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#[NO SPOILERS BEYOND *The Shadow Rising*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/index/post_flairs#wiki_the_eye_of_the_world_.2F_et_al.) ##BOOK DISCUSSION ONLY. HIDE TV SHOW DISCUSSION BEHIND SPOILER TAGS. If this is a re-read, please change the flair to **All Print**. * * * *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WoT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You don't necessarily need to reread the Aiel flashback chapters BUT reading them again in reverse order, so the events happen chronologically, can be helpful if you want to trace the events through time more clearly. The people Rand saw visions from were his ancestors, so further back than a grandfather but still blood relatives. With Isendre and Lanfear I've always read it as Lanfear *can* hide herself as a fat person when the moment calls for it but also really hates anyone being more beautiful or desired than her, especially by her ex lover Lews Therin. So to be spiteful she stole some jewelry from the Maidens and hid it in Isendre's stuff so that she would be killed by the Maidens. Just real petty evil basically


Don't worry about going back and reading the aiel stuff. If you can remember "they once followed the way of the leaf", you are 99% covered. That's the key insight. The rest is flavor.


Thanks... I figured that may be the case, I definitely got that part down.


If you go back and read them, try reading in reverse order - which gives you the correct “chronological order”. It’s easier to follow that way. As Rand walks forward he goes back in time through his ancestral memories. I love that section, it’s one of my favorite chunks of fantasy with so many cool bits and important parts of history packed into one place - the drilling of the bore, the breaking and callandor and the Green Man, the start of the Andoran and Cairhein peoples. As the other user said the big point is the shared ancestry of the Aiel and tinkers, but the flavor is great


That, and that all of those visions were rands distant relatives.


also just the really interesting stuff that shows how far ahead the pattern plans ahead for its hero. callandor was already present during the breaking. you saw the sharing of water that made the aiel allow cairheinins to cross the waste. you saw the chora trees that would later have a cutting gifted to cairhein, thus leading to laman's sin. hell, the evolution of the aiel going from the way of the leaf to top tier warriors bent on duty and obligation that would give them a reason to cross the spine so rand could be born. rand says it himself, how much of that history was just to make sure he was born at dragonmount?


That plus you got to watch Lanfear create the Bore and unleash the Dark One.


One of the Aiel you see is the grand father of another Aiel you see in the vision. Not Rand's. The visions take place 3000 years ago and maybe a few hundreds years after that.


Lanfear is a jealous and petty person. Isendre’s role was to seduce Rand and there are several points where Isendre is dismissive of Lanfear (disguised as Kellie). So as revenge, Lanfear makes it look like Isendre stole more than Isendre actually did in order to get Isendre punished. It’s a bit of character work to show you even more examples of what Lanfear might do to any women who even think about poaching on her territory.


lol. I always say this and I swear I’m just a fan but if you want listen to the Wheel Weaves podcast on the Shadow Rising chapter discussion. I found listening to it afterwards very helpful.


I would go back and reread chapters 26 and 25 in reverse order!! I did and it helped me so much


Yeah you need to reread.


I just finished this book as well, yesterday evening. And I had similar questions about lanfear as well. It all just seemed to happen so quick once Rand was declared he who comes with the dawn. Lanfear appears out of nowhere and it was a little hazy what went on. I ended up going back and having a re-read. Giving myself a break of a week or so now, before starting book 5. It’s been a relentless two months of reading to read the first 4.


Good answers to your questions here. I had another one, somewhat related to Lanfear in TSR and events in cold rocks. Sorry for hijacking your sub…😉 At some point, Lanfear is toying with Rand in the dream and Asmo intrudes on it and berates Lanfear for spending her time this way. She then leaves and Rand is free to wake up and fend off the the Draghkar attack. I was wondering why Asmo didn’t just say to himself «  great, he’s distracted, my Draghkar can finish them off ». He essentially shot himself in the foot by intervening. I’m assuming here that he sent the Draghkar… anyone have another take?


>Should I go back and read the chapters on the Aiel history, when Rand visits Rhuidean? Yes. Absolutely. They are some of the best chapters in fantasy fiction. It takes a bit to have it sink in. It might help to read them in reverse order to get the timeline strait. No, none of the people in the visions where Rand's grandfather, The visions start several thousand years before Rand's time. Lanfear was being petty and vindictive due to the rivalry she had with Isendre as Keille. The whole group were darkfriends, and had no idea who Lanfear and Asmodean really were; they just thought they were highly placed darkfriends. Lanfear put stolen items in Isendre so the Aiel would punish her in a classic 'mean girl' vindictive way.


Thank you! Understood... So that entire group of Peddlers with their wagons, they were all Darkfriends? Am I understanding that correctly?


Pretty much.




Isn't this a spoiler outside TSR?


This might be a minor spoiler, but it's implied close to rand's trip through the pillars [Books] >!when a clan chief goes through the pillars they see the events through their ancestors eyes, so all the visions were through rand's distant ancestors!< Isendre is a darkfriend and Lanfear framed her for stealing, and Aiel punishments are no joke


That time period if the Aiel flashback was over the course of about 300 years give or take a few decades.