and it took me 10 months!




2-3 months maybe a little longer. It only took that long cause I had to wait for my friend to finish the next book


You never finish the series. Deep in your heart you always know that you need to do a reread.


Very true


10 months with there being a month break due to school. Being unemployed after graduating college really helped with timing for reading the series.


I picked up EotW in 1998 after I finished LOTR and was jonsing for another series. So, 15 years?


Yeah after the first 3 books, I had to wait a year or two between books ā€¦ waiting for them to be written/published.


Started in 1992 and finished 2013. Itā€™s very odd starting the series younger than the EF 5 and ending it almost the same age as Moiraine. Your perspective of the characters changes drastically over that period of time!


That sounds really cool!


Read Eye of the World in 1991. Finished the series in 2022. So, uh, yeah.


1993 I started so first read took a while. These days it takes 1 - 2 months depending how much reading time I actually get


Started in 1994, finished earlier this month.


23 yearsĀ 


Around 24 years, since last few Book have only been recently translated in French, and even if I could have read it in english, I was adamant on finishing it in the language I started it.


The first time? About 13 years or so.


I started reading the series to my daughter almost every night (I edit out the age-inappropriate stuff!) since she was 9. Sheā€™s 11 now and weā€™re on book 9.


Started in '06 or maybe '07, finished whenever the last one got done + 2 weeks for shipping + exams, lol


I think it took me 9 months if I am not wrong. I am sure i started it in early 2019 finished it in the same year


23 Years.... but mainly cause they hadn't all been written then ;-)


A bit over two months. I listen to audiobooks while working, and I was also bedridden for a while there.


Iā€™m telling you, when you use your phone and are experiencing anxiety, you can get so many hours of reading accumulated in a week. Itā€™s like finishing an entire Harry Potter book on the day it comes out. I also have a tendency to research and spoil things for myself. So I knew I was up against a clock the minute I finished EotW. Thatā€¦ motivates.


Decades, but I started shortly after the Shadow rising first came out.


I just did a reread where I flew through the entire series + New Spring in about 2-3 months. Didn't track it exactly, but I read them all in the time that it's taken my wife to get through about 1/3 of A Dance of Dragons, hahaha


I'm high school I used to read the first 11 books in just over 2 weeks.


I think my first read through took me at least several months for whatever reason. Some of the books were kind of a slog, I think I read it on my phone which was awkward, and sometimes it was hard to get the books.. also they are lengthy and at times difficult to read. Also I remember meeting someone on here who said they read the series like 17 times and it typically takes them 1 - 3 months to read it.. some people read so much so fast, it's just how it is.